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All For Your Good by Vincent Michael This is something you need to hear and understand. [203 words]
The Mothership Has Landed by Cedric McClester - [152 words]
I Believe In Love by Cedric McClester - [259 words]
Tips For Taking A Semester Off From College by Serene Banks - [973 words]
The Truth Lied by Oluwatobi Oladokun - [1,235 words]
John Brown's Drug Use by Randy Johnson Dedicated to John W. Brown (1970-2019) [161 words]
Papua New Guinea by Amber Lee - [81 words]
Head Held High by Ravi Ranjan Memoirs of a common man [4,694 words]
Geography by Amber Lee - [108 words]
Aboriginal Australians by Amber Lee - [128 words]
Internet Friends by Saranekha Saravanan - [728 words]
Rambling by Jinx - [584 words]
Msflights: The Article by Nathaniel A Miller An in depth grievance and warning to all about the shady practicves of their site. [748 words]
Once Indistinguishable Wasting, Sources, Brother Replaced, Unite. by Uxuxocuke Inaridoo http://buyfinasteride-propecia.com/ - Buy Fin... [8 words]
Nutrition For Overall Well-Being by Joseph Albrecht Key information on how our choices of food/beverages/herbs & spices affects ou... [949 words]
Memoirs Of A United States Navy Soldier by Nathaniel A Miller The journey to and first night at Great Lakes Naval Training Center (Fo... [1,687 words]
Gaining Maximum Worms; Rag Age-Related. by Arumvowitbuj Ihaceconava http://buyfinasteride-propecia.com/ - Propecia Online Ventolin http://z... [7 words]
Dark Castle Mud Game: An Article by Nathaniel A Miller My first article in over eighteen years about a text game called a MUD that wa... [819 words]
Hazards Of Coconut Oil (And Little Brothers) by Tanisha Thanuj A short paragraph on typical day with my younger brother who seem... [195 words]
Middle Of The Night by John Lauda Being in your cell alone in prison in the middle of the night. [1,055 words]
Lockdown by John Lauda Sitting in prison cell during lock down with the temperature well past 100 degrees, and time moving at... [1,138 words]
The Thing(S) by Rube They're everywhere [164 words]
Passionate Appeal To Dstv Concerning Big Brother Africa (Bba) by Kennedy O Obohwemu It's all about recognising the need to preserve t... [389 words]
Media Commentary And Invitation To A Different Life by Joseph Albrecht Living the life of sustainability which many just preach ab... [295 words]
Letter To Nyc Mayor Bloomberg by Joseph Albrecht A call to action on behalf of struggling NYC workers. [241 words]
Book Review: Re-Made In The Usa-Todd Lipscomb by Joseph Albrecht Americans wanting to help heal their nation should read this insp... [156 words]
Margaret Thatcher's Funeral by Colin Baker - [270 words]
Military Mighttaxpayer Fright by Joseph Albrecht How those outside the beltway view America's militarism and imperialistic policie... [789 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Relaxed Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Or, maybe it's me who's relaxed? Train talk. Sweet. [2,841 words]
Climate Change: Alarms And Silencers by Joseph Albrecht Where the most insightful voices are coming from to weigh in on climate ch... [448 words]
Fruit Of The Earth: My Joy Of Homesteading by Joseph Albrecht About gardening from scratch. [442 words]
Withdrawn Loners And Sparkling Drops by Colin Baker The recent shooting at Sandy Hook school in Connecticut USA is tragic beyo... [856 words]
The Right To Work For Less by Joseph Albrecht A piece about the current state of American working conditions. [422 words]
The Power Of Nonviolence by Joseph Albrecht A speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. clarifying what nonviolent resistance is and wh... [207 words]
Benefit Cutting For Dummies by Colin Baker Benefit cutting is politically and ideologically motivated. [2,411 words]
Shoot For The Moon: If You Miss, You Need A Bigger Gun by Joseph Albrecht A piece on America's fervent addiction to the second ame... [549 words]
Rocky Anderson's Speech On Political Duopoly by Joseph Albrecht A speech by this year's Justice Party Candidate and former Mayor o... [1,398 words]
Pregnancy And Politics by Colin Baker An argument against capitalism [1,096 words]
Pakistan by Muhammad Umar Asif About Pakistan [38 words]
Ends And Means by Colin Baker The world we currently live in is a topsy turvy place. [215 words]
All Clear For Nuclear by Joseph Albrecht A paper on the benefits of nuclear nonproliferation. [1,005 words]
Social Inequality Is Not One-Sided by Colin Baker - [1,035 words]
Why Bother At All? by Colin Baker Why bother struggling to save a decaying economic system like capitalism? [483 words]
The Majority Of The Mentally Ill Are Harmless by Randy Johnson - [216 words]
Fruit And Vegetable Shortages by Colin Baker A spurious argument [269 words]
Ian's Gang - An Announcement by Ian Kidd Ian's Gang has entered a new dimension. Find out where! [210 words]
The Human Form Divine - Norman A. Rubin by Norman A Rubin Ancient sculptures, statuettes and figurines of wide-ranging artistic ... [2,659 words]
A Hand To Hold by Jared Barcelos A piece of creative nonfiction that I wrote for a class this semester. This segmented essay hig... [1,733 words]
Adventures In Darkness by Tom Sullivan This was a speech that was delivered on April 20th, 2011 in Indianpolis Indiana. [1,610 words]
Dandelion by Patience R Stojic-Somers Life. [1,964 words]
2011 Interview With Steve Alten by Owen J Hollifield An interview with the New York Times best selling author Steve Alten [869 words]
What We Are Not Told About War by Joseph Albrecht This is information that I have gathered from two books: 'Death of the Liberal C... [2,401 words]
!!!!!!!It's Not Wrong!!!!!!!!! by E-C MacKay NO I AM NOT A LESBO OR GAY- I AM STRAIGHT BUT I HATE THE FACT THAT PEOPLE THINK ... [574 words]
Now Mama Teach Me by Wanda Clark A creative non fiction writing a a twent six year old young lady asks her mother to teach her... [220 words]
Interview With Detective Steve Ainsworth by Leland Gaines An interview with Boulder County, Colorado Detective Steve Ainsworth, ... [1,623 words]
Interview With Chris Castillo by Leland Gaines An interview with murder victim survivor Chris Castillo, whose mother was murdere... [2,360 words]
They Call Me Mellow Yellow by Skyler Drevan Complexion [2,063 words]
Near Life Experience by Gregory W Burkett Near Death Experience [548 words]
Final Satori? by Gregory W Burkett Transcending the ego and the first phase of enlightenment. Release from karma. [428 words]
Caught In A Storm by Brad Lewkow Captivating non-fiction story of a time when things were not so bright. [765 words]
Looking Over The Berlin Wall: by Dave Springer Personal Memories of a Divided Berlin [993 words]
John And Juan: Colombia's Facebook Killers by Randall Barfield - [594 words]
Value Of A Relationship Based Approach To Autism by Dr Dan Edmunds relationship based approaches and autism and developmental dif... [1,066 words]
The Religion Of Bio-Psychiatry by Dr Dan Edmunds critical analysis of bio-psychiatry [290 words]
The War On Weed. Pt.1 How The High Became A Low. by Dream Rinsed - [139 words]
Rip Up The System! by Dream Rinsed Death to the Status Quo! (brutal industrial funk) [117 words]
Anarcho-Psychology by Dr Dan Edmunds - [1,519 words]
Love Junkie by Dream Rinsed and God created Love. (discojazzfunk) [175 words]
Taking A Closer Look by Joseph Albrecht Reinforcement of beliefs, values, and curiosity can help throughout life. [373 words]
Interview With Jack Ketchum by Iron Dave An interview with Bram Stoker winner Jack Ketchum, author of Off Season and The Gir... [1,341 words]
A Conversation With Clive Barker - Part 1 by Iron Dave A phone conversation with Clive Barker conducted in 2008 [1,319 words]
Year Baby Died. by Terry Collett - [107 words]
The Double Cure: A Closer Look by Randall Barfield - [1,118 words]
Panic by Madeline Maddy Marie Keene My second panic attack [1,091 words]
The Ellipsis (The Loner And The Saint) by Josh Wroblewski A story about 2 friends of mine and how I perceived the events. [191 words]
Morning After by Dream Rinsed a song about waking up after a one night stand. (slow moody funk) [157 words]
Loser Wins! by Dream Rinsed Gamer gamed by the love game,yet da loser wins love! (late 70s Ashford & Simpson type disco) [173 words]
Let No Man Tell My Story by Piper Davenport - [1,274 words]
Before I Go Mad by Tamsin Butler Im sorry, I just needed to write this somewhere to get it out of my head. [286 words]
Steve Alten Interview 2009 by Owen Hollifield A new interview with New York Times best selling author Steve Alten [702 words]
Syndicated World-Exclusive Interview: Mario-Max Prince Schaumburg-Lippe - Never Stop Moving by Mario-Max Prince Schaumburg-Lippe To really get to kn... [1,120 words]
Near Death Experience Opens Doorway by Colleen Barnes- Jones A doorway to the spiritual realm was opened somehow following a near death ... [809 words]
The Dish Star: Stories From Bay St. Louis, 2005 by Shelley J Alongi In December 2005 I had a chance to work at a relief kitchen in ... [8,310 words]
How To Have Money In Your Life by Randall Barfield - [423 words]
Metrolink111: Icecream And The Umbrella by Shelley J Alongi Three trips to the Fullerton train station all have these things in com... [3,107 words]
Three Words by Adam Bradley How I got sober [579 words]
Somewhere Near The Maricopas: Elizabeth Lucas-Taylor Interview by Randall Barfield Elizabeth Lucas-Taylor, Arizona writer, poet, se... [4,700 words]
My Dream About The Chatsworth Train Wreck by Shelley J Alongi You know how dreams are. No revelations, no judgement calls, just a s... [1,082 words]
How My Cell-Phone Made Me Spend A Night In Jail by Philip Matthew Alarie - [8,700 words]
Why Is He Calling? Or (Pass Me Not) by Randall Barfield She's dead (Frances Jane or Fanny) but she isn't. Right? [706 words]
Myths About Essay Writing by Denise Hurst Essay writing myths debunked. Learn how to write effective essays without these misco... [369 words]
Metrolink 111: Love A New Rail Fan by Shelley J Alongi On this journey to Santa Barbara I pass through the Metrolink 111 accident s... [3,285 words]
Kitty Kisses: Adventures With Pearl The Cat's Meow by Shelley J Alongi Confident little Pearl knows she has nothing to worry about ... [939 words]
Freelance Writing Perks by Erika Turner Freelancing perks to enjoy on your writing gigs. [331 words]
Exploratory Essay: Start To Know by Amy Sue Exploratory Essay writing is limited for the brave hearts. If one is not whole... [361 words]
Kitty Kisses: The Brandy Police by Shelley J Alongi Even if I bring home the bacon, Brandy insists on running the house her way or ... [1,254 words]
Liliana's Decision by Randall Barfield - [488 words]
Ralph Carmichael: A Great American Musician by Randall Barfield - [463 words]
Johnny Cash's Life by Weird Willychuck A biography on Johnny Cash. [282 words]
Friday 18th January 2008 Some Sexual Content by Sooz *Decency warning* contains some sexual reference [2,151 words]
Bill Gaither: True Follower by Randall Barfield - [641 words]
About Respect And Prestige by Randall Barfield - [352 words]
About Daddy Series by Randall Barfield - [4,424 words]
Wednesday 16th Jan 2008 by Sooz - [1,252 words]
Wednesday 16th Jan 2008, Bloody Kids by Sooz Jane doe .... and domstics [1,350 words]
Thursday 17th Jan
Saturday 12th Jan. by Sooz Muses on writing and ponderings on life... and almost no lizards! [1,296 words]
Jane Doe Seven 2008 by Sooz New year, new book, here we go again. [976 words]
Friday 11th Jan 2008 by Sooz New lizard arriving today. [2,828 words]

Go to page: [1] 2 3 4 5
Thursday 17th Jan
[1,252 words]
Sooz, Pseudonym: Kat Black: Katherine Black: Jane doe: Sue Simpson.

Lizards Leap: Kat Black
Keepers of the Quantum: Sue Simpson
Better The Devil You Know: Sue Simpson
People on the Edge: Sue Simpson
Rat-a-tat-tat: Katherine Black
Dark Around the Edges: Katherine BlackMy Name is Jane Doe: Jane Doe

All available on Amazonuk and in local bookshops.

Sooz 44, lives in Barrow-in-furness with one dog, ninteen mad reptiles, one man and one of two sons.

[January 2008]
A Time To Live (Short Stories) Challenge piece. It had to be drama and it had to contain an affair at work. This isn't drama and isn't really an affair! Oh well at least I got a story out of it. [1,504 words] [Horror]
Enterprise (Short Stories) Flash challenge piece working on the inspiration word of 'Innovation' [343 words] [Psychology]
Fag-It Girls (Poetry) Saw these two while I was out getting a butty. [189 words]
Famous (Poetry) It's hard being famous! [92 words] [Humor]
Figures (Short Stories) Observational [549 words] [Psychology]
Friday 11th Jan 2008 (Non-Fiction) New lizard arriving today. [2,828 words] [Biography]
Friday 18th January 2008 Some Sexual Content (Non-Fiction) *Decency warning* contains some sexual reference [2,151 words] [Psychology]
It Ws Only A Name (Short Stories) Murder Mystery [2,440 words] [Mystery]
Jane Doe Seven 2008 (Non-Fiction) New year, new book, here we go again. [976 words] [Biography]
Jane Doe Thursday 10th January 2008 (Non-Fiction) The Ark is full, but what's one more lizard? [714 words] [Biography]
Saturday 12th Jan. (Non-Fiction) Muses on writing and ponderings on life... and almost no lizards! [1,296 words] [Biography]
Wednesday 16th Jan 2008 (Non-Fiction) - [1,252 words] [Psychology]
Wednesday 16th Jan 2008, Bloody Kids (Non-Fiction) Jane doe .... and domstics [1,350 words] [Psychology]
White Phantom Chapter Five (Novels) Unexpected visitor [2,555 words] [Horror]
White Phantom Chapter Four (Novels) Repercussions...After killing a man, Beth decides what to do next .. and meets Phantom [4,663 words] [Thriller]
White Phantom Chapter One (Novels) Sometimes we make choices that can ruin lives. [623 words] [Thriller]
White Phantom Chapter Seven, The Body (Novels) removal [4,875 words] [Horror]
White Phantom Chapter Six (Novels) I know what you did last night [2,328 words] [Horror]
White Phantom Chapter Three, Rape (Novels) Decency warning graphic rape scene may be deemed offensive. [8,980 words] [Horror]
White Phantom Chapter Two (Novels) Beth and Maggie go through with it. [2,109 words] [Horror]
Thursday 17th Jan

Thursday 17th January 2008.

Well I suppose I'd better tell the tale of Russ, Tia and the dreaded snake. Russ' daughter, Tia, is an occasional visitor to our house. Sometimes she stays over which is a pain in the bum because I have to give up my bed to her and she and Russ have my bed while I get to sleep on our very narrow sofa. I don't like her staying when I'm at work the next morning because after a night of very little sleep it then messes with my morning routine of getting ready for work. I don't like her staying when I'm off the next day because it's my only day for a bit of a lie in and after aching and breaking on the setee all night the last thing I want to do is extend my sofa visit.

I have broached the subject of a fold up bed for Tia. I don't think at ten years old she should be sharing a bed with her father anyway.

But that's by the by. Tia loves the lizards but hates the crickets and locust so she refuses to sleep downstairs. I'd mentioned the possibility of getting a snake and unbeknown to me, a few weeks ago Russ had an early morning phone call from his ex wife.

Tia was in floods of tears. She hates snakes apparently. Russ promised her that we'd never have one in the house.

Russ had no fucking right to promise her that without consulting me first.

It's caused huge problems.

Russ and I live together ... but he does have his own house where he usually has Tia overnight. She comes to stay with us very occasionally. If we lived together properly and if he had nowhere else to stay with Tia, then of course I'd take the child's wishes into account and be a little bit more sensitive to her needs.

But, I'm buggered if I'm going to be told what I can and can't have in my house by a ten year old who doesn't even live here.

Hell she doesn't even need to know that we've got a snake. When she's coming we can throw a cover over the viv, plonk a vase on top of it and she'll be non the wiser.

Russ, who is bullied mercilessly by both the child and her mother feels that I'm being very unreasonable.

I don't.

This is the child who prevented us from having Christmas crackers this year because she's got 'sensitive ears'. Well, we had the crackers, but we had to take the cracker bit out of them! However she can sit through a Mika concert, or a Lilly Allen concert at five thousand decibels.

Russ bristles every time the snake is mentioned. He has told me that he intends to have absolutely nothing to do with it because Tia's upset. The kid's never even seen a snake so how does she know that she's phobic? If it is a genuine phobia, more so than the selective sensitive ears is a problem, then we'll take measures to make her comfortable. If she decides not to visit my home any more then so be it. Russ has his own snake free house that she can visit in.

I've had to re-think the housing for the snake. I had intended to put him in the four cube. I was talking to Martin on the phone today and adding some last minute bits and pieces to my order including a heater for that viv. I mentioned that Stoker would be going in the four cube.

“Jane, that's huuuuge,”

“Is it? it's not that big.”

“Well it'll be all right in there but you know it's only half grown, don't you.”


Well, I'm doubting my judgement now. So instead of putting her in the four cube, I'm going to put her in the three cube. That doesn't seem like much of a come down but it's the internal capacity that's measured. She'll go into the old Frillie viv. It's been lying dormant for two months now. I gave it a deep clean when the Frillies moved out and I'm going to give it another do tonight. So that I know there's no underlying nasties in there.

I just hope that it's big enough. Stoker is a yearling. The vivarium necessity is governed more by girth and bulk than length of the snake. I would have thought by a year old she's have a good eight inch of girth. Oh well we'll see.

My newbies are coming on Tuesday and I'm beginning to panic that everything isn't going to be ready for them. My car is knackered though only temporarily, I hope, alternator... or fan belt... or head gasket, depending on which of my experts you seek an opinion of. Russ did a wood run and found some good branches of driftwood on the beach, however his dad wouldn't have them in the car so Russ had to stash them. With my car being off the road I have no idea how we're going to get them. Eight foot branches aren't a problem, you just hang them out of the boot, but nobody else seems to have that philosophy and says that they are too long to transport in a car. Russ says they are a bit dirty. Jesus, cars do come cleanable you know. Not only does the wood have to be got from the beach, but it also has to be cleaned in good time. My method is to soak in a bath of weak bleach solution for two hours, rinse three times and then leave under running water for ten minutes to make sure that there are no traces of bleach left. Then I put it in front of the heater for two days to dry out. I have four vivs to kit out, the monster viv, the three cube for stoker, and two 3x2x1 for the little water dragons, the last two aren't a problem I have the wood to do them. It's just the monster viv and the snake viv that are proving difficult.

I had planned to put the Iggy in the three cube, and the Chinese and aussy in the two 3x2x1 but the iggy isn't coming this time. It gives me plenty of opportunity to work something out for him. Once the monster viv is up and running I've got two six footers coming free. Assante will definitely be taking up residence in one. Chi and Merry may well go into the other. The uros, or Roma can move from a three to a four. That means that I'll have two three footers free in the stack.

It will sort. I have two temp glass tank convertibles to quarantine the new baby waters short term and a choice of two cubes for the snake. And if the wood has to wait a few days then they'll just have to manage on lesser wood than I would like for awhile. Tuesday morning I'm going to steal the ceramic heater from the frilies, they can live without it for a few hours, that way I can have stokers viv heated to temp before he gets here. I've ordered another ceramic from Martin.

As usual it's all fuss and hassle to prepare last minute and Russ is tearing his hair out. But all will be well.

It's all good and dead exciting, I thrive on the drama.

Five Sleeps.


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© 2008 Sooz
February 2008

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