Writer only experienced as college entry English. [August 2010]
Caught In A Storm Brad Lewkow
Wind can be described as violent, destructive, calm, refreshing. At times like this, wind is completely indescribable. Perhaps what seems to be even more striking is that wind is creating the situation. How can one even begin to wrap their head around the uncertainty of today, even more, tomorrow? Jake stop it! It didn't seem likely when everyone first arrived. Happier days were frequent, with little bother. Surely the sun diminishes into the evening sky line each and every day, but there is little doubt concerning its return. Where is it now? Worried vacactioners seem to ask the same question with humble stares into the abyss. They finally understand that their own will can save no one here, not now. They have become subject to something referred to as “natural”, though it seems more super-natural than anything else. Jake, stop it!
Roaring? No, it's doing far more than just roaring. It has nothing to say to us, it isn't angry with us, why does it have reason to roar? Have we done something wrong. Perhaps we have. Thoughts have begun to fill the room so much that there is a fear of having no more room for air. No, it hasn't become harder to breathe but it certainly has become obvious that breathing won't keep any of us alive now. Thoughts are what keep us here, or there, or wherever you want to be really. It hasn't gotten any worse, but they say it won't get better for days to come. “Jake, please stop it! It's hard to think when you keep singing into my ear”.
Although none of us will let on, Jake's singing keeps us all sane. Without it, all of us would have too much time with our thoughts. It's hard to make conversation. What should we talk about? The weather? That seems like a given, but talking about it changes little and in most cases it just brings back our deepest fears. Did someone just turn on a flashlight? The light hit my eyes as hard as God's great grace. It's beautiful, truly beautiful. The soul can find peace in it. Are we talking about the light? A maintenance worker has just passed by with a promising look on his face. Maybe it's nothing, or maybe it's the news all of us have been waiting for. Who could tell? He seems to be so happy all the time, it must be nice to have peace of mind at a time like this. He does a wonderful job interacting with all of the visitors, and just the sight of him brings a calmness long overdo. He has just come in from outside, you can tell by the squeak in his shoes as he makes his pass by. They're screaming at him, telling him to take a break, he's been on his feet all day. Now he runs down the hall, probably heading to more trouble. The squeaking ends and all worries come back to mind.
We just want out of here. When do we get to go home? Well that seems rather selfish, at least the majority of us get to go home. What about the residents here? Most of their homes have been destroyed, all thanks to Wilma. Jake still hasn't stopped singing, but the will to stop him is gone. He might as well enjoy the small amount of happiness that he has left. Panic has set in, movement has become more frequent among all of us. The group as a whole seems to be more talkative than usual, and even though one cannot understand every dialect in the room it is certainly obvious that relief has begun its journey through the coast. One can only throw their hands to the sky in praise and thanks to God. The end still has no sight, but the uncertainty of tomorrow has faded along with the clouds that once filled the sky.
Jake has stopped singing, but his smile still remains. It's grown along with his faith. We are now being told to get on a bus. The bus is supposed to take us north to Cancun. From there we can get on a plane that will take us home. Home, finally! Joy isn't just found in the heart, it's running through veins and out pores. There is suddenly a strong desire to hug someone, or something. A nice warm bed is waiting for me, I see my dogs waiting for me, and the joy of SportsCenter is another welcomed commodity. All these thoughts pass through my mind as I fall asleep.
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