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What Nursing Taught Me About Life And Death by Natalie Hallworth - [2,108 words]
Truth by Adele Staufer The story of the influence of my Grand-parents' lakefront plot on my childhood. [861 words]
Shots And Sticks by Sarah O'Farrell A Diabetic's Journey. [1,279 words]
Oh Australia, How I Hate Thee by Thepratmeister Let me count the ways... [505 words]
My First Break by Mike Raudenbush This is a non-fiction story about the first time I broke a bone. It is short and fast. With a fe... [992 words]
Life On High by Rose Reitman This peice describes my year long experience of getting high. I became accustomed to releasing fro... [1,414 words]
Vitry-Sur-Seine Half-Marathon - April 23, 2006 by Terry Kaufman After running the Paris Half-Marathon over a month ago, I decide... [777 words]
Purge - Goodbye by Briony Carvalho - [487 words]
Paris Half-Marathon - March 5, 2006 by Terry Kaufman 5 months of regular training. Knee, ankle, and ligament injuries. 21.1 ki... [940 words]
The Burglar, My Husband And I by Amarjit Bhambra This actually happened, Its also good to have a laugh about it. [243 words]
Stormy Petrels by Denise Clement Short true story based on my Hysler family tree. My paternal family of Duval Co. Florida. From 1... [7,856 words]
Kitty Kissses: The Silent Treatment by Shelley J Alongi Brandy tells me just what she thinks of going to the vet. [1,231 words]
Kitty Kisses: Our Little Brandy by Shelley J Alongi Tales of a little kitten. [1,366 words]
Test Of Friendship by Lady Sashi Like all good stories, it’s best to start at the beginning, which is where we find ourselves... [1,117 words]
Out With The Old, In With The Young by Thepratmeister The Pratmeister gives his overview of 2005, and what he expects for 2006. [525 words]
Heteros, Homos, Celibacy And The Church by Randall Barfield Are we going back to the time of the Crusades? [590 words]
David's Letter--Bogota, Colombia by Randall Barfield This is a true incident. It is not fiction. [551 words]
The Pratmeister's Guide To Australia by Thepratmeister The Pratmeister gives you the unofficial history of the Aussies. [379 words]
Assholes by Thepratmeister The Pratmeister is in a mood. Again. [150 words]
Shame Para Hills High School, Shame! by Thepratmeister The Pratmeister has a gutless bunch of High School bureaucratic tosspots f... [191 words]
Book Of Shadows: Diary Of A Witch by Lady Sashi Written below are the accounts and experiences of a real, live Witch, in her ... [744 words]
My Letter To Anne Frank by Alvin Gladstone My small token of love & respect to the little angel. [304 words]
Kitty Kisses: Whose Bed Is It Anyway by Shelley J Alongi The family bed cat style. [750 words]
Kitty Kisses: Peter Jennings And Cat Company by Shelley J Alongi Amusing tales of cats just when you need them. [789 words]
In Thoughts And Prayers by Dawn Matley Maselli The Warwick Station Fire so strongly affected our community. To friends, neighbors and ... [179 words]
Fever Dreams And Memories by Lawrence Peters My first ghost story. [649 words]
Daemons by Randall Barfield Isn't British spelling more elegant sometimes? This piece of writing is about demons. We all have one... [2,678 words]
Rant Of The Week by Thepratmeister The Pratmeister tells it like it is on the hot topics of the day. [796 words]
Prudes by Thepratmeister The Pratmeister feels a rant coming on again. Oh dear. [355 words]
Perverts by Thepratmeister The world is going insane - but the pratmeister will reassure you you're not alone in thinking so. [322 words]
Nicole Cornes Can Suck My Balls
My Parents And Myself by Carla Thomson It's basicly me bitching about my parents. [1,277 words]
Kitty Kisses: Licking The Hand That Feeds You by Shelley J Alongi Here's to many more lickings. [1,019 words]
Kitty Kisses Entry Two by Shelley J Alongi Formula One cat feeding. [658 words]
Kitty Kisses Entry One by Shelley J Alongi Shelley's life with her two cats. [957 words]
Kitty Kisses: Don't Fence Me In by Shelley J Alongi Flee meds, the closet, and the nineteenth century frontier. [1,089 words]
Australian Suck! by Thepratmeister The Pratmeister gives you the lowdown on the worst country in the world. [665 words]
Amelia Frid - Interview With Neighbours Actress by Ian Kidd In 2004 I had the pleasure of interviewing former "Neighbours" ... [1,244 words]
A Dream Comes True by Randall Barfield This is nostalgia and reflection. It's a short piece of writing dedicated to young Rodger W... [951 words]
Things People Do by Vivek Yadav This is my first attempt at writing. I hope improve as I go along. [497 words]
Cutting Myself by Khalif M Joyce Touch me once more, before my life ends soon. [206 words]
Photons by Rob Lioy A confessional essay on the insomniac thought process, dealing with issues of anxiety and love. [1,107 words]
Hidden Life Of The Author by Aryka This writing will mainly involve my life and how and let the reader possibly see the ... [222 words]
Tony's Unbirthday Party by Shelley J Alongi My birthday visit with Tony. [1,150 words]
Reach For The Sky by Shelley J Alongi On Saturday March 19, 2005, I gave this speech at our Toastmasters division D contest. It's a... [588 words]
My Worst Purchase by L Nelson This story is of when I accidentally spat in my brother's ear. [329 words]
Song Of Cy: Understanding Grief by Katlyn Stewart A parent's worst nightmare has become reality in Song Of Cy. A beautiful life c... [1,695 words]
Nightmares Echo by Katlyn Stewart Synopsis- Even as a young girl she knew she was different, knew she had secrets that must be hi... [901 words]
The Literary Cold War by Riot - [714 words]
My Last Day by G N Suicide. [495 words]
Mr Pearls by Gary R Hoffman This is the story of too many people in our world. [952 words]
Lunch With A Soldier by Dan Styles The saddest thing I'v ever heard. [125 words]
Jason Sucrut's Sons by G David Schwartz A short piece. [818 words]
The Black Sheep Of Mahee's Family by Patricia Lynn This is just a moment In my time of quiet leisure that I usually write reason... [1,191 words]
My First D by Morgan A Brennan A short piece. [959 words]
From Monster To Freshman by Sarah M Kaul Character Sketch of my brother. [3,252 words]
A Journal Entry For The Reviewer by Bradley Grimes This is my journal entry for Monday January 10th, 2005. [237 words]
Where Soldiers Cry by Steven L Howard A Christmas story that's probably not like any you've heard before. [767 words]
Every Breath You Take by Steven L Howard A letter to my children: In two separate accidents, two families of our friends buried a ... [410 words]
Dad's Here To Play by Steven L Howard Can we become so busy and self-absorbed that there is no time for the things that matter mos... [2,049 words]
The Beagle by Amber A Whitman A short piece. [489 words]
Happens All The Time by Lucy Midnight - [530 words]
Confessions Of A Caffeine Junkie by Nancy Rider About my encounter with a young cashier at KFC. I tried to be a positive influ... [577 words]
An Aviation Accident Arouses An Advocate by Shelley J Alongi On Saturday September 25, 2004, a plane went down while taking off fro... [2,007 words]
Sleepy Eyes by Sasu A poem about a man who cant take it in a world full of greed, and has to end it.. I have no psychol... [77 words]
Playing With My Hair by Skyler Drevan This is a piece that I thought about writing while driving up the Florida Turnpike from We... [228 words]
I Miss You So Very Much by Skyler Drevan (Just For You) [493 words]
The Best Grocery Shopping Experience Ever And Other Activities by Shelley J Alongi Another communication story about my deaf friend... [1,572 words]
Minimum Wage & The Typewriters by Don Everett Pearce Eulogy for a Poet. [1,447 words]
The Self-Appointed Altruists by Sam Vaknin Their arrival portends rising local prices and a culture shock. Many of them live ... [2,387 words]
The Family Of Four by Kevin Myrick For my friends at college. [1,014 words]
The Down-Low Life (It's A Two Way Street) by Skyler Drevan This is an article on the double life that women (bisexual, lesbian, ... [2,218 words]
Flight Number Five: Cuddling And Turning Cessna Style by Shelley J Alongi Flight number five in Shelley's adventures in flight offe... [2,028 words]

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Nicole Cornes Can Suck My Balls
The pratmeister gently points out to a "Sunday Mail" columnist where she is going wrong in life.
[535 words]
The Pratmeister is coming to get you!
[July 2005]
Assholes (Non-Fiction) The Pratmeister is in a mood. Again. [150 words] [Humor]
Australian Suck! (Non-Fiction) The Pratmeister gives you the lowdown on the worst country in the world. [665 words] [Humor]
If You Like Me... (Poetry) A tone poem, thoughtfully composed by the Pratmeister in tranquil contemplation, whilst taking a dump this afternoon. [64 words] [Humor]
Lying Little Liars - In Other Words, Our Government And It's Party Political Propaganda Tool - The Media (Non-Fiction) The Pratmeister is becoming political. [338 words]
Oh Australia, How I Hate Thee (Non-Fiction) Let me count the ways... [505 words] [Humor]
Out With The Old, In With The Young (Non-Fiction) The Pratmeister gives his overview of 2005, and what he expects for 2006. [525 words] [Humor]
Perverts (Non-Fiction) The world is going insane - but the pratmeister will reassure you you're not alone in thinking so. [322 words] [Humor]
Prudes (Non-Fiction) The Pratmeister feels a rant coming on again. Oh dear. [355 words] [Humor]
Rant Of The Week (Non-Fiction) The Pratmeister tells it like it is on the hot topics of the day. [796 words] [Humor]
Shame Para Hills High School, Shame! (Non-Fiction) The Pratmeister has a gutless bunch of High School bureaucratic tosspots firmly in his sights this week. [191 words] [Humor]
The Aussie Media Are Full Of Shit (Short Stories) The Pratmeister has had enough of the bullshit foisted on the Aussie public as "news" and "current affairs". [510 words] [Humor]
The Pratmeister's Guide To Australia (Non-Fiction) The Pratmeister gives you the unofficial history of the Aussies. [379 words] [Humor]
What The World Wide Web Thinks Of Aussies (Non-Fiction) The Pratmeister gives you a look at what real people think of the worst country in the world. [2,053 words] [Humor]
Nicole Cornes Can Suck My Balls


July 31 2005


Yes, that silly slapper Nicole Cornes,
from that paedophile rag The Sunday
Mail, has struck again. Regular readers
of my remarkably insightful columns
will remember I took a shot at this silly
slag just a few short weeks ago.
You'd think after a round with the
Pratmeister, the dumb fucking cunt
would just shut the fuck up and go
get herself a life, but no such luck,
folks. This week she's - what a shock-
attacking men again. Well what else
would you expect from a dumb dyke
bitch like her? Apparently, Nicunt
doesn't like it because some men
have been complaining about the
number of adverts portraying guys
as stupid, incompetent, bad in bed,
lazy, you name it men have fucking
copped it lately. The Dumb Slag, of
course, thinks this is all fine, and
some kind of payback for women
being demeaned. When was the last
time you saw a woman being demeaned
on an advert? That's right, not in this
dumb fucking bitch's lifetime, because
the hairy-armpitted dyke feminist
brigade have taken over the world
and any criticism of women - and
let's face it, there's lots to give,
especially in this day and age - is
prohibited under section five of The
Modern Slag's Right To Do And Say
Whatever The Fuck The Dumb Cunts
Want To legislation. This same
legislation, you'll recall, that forbids
men to even open their fucking gobs
these days. What I find especially
comical is this slag's attitude, for
without men women would still be
in the kitchen barefoot. You really
think we couldn't have stopped your
"emancipation", you dumb slut? We
could have kicked your fat asses back
in the bedroom had we wanted. But no,
we WANT you out in the workforce,
honeys. We WANT you working long
hours in shit jobs, never getting any
time with friends or family (if they've
got any, which is doubtful with the
Modern Slag), for shit pay, we WANT
you tired, stressed and dying at younger
and younger ages. We WANT you to
see where your fucking equality has
got you - to see exactly how shit life
is for most fucking men. Of course,it
can never be as shit for women as men
no matter how hard we try cause they
don't have to fucking put up with

And these men Ms SELFISH BITCH
laughs at are, of course, 100% fucking
RIGHT. You can't fart nowadays without
seeing an advert depicting men as
stupid or incompetent or selfish.
SELFISH? That's a fucking laugh and
a half these days. No one can touch
fucking women when it comes to
sheer unbridled selfishness in the
21st century. The slags have it down
pat. And men are still to blame for
everything fucking stupid these
dumb slappers ever fucking do.
How's about taking some fucking
responsibility, ladies? Look in the
mirror and see what your "modern
woman" act has turned you into.
Parasites, vermin, pure unadulterated
self-interested SCUM.
A woman being declared to be attractive
is an advert is demeaning now,
according to these ugly cunts. But
slag off men all you like, oh yes!
OH NO. Men of the world, unite,
cast off your chains, and let's throw
the bitches off their high horses and
back in the bedroom where they
belong. Then again, why bother?
For all their whining, most of THEM
are shit and selfish in bed.
Men are supposed to be all interested
in "What Women Want". Unfortunately
that's all the modern woman is
interested in, too. THEMSELVES.


And to all a good fuck!

The Pratmeister



"Hilarious! Er...that was meant to be funny, right?" -- amjade.
"You could've hurt someone especially nicole. There's people out there that love and care for her you stupid selfish gr. You don't hav the right to say that" -- Natalie.
"I have every right, you dumb cunt!" -- pratmeister.
"While you made plenty of good points Pratty, you seemed to have tried too hard for someone who wishes to appear that he doesn't GAF. Can't say I miss the Adelaide media though. Some of that 5hit just had to be said.... regards, REB" -- REB, Ippy, Qld, Australia.
"If she real rooms raise blind deck online poker rooms grande aces toke counting. " -- online poker rooms, online poker rooms, online poker rooms, online poker rooms.
"I'm have litl dog & cat! I want to share with you were you'll be find this for your pets: collar nice buy cat buy nice cat collar collar buy cat nice nice collar buy cat nice collar cat buy nice cat collar buy buy quality cat collar nice buy cat collar nice buy collar cat dog collar " -- Bill, New York, New York, Ukraine.
"And I thought I hated women. We should encourage them to start a new world-wide women's organization. "CUNTS" (Can't Understand Normal Thinking) I used to believe that my late mother was the only good woman there ever was. Now, I'm not so sure about that. I think she hated me from birth. Why else would a woman name her son Marion?" -- Marion.
"Honestly an asshole like u should be sucking my balls u worthless cunt. " -- Sam.
"You are the most hilarious person I've ever seen my entire life. HAHAHAHA it's just so damn funny hahahhahaha." -- Assaultman.
"She's not even a good fuck but she put on a good show masturbating." -- Jack Offenoff, Port Adelaide, SA, Australia.


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July 2005

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