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Should You Go To College? by Randall Barfield Decisions confront us at every step in life. [503 words]
Making Moves: Another Look At Victims And Choices In Ann Rule's True Crime Stories by Randall Barfield Ann Rule gives the murderers... [9,916 words]
The Godless Home(Life) by Randall Barfield Basically, this is written from experience. [661 words]
What I Like About You by E Daugherty What Im looking for in a partner... [371 words]
On Health Matters Including Diets by Higgins A fourteen point plan is offered which may lead to. health improvement. [727 words]
What Happens All The Time
To My Dad's Many Fans. Doc by Jason Taylor The Bloodman A tribute to my late Father, one of the best writers Storymania has read in years. [93 words]
My Dad's Top Five by Jason Taylor The Bloodman A compilation of my Dad's five best stories. [244 words]
A Passionate Recipe For Communication by Shelley J Alongi Read a story about how one deaf man and one blind woman got together with... [1,847 words]
Those Presentation Jitters by Shelley J Alongi The next time you think you're nervous about a speech, read this account of a presen... [2,325 words]
Puppets In Hands... by Men Walkalone Slow groove of interesting reality show described nowadays. [61 words]
From Kenya, With Love by Skyler Drevan True story. [1,644 words]
Things To Know About Girls by J P Weathers An article telling a little about the mind of the common high school girl. [720 words]
The Angel Of Death by Robert Guskind This is creative non-fiction relating to my travels in Europe. It is part of a much larger b... [1,290 words]
Flight Number 4: The Human Quality by Shelley J Alongi January 13, 2004, the date for Shelley's flight number 4. This flight will ... [2,663 words]
To All My Favorite Writers; You Know Who You Are by David B Doc Byron Update on my college placement tests. [412 words]
One Pilot's Magic: A Review Of Fate Is The Hunter by Shelley J Alongi In 1961, Ernest K. Gann wrote a book about flying: one of man... [383 words]
An Unhappy New Year by Dulcy Obrochta Non-fiction story of a couple torn between doing what's right and what's in their hearts. [237 words]
To ''C'' From Doc by David B Doc Byron A personal rebuttal to a nasty review. [434 words]
Toastmasters Speech Number 9: Our Most Important Document by Shelley J Alongi In October, 2003, I gave speech number 9. It was abo... [889 words]
Toastmaster Speech 10: You Never Know by Shelley J Alongi This was the last speech required for completion of the certification pro... [1,280 words]
The Story Of Dan by Skyler Drevan - [2,036 words]
North Star Notes by Shelley J Alongi As a result of flight number three, I picked up a book that the pilot recommended to me. It's... [1,194 words]
Shame Or Protection by Skyler Drevan You be the judge. [985 words]
Coming Home: Flight Three by Shelley J Alongi This is the third instalment of Shelley's adventures in flight! Improving communicati... [2,354 words]
Christianity by Skyler Drevan - [113 words]
What Are We There For by Zorg - [841 words]
The Boneyard by David B Doc Byron - [476 words]
Quotable Quotes by David B Doc Byron - [76 words]
Coming To America In The 21st Century by Destiny When I 1st left my 3rd worldd island home I had to start a new life in Am... [1,339 words]
Six Speeches To Success by Shelley J Alongi In January, 2003 I joined toastmasters and will complete my first certification by Nove... [4,162 words]
Nick by GutierrezJ A short story about young first love written in a young girls perspective. [1,063 words]
Music In My Pink Room by GutierrezJ A personal reflection about a girl and how muic and her mother affected her young life. [1,443 words]
I've Been Having These Dreams About You... by Skyler Drevan Something I wrote about a former boyfriend of mine. I really don't k... [243 words]
Getting High On Nature... Up In The Kumaons by Ananya Rohini I have been to Nainital and some places around it a number of times... [1,824 words]
From Tears To Hope by GrahamCP A story about my struggle with depression and anorexia after my husband of 20 years left me ... [30,242 words]
An Enlightening Journey Through Time by Ananya Rohini I have the privilege of sharing my experience (after the last one being of... [1,944 words]
Life's A Ditch by Emily S This was a narrative assignment I wrote for my composition class this year... Unfortunately, it'... [2,061 words]
Kids Are Not Meant To Be Adults by Veronica R Ewing I actually wasn't sure which category to put this under, since it is non-fictio... [2,191 words]
Honestly by Emily S It's not what you think. [12 words]
Final Farewell by Emily S I wrote this on my very last day of school, for my final theme assignment in composition. I was ... [2,051 words]
When Straight Guys Go Gay by Skyler Drevan This is a real life account of a guy my friends and I met online who had questions ab... [2,810 words]
H.P. Lovecraft; True Master Of Horror Fiction by David B Doc Byron My perosnal opinion of H.P. Lovecraft's works. [401 words]
Sickness by Men Walkalone Dialogs/monologs of empty people sitting by themselves in front of the mirror of their trapping life. [71 words]
The Tinman Syndrome by Kurt Fondriest A story of support for men who are challenged by Fibromyalgia daily. [7,329 words]
My Favorite Eisenhower Moments: Reminiscences From Crusade In Europe by Shelley J Alongi In January, 2000, I read Gen. Dwight D. Ei... [1,160 words]
A Monster Of Monsters by Randall Barfield Why did we ever let him get this far? [208 words]
Stepmothers by Hanan Al Kindi About my stepmother. [1,144 words]
Islamic Metalwork by Norman A Rubin The History and background to metalwork in the Muslim world. [2,193 words]
Mr Randy Sez by Randall Barfield Expressed thoughts, musings, comments, etc. on whatever I please. [5,598 words]
On A Dad's Turning 80 by Randall Barfield Some want to get there, others couldn't care less. How much is choice? [390 words]
Ancient Egypt by Christina Aspears About Ancient Egypt and Egypt as it is today. [1,901 words]
A Troubled Nation In Need Of Prayer And Soul-Searching: How To Repair It by Randall Barfield Send you suggestions/contributions in ... [89 words]
The Word Is In The Law by Norman A Rubin The law is the word even our sexual life. [1,365 words]
No More Stalling: Shellbell's Flight Adventure Number 2 by Shelley J Alongi Six months after my first flight in a C172 Skyhawk, I a... [2,049 words]
No More Stalling: Part II by Shelley J Alongi In the passion of recounting my Cessna adventure, I left out some ideas you might fin... [1,829 words]
Death The Intruder by Norman A Rubin The rule of Father Death in the time of the Great famine in the Renaissance period. [1,688 words]
Hi Mr Willis, Can You Explain What Wrong I Did? by Randall Barfield Teaching school is always give and take. Will it ever be diffe... [462 words]
Growing Up Among Racists by Randall Barfield A look at some of us in retrospect. [635 words]
Shellbell's Flight Adventure by Shelley J Alongi I've been publishing stories here with an aviation theme so I thought you might en... [1,797 words]
Greetings From... Asbury Park? by Don Everett Pearce A non-fiction short story about a trip to Asbury Park. [2,025 words]
Boston Or Bust by Joseph Patrick McGrath McGrath This details a trip home from college where everything went wrong. The trip was from Buffalo to... [5,115 words]
Leonardo Da Vinci, Science And Engineer by Norman A Rubin Leonardo da Vinci was known as a 'Renaissance Man' - a man who sought t... [2,112 words]

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What Happens All The Time
This is kind of a teens point of view.
[530 words]
Lucy Midnight
[October 2004]
10 Wishes (Poetry) - [123 words] [Teenage]
A Walk With Terror (Short Stories) Dear Reader, This story is based upon a true event that happened to me. Although the names have been changes. There are a few stretches in the story, such as what happened at the mausoleum. But my b... [1,238 words] [Mystery]
Addict (Poetry) - [62 words] [Motivational]
Addicts, Sex, And Suicide (Poetry) ... [95 words] [Psychology]
Anything? (Poetry) - [44 words] [Romance]
Black Widow (Short Stories) Kayli, Becky, and Eddy are three sisters that lose their only living relative left. Kayli and Eddy both know where there going in life. They try to set Becky on the right trail by setting her up on a ... [3,096 words] [Crime]
Chaos (Poetry) - [68 words] [Romance]
Crush Or Love? (Poetry) - [81 words] [Romance]
Four Years (Poetry) - [120 words] [Relationships]
Girls Vs. Boys (Short Stories) Madison and her boyfriend Scott break up and then he asks her to marry him and she declines. She goes off to college and meets a new guy. He says that Scott killed his little sister but in reality he ... [2,015 words] [Humor]
Happens All The Time (Non-Fiction) - [530 words] [Mind]
I Love... (Poetry) - [67 words] [Romance]
I Never Thought (Poetry) - [48 words] [Relationships]
I Think... (Poetry) - [52 words] [Romance]
It Happens (Short Stories) - [1,634 words] [Relationships]
Lies Within An Honest Creature (Poetry) - [72 words] [Relationships]
Love Of The Mountains Or So They Thought (Short Stories) ... [1,335 words] [Humor]
Love Or Hate (Poetry) - [112 words] [Romance]
Mind (Poetry) - [38 words] [Mind]
Object (Poetry) I wrote this piece on the way home on the bus. I'd also like to dedicate it 3 guys in my life that treated me more like an object than a person. [49 words] [Romance]
One Step At A Time (Poetry) - [56 words] [Relationships]
Room 86b (Short Stories) ... [2,284 words] [Crime]
Rumbles N' Fights (Poetry) - [98 words] [Humor]
Soft Touch And Tender Kisses (Poetry) - [68 words]
Tangles Of My Heart (Poetry) - [61 words] [Romance]
Te Quiero (Short Stories) Hannah and her boyfriend Cody are getting serious when Hannah learns that Cody has cancer. [1,108 words] [Romance]
The Creature Within (Poetry) - [62 words] [Fantasy]
The Forces Between (Short Stories) ... [977 words] [Humor]
The Friends (Short Stories) ... [1,416 words] [Humor]
The Sucidal Games (Short Stories) Internet Relations. [1,029 words] [Crime]
The Unwanted (Short Stories) Campfire Tales. [2,159 words] [Relationships]
What Happens (Poetry) Hurt feelings, Lost loved ones, etc. [88 words] [Teenage]
What He Means To Me (Poetry) - [99 words] [Relationships]
What If I... (Short Stories) Campfire Tales. [1,076 words] [Mystery]
What You Took For Granted (Poetry) - [33 words] [Teenage]
When I... (Poetry) - [46 words] [Romance]
Why Must You (Short Stories) - [1,593 words] [Crime]
What Happens All The Time
Lucy Midnight



"It's called a DRAW, Becca, when you are refering to ciggarettes, not a HIT. As in "Give me another hit of that", like you said. And since when do you smoke anyway? Or maybe you only do it when you're at Jessica's. Oh, by the way, where's the poem?" -- Soda Pop Christ.
"I meant piece, not poem" -- Soda Pop Christ.


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© 2004 Lucy Midnight
April 2004

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