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The Legendary Graduate Success by Joseph D Smith How I became a successful author with my book, "The Legendary Graduate" by Josep... [343 words]
The End Of Bullying by Jordan Lee Wellnitz This work was written as an anti-bullying essay. [509 words]
She Likes Trains: The Book Of Engineers by Shelley J Alongi Memories, a new engineer, community, and the book of engineers. [4,114 words]
She Likes Trains Adventures With The Super Hero Bag by Shelley J Alongi Adventures with a railroad grip. [3,881 words]
It's For The Best by John Garlinghouse This is an essay on the positive effects of a lockout. [725 words]
Global Warming By Miles Eyre by Miles Eyre - [486 words]
Conversations With Glen Sweet Engineer Dreams And Metrolink Nightmares by Shelley J Alongi A dream come true; life, money, marriage... [5,852 words]
Oh You Angelic Devil by Dream Rinsed (Gospel Funk!) [99 words]
The Split At Tahrir Square by Alexander Gachikus The demands of “secular” opposition are limited to partial reforms within the framew... [1,512 words]
Conversations With Glenn: A Good Day Up Here by Shelley J Alongi Fatalities and Mickey Mouse. And a man admitting his flaws. What a... [3,566 words]
She Likes Trains: The Railroad Sweet Spot by Shelley J Alongi A question, freights, the railroad sweet spot. [3,015 words]
She Likes Trains: The Locomotive Stairway To Heaven by Shelley J Alongi So many things led to this moment, the moment I took my fir... [993 words]
She Likes Trains: Tales From The Rails by Shelley J Alongi Hit or miss, amazing ladies, the bath. sometimes the train station isn't... [2,395 words]
She Likes Trains: Not Looking For Trouble by Shelley J Alongi The man from the orange trains, two engineers by the stairs, an uncon... [2,064 words]
She Likes Trains: Barely Getting By by Shelley J Alongi Rules, paint jobs, diet Pepsi, kids, pictures, passion. It's all here. [2,142 words]
Violence Can't Stop Itself by Randy Hooper about violence and how we can maybe stop it [603 words]
She Likes Trains: The Stairway To Locomotive Heaven by Shelley J Alongi The metal staircase of Alco 98 curves upward, today is the ... [1,969 words]
She Likes Trains: The South Side Of Paradise by Shelley J Alongi Engineers, food, warm weather, and train chasing. [6,629 words]
She Likes Trains: Steel Tangled by Shelley J Alongi A new restaurant, a systems operation guide, lovely trains, don't get her mad, ... [3,497 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Sweet Engineer Confusion by Shelley J Alongi Short, sweet, confusing, lovely, always worth the wait. Numb... [2,343 words]
She Likes Trains: Sweet Train Dreams by Shelley J Alongi The opening of track 4, more engineers and sweet train dreams. [2,457 words]
She Likes Trains: One Hand Somewhere Else by Shelley J Alongi One hand waving, a bridge to paradise, helpful passengers who take th... [3,838 words]
She Likes Trains: Between Engineers by Shelley J Alongi what takes my time between meeting all my engineers? Happy Easter all my en... [2,742 words]
She Likes Trains: Chatsworth Ephiphany by Shelley J Alongi stories, the missing link, the harvey girls, fatalities, and the Chatswo... [2,768 words]
She Likes Trains: Post Fatality Syndrome by Shelley J Alongi Two years, four switch keys, one lock, one lantern, and three engineer... [2,887 words]
Revolution In The Middle East by Alexander Gachikus What are the prospects of the revolution in Arab world? What sort of a revolution... [2,447 words]
The Human Part Of The Railroad by Shelley J Alongi Trespasser on the tracks. The intimate kiss of the engineer. It's all the human ... [2,519 words]
She Likes Trains: Taking The Engineers Heart by Shelley J Alongi Keys, dogs, stories, and the engineer's hearts. [3,992 words]
She Likes Trains: Journeys To Friday by Shelley J Alongi On our way to Friday, we experience the death of a mascott. The married en... [2,415 words]
She Likes Trains: Missing The Train Meet by Shelley J Alongi Birthday wishes are never too late, heart-stealers, more dogs, and mis... [5,044 words]
She Likes Trains: Flirting With The Locomotives by Shelley J Alongi The switch key attachment, love struck by the locomotives; love... [2,844 words]
On Proletarian Dictatorship And Islamism by Alexander Gachikus Early Islam, which revival at modern level is advocated by revolutiona... [1,309 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Sweet, Lucky Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Train 221's fatality. I am the happiest love sick, star struck ... [3,301 words]
City Miles by Dan Smith City Miles is an essay on an argument between Karl Marx and Uncle Sam that has spilled into a new ce... [1,414 words]
The Letter To Maoist Internationalist Movement by Alexander Gachikus Mentioning only the USA as the super-power and hushing up about ... [521 words]
She Likes Trains: Silent, Train Night by Shelley J Alongi A Christmas carol, a messy, rainy week, Christmas presents for cats, love... [3,183 words]
She Likes Trains: Knowing About The Railroad by Shelley J Alongi Engineers, daring passengers, dogs, signals, and love. [4,635 words]
She Likes Trains: Dog Days And Coming In Out Of The Rain by Shelley J Alongi Rain, accidents, dogs and the crazy Fullerton engineer... [3,642 words]
She Likes Trains: Crossing The Railroad Tracks by Shelley J Alongi Happy new year all my engineers! This year has been very eventfu... [3,783 words]
Afghan Revolution And Russian Imperialism by Alexander Gachikus Odious regime of police batons and lying clerical sermons, which rule... [2,070 words]
Advice To Women by Paula Barta-Schielke A single mother who has overcome childhood trauma and an abusive husband, offers insights into ... [630 words]
Advice To Men On Their Women by Paula Barta-Schielke The female author offers suggestions to men on ways they can strengthen their rela... [665 words]
A Man's Perspective by Paula Barta-Schielke The female author lends her views on a man's perspective on relationships gathered by inter... [560 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Sweet Train Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Signals, Chatsworth, hanging in there, and the mad dash on a rai... [3,058 words]
“Communist” Tyulkin Criticizes Bourgeois Authority For Insufficiency Of Nationalism by Alexander Gachikus Today official "communists"... [305 words]
She Likes Trains: The Engineer's Right To Know by Shelley J Alongi What persistence led to. [2,234 words]
She Likes Trains: Hogger Stocker by Shelley J Alongi All my engineers. All my fun, surprised, sweet engineers, and always my best! [2,153 words]
The Blank Analysis 101 by Mike Piotrowski A simple essay that uses abstraction to follow the parabolic pathway of life [289 words]
Sexnlove by Dream Rinsed the basic erotic instinct. [131 words]
Events In Georgia And Communists’ Response by Alexander Gachikus It is no reason for us, proletarians of the rich nations, to lose he... [2,598 words]
She Likes Trains: My Familiar Places by Shelley J Alongi Engineer teasing, returning to my beloved trains, or is it engineers? And ... [1,446 words]
Major Breakthrough In African Literature by Kennedy O Obohwemu It's really very simple...I'd like the relevant authorities to prove m... [581 words]
Chechen Revolution And Russian Imperialism by Alexander Gachikus - [1,922 words]
Metrolink708: Train Orders For The Court by Shelley J Alongi My engineers get a break, and yet life is still eventful at the fuller... [2,272 words]
Metrolink708: Engineer Hunter by Shelley J Alongi the engineer and the switch key. Of cool summer nights and engineer hunting. [3,117 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Engineer Responsibility by Shelley J Alongi He says deal with it. Engineers have to be responsible. he wa... [3,336 words]
Conversations With Glen: Engineer Of My Dreams by Shelley J Alongi It has been six months since I've talked to him, and it is, afte... [2,596 words]
Metrolink708: Railroad Birthday by Shelley J Alongi My very own train party Shelley style. Trains, conductors, engineers, food, fri... [4,633 words]
Metrolink708: Prince Charming by Shelley J Alongi All of Shelley's Prince charmings. [1,829 words]
Metrolink708: The Commuter Train To Paradise by Shelley J Alongi Tales from the Fullerton station. [3,172 words]
Metrolink708: Metrolink Tales by Shelley J Alongi Metrolink tales. [2,576 words]
Youssef Girard. Tan Malakka : Nationalism, Marxism And Islam by Alexander Gachikus Soviet-Russian opportunism kept silence about Tan ... [1,248 words]
The War On Weed. by Dream Rinsed Pt.1 "How The High Became A Low." [129 words]
The Break-Up Of Ussr: Collapse Of Socialism Or Collapse Of The Old Colonialism? by Alexander Gachikus Soviet Union was not Socialist ... [1,989 words]
Teens And Drugs by Michael Finch it is about the real facts of the effects drugs can have on kids [408 words]
Space For The Future. by Spencer A Morin An amazing idea [220 words]
Metrolink708: On The Trail Of Gold by Shelley J Alongi Gold, engineers, it's all good, it's all gold. [3,498 words]
Manifesto Of The Russian Party Of Bolsheviks by Alexander Gachikus Opportunism of official communist parties compelled us, Russian Bo... [4,151 words]
Letters To Molly Norris by Wael El-Manzalawy - [152 words]
L.B. Some Preliminary Thoughts About Modern Class Structure by Alexander Gachikus The main advantages of the article of L.B.: 1) Rath... [2,307 words]
God's Love: A New Perspective On The Unified Field Theory by Ellen Rosser An essay describing the effect of God's love on the e... [853 words]
From What Is To Begin? by Alexander Gachikus Let us recollect Lenin’s idea of the formation of the party. The essence of this idea is... [1,323 words]
About The Slander Of Proletarian Dictatorship by Alexander Gachikus At imperialist stage the states of 2 types are possible – bourgeo... [459 words]
Metrolink708: Replacing The Engineer by Shelley J Alongi So many engineers, so many stories, so much potential, so little time, and... [4,401 words]
Metrolink708 Making Connections by Shelley J Alongi There's no place like home, I guess. New engineers, connecting with trains, it'... [3,225 words]
Metrolink708: Engineer Day by Shelley J Alongi freight baby, social butterfly, drama, fun, and the gold standard. [5,147 words]
Metrolink708: Being There Tomorrow by Shelley J Alongi Not a good day, but such a great day. Already it has been eventful and we're... [2,200 words]
What It’S Like For Me To Be An Interpreter And Translator by Kclb The satisfaction of being bilingual explained. [383 words]
Metrolink708: Getting The Right One by Shelley J Alongi the FP59, the engineer, it's definitely the right one. And even if he is le... [5,635 words]
Answering Atheism I by Wael El-Manzalawy - [196 words]
Answering Atheism 2 by Wael El-Manzalawy - [119 words]
Metrolink708: Remembering My Name by Shelley J Alongi Do the engineers remember me? Seems so. This week they all either know, use, ... [2,015 words]
The Waterboarding Of Americans.
Metrolink708 Engineer Magic by Shelley J Alongi One can't stand the MPI, one wants to know where I've been, one wants to know if I'... [5,802 words]
Metrolink708: Engineer Drama by Shelley J Alongi Oh goodness! If you don't like drama, even if it's all in my own head, and you don... [6,420 words]
Metrolink608 The Railroad Facts Of Life by Shelley J Alongi Oh the drama! Showing the engineer the switch key, changing the route, ... [9,681 words]
Metrolink608: Meeting Locomotive 800 by Shelley J Alongi Teasing, loco 800, wary Glen, the two woman fan club, it's all Glen. [2,844 words]
Metrolink608: Making It Through Tuesday by Shelley J Alongi Love, a hard taskmaster; tortured by the bell; two engineers, and stand... [5,677 words]
Conversations With Glen: Engineer Gold by Shelley J Alongi There's gold in that there engineer and I didn't have to dig for it. Oh ... [3,419 words]
She Likes Trains: The Human Gold by Shelley J Alongi Gold digging at the fullerton station. Everything about everything, the gad ab... [2,945 words]
Muslim Versus Atheist by Wael El-Manzalawy - [217 words]
Muslim In The Western World by Wael El-Manzalawy - [309 words]
Metrolink608 Learning The Story by Shelley J Alongi Learning the story, following advice. [3,760 words]
Wisdom - Lost With Tradition by Richard Koss An essay which compares the concept of traditional wisdom with the minds of today'... [500 words]
Metrolink608: Playing Hooky by Shelley J Alongi The first week after New Year's day, quiet, the same question over and over, and my... [2,426 words]
Metrolink608: Making The Engineer Happy by Shelley J Alongi Big trouble, morning blessing, and no sympathy even if I have a cold. h... [4,549 words]

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The Waterboarding Of Americans.
or The Trickle-Down Theory.(as it was called.)
[130 words]
Dream Rinsed
Non-Conformist livin' in this thing called Life!
[November 2011]
A Good Man Down (Songs) And ya wonder why a good man is hard to find. (sly&robbie type reggae) [150 words] [Romance]
A Moment In Love (Genres) MushyStuff. (new-age art jazz) [52 words] [Romance]
Ain't Lettin' You Go That Easy (Songs) (latinsoul steppers' slowjam) [178 words] [Relationships]
Answer The Phone (Songs) a song about gettimg that number from someone you're interested in. (newwavemotownpop) [138 words] [Romance]
Barbie Beaten By Brats! (As Told By Rainbow Brite) Pt1 (Short Stories) observations of childplay from a twisted point of view. [172 words] [Humor]
Beautiful Stranger (Genres) a song about love at first site. (steppers' latinsoul) [162 words] [Romance]
Bitch Wanna Be A Hoe! (Songs) we all know dem types! (chessy funky hairmetal romp) [108 words] [Relationships]
Blankinside (Songs) a song about being comfortably numb in and with love,i guess. (cool chill-out funky groove) [63 words] [Romance]
Blood And Roses (A Love Life) (Songs) a song about relationships. (slow moody funky pop) [155 words] [Relationships]
Boyfriend Sometimes (Genres) (pop r&b powerballard) [157 words] [Relationships]
Boyfriend Sometimes(The Last Word.) (Genres) and i rest my case. (strings&soft piano only) [51 words] [Relationships]
Buzzed Love (Genres) Blame it on tha booze. (phillysoul dancemusic) [180 words] [Erotic]
Can't Handle It! (Songs) bit off way more than you could chew,eh?! (reggaeton) [184 words] [Romance]
City Birds (Poetry) a song about daytrippin'. (smoothfolksyjazz) [38 words] [Mind]
Costlee Tha Sno' Man (Pt.1) (Short Stories) An under the influence of_retelling of "Frosty the Snow Man" [176 words] [Fantasy]
Despair (Songs) a song about standing in the shadows of love. (technofunkgroove) [41 words] [Relationships]
Don't Tease, Just Please. (Genres) (bassbumpin' r&b chicagohouse) [125 words] [Relationships]
Dumpster Love (Songs) industrial grinding grooving lovejam [123 words] [Relationships]
Get Me Now (Or It's Never!) (Genres) Enuff wit tha playin' hard ta get! (DiscoSouMusic) [155 words] [Relationships]
Gettin' That Groove On (The 12 Inch Long Version) (Songs) got to give it up! party baby! (early 80s techno funk) [145 words] [Romance]
Gutsspilling (Songs) *see GutsStillSpilling for description [87 words] [Relationships]
Gutsstillspilling (Songs) a song about truthtelling on thyself. (funky barblues rock n' soul) [133 words] [Relationships]
Heaven Sent You To Me (Songs) dedicated to the one i (and you) love. (smooth r&b jazz) [161 words] [Romance]
I'm Gonna Make It! (Songs) a theme song i wrote for a friend's diy movie about a city's powerplayers fear of this very song bringing about their ruin. (angrymetalfunk) [175 words] [Motivational]
I'm Yours For My Lifetime! (Songs) the title says it all! (groovy 70s disco funk) [159 words] [Romance]
Just A Piece Of Meat (Genres) E.R.A.,baby! (heavy bass-thumpinbumpin r&b dancefunk!) [191 words] [Erotic]
Just You & Me (Songs) a lovesong for couples. (coolsmoothflowing r&bjazz-or-dat cool babymakin' music) [162 words] [Romance]
Last Call (Songs) "The Bars & NightClubs' Closing Theme Song." [56 words] [Motivational]
Let Down (Songs) a song about crushing a crush. (smoothdiscojazz) [149 words] [Romance]
Let's Live It Up! (Songs) a weekend song for couples with kids. (funky discojazz) [134 words] [Relationships]
Little Jack Horny (Genres) Naughty nursery rhymes. (cool eletrified lounge-lizard funk) [132 words] [Erotic]
Lonely,Lonely (Genres) a song about needing and wanting somebody. (seedy cool smooth r&b popjazz groove) [151 words] [Psychology]
Loser Wins! (Non-Fiction) Gamer gamed by the love game,yet da loser wins love! (late 70s Ashford & Simpson type disco) [173 words] [Romance]
Lost In The Bluest Light (Songs) a song about the tears of a clown. (smooth bossanova funkrock) [165 words] [Romance]
Love Junkie (Non-Fiction) and God created Love. (discojazzfunk) [175 words] [Romance]
Love&Hatehate&Love (Songs) you fuck'd up my life. (dark sinister nightgroove) [175 words] [Relationships]
Love,Right And Wrong. (Songs) a song about one effect of loving someone too much. (bluesyr&bjazz) [117 words] [Relationships]
Love's Bitter End (Songs) no happily ever after. (industrial doom&gloom dance) [132 words] [Relationships]
Love's Victim (The 'turntable' Mix) (Songs) ut-ohh! cupid got me! (70s popdisco with real orchestra) [170 words] [Romance]
Me Time (Songs) a dirty lil' bubblegum soulpop ditty ode to the joy of pleasing thyself...enjoy! [95 words]
Me.Myself.I. (Songs) a song about thy inner self dealing with love. (slow haunting funky nite groove) [94 words] [Psychology]
Michael Jackson: The Legacy! (Reference) Let's see if all of that controversy bullshit can out rank the following list. (p.s.,LOVE YA MIKE!!!) [143 words]
Morning After (Non-Fiction) a song about waking up after a one night stand. (slow moody funk) [157 words] [Psychology]
My Bedtime Song (Songs) a grown-up lullabye of love. (soft dreamy smooth jazz) [123 words] [Romance]
My Break Today (Songs) even ronald mcdonald used to say you deserve a break today! (twangy r&b pop groove) [173 words] [Psychology]
Nasty Boy! (Songs) just what the title says! (minneapolisfunk) [148 words] [Erotic]
Nasty Candy (Genres) Oh you sweet sticky thang,you! (sweaty funk) [119 words] [Romance]
Not A Trick! (Genres) The Golddiggers&Users warning notice! (funky all percussion dance jam) [158 words] [Relationships]
Oh You Angelic Devil (Essays) (Gospel Funk!) [99 words] [Erotic]
One For My Baby (Songs) a song i wrote for the one i love. Thanks babe! (chill-out lite rock) [165 words] [Romance]
One Night Stand Man (Songs) a lil' ditty about a single man's lovelife. (hole-in-the-wall partyblues) [155 words] [Erotic]
Ooo You Gonna Get It! (Songs) Busted! (booty house) [57 words]
Pop Jam (Songs) That crap! (catchy pop music) [111 words]
Pt.2 Of Barbie Beaten By Brats! (The Rest Told By Strawberry Shortcake) (Short Stories) observations of childplay from a twisted point of view. Again. [175 words] [Humor]
Real Women Vs. Media's Version Of Women (Essays) Pretty&Beautiful vs. Hot&Sexy. [156 words] [Psychology]
Rip Up The System! (Non-Fiction) Death to the Status Quo! (brutal industrial funk) [117 words]
Sexnlove (Essays) the basic erotic instinct. [131 words] [Psychology]
Sexual Savior (Genres) oh PLEASE just do me! [152 words] [Erotic]
Shoo! (Songs) fuck off! (a cool groove that soon annoys you.) [74 words] [Relationships]
Sin,Sex,And Sanity (Songs) a song about temptation (80s industrial dancemusic) [124 words] [Psychology]
Sloppy Seconds (Genres) That "i had you 1st!" thang. (countryfied soul) [123 words] [Relationships]
Somethin's Goin' On (Genres) - [190 words] [Relationships]
So,What's It Gonna Be? (Genres) a lil' dirty song about the mating ritual. (rock 'n soul) [136 words] [Romance]
Stop Lovin' Me The Way You Do (Songs) Just what the title says. (bluesy r&b pop slowjam) [177 words] [Relationships]
Tha Immoral Mix Of That Good Love (Genres) (chicago r&b house) [111 words] [Erotic]
That Good Love! (The Moral' Mix) (Songs) When ya good,ya good! (chicago r&b house) [99 words] [Romance]
That Mating Thang (Songs) about physical attraction (70's sleazypartybluesfunk ) [112 words] [Relationships]
The Big Relief (Songs) a song about a clean breakup? (detroit technohouse) [105 words] [Relationships]
The Drunk Fool In Love Blues (Songs) a song about being stuck on a love thats gone. (r&bpopslowjam) [158 words] [Romance]
The Time Of Her Time (Short Stories) a tale about a woman's dark passions told in song (intensedarkgroove) [151 words] [Erotic]
The War On Weed. (Essays) Pt.1 "How The High Became A Low." [129 words] [History]
The War On Weed. Pt.1 How The High Became A Low. (Non-Fiction) - [139 words] [History]
This Is The Other Kinda Lovesong! (Genres) sho' is baby. [147 words] [Relationships]
Today Is My Day! (Songs) a feel good song. SMILE,DAMMIT! (that cool groove all ages and races can move and/or groove to!) [100 words] [Motivational]
Try My Love (Songs) midtempo funkycoolsmooth discojazz tune [173 words] [Romance]
Under A Full Sinful Moon (Genres) How far are we willing to let that horny lil' devil in all of us take control? [162 words] [Mystery]
When U Suck (Genres) "it's love." (NuWave Funk) [169 words] [Relationships]
When Will We Stop Hurting Each Other? (Songs) intense crunchingpumping funkrock [140 words] [Relationships]
Why The Reasons For The Reasons Why (Genres) - [146 words] [Relationships]
Work Dat Booty! (Songs) a danceclub jam (the new chicago house sound) [76 words]
World Wide Wake-Up Song (Genres) a song i wrote during and after the Obama/McCain election. (smooth jazzy hiphop groove) [160 words] [Motivational]
Yeah I Found Love On The Dancefloor (Genres) that night fever! (bass pounding 70s funky disco heat) [191 words] [Romance]
(End Of) Costlee Tha Sno' Man (Short Stories) An under the influence of_retelling of "Frosty the Snow Man" [153 words] [Fantasy]
(Part3 Of) Costlee Tha Sno' Man (Short Stories) An under the influence of_retelling of "Frosty the Snow Man" [180 words] [Fantasy]
(Pt.2 Of) Costlee Tha Sno' Man (Short Stories) An under the influence of_retelling of "Frosty the Snow Man". [167 words] [Fantasy]
The Waterboarding Of Americans.
Dream Rinsed

It's the policy of pro viding taxcuts or other benefits 2 businesses&rich ndividuals n belief this will ndirectly benefit the broad population.Those protrickledowntheory (mainly republicans) claim if the top ncome earners nvest more n2thebusiness nfrastructure(mergers&takeovers)& equitymarkets(wall st.),it will nturn lead 2more goods (not usa made)at lower prices&create more jobs(stagnant or low wages,preferably non-union,fewer benefits)4 the middle &lowerclass.Also, that economicgrowth flows from thetop 2thebottom,ndirectly benefitting those who don't directly benefit from the policychanges.A major part of those policies was reduc tion of taxrates on capitalgains,corporate ncome,&higher ndividual ncomes, along with the re duction or elimi nation of various xcise taxes.That is how we Americans were waterboarded. For 30years.Since the beginning of "Reaganomics".Since republicans held power 4 30years. Since a republican congress passed NAFTA with a democraticpresident signing it n2 law.drip dripdripdripdripdrip



"Whoever you really are, it is obvious you are a complete, uninformed ignoramus, who is too lazy to write in clear concise grammar and probably spends most of your time memorizing liberal mantra and worn out taking points barfed up by the left-wind media. In short, you certainly are correct by saying you're a non-conformist. The question is are you just another asshole, who has no life and wants desparately to get on the entitlement roles, if you're not there already? Maybe it's the "waterboarding" by high school or college professors that helped you to arrive at your fucked up state of mind. This country would be so much better off if you and those who think like you would quietly join the ranks of the suicide successes. " -- Richard.
"Have to agree with the previous reviewer who was actually being too kind in my estimation. I'm puzzled by how you managed to stay alive for 45 years. I'd like to see a movement to gather up several thousand others like yourself and cart all of you off to an isolated designated target area for military artillary maneuvers. That would sure save us taxpayers a lot of money. " -- Ex-Marine .


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© 2010 Dream Rinsed
March 2010

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