A famous 18th dynasty Egyptian Hyksos Pharaoh, who alone dismantled all the existing Amen-ra nature religions and introduced the idea of monotheistic sun-worship, with him as the self imposed dictator. He moved the capitol to the desert as he was deeply hated, and built a new city called Armana where he could practice his sun worship undisturbed. But he severely neglected his other duties, and Egypt lost power and land during his reign. Up until this time the Egyptians were wholly spiritual and worshipped animals, the earth and the cosmic Goddess, for they knew the sun was only the portal into our solar system from the central sun of the Pleiades central star Alcyone, coming through the Photon belt from the universe centre, known as the Mayan Hunab-ku. This was the earth religion which was brought to North Africa by the Eire-lantian Druids of Ireland. He overthrew Egyptian polytheism in favor of the worship of a single god called the Aton, in fact he worshipped the sun, rather than the power which came through it. Akhenaton imposed monotheism on polytheistic Egypt during his reign between 1372 and 1354B.C.Later he was dethroned by the Egyptians and banished from the lands along with 500,000 of his followers, and this story is what became the later Israelite Biblical Exodus, as Akhenaton was the biblical Moses, whose name is only a title and not an actual name. Akhenaton needed a way to control the tribes that had followed him, as many didn't enjoy the idea of wandering the desert, so a new God called Jehovah was created, for this was the powerful electrical light within the Ark of the Covenant, which he had also stolen. A new race was also created to do his killing called the Israelites, who were followers of a mix of Egyptian pagan gods known as (IS-isis RA-amen-ra EL-elohim). So they were actually not Monotheistic after all. Eventually Akhenaton’s family started to die off and it is thought that this was from skin cancer (their statues show that they were certainly not African) as they spent every waking hour worshipping the sun, but not before he had learnt the earth secrets of the Eire-lantian Druids, as this Bible verse shows when he tried to regain his power.(((((Exodus 7:10) So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did just as the LORD commanded. Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his officials and it became a snake. ))))) This symbolic ritual from the Bible is actually a challenge for the throne and was only allowed to be performed by a Pharaoh or by someone who has been initiated into the mushroom/manna serpent knowledge cult. The Druids were also known as the serpent masters, as serpent has always denoted knowledge. Tutankhamen, who was murdered to erase this satanic bloodline from Egypt was the son of Akhenaton. His later followers were so enraged about loosing control of the greatest civilization on the planet, a dark plan was hatched to use the earth-knowledge backwards as sorcery and to take control of the whole world through their future civilizations such as the Bloodthirsty Romans. This has manifested in today's New World Order. Which is still to this modern day controlled by the Vatican and Pope. Yes! These are the same traceable bloodlines from thousands of years ago.This belief of the one unseen God who was all powerful and had to be obeyed, even if he was a negative, jealous and angry killer, especially at the expense of Mother nature and knowledge, headed the later male dominated beliefs of Judaism and Christianity, whose many millions of modern followers have no idea they are worshipping the dark-side of the sun and that their faiths in their true un-spoilt forms originated in Egypt and before that, Ireland and Atlantis. Eire-lantis. The Christian Son of God story using the name of Jesus comes directly from the Irish Sun of God (god of light) called Iesa-Essa-Yesu-Yeshua-Jesus. (((((The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the sun.(Thomas Paine))))).
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