A philosophical approach to a question with an impossible answer. Would like to hear your opinions and ideas as well! How about a discussion or debate?
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (24) A Broken Man (Poetry) A little depressing, but for those who enjoy feeling a little blue, hope you like it! Cheers, -Mike. [74 words] [Mind] A Tune (Poetry) To all that enjoy music, Hope you enjoy, -Mike [56 words] Adrift (Poetry) A short poem representing the symbolic struggle of depression. [55 words] Almost Like A Dream (Poetry) Hope you enjoy the poem! [154 words] [Mind] Chemical Love (Poetry) Artificially induced feelings of love... hope you guys like it... [65 words] [Fantasy] Empty Street (Poetry) It is nice to be back writing again! This piece is about the nostalgia of childhood and my home. [113 words] Escape Into The Surreal With Me (Poetry) [66 words] February 14th (Poetry) Enjoy... [62 words] Forever In Riches (Poetry) A poem, nothing more, nothing less... [36 words] From My Window I Watched (Poetry) A darker piece... Hope you guys enjoy! [253 words] [Psychology] Horizon Of The Black Sea (Poetry) I hope you guys enjoy this piece. It is based on a deeply moving event that I witnessed with a person I do not know very well... -Mike. [325 words] In The Darkness Comes The Silence (Short Stories) Hello everyone! I just finished writing part one of my short story and I would like some honest constructive criticism on wether to continue with this premise or move on. Thank you very much -Mike. [562 words] [Horror] In The Depth Of Thoughts (Poetry) Just think, imagine and you shall be free [106 words] [Mystical] Nothing Is Forever (Poetry) Hope all enjoy! [256 words] [Romance] Old (Poetry) A poem regarding some of the residents in the long term care facility, [100 words] [Drama] Sea Of Destiny (Poetry) Just another surreal poem! [60 words] Sensations Of Good And Evil (Poetry) Enjoy this poem, I promise it won't disappoint, You will have a sensational time, Between Good and Evil... [138 words] [Psychology] The Black Void (Poetry) - [78 words] The Blank Analysis 101 (Essays) A simple essay that uses abstraction to follow the parabolic pathway of life [289 words] The Conception Of Reality (Poetry) Hope you enjoy the poem! -Mike. [244 words] [Mind] The Fabric Of Sound (Poetry) Technical terms of sound mixed with a dedication to my new favourite Album, -Enjoy. [162 words] [Mind] The Reaches Of Time (Poetry) I hope all will enjoy! [318 words] [Motivational] The Sense Of Love (Poetry) I hope everyone can enjoy! Thanks, -Mike. [106 words] [Romance] The Wicked Comes (Poetry) Any feedback would be great, constructive of course ;) Cheers. [122 words] [Horror]
A Hypothesis On Life Mike Piotrowski
The meaning of life is difficult to theorize,
Actually impossible,
The complexity and unknown factors that attribute to the long biological and psychological changes vary for each human being,
Most often one usually analyzes their life when death is near,
Trying to understand years and years of memories long gone, to gain a bearing or some kind of logical reasoning for their existence,
At these critical times one may even become more spiritually aware, which seems the reasonable path,
The reason of this logic is simple, humans are afraid of the unknown,
Life is full of experiences that are unknown to us at any given time, though once accomplished and informed, they become mere experiences of a more normal nature,
One may even say that the human mind works within the laws of logic,
Though logical thinking can only explain so much,
As discussed earlier death is one of the most important moments in life, contrasting birth on the other spectrum of life,
The significant element of death is that of logical failure,
Our system of logic fails,
At this given point of time, the time of death, there becomes an unknown factor,
This factor in my opinion sparked the many religions of the world,
Through the medium of religion one can then rationalize death,
Death no longer seems like an incomprehendbile black void, but now has reason and purpose therefore constructing a logical base,
Though religions serve a valuable role in the process of life and death, one must exclude this variable due to its subjective and non factual based nature,
The process of birth is the exact opposite of death, life is given,
One cannot help comparing the two most crucial elements in any human beings life, the moment of birth and death,
These two moments alone define our evolution, but most of all symbolically define every element in our world,
Everything has a beginning and an end,
Therefore almost every known element follows the same path as our own, the same destiny,
To come to a conclusion,
Attempting to theorize life is an impossible task, though gaining an understanding of the processes of birth and death gives us a glimpse into the fabric of our existence,
Through the exploration of these two fundamental elements of life, in the near future one can possibly uncover great discoveries that may potentially unlock the mysteries of the feared "unknown factor", though personally I hope we never see the day, since it might change humanity as we know it forever.
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