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The Dictator Of Egypt
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The Dictator Of Egypt
[705 words]
Wael El-Manzalawy
Wael El-Manzalawy is an Egyptian writer who writes in English. He has published 15 e books. He is a human development trainer.
[May 2021]
A Cam Model (Short Stories) - [332 words]
A Western Gay (Short Stories) - [153 words]
A Western Lesbian (Short Stories) - [167 words]
America, Russia And China's Political Game (Essays) - [249 words]
Answering Atheism 2 (Essays) - [119 words]
Answering Atheism I (Essays) - [196 words]
Covert Now To Islam (Essays) - [241 words] [Spiritual]
Don't Underestimate Anyone (Essays) - [120 words]
Humanity Needs Islam (Essays) The human nature means the soul and the body. There can never be a balance and harmony between the soul and the body without Islam. [236 words]
Islam (Essays) - [483 words]
Islam And Internal Peace (Essays) We are living in an age of conflicts and tensions. Islam is the cure of all these problems. [192 words]
Islam Helps You (Essays) - [241 words]
Islam Versus Atheism (Essays) - [374 words]
Letters About Islam I (Essays) - [170 words]
Letters To Molly Norris (Essays) - [152 words]
Muslim In The Western World (Essays) - [309 words]
Muslim Versus Atheist (Essays) - [217 words]
Questions And Answers About Islam (Essays) - [192 words]
Sex In Islam (Essays) - [244 words]
The Armed Islamic Groups (Essays) How did the activities of the armed Islamic groups develop? We are sometimes involved in the current situation and the bloody scene without trying to analyze the facts. So, we can see the top of the i... [412 words]
The Birds (Short Stories) A short story about the dream of freedom. [240 words]
The Christ In The Holy Quran (Essays) - [1,584 words]
The Falseness Of The Evolution Theory (Essays) - [332 words]
The Future Of Islam In Russia (Essays) - [263 words]
The German People Is A Genius Not A Superior One (Essays) - [179 words]
The God In Islam (Essays) - [337 words]
The Islamic Civilization And The Western Civilization (Essays) - [472 words]
The Islamic Dream (Essays) - [338 words]
The Islamic Egypt (Novels) The Islamic politicians won the elections throughout Egypt. But they were a new and different generation of the Islamic politicians. Many previous Islamic politicians won their popularity through clas... [1,793 words]
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The Paradise (Essays) - [183 words] [Spiritual]
The Tyrant Of Egypt (Essays) - [108 words]
The World After Coronavirus (Essays) - [510 words]
Wael's Strategy For Success (Essays) Wael’s Strategy For Success: Decide What you want – Choose 3-5 related goals – Start acting for the 3-5 goals at the same time – You will reach one goal at least – Success will give you more energy –... [403 words] [Motivational]
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The Dictator Of Egypt
Wael El-Manzalawy

               The Tyrant of Egypt "very short article"

      We are ruled,in Egypt, by a tyrant called Mubarak. He has imprisoned thousands of his opponents and tortured them. He is planning to make his son the next president of Egypt by force and oppression. He was chosen as one of the worst twenty dictators in the world by a famous American magazine. The western politicians support him because they are afraid of the Islamic ruling of Egypt. I hate Mubarak,the tyrant, but I hate more the American, the British and the French politicians because they support him by giving him money and weapons. I think that the western politicians are responsible for our suffering from Mubarak the,dictator.

Comment: I wrote this article and sent it to many forums. Many replies were sent. I have chosen some replies. And I invite you to read them and rethink.

1- "Stupid people get stupid tyrants."

2- "I am woefully ignorant about contemporary Egypt. But certainly the west has traditionally supported some evil regimes, especially in the past to prevent the spread of Soviet influence. With the Cold War gone only to be conveniently replaced by the 'War on terror' it may suit western interests to have 'our man' in power in an important Islamic country, especially one that shares a long border with Israel.

Presumably Wael wants an Islamic Egypt. If the choice is between an undemocratic Egypt and an Islamic Fundamentalist one then if one's job is 'real politick' rather than moral indignation supporting Mubarak may be good a good idea, or at least the 'less bad' one. One notes that ridding Iraq of its evil dictator has done nothing good for ordinary Iraqis, although I have no idea whether Mubarak is in Saddam's class as a tyrant or not."

3- "Given the vast number of representative Islamic Democracies in the world, it would seem that the societies of the Muslim culture do not serve as a fertile ground for its underlying concepts.
You have my sympathy in having a rotter being imposed on you by those who do not understand. We did the same thing to Iran in the 50's and gave them 30 years of the Shah because we were afraid that the Islamists in Iran might become Communists (don't ask me how that would come about). I would ask you to not throw all Americans into the same pit of dislike over our country's mistakes. We seem doomed to repeat so many of them, usually because we don't look at them critically and say "What can we do better next time?" "

4- "Yup. The US has been propping up dictators and even overthrowing democracies, depending on the position each takes towards the US. And the US has been doing that for the past 50 years"

5- "You don't like the tyrant, overthrow him. France used to be ruled by kings; we got tired of them, but they were supported by neighbouring countries (who also had kings, they were all related). Did we go whine on the internet about the evil meddling foreigners? No, we got rid of the guy and kicked the foreigners when they tried to object."

6- "Well you could always start a rumour that he has weapons of mass destruction, particularly biological.

The Americans, the British, and a few others will invade, destroy your infrastructure, murder a few thousand innocent civilians and precipitate ongoing civil war.

Oh yeah, and take out Mubarak.

Be careful what you ask for."

7- "There is no question that Mubarak is indeed a tyrannt and a dictator but the forces of change must come from within. There have been many western supported dictators in the past and there will be many more in the future but their destruction is the responsibility of those oppressed. In time Mubarak or his son will be overthrown. The situation in Egypt today is not much different than Iran was in the 1970s, when the Shah got sick the puppet state of Iran fell and the Islamic government took over. Once Mubarak gets gravely ill or dies, the puppet state of Egypt will fall.

What will happen next, who knows? But rest assured the days of Mubarak are numbered as eventually all dictatorships enevidably fall. Just ask the Shah, Batista, Pinochet...etc..."



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© 2008 Wael El-Manzalawy
March 2008

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