AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (5) Disappears (Songs) - [190 words] Later That Night (Poetry) It's what happens later during the very long night. [337 words] Let Me Be What I Want (Songs) It's about me basically being obedient and listening to everyone else, and pleasing everyone else, and not being able to please myself cause I am too busy being what everyone else wants me to be. [262 words] That Very Long Night (Poetry) It's kind of creepy, sad kind of thing. [315 words] What Happened To Us? (Songs) Just a song about fading love. [219 words] [Romance]
Mommy Jae Rae
Dear Mom,
What’s up? I hope you are having a wonderful Mother’s Day. This past year with you has been a good one despite some of the rough times. However, the rough times, I realized is something I have caused by talking back, lying, or not telling you something. And me getting into trouble for it is just you disciplining me, getting me ready for the future. Cause I cannot do that in the future, or else I may get into even more trouble then being grounded or yelled at. There are many other things you have been doing to try to help me mature and grow up a bit for future references. I just want to say thank you.
This year, there have been many things you have done for me that I wasn’t thankful enough for. You buying me a costume for putting on the hits. You being there for putting on the hits. Being there at homecoming. Also believing in me during the spelling bee. Being there when I lost the spelling bee… There is so many other things but I want to say thank you for taking me, or being there.
During last summer I hurt my ankle as you remember. You cried cause you cared, and you prayed and had other people praying for me. Thank you. Also you took time out of your day many times to take me to the doctor, to take me to the orthopedist, and getting an MRI and everything. Also all the times I was sick you took care of me…Thank you.
I want to say I am sorry, for all the times, I have fought at school, and all the times I have fought at home. All the drama I have caused, all the times I have aggravated you or anyone else. Sorry for all the times I let you down, or disappointed you. Sorry for everything I have done to hurt you, stress you out, or make you cry. I am really sorry.
I just want you to know that I love you a lot! You are my best friend, and my mom. And no matter what I know you will always be there for me. I want you know that I am always there for you. And all the times I am mad at you I cannot stay mad at you, because even when I am being stubborn and won’t admit it, I need you. And I need to try to make the best of these coming years because in four years I will be off to college and out of the house on my own and I won’t be able to be here all the time to ask for help, or anything. I mean I will try to be here and call as much as I can. But the point is in four years, (may sound like long but will go by fast.) we won’t be able to hang out, and cry at movies, and complain about my sisters or whatever, or be retards in Wal*Mart and Town & Country.
But overall, I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you and love you, cause you’re the only mom I have ever had and will have. And if anything ever happened I don’t know what I would do. I mean I love dad but you and me are like peanut butter and jelly, we just go. But I love you and just want you to have a wonderful mother’s day.
Love you daughter,
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