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State Of The Subway Cars Report (R44s-R211s) by Winson Thai A really long report that I wrote in high school about all the sub... [3,859 words]
Sheepshead Bay Station by Winson Thai This is an essay I wrote in college about how the subway station I lived by, Sheepshead ... [712 words]
Africans, Westerners And Intelligence. by Colin Baker A reply to Dr. James D. Watson's recent assertion that Africans are of i... [7,297 words]
Connecting With A Train Engineer: My Personal Memories Of Amtrak's Coast Starlight by Shelley J Alongi Four trips on the Coast Star... [3,862 words]
Metrolink111: The Learning Trip by Shelley J Alongi It has been two months since the Metrolink 111 accident. I've learned lots and... [1,758 words]
Metrolink111: I'd Rather Have The Serving Dish by Shelley J Alongi Thoughts of losing Rob the Metrolink engineer in the Chatsworth ... [2,571 words]
Unrealistic Reality by Michelle Mercier - [319 words]
So Much Time by Michelle Mercier - [740 words]
Metrolink111: Brown Eyes, Technology And Railroad Tracks by Shelley J Alongi Another milestone in my journey through the metrolink ... [2,744 words]
Metrolink 111: Being Unforgettable by Shelley J Alongi Yet another trip to the Fullerton station provides more relief and allows me... [1,475 words]
Metrolink 111: What Does That Face Look Like by Shelley J Alongi Reflections on the portrayal of Robert M. Sanchez in the media, an... [1,425 words]
Metrolink 111: The Green Light Of Passion by Shelley J Alongi A trip to the fullerton train station to get a hair of the dog that b... [1,417 words]
Metrolink 111: The Freight Train From Nowhere by Shelley J Alongi My perspective on why I feel so keenly the loss of robert M. Sanc... [1,831 words]
Metrolink 111: Taking The Curve by Shelley J Alongi Another trip to the fullerton station and plans to commune with the Chatsworth ... [1,408 words]
Metrolink 111: So What Do I Know About Trains? by Shelley J Alongi Stories start in the strangest places. I never would have though... [977 words]
Metrolink 111: Looking Hell In The Eyes by Shelley J Alongi Another step on my journey through the Metrolink 111 Sept 12 crash; a s... [1,557 words]
Metrolink 111: It's All About Lunch by Shelley J Alongi Never turn down an invitation to lunch and always make good memories. Good ... [909 words]
Metrolink 111: Being With Trains by Shelley J Alongi A second trip to the Fullerton train station allows me to get started on an id... [3,040 words]
Kitty Kisses: The Feline Moving Day Blues by Shelley J Alongi Moving with two cats. [1,239 words]
The Unheard Of Name by Graham Reynolds Graham, it’s not a name you here everyday now is it? In fact I have only met one other pers... [235 words]
Memorial To A Train Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Personal reflection on the crash of Metrolink 111. [963 words]
Covert Now To Islam by Wael El-Manzalawy - [241 words]
Bernie Mac by Jeffrey Williams Jr A Loss? [627 words]
Simply The Best by James Donaldson Collins The story of the rise and fall of Bobby Fischer [2,259 words]
A Great Loneliness by James Donaldson Collins A plea for understanding of how the wolf fits into our world. [1,499 words]
Kitty Kisses: Affection With Stipulations by Shelley J Alongi Signing a contract with a cat can be a pleasant affair. [664 words]
The Tyrant Of Egypt by Wael El-Manzalawy - [108 words]
The Dictator Of Egypt by Wael El-Manzalawy - [705 words]
Music, Ignore Please by Mark E S Hanson Ignore [327 words]
Media Coursework
Media Coursework, Don't Bother by M Hanson A-- [649 words]
No Title Just Bs by Sheridan Pickett A line of BS that is sure to confuse. There is about 1000 pages of this random crap. Should I ... [1,204 words]
Interviews From Hell by Jeffrey Lee Williams Hunting for the perfect position can be Hell. Here is a small example. [1,450 words]
Alone With Others by Elena Kravtsova A story about one lady's life which makes others feel sorry... [603 words]
Unbridled Fury: The Subconscious by R Bennett Okerstrom Subconscious thought... [365 words]
Unbridled Fury: The Battle To Breathe by R Bennett Okerstrom Subconscious thought... [685 words]
What’S Wrong With Assimilation? by Richard Koss This essay was originally written in 2006 when the Senate was considering an Im... [453 words]
My Dad by T Demarest - [306 words]
Media by M Hanson Don't comment, I just need this [478 words]
Existence Manifesto by Brandon Gregory Ryner Coltress A philosophy paper that I wrote. Maybe it started out as a letter to a friend. Maybe it s... [1,354 words]
Drama, Ignore It by Hanson Ignore it [1,850 words]
Dedicated To The Best Teacher In My Life by Elena Kravtsova This is an ode to a university teacher who influenced the author's per... [326 words]
True Stories About True People Story 3--'the Power Of Love.Mother's.' by Elena Kravtsova We love our mothers and sometimes are shy... [702 words]
The Islamic Dream by Wael El-Manzalawy - [338 words]
Kitty Kisses: Cat Wisdom by Shelley J Alongi After three years of cohabitating with cats, what have I learned? Read this entertaini... [1,383 words]
An Itsy Bitsy Lesson by Dee Sleng The way it works. [464 words]
What Is Heaven? by Wanderer Bass - [211 words]
Transfusion by Julie Fonda How one woman regroups after a chaotic day. [730 words]
Rant - Stupid Kids by Wanderer Bass Here's a rant that we all share when we think about stupid highschool kids. [718 words]
Mommy by Jae Rae It's more of a letter than an essay. It's something I wrote to my mom on Mother's Day. [597 words]
If You Don't Like It... by Wanderer Bass To all the people who don't have a brain out there. [349 words]
On Turning Seventy by Liilia Morrison A woman ponders the march of time [717 words]
In Soviet... by Wanderer Bass Just a bunch of random "In Soviet..." tidbits I thought up. If any of these are offensive to you, ... [83 words]

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Media Coursework
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[3,091 words]
Writing Resource
Mark E S Hanson
Mark Hanson.
17 Years Old.
Writing lyrics for 3 years.
Over 500 songs lyrically written.
Musician, solo and band.
Two solo collections of writings.
Vocalist and bassist.
Enjoy my musings.
[May 2007]
A Life In The Day (Songs) Part of the 'AfterDark Café' series of writings by me. Full collection at http://drycellbodycrumbles.deviantart.com The story of two young lovers running away from leadership and convincing each other... [348 words] [Motivational]
Music, Ignore Please (Essays) Ignore [327 words] [Writing Resource]
Sky, Sea, Shade, Suspense (Songs) Inspired by this piece of art- http://angelreich.deviantart.com/art/Bloody-Tears-52986069 [287 words] [Nature]
Welcome To The Afterdark Café (Songs) An introduction to the 'AfterDark Café' series of writings. [90 words]
Your Blank Label (Songs) About the uprise in lust and the decline in human decency. You can have the worst personality but if you have a great body you'll be just fine. This song is anti-that. Inspired by a Young Enterprise c... [232 words] [Psychology]

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© 2008 Mark E S Hanson
April 2008

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