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[400 words] What Kind Of Person Are You? by Jordan Holetzky It's not really an essay I just don't know what to categorize this as.... [376 words] Through Thick And Thin-True Friends by Kaitlin Kingdon - [1,079 words] Symbolism Over Substance – The Liberal Manifesto by Richard Koss A non-fiction essay about liberal ideology and its influence o... [1,229 words] Skinny Girls, Fat Girls, And Girls That Are In Between by Jordan Holetzky I wrote this out of no offense to anyone! [374 words] Serene Sky by J D Existenialist writing, sound profound?? [169 words] Read This by Jordan Holetzky This really isn't an essay I didn't know what to categorize it as...sorry... [93 words] Poll by Jordan Holetzky Written when I was really bored...and once again I didn't know what to categorize it as...sorry... [54 words] Please Don't Do It by Jordan Holetzky My friend and I were talking and she was saying she was getting so stressed and depressed sh... 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[296 words] Islam Versus Atheism by Wael El-Manzalawy - [374 words] The God In Islam by Wael El-Manzalawy - [337 words] Pet Peeve by Mike Rox This essay is on how annoying it is when people sing along to music. [674 words] Thoughts On The Death Of Peter Jennings: Dividing The Sky by Shelley J Alongi An essay on why I feel Peter Jenning's death so keenl... [1,203 words] Islam Helps You Homechick by Saurabh Gupta An article. [823 words] Free Jazz: The Jazz Revolution Of The '60s by Robert Levin "Man, In another ten years we won't even need traffic lights we're g... [2,615 words] Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 [6 ] 7 8 9 10 11
Islam Helps You
- [241 words]
Wael El-Manzalawy
Wael El-Manzalawy is an Egyptian writer who writes in English. He has published 15 e books. He is a human development trainer. [May 2021]
A Cam Model (Short Stories) - [332 words] A Western Gay (Short Stories) - [153 words] A Western Lesbian (Short Stories) - [167 words] America, Russia And China's Political Game (Essays) - [249 words] Answering Atheism 2 (Essays) - [119 words] Answering Atheism I (Essays) - [196 words] Covert Now To Islam (Essays) - [241 words] [Spiritual] Don't Underestimate Anyone (Essays) - [120 words] Humanity Needs Islam (Essays) The human nature means the soul and the body. There can never be a balance and harmony between the soul and the body without Islam. [236 words] Islam (Essays) - [483 words] Islam And Internal Peace (Essays) We are living in an age of conflicts and tensions. Islam is the cure of all these problems. [192 words] Islam Versus Atheism (Essays) - [374 words] Letters About Islam I (Essays) - [170 words] Letters To Molly Norris (Essays) - [152 words] Muslim In The Western World (Essays) - [309 words] Muslim Versus Atheist (Essays) - [217 words] Questions And Answers About Islam (Essays) - [192 words] Sex In Islam (Essays) - [244 words] The Armed Islamic Groups (Essays) How did the activities of the armed Islamic groups develop? We are sometimes involved in the current situation and the bloody scene without trying to analyze the facts. So, we can see the top of the i... [412 words] The Birds (Short Stories) A short story about the dream of freedom. [240 words] The Christ In The Holy Quran (Essays) - [1,584 words] The Dictator Of Egypt (Essays) - [705 words] The Falseness Of The Evolution Theory (Essays) - [332 words] The Future Of Islam In Russia (Essays) - [263 words] The German People Is A Genius Not A Superior One (Essays) - [179 words] The God In Islam (Essays) - [337 words] The Islamic Civilization And The Western Civilization (Essays) - [472 words] The Islamic Dream (Essays) - [338 words] The Islamic Egypt (Novels) The Islamic politicians won the elections throughout Egypt. But they were a new and different generation of the Islamic politicians. Many previous Islamic politicians won their popularity through clas... [1,793 words] The New Assassins (Chapter 1) (Novels) Egypt was ruled by the High Assassins’ Council which consisted of the Prime Assassin, the Army Assassin, the Security Assassin, the Political Assassin, the Foreign Affairs Assassin, the Education Assa... [617 words] The Paradise (Essays) - [183 words] [Spiritual] The Tyrant Of Egypt (Essays) - [108 words] The World After Coronavirus (Essays) - [510 words] Wael's Strategy For Success (Essays) Wael’s Strategy For Success: Decide What you want – Choose 3-5 related goals – Start acting for the 3-5 goals at the same time – You will reach one goal at least – Success will give you more energy –... [403 words] [Motivational] Was The Prophet Muhammad The Prophet Of Jihad? (Essays) - [108 words] We Aren't Saints (Essays) - [189 words] Will Eu Remain Spectators In Arms Race (Essays) - [355 words]
Islam Helps You Wael El-Manzalawy
I discussed many persons who were against religion of any kind. I used to ask them three questions. I used ,as well, to invite them to think deeply and clearly before answering my questions. These questions are:
1-Do think that there is a Creator who has created this universe?
2-Should we worship the Creator of the universe or not?
3-Have you made a comparison between Islam and other doctrines?
As regards the first question, I do not know the reason that makes some people deny the presence of the God. The universe, the sky, the stars, the sea, the air are clear evidences that there is a Creator who has created this universe. The greatness of the universe is a clear evidence that a Great God has created it.
The answer of the first question leads us to the necessity of religion. How can you live in this universe without worshipping the Creator of the universe?
Islam is the true religion. Islam helps you to live in tranquility. Islam achieves the harmony and balance between the soul and the body. Islam leads you to the Heaven in the dayafter. But a lot of non-muslims have got their information about Islam from the writings of anti-Islamic writers. I invite them to read about Islam from the Islamic point of view. I invite them to make a comparison between Islam and other doctrines and I am sure that they will discover the greatness of Islam.
"I like your story on Islam" -- Mariah, CA, US.
"yeah nice....welll yaar there is a proverb that you cant know the depth of the sea standing on the need to go inside...i further add one cannot know the depth of sea until he dives in to find out....only by swiming on the surface wont benefit us...we need to hold our breaths and dive in to find the real pearls of Islam deep inside but clear enough for those who "think".... " -- Yasir, Lahore, Pakistan, Pakistan.
"You are serving Islam by your writings! Keep doing this and also read and consult the relavant material for hvnin more solid arguments." -- Farooq Ahmed, Karachi, Pakistan.
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© 2005 Wael El-Manzalawy
July 2005