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You Don't Know What You're Doing (Or Why You're Still Fat) by Robert Levin People with perpetual obesity issues are playing a g... [804 words]
Visual Mind by Wanderer Bass This is what I see and think during times of when I'm in a "feral" mode. [663 words]
The Surge by Dylan Barbour About the surge [448 words]
Talking In Circles by Jordan Holetzky Its not really an essay don't know what to put it as.... doesn't make sense just suppose to ... [86 words]
Nothing Can Get Worse by Jordan Holetzky Beleive [179 words]
God, Man, Consciousness, Magic, Science And Alien Inteligence by Michael Potter An essay on the history of the universe and the o... [9,701 words]
Especially For You, Beautiful One by Hannibal Kildare Expressing my true emotions for someone really unique and special. [140 words]
Basics Of A Personality Disorder by Robert A Ferguson A relatively short essay summarizing the causes, affects, and treatment of Mul... [1,554 words]
Balanced by Sasu - [65 words]
Waiting For Sunshine.... by Anslem B Gentle The Power of a Woman's Smile [1,013 words]
Two Way Street by Flying Solo-Now I've written this small piece just because I am bored right now. [80 words]
Questions And Answers About Islam by Wael El-Manzalawy - [192 words]
Paranormal Sighting 1 More Lights. by Wanderer Bass The follow up of what I saw. Note: The first paranormal sighting one was sup... [372 words]
Paranormal Sighting 1 Lights And Eyes by Bass The beginning of a series of paranormal sightings I have seen and sometim... [340 words]
Old Phil Propagated A Good Old Hoax by James Snyder It began as all things begin n a long period of boredom with nothing exciti... [882 words]
Islam by Wael El-Manzalawy - [483 words]
Harrassment by Wanderer Bass This has been going on ever since my school started to learn about The Holocaust. [857 words]
A Love Letter: To Whom It May Concern by Ghost Writer Just speaking what's in my mind. [400 words]
What Kind Of Person Are You? by Jordan Holetzky It's not really an essay I just don't know what to categorize this as.... [376 words]
Through Thick And Thin-True Friends by Kaitlin Kingdon - [1,079 words]
Symbolism Over Substance – The Liberal Manifesto by Richard Koss A non-fiction essay about liberal ideology and its influence o... [1,229 words]
Skinny Girls, Fat Girls, And Girls That Are In Between by Jordan Holetzky I wrote this out of boredom...so no offense to anyone! [374 words]
Serene Sky by J D Existenialist writing, sound profound?? [169 words]
Read This by Jordan Holetzky This really isn't an essay I didn't know what to categorize it as...sorry... [93 words]
Poll by Jordan Holetzky Written when I was really bored...and once again I didn't know what to categorize it as...sorry... [54 words]
Please Don't Do It by Jordan Holetzky My friend and I were talking and she was saying she was getting so stressed and depressed sh... [349 words]
Can You Picture by Jordan Holetzky A little thing I wrote to make people think. [320 words]
What I Am Thankful For by Jordan Holetzky All the things that I am thankful for in my life... [108 words]
Under The Sun by Randall Barfield What happens in real life is that we humans are vicious one to the other... [839 words]
To My Mom by Jordan Holetzky Something I wrote to my mom about how much she means to me... [284 words]
The No-No's And Yes-Yes's. by Wanderer Bass Do not EVER joke around about The Holocaust. [245 words]
Importance Of The First Amendment by Jordan Holetzky It tells what rights the First Amendments protects...I mean everyone should k... [327 words]
Don't Be Obsessive by Wanderer Bass People during school who act like they are a "gangsta." [456 words]
Policing-Immigration Lines by Randall Barfield This is a bit about patriotism but not fanaticism. [1,193 words]
What Is Smart by Stormy The Writer Smart Essay. [421 words]
The Differences Of Love by Jordan Holetzky A little thing between our love and God's love. [550 words]
The Christ In The Holy Quran by Wael El-Manzalawy - [1,584 words]
Pick Up Lines by Jordan Holetzky Oh, this is just kinda a guy bashing thing... [524 words]
Do The Deed, Legalize Weed by Dylan Barbour - [656 words]
911 And Iraq by O'donnell - [243 words]
When I Was Just A Little Boy. by Sean P Jessop - [393 words]
Vote by H J I think we could make goverment work bettter for everyone. [425 words]
A Kind Of Dissertation - A Pessimistic (Perhaps Realistic) View On Aliens From Another Planet by Wallace Doig The author sets f... [542 words]
Hiking To Higher Heights by Chris K Sexton A cause and effect essay about learning to truly read with quality and comprehension. [660 words]
Getting A Leg Up On Evolution by Jeffrey Hansson The theory of evolution continues to be a controversial subject. Yet, to those wi... [1,965 words]
When I Tried To Run Away From My Fears... by Innovant Deis Can't I ever run away from this world and my fears? [698 words]
The Dog And The Mynah by Innovant Deis The famed story of a dog and a mynah... a story of trickery and tit for tat. [494 words]
Streetlight by Michael Schmitt - [293 words]
Malice In “I Wonder Who I Am” Land by James Snyder For many years I maintained confidence in my personal identity. I knew exact... [885 words]
Living Your Life To The Fullest by Taylor R Ware This essay proves my love for dance. [317 words]
Imagination And Children by Lawson - [600 words]
Dead-To-The-World Man Walking by James Snyder One morning this week, I woke up with a black eye. How I got it still baffles me.... [891 words]
A Silent Night — Not At My House by James Snyder People say, as they get older their hearing is not what it used to be. I have ... [895 words]
A Page From Betty Crocker’S Cookbook by James Snyder Recently, while sitting in my chair drinking the last of my breakfast coff... [860 words]
Essay On Rats by Johanna Johannamcd Essay On Rats Written by Johanna & Philip McDaniel Being great pets, rats were introduced t... [1,026 words]
The Culture Of Fear: Fear Based On Fallacies by Tina Jafarkhani Sociology research paper based on "The Culture of Fear," written b... [321 words]
Socialism – The Cornerstone Of America by Louise Friedman “In the struggle for socialism, what should be done to attain and sustai... [1,098 words]
I Stare Out Of The Window by Vera Marbrylouch A look at life while wondering what happened. [345 words]
Baby Talk by Glendora Rider Commentary on today's vocabulary usage. An essay by a humorist. [296 words]
Islam Versus Atheism by Wael El-Manzalawy - [374 words]
The God In Islam by Wael El-Manzalawy - [337 words]
Pet Peeve by Mike Rox This essay is on how annoying it is when people sing along to music. [674 words]
Thoughts On The Death Of Peter Jennings: Dividing The Sky by Shelley J Alongi An essay on why I feel Peter Jenning's death so keenl... [1,203 words]
Islam Helps You by Wael El-Manzalawy - [241 words]
Homechick by Saurabh Gupta An article. [823 words]
Free Jazz: The Jazz Revolution Of The '60s

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Free Jazz: The Jazz Revolution Of The '60s
"Man, In another ten years we won't even need traffic lights we're gonna be so spiritually tuned to one another."
[2,615 words]
Robert Levin
[March 2019]
3 Poems (Poetry) - [129 words] [Humor]
A Passel Of Plumeria (Short Stories) Can an act of violence be a gift? [5,935 words]
Arena (Short Stories) A man finds a way out of his midlife crisis. [1,495 words] [Action]
Donald Trump And The Fear Of Death (Essays) Propelled by a pronounced extinction anxiety, white America’s dread has led directly to a heightening of racism, and with it, the presidency of Donald Trump [581 words] [Psychology]
Everything's All Right In The Middle East (Essays) A mutual solution to the problem of being mortal. [686 words] [Psychology]
No Stars For The Eclipse (Essays) I thought more interesting work was being done at the Electric Circus back in the '60s. [529 words] [Comedy]
On Mental Health (Short Stories) If I ever see a shrink again it'll have to be under a court order. [2,573 words] [Drama]
On Turning Sixty (Essays) The rewards of turning sixty [544 words] [Humor]
Peggie (Short Stories) My chance to cross gross obesity from the list of body types I hadn't yet scored. [1,519 words] [Comedy]
Proving God By Consensus (Essays) My Problem with the Religious Right [977 words] [Psychology]
Recycle This (Essays) "I don't even sort and rinse the stuff I keep?" [885 words] [Humor]
Schindler's List: A Fecal Matter (Essays) - [1,047 words] [Psychology]
Stupidity: Its Uses & Abuses (Essays) Stupidity is rivaled in its genius only be schizophrenia. [1,337 words] [Humor]
The Killer (Short Stories) This story contains a graphic depiction of a deed that some readers may find upsetting or alarming. The story is an attempt to explain the motivation of the mass murderer and what the meaning of “suic... [3,058 words] [Literary Fiction]
The Monstrous Season (Short Stories) When you call your Dog Debbie you're asking fror trouble. [8,188 words] [Literary Fiction]
When Pacino's Hot, I'm Hot (Short Stories) A comedy about a pathetic loser with a talent for looking famous. [5,929 words] [Humor]
Why Peace Will Forever Elude Us (Essays) Although the guises may differ, people who study history are no less doomed to repeat it than those who don’t. [769 words] [Psychology]
You Don't Know What You're Doing (Or Why You're Still Fat) (Essays) People with perpetual obesity issues are playing a game with themselves. [804 words] [Psychology]

"it is for school " -- Megan, Corinth, MS .


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© 2005 Robert Levin
June 2005

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