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What Makes You Angry?
- [197 words]
Saranekha Saravanan
- [October 2018]
A Lovely Adventure (Essays) - [1,159 words] Aelin (Short Stories) - [633 words] An Unforgetfull Event. (Short Stories) - [357 words] Are Video Games Good? (Essays) - [194 words] Awkward Situation (Short Stories) - [134 words] Christmas Adventure (Short Stories) - [1,658 words] Dear Diary: April Fools (Novels) - [1,518 words] Do You Like The Way You Look? (Essays) - [302 words] Fashion Is Good Or Bad? (Essays) - [321 words] Fun! Fun! (Short Stories) - [1,312 words] How Do You And Your Friends Communicate? (Essays) - [422 words] How To Stop Bullying? (Essays) - [204 words] I Am Special Because...... (Essays) - [1,478 words] Internet Friends (Non-Fiction) - [728 words] Is It Good To Forgive Someone? (Essays) - [194 words] Is Prom A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing? (Essays) - [218 words] Jupiter (Essays) - [1,512 words] Life Is Relly Hard (Novels) - [1,504 words] My Night (Essays) - [708 words] My Wished Power (Novels) - [708 words] One Day, My Brother And I (Novels) - [1,504 words] Pros And Cons Of Mobile Phones (Essays) - [218 words] Should Teachers Be Graded By Students? (Essays) - [179 words] Should You Punish Students For Bad Grades? (Essays) - [213 words] The Bungalow Death (Short Stories) - [1,501 words] The Creaky Man (Short Stories) - [635 words] The Horror Night (Short Stories) It is sleeping facts and my horror night dream [502 words] The Lst Ghost Stall (Short Stories) - [348 words] The Mysterious Night (Short Stories) - [956 words] [Mystery] The Myterious Ledear (Short Stories) - [738 words] The Mytirious Old Lady (Short Stories) - [558 words] The Neighbourhood Strange Boy (Novels) - [928 words] The Outstanding Day (Essays) - [839 words] The Possessed Book (Short Stories) - [1,261 words] The Presentation Of Sciene (Essays) - [364 words] The Professor (Short Stories) - [900 words] Too Much Money Is A Bad Thing (Essays) - [256 words] What Makes A Good Leader? (Essays) - [207 words]
What Makes You Angry? Saranekha Saravanan
Anger. A feeling inside that not everyone can control. Have you ever had the sense of rage that you cannot express? Same with me.
I get turned off when people tear books. It makes me mad. Books give us knowledge and golden information. Storybooks like The School for Good and Evil series or the Throne of Glass series are imaginative books that help me escape my reality and live a fairytale.
I also get ticked off when people disturb me when I am reading. This statement also applies when I am writing a story or a fictional essay. The interruption is like feeling is like you are interrupting a live fantasy that deserves an ending. Every story needs a conclusion of whether the story is good or bad.
Lastly, the one that ticks me off the most is bullying. It is okay to tease your best friend, but it is not right to make harsh comments about them and hurt their feelings. Don't get me started on physical bullying.
In conclusion, everyone has at least three things that make them mad or frustrated. In the end, we must learn to embrace it and control it.
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© 2020 Saranekha Saravanan
July 2020