You might come to this title expecting a deep, philosophical, or thought-provoking story; instead, you get this! It is an explanation of my rather unique writing style, by Crazy Clown. [447 words]
Proud founder and president of Crazy Clown Productions (c) [October 2000]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (10) Dragonball Z - Akira Toryama's Drug Trip? (Essays) An essay worthy of the label of Crazy Clown, about the sheer ludicrousnessness of Dragonball Z. [989 words] [Humor] The Demented Monologue Of A Downright Imbecile (Essays) Another display of foolishness and inanity, from the one who can do them best, Crazy Clown. Requires an altered state of mind to fully enjoy. [1,246 words] [Humor] The Insane Ramblings Of A Complete Idiot (Short Stories) An essay on the insane ramblings of a complete idiot. Written by a complete idiot. Requires an altered state of mind to properly enjoy. [1,090 words] [Humor] The Muse Keeps On (Short Stories) A tale of the joys and sufferings of the muse... [1,006 words] [Writing Resource] The Test (Short Stories) My first publishing-worthy (at least I hope) short story, on the topic of what religion is, was, and what may become... [1,118 words] [Spiritual] The Unfortunate Homophobe (Essays) An interspective on a homophobe who wishes he wasn't, and some ideas and opinions on homosexuality. [1,131 words] [Gay & Lesbian] The Vaporeal Defecation Of A Mental Diarrheatic (Essays) I just had so much fun writing the other two displays of inanity that I just had to write a third. Depending on how much you like my works, this could be either wonderful or horrifying, your choice. -... [951 words] [Humor] Vanquished (Short Stories) Death, Revenge, Death. Misery has gone full circle. [894 words] [Action] Well, Shit (Essays) A rather... interesting essay on the worlds worst waste. Requires a unique state of mind to enjoy properly. [1,020 words] [Humor] Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! (Short Stories) When did being almost right, but still showing inderstanding of the question, be considered completely wrong? Wouldn't it be better to be smart then to simply be able to memorize? [566 words] [Mind]
Some Explanation Is In Order Crazy Clown
If you have read any of my works, written by Crazy Clown, you may have noticed that the rather unique style of writing is slightly, shall I put it delicately, fucked up. I tried, I honestly tried, to write more normal works of literature, but my mind is not made for such things. Nothing I think of and that sounds great in my mind ever turns out quite how I want it to be on paper. My short stories were never cool, or thought-provoking, or funny, with one exception, and my longer stories, the ones I have actually finished, of course, are worth less then the paper this would be typed on if it is actually on paper, and not online- either way, it is not too good. You know how they said that 20 monkeys with
20 typewriters could write, with enough time, the complete works of Shakespeare? Well, one monkey with one pencil and paper in one hour could write a better novel story than I could write a short story.
Plus, I don't usually think out stories entirely before writing. I usually come up with a great premise, start writing, discard it, and make new plots as I write. As you may have already guessed, this didn't really work out all that well. I kept making works that were obviously either the works of a child or a complete idiot, take your pick. Either works well for me. Anyway, I decided, at 10:00 PM, the time when most of my inspirations strike, to write an essay of something that had been stuck in my mind ever since a person asked me what the greatest waste of time ever was, and that I kept thinking about and thinking about obsessively, as only I could. Finally, at 12:57 AM, I collapsed into my bed, asleep before I hit the pillow, and that was it for my writing career for the day.
I had written something that you have to be in a unique state of mind to enjoy; more to the point, psychotic. Hey, in the wee hours of the morning, anything sounds good. I'll let you be the judge on that one.
Anyway, the next day I get another, let us say, "unique" idea. And so I wrote another essay. And so it is, and so it will be for a long time, I hope. I also hope that my style changes a little, prefer more understandable and enjoyable. But hey, its only a hobby, right? No harm done, except that my sleeping patterns are to be shared only by the Insomniacs Association of America.
Your humble servant that shall one day overthrow you,
Crazy Clown
"Hahahaha!" -- Wolfa.
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