AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (3) A Day Without School (Short Stories) A short story. [868 words] A Prayer For Peace (Poetry) A poem about the truth about what's happening in Colombia. [99 words] December 31 (Short Stories) - [1,140 words]
Life Carolina Arango
Life, life is sometimes hard. There are moments in which you prefer not to be alive.Sometimes life can be unfair, and there are times when you want everything to bedifferent.
The moment that I fear the most is when I am doing badly at school, and grades cometo my house. In that instant I whish that things were different. Life is unfair when there arepeople that don’t have to study at all for the test, and they do a great job, while Ihave to study a lot to get a good grade. There are moments when you think the teacher is being unfair with you, for example, when everybody is talking and the only one who gets punished you. There are also moments when you prefer being in a different place. Or moments when you want to be someone else. You would like to be a person that is doing very good at school or good at a certain sport or place. Or those people who do not practice at a sport and are very good at it. In these times you might call life unfair. What I think that is very unfair is for people to be born in a rich family or in a poor family. I think I am a very lucky person for being born in a family that has everything. Then I think of how poor people might think, they may say that their life is unfair since they were born in a family which is passing through a lot of economical problems. For example when you are in a boring class at seven in the morning. In those moments I prefer to fall asleep so I don’t hear the teacher talk.
Life is like that, and these thoughts should never come to my mind again. Instead of wanting to be someone else, why cant I become the person I want to be like or just get used to live how I am and enjoy it. What I need to do is work for the things that I want and be persistent, and maybe make others want to be me. If I work hard I am sure I will succeed. I have to be more responsible, because if I don’t do my work I am not going to get anywhere, and the work that I do if loose it, it wont do any good.This has been happening to me, and the teachers put me a bad grade and so on. Sometimes I say that teachers don’t like me, or that this is unfair, but it really isn’t, it is my fault.
There are some moments when I believe life can get to be unfair. If for example a lightning hit you, it is very unfair or very unlucky. Because there are very little chances of a lightning hitting you. When people die a lot of people say that God or life is unfair, really they are wrong. Death is supposed to happen, it is the last stage for every living thing so there are moments when this stage comes. Although it is a very sad moment you have to overcome it. In this moments a lot of people have lost their faith in God. They asked him not to take their loved person and later he dies, and they get mad a God.
Faith is something you should never loose. You have to understand that these things
have to happen and you have to learn to overcome it. In other cases you need to
understand life and always think positively and good things may happen
"I like the way that you were actually brave enough to express your thoughts on "life". What is life?" -- Happy2000.
"There are a lot of aspects in this essay that I could have related to many years ago...however, now that I am grown up, I still find myself identifying with the main idea, but applying it to experiences that I encounter at my present age. I thought your word choice was somewhat choppy, but understandable at the same time. It was a good essay to get me thinking about my life and put certain things into perspective." -- katie.
"I think that the essay had a lot of good points about life being both fair and unfair." -- Suzy Rucks, Bloomington, Illinois, USA.
"two lines" -- Amy.
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