This is an essay about intolerance, prejudice, and other mad things which should not exist in society but imevitably do. This is because of human nature. While I am a fiction writer usually, this essay was one I wrote for a college assignment. Please don't hold that against me....and by the way, anything I write in here is NOT designed to offend, but rather to express a deeply felt hatred of prejudice in all its forms. [1,525 words]
To describe oneself can be the hardest operation in writing. To depict one's thoughts, feelings, rationales through writing is often done; but to express one's inner being, to profile oneself, is far more complex a procedure. Very often, such information is most accurate and profound when gleaned from the author's writings. If you wish to analyse me, my friends, you are most welcome. [February 2000]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (4) On Art (I) - The True Vs. The Artificial Artist (Essays) This is the first of a collection in the making on my views about art. Although this is the first, introductory essay, it was actually written second (shrug!). Hopefully a third, art Vs. Science, sh... [1,373 words] On Art (II) - The Response Of The True And Artificial Artists To Inspiration (Essays) The second of my essays on art. Hopefully On Art (III) - Art Vs. Science will be up soon. [1,058 words] Pride (Essays) This is the first of what is intended to be a collection of essays revolving around the Seven Deadly Sins. It is not however a religious consideration of each of these, merely a general exploration o... [1,469 words] The Unbinding Of Loki (Short Stories) This is a story based loosely upon Norse mythology, in which I have a deep interest. It revolves around a sort of imagined "sequel" to the story of the binding of Loki, the mischievous half-brother o... [1,258 words]
"The term "melting pot" implies assimilation,where we speak a common language and a common culture prevails. Not likely to happen in this world. As for most of your words, a lot of the same old rehash which dwells on the obvious. There will always be a spirit of ethnocentrism within a race, nationality or culture. This is natural pride, inherent in all of us. Such pride or attitude often results in a superior feeling or the dislike or intolerance for another individual or race or nationality, which is so often, mistakenly described as the result of ignorance or bad parental influence. It is simply just our nature. Hypocrites who write about bigots, racists and homophobes, consider them ignorant,intolerant, mean spirited, unworthy to occupy the same room as those who decry such behavior and attitudes. These hypocrites are worse in my opinion, because they who preach tolerance, refuse to tolerate the intolerant." -- Richard, Oh.
"Fair enough. This was just a school essay, I'm not claiming to have all the answers. My teacher liked it anyway. Whether you call it 'ethnocentricism' or 'national pride' it amounts to the same thing, and personally, I'd rather be without it. Haven't you ever heard of the argument that nationalism leads to imperalism which leads to war? But then I expect you'd advocate that, too. " -- Author.
"Erik, you are the poster boy for the young brainwashed students influenced by left wing, pot smoking, ideologues who have infested the faculties of our once great colleges and universities. "Have you ever heard the argument that...." What a lame defense of whatever point your trying to make. I've heard a hell of a lot more than you have and they're all re-hashed bullshit from the likes of Marx, Nitsche, and a host of others. Why don't you read something from the other side of the aisle or are you afraid that would confuse you and challenge you pre-conceived notion about words like imperialism and the nature of wars. You read and listen to only what you know will confirm you notions about such things. Take a look at the "Red Symphony" (availble on the internet), a lengthy documentary released in the 1960's about the interrogation of an elite, powerful communist architect in 1938. Stalin wanted an excuse to execute him and he was questioned for 48 consecutive hours by a Doctor named Rakovsky. The man told of the three main obstacles to the success of world domination by communism. They are: capitalism, Christianity, and nationalism. In order for communism to succed, all three of these obstacles must be eliminated. Take a close look at this country and you will see that the media, academia, and the current administration are united in their goal to remove these aforementioned obstacles from our society to pave the way for communism. This is not conspiracy theory hogwash, it is reality and relies on the gullibility of those who welcome "change" and the cultural decline of the family and morality in general. " -- Richard.
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