Breathing fresh air into your lungs, looking up at the clear blue sky, it’s all different if you can’t do it and be free. Being able to do whatever you want whenever you want to do it is one of the largest gifts life has to offer. One day you may have it, and maybe not. That is why you have to treasure every moment of every day. Sometimes you only realize this when reality hits you.
What if, one normal day, it is taken away? How do you feel? Of course it is all very hard to think about. As they say: “You never really know what you have until you loose it.” This thought has been haunting people and history for a long time. It happened with slaves, and with Indians. Slaves, treated like animals; scum, like the worst of this earth. The Indians were exploited beyond belief and wrongfully used. All that happened and went on for a long time until someone brave enough stood up and said no more. Besides this horrible attitude towards them, their lands, customs, and most important their self worth and dignity were being taken away. Now it is happening to Colombians everywhere. Those privileges everyone is born with, are taken away because one person decided it to be that way. Colombians today are suffering as well, being obliged to walk hundreds of kilometers, with poor food, poor hygiene, and worst of all, being held against their will.
Figures like Martin Luther King, and South Americas liberator Simón Bolívar. Thanks to them, society is different, better, fair, but most important, humane. Those “differences” such as racial and economical came to an end when everyone saw the world the same way. Whether it was free or equal, everyone was in everyone else’s shoes. They saw the world the way other people had seen it, and reacted to it by thinking if that was the best way to go or not. They realized God made everyone equal and no one is better than anyone else, making everyone have the same rights and possibilities.
Inspite of their influence today, freedom is still being taken away from people. We are already in the 21st century and basic rights everyone should have are being violated. Even children are being involved in all of this. Many countries may be living through a crisis, but Colombia is falling into a bottomless pit, where not even children rights to be free are respected.
How responsible can you be when you are just beginning to live your life? You are learning, and have a long journey ahead. Most children have no faults in that entire happening. Is children society’s problem or are adults? In time of war who fights? Adults do. Many actions adults do children assume consequences for. When corrupt politicians take action they interfere with the children’s future. When adults terrorize villages are affected probably more than adults.
You have to be careful about every wrong move, every wrong decision you can make. Like going to church, picking your kids up from school, not being aware of situations and being careless, doing something too late. It all affects you in the future on way or another. The situation is very delicate security wise and every time you walk out of your house you are not sure if you are coming back. Like before, here in Colombia who will be that Martin Luther King standing up for the innocent victims? When will that figure come and rescue the people in need of aid? Some might say a military general or even a dictator would be the ideal leader for this country. Inspite of all of president Pastrana´s efforts people just don’t think that he is doing a good job. People need a leader in which they believe in, trust, care for, not one they disrespect, and don’t like. Probably, right now a military general might be a good choice, but I think Pastrana will lead us towards a better future.
Every time you look at the stars at night, read a book, or go to the movies think how lucky you are for being able to do so freely. Remember those who lost it, and desperately need it back. Learn to be grateful for everything in life. Even the most insignificant detail in your every day life. I know I have, with events shocking my entire world these days. Everyone is part of the problem therefore everyone should be part of the solution. Whether it’s praying, or being patient with people, even being positive everyone can do something. One day I might be here writing this for the entire world to read, and I might not…
"Your paper has a good core but you need to focus on what your main points are and stick to them. Your paper tends to drift and becomes confusing, try to pick two or three main points and stick to them. You might also try to reorganize your toughts so that they flow more smoothly." -- Ryan, Normal, Illinois, United States of America.
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