DESCRIPTION Dragons - The belief in dreams and inspiration must be encouraged in everyone. [445 words] The Tooth Fairy - Inspiring the young to believe in myth and magic. [231 words]
Interested in human interactions and the damage/euphoria they can create. Love is one of the strongest of emotions and can raise or lower your creative abilities. [October 1999]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (1) Vituperative (Poetry) A poem of love which has been spurned and trust withdrawn. [88 words]
Dragons, A Collection Gary Bolstridge
both in the sky and when they walked the earth. They
lived in stones, existed in artworks and slept in caves
to avoid detection. When they leave the artwork, the paper
or canvas disintegrates, freeing them from their slumber.
Now, many of the dragons were slain in the past. The slayers
deeds were well celebrated. Rationalists helping to rid the
world of magic and myth. But fortuneately, some of the dragons
survived. They have learned to make detection difficult - but
not impossible. They have adopted furtive guises for this
purpose. Dragons are not sneaky - they always tell the truth
when confronted - they are just cautious. No sense inviting
danger. For if they are detected, it hampers the business
they are conducting. The observers mind becomes fixed on the
reality of the moment and is not receptive to suggestion.
I personally saw one flying over my head the other day. It was
a clear day with many clouds in the sky. A transition from
summer to autumn, cool, but still dominated by warm winds. As
soon as the dragon realized he was about to be observed
(they are VERY sensitive, you know), he immediately began to
transform into a cloud. They change like chameleons, blending
in with their surroundings.
Because I was looking in the right spot at the right time,
he stopped his transformation mid-process and retained most
of his dragon form. Only having enough time to blur his
general outline. It was not enough to prevent my seeing him,
or at least for me to see enough of him to realize he was
actually there. I briefly turned my eyes away from the spot
in the sky where he was to look at the road (as I was driving
my car). This gave him enough time to complete his transformation.
He was now cloaked as one of those clouds which have no
discernable shape. Sort of like jazz filling the sky. You
know there is a melody somewhere but it has been disassembled
and scattered with additional notes, making the actual structure
difficult to recognize.
Evidence of dragons' existence is still to be found today,
though it is getting more difficult to find and it's just as
well that I am speaking of it now. Our thoughts help to keep
them alive. Have you ever felt a warm or hot wind blow across
your face, not knowing where the breeze originates? It is the
dragon's breath blowing imagination and dreams into your soul.
This is the proof of a dragon's existance. But dreams and
imagination are getting more difficult to find today - proof
of the dragon's disappearance. The more we talk of them and live
out theirinspiration of dreams and imagination, the longer they
will remain with us.
The Tooth Fairy
Bridgette, my granddaughter, had been
losing her baby
teeth. One night she put one under her pillow, expecting
the Tooth Fairy to bring her money. She woke-up the next
morning, didn't find her money nor her tooth. Later,
while looking through her mothers dresser drawers (hey,
what are you doing in there, anyway?), she found a
plastic bag containing all of the baby teeth she had
previously left for the Tooth Fairy.
"I don't believe in the Tooth Fairy anymore, Goompy.
Mom takes my teeth and sometimes leaves money,
pretending she's the Tooth Fairy."
"That's not true, Bridgie" I told her. "The Tooth Fairy
leaves the Fairy Stone, which I keep in my house, and
flies over to your house. She takes your tooth and gives
it to your Mom, because the Fairy is small and can't fly
back to my house carrying such a heavy tooth."
But Bridgie, being a very smart girl, asked "How can she
fly and carry the money she leaves under my pillow?"
"She doesn't" I explained. "She carries her Fairy Dust
and turns it into the money she leaves under your pillow.
She then flies back to my house to return to the
Fairy Stone".
"Oh, now I believe in the Tooth Fairy again, Goompy."
Whenever Bridgie comes to my house, she wants to hold the
Fairy Stone. She has come to see the magic in the stone.
"I really liked these two articles. They were both humorous and in a lot of ways they explain things that would be nice to bo true." -- Tom Engbrecht.
"I only read the story about the dragons because I am not interested with the tooth fairy. I thought it was a good story of how we have lost our imagination in todays society. We believe in nothing anymore unless science can prove it. " -- Dave Hansen, normal, IL, USA.
"These are two stories that were fun to read. They let you know just because you can't see something it doesn't mean its not there. " -- Martin Acevedo, Normal, IL, USA.
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