Man Of Sin by Vincent Michael A little girl sees the monster that had always lived with her. [1,075 words] Star-Gazing One Evening by Michael Vincent WONDERFUL! [1,204 words] The Finale: Battles Of Legends: Part 3 by Xie It has come. The storm. The storm is coming. Each tribe must unite or di... [672 words] The Finale: Battle Of Legends: Part 2 by Xie It has come. The storm. The storm is coming. Each tribe must unite or die... [549 words] Open Your Eyes (Warrior Cats) by Xie What if Jayfeather wasn't blind? What if he had a greater destiny than the prophe... [2,085 words] Æåíèõ Èç Àíãëèè by Kovarela Томила Îòïðàâëÿÿñü â êîìàíäèðîâêó, ÿ âîîáùå íå äóìàëà, ÷òî ìíå íàñòîëüêî ïîëþáèòñÿ ñòðàíà äîæäåé è òóì... [143 words] Through The Darkness by Xie What's happening? Who am I fighting? A battle of chaos is on it's way, and can Tonrar's tr... [1,925 words] Strange Omen by Xie After a raging flood, everyone is safe and sound. The tribe has decided to go to the mountains to ... 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[395 words] (Chirp-Chirp) by Richard Buckner Its' about a little bird being bullied and mocked [205 words] Thomas Jefferson by Waleed Khan - [324 words] Spiders by Waleed Khan - [431 words] Shingtropolis by Waleed Khan - [332 words] Artificial Intelligence Robotic Bees by Waleed Khan [149 words] Antibiotics by Waleed Khan - [220 words] The Cat by Umar Usman I am writing a story [111 words] The Cat Who Died by Muhammad Umar I am writing a story [104 words] Owls by Jack Beads A children's poem about one's imagination. [74 words] Hole Land by R C Kohl For a young person whose parents recently separated. [253 words] Blueberry Man by Eleanor Leech Blueberry man was the bluest man in the land, until one day his blue colour had faded away. Come ... [167 words] The Princess And The Pea by Jennifer Leeson In a competition to find the right girl for Prince Henry, princesses must prove themse... [3,400 words] The Best Santa by Martha Spring Santa does exist after all. [981 words] Pick Eaters by Ashley N Hudson Hudson PickEaters, is about how childern is very pick when it comes to food, clothers, friends, people and... [30 words] My Daddy Is Different by Tatiana N Thompson Poem from the perspective of the child telling the important ways that her daddy shows he... [140 words] Follow The Moon by Tatiana N Thompson Bedtime lullaby [51 words] This Quarter Of Yours by Joseph D Smith A children's rhyme about giving a kid their quarter's worth of a Quarter! It teaches kids... [17 words] The Hobo In The Elevator by Joseph D Smith A rhyme that would entertain the children, and teach them to be happy about what they ... [46 words] Bart The Badger by Anne Spackman Bart the Badger wanders away from his burrow on a little afternoon adventure. A cruel young bo... [855 words] Spider Spider by Charlie Townsley Wrote for my children [30 words] Millie And Rettie Go To The Cottage ( A Tail Of 2 Rabbits ) by Da Ash After very active inquires both Millicent and Retic... [59 words] I Wish I Had A Dollar by Lino Torrez Silly song I made up for my daughter. [103 words] Little Finchu And His Attempt At Freedom by Sidrah Zaheer This is a story about a little male zebra finch who makes an attempt a... [820 words] The Adventures Of Harry The Two Headed Moose by Joel Weiss Harry gets lost at a fair in Maine [529 words] Harry The Two Headed Moose by Joel Weiss harry gets lost in maine [1,018 words] Best Friends Adventure Club : Grown Up by Spencer A Morin It is an adventurous book. Three girls take on an old enemy's daughter i... [9,335 words] A Question Of Persona by Lost Pieces A story about a girl named Cam who wonders why everyone else is special in a specific way... [103 words] What The Chipmunk Taught by Dave Springer Native American grandfather and grandson each teach the other interesting lessons. [747 words] The Turtle Returns by Dave Springer I once had a box turtle, who kept escaping, and returning! [864 words] The Scents Of Danger by Dave Springer When terrified as a kid, I could sense a certain something in my nose. [1,071 words] The Futuristic Man by Siddharth Anand - [2,116 words] 'candy Land' by Spencer A Morin Follow these instructions to get there. [53 words] The Mahogany Doll by Leoni Dsouza short story of a puppeteer who performed well till the end. [419 words] The Ghost Of Ida by Leoni Dsouza A funny story of a ghost that troubles Ida. [357 words] Prince Glacier by Leoni Dsouza A skating dancer taken as prisoner by a mermaid King. [1,699 words] Birthdays by Spencer A Morin Fun [49 words] The Happy Day For Daisy by Spencer A Morin Children's book about Daisy who spends her ttime being happy. [311 words] The Big Green Tractor by Grace E Newhouse it is about a little boy who wants a big green tractor [106 words] Im Abc,123 by Elvis D Goins A SHORT POEM I THOUGHT WAS RATHER INTERESTING,MY SON USED IT TO REMEMBER [61 words] League Of Extraordinary Robots by Yates Jackson The Prince and the Robot is my third Novel,that I have just Finished. When th... [22,091 words] The Story Of A Wandering Dog (Part 1) by Alice Chen It's a story of a dog that travels to find a home, to find the real world... [720 words] Flashlight (Part Two) by Abracadabra Seven children who creep out of their graduation camp to seek the light source of strange... [3,486 words] Flashlight (Part Three) by Abracadabra Seven children who creep out of their graduation camp to seek the light source of stran... [1,797 words] Flashlight (Part One) by Abracadabra Seven children who creep out of their graduation camp to seek the light source of strange... [2,035 words] Colombia's President Al Uribe by Randall Barfield - [493 words] Roofus (Part 1) by Patrick Fell Story of 10 year old boy, his trusty assistant, and a long day of mishaps. [885 words] Roofus (Part 2) by Patrick Fell Childrens [1,305 words] Roofus (Part 3) by Patrick Fell Childrens [923 words] Roofus (Part4) by Patrick Fell -Childrens story [1,345 words] Roxy The Mambo Monkey by Patrick Fell Childrens Book. Rhymes, rhymes and more rhymes, I just cant stop them. [599 words] If I Am A Hard Worker by Peter Rego Written for a Holocaust theme picture book for middle school aged children [171 words] Can We Get A Wild Animal by Patrick Fell Childrens picture book [131 words] Go to page: [1 ] 2 3
Letters To A Soldier
Alex is a third grade student who wants to make a difference in the world. His teacher suggests the class make a care package for deployed Soldiers. Alex gathers supplies and writes the Soldier a letter. The Soldier's response inspires Alex to become a Soldier himself. [2,882 words]
Adam C Crawford
I am a U.S. Army Officer currently deployed to Afghanistan with a passion for writing. I wrote this story as a token of my appreciation for the children who shared their love and kindness. I am 25 and a 2012 graduate of the University of Kentucky. [October 2013]
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© 2013 Adam C Crawford
October 2013