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Apples For Stones
Roscoe by Patty Juliano A tale about a raccoon who teaches a town not to judge people by how they look. [3,118 words]
Lassie: About A Pal (No Joke) by Randall Barfield ...thanks to British-born writer Eric Knight, who wrote the short story... [276 words]
Walter Disney: Changing The World And Making People Laugh by Randall Barfield Hard work? Genius? Combo? Combo! [579 words]
Pablo: A Life Of Crime And Making Money by Randall Barfield What is smart in life? What is dumb? [629 words]
Morgan: An Actor's Actor by Randall Barfield Even though he's still living, here's a little bio. [362 words]
Long Live Our Elephants by Randall Barfield Would you kill an elephant? A deer? A fly? [284 words]
James Herriot: Dearest Vet That Ever Lived by Randall Barfield Could you bring a cow into the world? A horse? [430 words]
Haley She Was Called by Randall Barfield - [397 words]
Daniel Coronell: Freedom Fighter by Randall Barfield He returned to his country determined more than ever. [420 words]
Another Prince Charles by Randall Barfield - [391 words]
Ann Rule: The Lady Who Writes About Killers by Randall Barfield Talk about a busy life! Here's an example. [360 words]
Ann Dunham: Busy Serving Others And Educating Her Kids by Randall Barfield If only she could see him now. [506 words]
Alafin – The Boy Who Can Run On Mud by Sandhya G Sandy My made up story in 5 minutes. [173 words]
Thomas Andrew by Randall Barfield He and Mr. Tindley didn't go away. Their music and words didn't either... [388 words]
Frances Jane: God's Happy Servant by Randall Barfield They had a baby daughter but it died... [368 words]
Billy Graham: Man After God's Heart by Randall Barfield Who can count all his awards? [375 words]
The Bean by R G Jay The author describes his 7 year old son's best friend and a peculiar hobby of his. Written from his so... [112 words]
Boogers! by R G Jay They say you shouldn't pick your nose, but everybody does it. Some are just more discreet than others... [134 words]
Little Is Much by Randall Barfield - [85 words]
Treeeees by Randall Barfield - [69 words]
Yale & The Giant by R G Jay A short story, written in rhyming verse, about a young boy in Switzerland who uses a unique gi... [643 words]
Fastfeet Freddy by R G Jay One of the fastest football players of all time has a directional problem. [160 words]
Billy Burped A Bunch by R G Jay A poem about a disrespectful young diner who gets a lesson in manners while at the table. [191 words]
Rhyme And Reason - Rain by Subatra Raman A child watching the rain outside the windows of her home. [53 words]
Rhyme And Reason -- The Spider by Subatra Raman A child's comments on the Spider [122 words]
Rhyme And Reason - Blow Wind Blow by Subatra Raman A poem about the wind [113 words]
A Little Poem My Child by Randall Barfield - [79 words]
A Cat's Tale by Richard C Sherman A short tale about a cat and how his tail came to be crooked [1,380 words]
Nonsense Story. The Beginning. by Nonsense Guy - [128 words]
Never To Big To Be Afraid. by C Parnell This is a very short story I had wrote in my free time to show children that it is o... [133 words]
Phil Gets A Friend by Heather Burke Phil is a bit odd so the other kids don't play with him. Until one day Phil gets a friend th... [749 words]
Josh Robbins Saves The World by Vaishali Shroff Josh's innocent mind is on a mission to save the world...read more! [944 words]
Josh Robbins And Mr. Ant by Vaishali Shroff Josh defeats his fear of swimming with inspiration from Mr. Ant. [1,042 words]
The Candy In The Woods by Randall Barfield - [467 words]
Josh Robbins And The Mystery Of The Missing Roses by Vaishali Shroff After Josh Robbins and Rapunzel and Josh Robbins and the Blue... [756 words]
Josh Robbins And The Bluegill by Vaishali Shroff Josh is headed for his first fishing expedition with his parents to Fishy Lake wh... [762 words]
Josh Robbins And Rapunzel by Vaishali Shroff A beautiful way to tell children how to take care of things they love... [762 words]
The Three Weirdo Pigs by William W R Ocasio This is a twist of the original version of the three little pig. The three pigs live in a... [1,628 words]
The Donkey Farm by Randall Barfield None of the donkeys wore a watch, of course, so they couldn't be dead sure... [365 words]
The Chocolate Bunny Of Stone Mountain by Randall Barfield "Somebody has been bad," Susan says, "and..." [522 words]
North Pole by Alyssa B - [319 words]
In The Green Dales by Narinder Bhambra A Little poem about a Mr and Mrs. Dandy. [66 words]
Maybe To Pittsburgh This Time by Randall Barfield This is about a boy's best friend. Also, I've always loved Girzone's "Joshua". He... [479 words]
The Little House In The Woods by Randall Barfield Children can enjoy these new little poems. We were in a "wooded" area on vacation... [313 words]
Ten More Baby Jesus Poems (And The Last Of Them) by Randall Barfield (Wind and rain roared outside The walls of the stable shook..... [237 words]
Ten Baby Jesus Poems by Randall Barfield The noise of the cock's crow woke them up A brand new day came bursting forth... [272 words]
Johnnie B ... All Grown Up! by Giselle Brown Johnnie B, age 4 is now a Big Boy. He can sleep in his room all night without the ... [656 words]
Abrakadyebra: A Third Collection Of Children's Poems by Randall Barfield See, read and hear new poems about Frosty and Jack and Jil... [1,464 words]
Religious Poems For Children by Randall Barfield - [691 words]
Adestes: Little Christmas Poems For Children by Randall Barfield Father Christmas/please be so kind/bring me a toy/one doesn't wind... [392 words]
Carlos The Young Coffee Picker by Randall Barfield Carlos the young coffee picker Played a serenade Maria had just given birth Nine... [564 words]
Abrakadomebra: A 2nd Celebration Of Children's Verse by Randall Barfield More exciting(some are, anyway) little poems/verses about ... [2,349 words]
Abrakadeebra: A Celebration Of Children's Verse No. 1 by Randall Barfield More fun little poems/verses for those special readers of... [2,799 words]
The Magic Can by Gene Boris - [5,675 words]
My Teeth Are Clean! by Amarjit Bhambra One way to teach children to eat carrots! This one is for under 5's I hope you enjoy it, ... [65 words]
Knocky Knocky Nnocks! by Amarjit Bhambra When the world cries, you cry with it, and when the world laugh, you laugh with it. [92 words]
Blue Bear And Black Fox’S Small Misadventure by Charles And Natasha Allison Blue bear and Black fox decide to go fishing. They chose a danger... [138 words]
Black Fox And Blue Bear by Charles And Natasha Allison Black Fox and Blue Bear are outcasts among their own kind. They manage to find friends... [87 words]
Wesley Beaver Commemorative Poems by Randall Barfield - [772 words]
Ricky by Marisa Villano - [1,009 words]
Fredrick And Rufus by Ryan H Strand This is a children's story about a dolphin whose perfect life gets turned upside down when a... [876 words]
The Storm King And The Queen Of No Dancing by Wringlet D Thouyer A short stort for children as told to me by my 5 year old brother. [351 words]
The Fairies by Isobel Francis A short story by Isobel, 8 yrs of age. [112 words]
A Perfect Life by Grace Simons She was the belle of the ball. But was that *her* life to live? [1,124 words]
Abrakadoobra: 100 Short Poems For Children by Randall Barfield Sometimes I enjoy writing or trying to write poems for children more... [3,527 words]
Stormy The Cloud Saves The Day by Caroline Woodson A children's story I wrote a long time ago. [461 words]
I Hate My Alarm Clock. by Nevine Boccara Children don't always pay attention to the teacher while at school,... [255 words]
A Doubtful Solution by Lucybee Cartwright Short story for children inspired by a pencil drawing. This story is narrated by a desperat... [1,503 words]

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Apples For Stones
I wrote this for a picture book.
[665 words]
Peter Rego
[March 2015]
Happy Loving You (Songs) Love songs from the heart [131 words] [Romance]
I See The Hand Of God (In Ordinary Things) (Songs) Inspirational [112 words] [Spiritual]
If I Am A Hard Worker (Children) Written for a Holocaust theme picture book for middle school aged children [171 words]
Its Closing Time (And I've Still Got No Where To Go) (Songs) Traditional country western song [139 words]
The Name Game (Short Stories) A short story about coping with life and death. [3,756 words]
You're A Dream I Had (Songs) Songs of Love [274 words] [Romance]
Apples For Stones
Peter Rego

There was a tree of apples
a lovely apple tree
its shade was like a chapel
a cool safe place to be
Its bosom branches bursting
too much for just one tree!
each apple like a ruby
a harvest aplenty

Close by lived many families
they worked and laughed and played
and they all shared the apples
the good tree gladly gave
They fenced their yards with flowers
and open trellis gates
that lined wide fieldstone pathways
to welcome all who came

There was a field of thistles
not very far away
from the lovely apple tree
that God so gladly gave
Within this field of thistles
a hut stands built of weeds
inside there lived a hermit
alone with just his greed

This hermits name was Hamlin
he really didn’t care
for the company of others
or the things they had to share
No welcome ring of pathways
to circle his bleak home
instead a rocky border
a cold bare wall of stone

Each new night Hamlin gathered
a great amount of stone
and he increased his borders
and called more land his own
The families knew his temper
and feared his nasty ways
a he increased his borders
they chose to stay away

Then one bright fall morning
beneath a deep blue sky
the families stood in silence
and rubbed unbelieving eyes
Gone were the welcome pathways
leading to the tree
instead a stone wall fortress
and a sign, Hamlin property

The families wailed and wondered
not quite sure what to do
when Hamlin shouted from his hut
I’ve got a deal for you
He slowly made his way down
to the lovely apple tree
he stood upon his new stone wall
and cried, Attention please

For years gone by you’ve all agreed
whats mine is ringed in stone
you’ve left me to my labors
you’ve left me on my own
But I am not the kind of man
who won’t share what is mine
I’ll gladly trade my apples
for a little of your time

What would you say is a fair trade
for an apple from this tree
I’d say nearly thirty stones
perhaps almost fifty
For every fifty stones
that are gathered here for me
I’ll gladly give one apple
from the Hamlin apple tree

The families asked each other
how can it now be
that we should have to work for
what was once ours for free
Its true we all need apples
and what today has shown
is if we really want them
we’ll have to gather stones

As all the families labored
for an apple from the tree
more and more of what they had
became Hamlin property
Rows of walls stood silent guard
as far as one could see
in the center of it all
stood a lonely apple tree

Stone was now less common
then it used to be
people horded all they could
to buy an apple from the tree
One day a man named Jeffson
was gathering some stone
when he noticed a frail seedling
where an apple core was thrown

He gathered up this seedling
and brought it with him home
he placed in the warm rich ground
then left to gather stone
He wondered about the seedling
and the apples it may bring
someday in the future
someday in his dreams

For years the families gathered stone
and fed the Hamlin greed
more and more each new day
they lost the things they need
But no one seemed to notice
the now grown Jeffson tree
then one spring morn white flowers
burst forth from the seedling

Soon the apple blossoms
were all but blown away
the seedling was forgotten
until one summer day
Small green baby apples
grew in each blossoms place
day by day they filled the tree
and ripened one fall day

Soon the word went far and wide
there is a new apple tree
its in the yard of Jeffson
he grew it from a seed
How many stones will it take
for an apple from your tree
Jeffson called the families all around
and he said, listen to me

I’ll give these apples freely
to anyone in need
for every apple that you take
just plant another seed
I don’t want you to bring me stone
the opposite is true
with every apple that you take
take a stone away with you

Place the stones at Hamlins door
let him know that you
remember every apple
that he has stole from you
Soon there will be a mountain
outside of Hamlins door
then he’ll know that we don’t need
his apples anymore

Apple trees now fill the land
all have all they need
no one has to gather stone
unless stone is what they need
Here and there a stone wall stands
a reminder of the days
when stones could buy an apple
and apples were the craze


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© 2008 Peter Rego
December 2008

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