Brittney R - Rosalyn Ann R. Chenery I feel this is the mysticism of the common woman, strong, alluring, and beautiful, while still dar R D Partee Just another old man with delusions of grandeur. James R - Lori R - Madeline R I'm a teenager who enjoys writing stories (mostly humor) and poetry. Bob M Ra - Wuzan Raa Just a song Elizabeth A Raap I'm a college Freshman, majoring in journalism with a possible minor in French. Creative writing is what... Jennifers Rabbit Nope, you can have it. Rachel - Jim Radio - Ciara Rae I'm 14, and I'm mad at the world and life for being such a bitch. life sucks, and no one really cares. 50% of t... Jae Rae - Rae Scars were her poison always ugly in day ripped her own heart out as if to say: sing not to me I care not at all I am... Heather Ragan I am an 11 year old female. Vijay Mohan Raghavan a nineteen year old guy from southern india... just experienced my first failure... have written qui... M L Rahal New to writing this is my first attempt at writing a short story all critiques welcomed. Afreena Rahman I am a 17 year old newbee - any constructive criticism will be appreciated! Fizza Rahman Rahman - Heaven Rainer I adore writing... Andreas Rainmaker - Rainmaker - Rajeevs Rajeev Me, who thinks can be a writer but yet grappling to free myself from the nascent form. Rajita I do not believe in faces. For a face is a mask hiding the soul. A soul cannot be descibed. It can only be felt. Rajol - David Rama First time writer from South Africa. Only been writing for a few weeks, but loved every second so far. Any fee... Subatra Raman Author is a gratuate with a B.A. (Hons)in English from University Malaya 1977.She taught English for severa... Subatra Raman I was an English Language teacher for many years. I have written a set of of poems for children,some of whi... Adel Ramirez Just a guy with a song. Joshua B Ramirez - Joseph Xavier Ramirez A young enthutiastic author Jennifer Ramirez A 23 year old mother of two, simply jotting down whatever comes to mind from time to time. Manuela Ramirez I am 14 years old, I was born in Cali, Colombia, on march 5, 1986. I like to play soccer and volleyboll, ... Sebastian Ramirez I am 14. I live in Cali, Colombia, South America. I love to write and read. My favorite sport is soccer Jose Ramos i'm a skiny guy with brown hair (used to be black but you know the sun, burns things) anyways here is my first... Kourtney Ramsauer - Rimsha Ramzan Rana - Alyssa Rangel - Ravi Ranjan Just an upcoming author, trying to write something worth reading Bollimuntha Venkata Ramana Rao Name : BOLLIMUNTHA VENKATA RAMANA RAO Educational Qu... Sartaj Rap King sartaj rap king has a real name Ankit mishra. he is a rapper, lyricist, composer, singer, music producer ... Rapadamus Rapadamus is the alter ego and rap brand for prolific lyricist Cedric McClester. Cedric Rapadamus Rapadamus is the alter ego and rap brand of prolific lyricist Cedric McClester. Rapadamus Rapadamus is the rap brand of prolific lyricist Cedric McClester. Rapadamus Rapadamus is Cedric McClester's rap alter-ego. Rapadamus Rapadamus is the rap brand and alter ego of prolific lyricist Cedric McClester. Franklin Rapheal - Franklin Rapheal Okeke just dribbbing on my jot book RaposoN - Rose Raposo I like to write.. Andrew Allyn Rasmussen Andrew Allyn Rasmussen is born and from Rochester, Michigan. He is 15 years old, born on july 14, ... Morgan T Rattray - Mike Raudenbush - Julissa Gayle Raven I'm using a talent I had since I was little. Night Raven - Rowen Ravera The auth[or] is a mute who is attempting to communicate by means of exageration and extremity. Although the ... Remya Ravindran I am a physician who has a penchant for poetry, photography and philosophy. I take a daily dose of words ... Ateen Raw Raw indian,atindra sarma Thomas M Ray In my day Job I am an Environmental Scientist. I hold BS and MS Degrees in Geology. I am also an artist an... Rayce Rayce - Jennifer Nobile Raymond I'm a 27 year-old aspiring writer living and working in New York City. I have dreams of being pa... Ray - Rckmusician - Dawson Reaves - Darrin Anthony Reay - Darrin Reay - Jeani Rector Jeani Rector grew up reading Stephen King novels. Halloween is her favorite holiday. Her two children sing “... Matthew Mark Gill Red Rum Murder, Suicide, and killing solve nothing just add to the pain. My story is deep and meaningfu Ricardo W Redd WWW.MYSPACE.COM/RICARDOREDD Ricardo Redd - Redfish I'm a songwriter...I write some raps...some rock...some gospel even...but mainly our band just makes parodies. Ye... Redzin Just a Writer Nikki Reed - Stephen A Reed New author. Have never submitted anything before. Curious about level of talent. Reed Stuart A reclusive individual with no life but music. Rachel Elaine Reeves I am a 26 year old from Texas. I am an office manager for a physician. My goal is to eventually pu... T Regajed ..................................................... Regardless Devon Victory Harry Devon Johnson is 28 years old, his birth day is 7-9-1983. He was born at Miami Valley Hosp... Peter Rego - Ammar Rehmani A journey about self-awareness Charles Reid - Naomi Reid I'm an 18 year old high school senior who just found a love of writing. Currently, I am attempting to start my... Yolanda Reid Rose Reitman Rose Reitman has survived 3 hellish years of highschool and is pushing for another. This is a rough world to... Mike Rembis - Naya Renee I am a young African American female that is trying to seek a career as an author. I have been writing for abo... Lotte Rennie 29, new to poetry, "giving it a go", David Reo David Reo is a singer/songwriter/music producer with a fine catalog of songs released on many major on line mus... Req - Matthew Resendez I like to write stories in my spare time. Well I'm not in class. I really enjoy writing and telling ot... Amy Ressler This is a song i wrote about the one time love of my life and want to know if any singer wants to make it int... Ophir Restfulpeace - Maria Mercedes Restrepo I am 13 years old, I like English, and everything that deals with greek mythology, I hate science... Alex Reuille - Reverend Dr Lance THE REVEREND DR. LANCE is an Ordained Minister and a Christian. His ministry is Light of Christ Interne... Gary L Reynolds (Aka) Drtigger 48/M/US Living in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas and I enjoy writing as a passtime. Graham Reynolds Park City Utah Student Hildebrande K Reynolds I love writing for its own sake, whether I publish or not. To write gives me great pleasure; it i... Jamie Reynolds Part-time writer seeking feedback. More writing at Larenda Kay Reynolds Female, 27 years old, married, mother of five. Snazi Reynolds - Laura Reznick - Rhianna - Rhi i love reading, I love animals, an I love writing. Dustin Rhodes A young author from the North Carolina coast, he has had a passion for reading, writing and history since ... Rocky Rhodes - Sarah Ricard Writing is my passionate. I am based in the American Midwest, and write fiction and poetry, as well as freel... John William Rice Retired widower Sean Rich An aspiring poet and author. the most wonderful and powerful form of communication.... the written word. Glad... Eric Richards I'm 22. I'm a grad student at the University of Florida. I play guitar and have been writing songs for the ... T J Richards I'm a 22 year old woman in the process of travelling the world to see what I can see and do what I can do. ... Luke Richardson 20 years old from Seattle. First entry, didn't really write this for any reason, but after showing it to ... Richards N/A Cody Ricker I am a teenager in high school who leads a somewhat average life. Glendora Rider - Nancy Rider - Julia Riffle - Ramona L Rigby Ramona L. Rigby is a thoughtful young woman trying to understand the world through song and beat. One of h... J E T Riley - Dream Rinsed Non-Conformist livin' in this thing called Life! T J Rintoull PLEASE READ AND REVIEW MY WORKS! ------------------------------------------------- T J Rintoull, born 1983, ... Elena Rios - Riot I write as often as I can make myself. Hopefully, it will lead me somewhere someday. Susan Rippe - Phoenix Rises - T Ritchie - Kristen Gail Diana Ritthaler 5"3, blue/green/silver eyes, love to write things and party. love sports. Peter Rivendell Who me? Born in 1962. Wrote prolifically as a teenager, heavily influenced by books & the music of the ti... Tom River Ashley Rivera I'm a 19 year old attending junior college and working. Not really going away where in life but I am just f... Federico Rivera Burrowes - Illianna Jolie Rivera Hello my fellow readers! John C Rivers I like to eat snacks in the trailer with the AC on cold and I keep a pitcher or kool aid near within reach Samuel Rivier Student. Ali Rizvi Ali Rizvi will pick up or write-down any alien and random topic that comes to his mind. He will write a story w... Becka Roach Becka currently resided in Tampa, FL. She is a 25 year old freelance writer who has a passion for the written... Nicholas Robb Amateur writer looking for an outlet for his works. Eli Robbins - David Roberts Retired police forensic identification specialist, portrait photographer, photojournalist. http-//cuffsandc... Emma Roberts I'm only 14 and am considering having a future in writing. Hamish Roberts - John Roberts John Roberts is currently a freelance training Consultant and Director of JayrConsulting Ltd in the UK. Writ... Kelendria T Roberts the frist song i wrote Lewis Roberts - Corrina Robertson - Sarah Robertson - Adam Robinson Me S A Robinson 44 Yr. old Male from Seattle, Wa. - Writer, musician, miscreant. Posting things that I write keeps me out of Adam W Robison - Emma Jean Robson i'm 14... turn 15 in December 2009.... i've been writing songs since i was in year 2 (am currently in ... Eric Rock A standard person in life, with his own experiences and understandings of the world. Rockfan Rockfan - J. Rodegheri Professor de inglęs. Haley B Rodgers I am just your average fifteen year old girl. I have the ability to write more than any other. Writting ... William Rodgers Upcoming writer who wishes feedback on his work. Sorry folks, thats all you get. Amanda Rodriguez Me Ashley Rodriguez My name is Ashley, I'm 17 years old, and I am a cheerleader. I currently have been living in Mexico but ... Isabella Rodriguez I'm a girl living in the united states who loves to write, especially songs Tony R Rodriguez Tony Richard Rodriguez was born in Fremont, California on August 22, 1977. With a degree in Liberal Stud... Tomi Rodriguez - Cr Rogers Sond Derek Rogers - Mo Rogers Rosalie Rogers I am not a song-writer, I just needed a way to express my feelings but I do have a passion for music. Whitney Sarah Rogers - Sara Roggy I'm 13 years old and I've been writing poetry for about 3 years. All of it comes for life experiences Ananya Rohini Indian female. My favorite quote: "LIFE IS NOT A HAVING OR A GETTING BUT A BEING AND A BECOMING" Jack Roland Butter A pretty cool and crazy guy!!! Jason Roland I am a 36yo african american male living in the united states after recently migrating from a university in ... Jason Roland I am a student at Fullerton College in Orange County, California. I am a journalism major as well as an asp... Alexandra Roldan I am 14 years old. I live in Cali, Colombia. Ashleigh E Rolen - Rollin Dope Ft Crol Rollin Dope Ft Crol codyanderson as crol9 james as rollin dope Alex Romano Just a person who has been given the ability to write, whether it be songs or poetry. Yana D Romoser - Brian N Rosado Im 27 years old from tucson az, I started my interest in writing at a very young age. From poems to songs ... Rosales - Alexandra Rose - Kelley Rose I'm a ten year old girl. I love to write stories a lot. I have an over one year old golden Retriever puppy ca... Leo Rose I am fourteen, I live in Perkinston, Mississippi 67 magnolia Dr. Zip code 39573 Michael Allen Rosendo - Rosenthal - A J Ross tryin to get some of my thoughts out to others to see if they can relate. This is one of hundreds ive jotted. Ted Ross - Ellen Rosser Ecumenical writer/peace activist Reagan Rothe I consider my writing to be a younger, new style of writing that I created through reading Hitchcock, Puzo, ... Nicky Rothschild I live in Pheonix, Arizona and out going type of a person. So far, my intrests in for a carrer are eithe... Andrew L Rouse Rouse Just thought I start writing music to see how I can do Emma Jane Rowley - Mike Rox He hates when people sing to usic Roxanne Kendrick Avid European football fan who loves Juventus, Real Madrid, Italy, Spain, Holland, Alex Del Piero and Ra... Arindam Roy Bio info: Arindam roy Date of birth : 22 / 10 / 1986 Sex : male ... Aaron P Royer - Aaron P Royer - Rube - Norman A Rubin Correspondent (Israel) for the Continental News Service writing under the headline "Dateline - Middle East... Adarsh N R Rudresh Hi this is Adarsh n r from bangalore..currently working as private employee in a MNC. Kriti Ruia - Victoria Tangan Ruiz PEN. PASSION. PURE INTENTIONS. Kierstin Kelsi Runkel Martens - Hank Runkle - Klangman Rupert I'm gay and enjoy interaction with monkeys and Michael Jackson. Claytone Rush Retired Senior Veteran - served internationally Naadira Rushing - Naadira Shante Rushing My name is Naadira rushing and I am a 17yr old high school student from Newark, New Jersey. I enjo... Arianna Miranda Russel Nehrig - Lexi P Russell i really hope someone will enjoy these inspirational lyrics :) Leah Russell I am excited to share that I will finally be a camp counselor this summer. I've (sub)consciously waited for... Gino Russo - Rusty - Jane Ruth i love to write songs and sing for is due to extreme pressure from family and friends.....that I come ... Martin Rutley Twenty-six years old, live and work in London, England. Have been writing poetry for several years, and hav... B G Ryan - Bg Ryan - Tim D Ryan - J Rychwa -Amateur writer. Not a huge passion for this particular piece, just responding to an exercise in a book by a ve... Ben Rymer - Logan De Ryphez Young and depresssed Ryuichi Minamino - Rzemieniecki - Mechae Ines Reyes Teacher III at DepEd Manila-Emilio Jacnto Elem. School Rahgad
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Tom River |
I like LSD... a lot! [April 2002] |
Attacked! (Screenplays) Can you not be attacked? I'd like to see you try! Now, do something, like read the script! If you don't I will find you. [802 words] [Horror] [October 2003] (HITS 2915, REVS. 3)
Dr. Kitty's Adventures At The Movies (Children) CHURRAH! The Trilogy is nigh! Buy the Special Edition DVD and complete it! Dr. Kitty goes to see Passion of the Christ and learns a valuable lesson in public hygeine! Dr. Kitty's one smart dog, I say! [464 words] [Gay & Lesbian] [April 2004] (HITS 2532, REVS. 1)
Dr.Kitty's Adventures In Politics (Children) Dr.Kitty is a smart dog who talks to chairs. He likes to lick cars and skateboard on carpets. [148 words] [Gay & Lesbian] [April 2002] (HITS 3558, REVS. 10)
Dr. Kitty's Mexican Adventure (Children) Dr. Kitty is a smart dog who likes eating chiclets. CHICLETA! Watch him bring about the apocalypse with this long-awaited sequel to the year-old Dr. Kitty's Adventures in Politics! [255 words] [Gay & Lesbian] [April 2003] (HITS 2635, REVS. 5)
The Happy Happy Kids Who Liked To Play And Stuff (Children) The moral is in my pants. SPELI! [346 words] [Motivational] [October 2003] (HITS 2520, REVS. 1)