

The Authors

P D Woo P D Woo, other titles
E P Unavailable
J P I'm 15 years old and come from the tropical and exotic land of Scotland. I love punk and a lot of other types of rock...
Mike P Im Mike 16 yrs old lives in england writes a bit of poetry/lyrics
P Robinson Broadhurst Woman who loves to read and write, and is amazed how creative one can be with mere words.
Sariah Folau Pacificislander -
Carrie Packard Packard
Nicole Padykula -
Brent Paine -
Cathy Pal -
James L Palagar I have been writing avidly for over ten years and have been acclaimed for my work on other online sites f...
Lester Ed P Paler -Im just a simple and ordinary guy, with extraordinary mind and heart! but nahhh! no one believes that.
Tom Pallett I am a 19 year old student from Leicester, England. This is my first screenplay and I would appreciate any c...
John H Pallister I have been writing poetry for 10 years and am now moving into short stories
R Palooza -
Ayush Pandya -
Madison Panell -
Nicholas J Pangborn Seventh grade student.
Asadullah Panhwer -
David H. Paniagua David H. Paniagua is the Inland Journalism Education Association winner for Critical Review, and a stud...
A Panos
Bert Paradis Enthusiast.
Nikhil Parekh Prolific and Award winning Indian Poet, Nikhil Parekh is an insatiably heartfelt dedication to the winds of...
Taliesin Parikka I write prose poetry, often, and am involved in playing acoustic guitar and piano. I enjoy meditation, a...
Sharron Hae-Sung Park -come real and we can make a deal -family comes first even if times are at its worsts. -trying to b...
Dejon Alexander Parker -
Ellys Parker Born in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Ellys has had many cultural experiences during his seventeen years of li...
Jamie Parker I am a bubbly personality, and I hope you enjoy..
M. Parker A student and beginning poet.
Parker -
Jennie Parks -
C Parnell -
Rob Parrish 18 yr old student at Illinois State. I am really into Henry Rollins.
Melissa A Parrott -
Danari Parsons Young, African-American, follower of Christ, lover of life, by day I am mild-manner news reporter, by nigh...
Joanna Parsons -
Matthew James Parsons -
R. D. Partee Just another old man with delusions of grandeur.
Gary Paschall I am a college graduate. I love to write song lyrics and have written numerous amounts of songs on many di...
Kevin M Pasquale I am a corporate sales manager, 36 years old, with a wife and two kids. I live in Plainsboro, NJ.
Andrew Mathuew Pasquarella -
Johannes Pastore Johannes Pastore is a man who was born with a heart. He knows what it is to have it broken and mended, ...
Pratik Patel Pratik Patel is pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science in Melbourne, Florida. He's taking so long ...
Keegan James Paterson I'm a teenager who loves to describe my feelings through poetry and songs.
Sai Patil I am 15 years old, live in India and am in desperate need of a talent agent.
Dfdkjuisd Patrickmajd dfdkjuisd
William S Patten 42 year old male First timer. Trying to express myself in some way... "emotionally constipated" I have ...
Jade-Marie Louise Patterson hi im jade im 12 years old I live in ballmuphy,belfast,Nothern Ireland I have short hair im a...
Marie-Anna Pattinson -
Mo Paul Author Mo Paul, 52, Kansas City, Mo. Artist, musician, writer, philosopher king.
Sandipan Paul I am an INDIAN citizen. I ,at an age of 12, started to write this kind of songs which will be able to motiv...
Victoria Paul Dreamy lady...
Leann M Pawlaczyk Just a young girl learning what it takes to be strong and move on.
Sean M Payne -
Matthew Mark Peak Smashy Smashy
Don Everett Pearce I'm a singer-songwriter based in New York City.
Jt Pearce J.T. Pearce currently resides in San Francisco. He enjoys reading, philosophy, and fishing.
Glen Pearson Somerstown producer, director and writer.
Megaan Pearson -
Larry A Peay My mid-life crisis must be morbid, I guess. I don't know where these things are coming from.
Natalia Pedroza 14 year old Colombian Girl.
Joe Peel I'm 14 years old and i come from England.
Jane Pellow I am 55, married for 33 years, three children and five grand children. I love to express myself with words. ...
Lynne Pembroke -
Juan Pena -
Joe Pena Please visit my website here.
Fiona Penmaiden Scottish writer with an attitude problem (I'm really lazy). Interested in honest opinions, constructive c...
Matthew Penner -
T Shanell Penniton Single black female college student.
Perez -
Karina Lizet Perez -
Rosario Perez I love music, singing, acting, and writing. I'm 15 years old. I live in a wonderful little town that prov...
Yolanda V Perez -
Perez -
Nathaniel Perhay -
Risa Peris Risa Peris has a background in law, finance and journalism. She currently writes on scientific and historical
Nyman Perkins Nyman Perkins is a citizen of the world whose ambition is to escape from the large black dog.
Peter Perkins Peter Perkins lives in Norwich in the UK and writes extensively on his own web site at. http://www.comedyge...
Randall L Perkins -
Joseph Perrello - Josprel A prolific writer, many of Josprel's stories and articles have appeared in print and on the in...
Heidi-Jane Perriam -
Brittany Perry -
Joshua Perry Just a simple kid, wanting to be a writer.
Michael Perry This is a poem I published. The new England Writer's Network Copyright September 1998
Laura Peruzzi -
Jaz Pesold Jaz Pesold is a haphazard writ(h)er in Park City, Utah, with a fondness for cats, music, and literature. And c...
Aja S Peters -
Aja Peters I love to sing and write songs.
Lawrence Peters -
Shawn Petersen 25 year old college student fullfilling an assignment.
Roald E Peterson Iii I've always loved to read, and grew up on a steady diet of science-fiction, classics, and anything e...
John Peterson I'm John Peterson working as a video editor in Captioningstar. I've been with the company for over a year a...
Beverly A Petrie I write songs and poetry mainly based on life experiences.
Lisa Petro Lisa Petro is a 1989 graduate of Northwestern University. She writes short stories and poetry. She has volunte...
Alexander Petrov -
Danielle Pettrey I live in Maryland with my husband and our two children. I am currently at work on my first novel. I enj...
Rachel A Pfister I'm a highschool student doing a publishing assignment for school,and my goal is to get this song publis...
Phantomic -
Corina Phayboun -
Tyler Phelps -
Phenomt I have been writing for years, poems and songs, but I am just now trying to do something with my writing. Theref...
Psyberdelic Phi Psyberdelix
Phil Neale Accountant, 56, living in the East Midlands of the UK.
Tanmay T Philip -
Nick Paul Phillip Laprarie Phillip LaPrarie is an amateur actor from the small town of Granbury Tx.. He Loves turtles and...
Michael L Phillips (Aka The Purple Monkey) I am a 37 year old white male who was born October 4, 1968 in a small town in...
Cha-Cha Phillips Hey this is Charley! Im a female from central il. im inlove with this guy and he doesnt know it! hehe
Debra Phillips I consider myself the author without a genre. Not only do I love to write poetry and children stories, bu...
Jay Phillips I am a writer and an occasional poet. I currently live in Tennessee with my wife, daughter, and our dog and
Leanne Phillips -
Richelle Phillips -
Jock Pichette Jock Pichette, is a semi retired, former business owner with an ambition to write. Enjoys the sports world,...
Roy L Pickering Jr I am a young writer getting his first tastes of success in the fiction market and hungry for more. Bes...
Sheridan Pickett Just a guy confused by life and stuggling to find himself in a world that never changes.
Lost Pieces -
Katy Pierce -
Brett Pierpont -
Natalie Pierpont -
Nesam Pillay -
Jeffrey Pillow Newspaper columnist for The Lynchburg Ledger - Literature & the Arts. B.A. in English Language and Literat...
M Pina -
Terrell Pinto I am an author of four books on amazon under the name Terrell Pinto. I love writing books poems and more st
Mike Piotrowski -
John Pirandello Hi, my name is John and I live in Waterville, Maine (US). I come from Italy and I am Luigi Pirandello hei...
Sandra Pirnat I live on Cape Cod and have an interest in writing both children and adult stories.
Gravel Pit I enjoy reading and writing.
PittmanAN -
Courtney Plant I am a sixteen year old female. I have a passion for music and hope to one day make it in the music indust...
James Plourde I am a former journalist, former PR guy, current fund development officer for a small liberal arts universi...
Tracy Plumb -
Plume I'm eighteen years old and a novice writer. I've not written many complete, whole stories and I'd like to hear anyo...
Andrzej Podlewski -
Amy Poet I am a greeting card writer and poet. I have written over two hundred poems on a variety of topics including hol...
Paula Poland Paula is an elementary school library associate living in the midwest. She is married, with one child.
Arthur Albert Poletti I am an animal activist and have been a vegetarian since 1990 and a vegan since 2010 devoting much ...
Griffin Lance Pool I enjoy playing waterpolo(not marco polo,idiots), writing, drawing, snowboarding, and designing games...
Brenda Poor Daigle Lieeda is an eclectic artist whose work varies among writing, photography, spell constructing, and her...
Jamie Popay -
Eddie Pope -
John C Popiel My name is John Popiel and I'm 14 years old. I like to read and write, and I hope you like my story(s)
Lee Popsicle -
Jillian Porazzo -
Breanna N Porrett -
C A Porter Non fiction writer's first attempt at writing fiction. I've been developing this story for several years, so b...
Natalie Porter im 14 and i love to write blah blah blah
Vienne E Porter -
Marcela Posada My name is Marcela Posada and I am a 14 years old girl who lives in Cali, Colombia. I like to write storie...
S L I Posiedon None whatsoever. The author likes anonymity.
Stephen Post -
Bradley Postma I'm middle aged, raised in regional country Australia. By the age of 17 I had outgrown my rustic pot and s...
Thrishana Pothupitiya Thrishana Pothupitiya is a teenage writer from the island of Sri Lanka.
Jake A Potter I live in Evansville, Wi. I got started writing short stories after taking a class called Creative Writing....
Michael Potter Lived in El Sobante, Pinole and Point Richmond, currently in the Seattle area. I make stained glass window...
Michael Potter -Same person as the Michael Potter above, see also Potter Michael. Mapblb@aol.com
Kelli L Potts I have been writing songs for a long time and really really like it I don't think there all that great but
Niall Power -
Terrene Aroha Poyner My name is Terrene and I'm fifteen years old. I love to write songs about things that happen in my l...
Rahul Prabhakar My name is Rahul Prabhakar, and I am a writer from India. My life, if summarized, will look very similar ...
Pankaj M Prasad Neale Steade -
Prepense http://www.prepense.org/
Alesha R Preston Alesha Preston is 20 years old and resides in Nicholasville, Ky. She is a student who works for Visually...
Amy Preston 16 year old girl from Scotland.Im hoping to somehow make writing my life. Sometimes I feel writing down how I...
Kyle Gimpy S Preston 17 years old... 5'11" brown hair blue eyes
Prestonneit Prestonneitdk PrestonNeit
Angie Price -
Rhiannon Price -
A Priddle Frog Little frog little frog who made you, Do you know who made you? He gave you eyes And also the flies He g...
Jack Primer I enjoy writing because no one expects me to.
Prince Max Schaumburg-Lippe Dr. Mario-Max Prince Schaumburg-Lippe
Mahin Khalid Princess I am a girl of 12 years. My Parents' names are Khalid Salah Siddiqui and Sara Siddiqui. I study in ...
Kayleigh Emma Pringle -
James Prisby -
Salai G Prit 19 year old student female from the UK.
Anthony Procrulio -
Steven Prowse -
Mihai Pruna -
Matthew Mark Gill Punk Living a wonderful life without worrying about the future!
Alberto Pupo -
Joshua Purdom Hi, i'm Josh, im a 18 year old machinest. I like to write in my free time,(When I Have Some!!!)
Simi Purkar Hello Sir, I'm Simi. I'm 18 years old. This is my own story. I am an Indian and I stay in Andhra Pradesh
Jerry Puryear -
David Perez
Tony Police
Lois J Peterson

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A Panos
[January 2009]
A Streetlight Story (Short Stories) A very depressing story. Don't judge it by that though. The ending is up for interpretation. [2,216 words] [January 2009] (HITS 832, REVS. 3)
An-Arch-Y (Screenplays) Everything wasn't all hunkie dory dory on Noah's arch. So here's a story story of a poker game between 4 animals on day 38. [2,780 words] [Humor] [September 2004] (HITS 714, REVS. 1)
How Joe C. Lost His Finger (Short Stories) This story just goes to show that sometimes, people only read because there are still words that are left on the page. [648 words] [Humor] [September 2004] (HITS 2133, REVS. 0)
Ruminations As Of 41205 (Essays) I wrote all of these humorous ruminations in the past few years, now I'm putting them down somewhere. Hope they make you laugh, and I hope to come up with many more. [1,168 words] [Humor] [April 2005] (HITS 2008, REVS. 0)
Top Of The First Inning (Screenplays) If you like baseball, you'll think this story is amusing. If you don't like baseball that much because "it's too boring", then this story is for you. It's play-by-play for an exciting game. [2,447 words] [Humor] [September 2004] (HITS 749, REVS. 1)
Who Would Win In A Fight... (Essays) People have always thought to themselves, "If these two people were to fight, who would win?" Now here are some select matches which I will show you the winner. [1,559 words] [Humor] [September 2004] (HITS 731, REVS. 1)


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