Nicole O'bomsawin - Michelle O'brien - Phil O'buster - Jennifer L O'callaghan - Gene O'div - James A O'donnell - James O'donnell - O'donnell - Sarah O'Farrell - Fergus O'Ferguson I don't write enough stories. I don't have enough time. Mostly I write critical pieces, critical of cul... Kristal O-Garrow Interesting teenage female who enjoys tapping into the mind of persons who has lived through various exp... Bandit O'hara Bandit O'Hara is an 'accidental' author, as his first and so far only story developed, when he tried to wri... Ciara D O'kane - Desmond Naaten O'keeffe English Poet. Rick O'leary Nothing needed to know Vince O'neal a published author who has just recieved his third publishing contract with Publish America Brion' O Neil - Julia O'neill - Tessak O'neill Tessa O'Neill is an eighth grader at The College School in Webster Groves Missouri. She wrote her short s... Jessica O'reilly Interested in writing screenplays, studying Television Production in Australia. Rhiannon Taylor O'rourke Rhiannon Taylor O'Rourke has tthought of many songs in her head and sung them out loud, she is a... O'shea - Joy Oakey woman born in 1948 Love to write in many genres Darren Oberhaus On October 5th, 2001, Darren Oberhaus’ left hand was crushed in a work related accident, severing his lef... Christian Obermanns - Kennedy O Obohwemu Kennedy O Obohwemu I am a Medical Student of DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY,Abraka,Nigeria...A PENKUP FAMILY Ambassador of Good-... Angel Obregon The horrible result of reading a book called The Pleasures Of Probability Ann Obrien Now I'm a stay at home mom with the ups & downs of family life. Kayla Obrienl - Dulcy Obrochta Dulcy Obrochta is a professional photographer in Norther California. Writing is something she does to help... Ufoqezugipof Ocozuwucugci ufoqezugipof Sharon Odonnell - Sullivan Of The Sea I am a 17 year old thinker. I am too cool for school and too scared to drop out. Bug Off Its question in my mind about health insurance Scott Oglesby Scott Oglesby (aka Phil Phillips) surreal humor Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi - R Bennett Okerstrom A collection of my work from circa 1995 to the present. Some dark and deep, others bright and cheerf Okkida - Toris Okotie Born in 1985 into a busy African community known as the city of Warri, raised in an economically viable mobi... Nicholas Okumu - Dele E Oladipupoeinstein - Oluwatobi Oladokun HE IS A NIGERIAN, BORN ON FEBUARY 17 1999 IN NIGERIA , HE IS CURRENTLY SCHOOLING IN LANDMARK UNIVERSIT Samuel Dapo Olaosebikan - Dll Old Brick - Laura Mae Oldham-Brownell - Oleander Myst - Andres Olguin ... Anabella Olivari - Terrell Olive - Mayara Oliveira - Darrell N Middleton -- Oliver An old fellow who sees something funny about the very serious business of growing up. Jamie Oliver 16 years old as I create this, so don't be too harsh on me please :3 Olivia Geraghty Just yet another writer who dreams of making it big someday. Oscar Oljmex - Alexandria Olson - Jesse Olson - Nicholas T Olson - Gale Omstott - Cigeudecuhowe Omwevrefj cigeudecuhowe Shame On-You - Onederose - Oneshot Bk Reppa - Karli Orchard - Adesola Orimalade - Clarmila Orpeza A 17 year old attempting to change herself and maybe the world. Deborah M Ortiz - Joshua Ortiz Young, but hopeful. Maybe talented, yet humble! Meria Osborn Art, Music and Friends are a very big part of my life. Benjamin Ian Osborne Very Weird. Tyler K Osbourne I enjoy writing songs, poetry and that.. I love it... I just hope others do, this is the first time anyo... Austin Oghenekevwe Osoroh Leoman Valloway I AM 31 YR OLD NIGERIAN MALE WHO WRITES MOSTLY FICTION. I 'M CURRENTLY WORKING Stephanie Ostrov I am a Junior at the state university at cortland. I am a Elementary Education major with a minor in En... Louise Elizabeth Ostrowska I'm 17. I live near Portsmouth in England. I live for music and languages, and justification. Olutayo K Osunsan Olutayo K. Osunsan was born in Lagos, Nigeria. He is a Christian and currently studying International B... OverYouT - Ben Overby - Be A Owusu - Ozee - James Outlaw Angel Obregon Olove
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Kennedy O Obohwemu |
Medical Doctor, Publisher, Editor, Novelist, Playwright, Poet
Dr. Ken’s books {Book 1: Frozen, Book 2: Nightfall, and the Omnibus Edition (paperback)} are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Apple:
Amazon: Barnes & Noble: Apple: [August 2014] |
A Fool At Fifty Three (Essays) A faulty federal system from the beginning... [1,020 words] [Mind] [July 2013] (HITS 2188, REVS. 1)
A Season Of Grace (Poetry) It's for the lenten season...composed 24-30/03/03 [124 words] [Spiritual] [February 2004] (HITS 2293, REVS. 1)
Be My Queen (Poetry) Pictures the earnest desire of a love-bird... [114 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2217, REVS. 0)
Beyond The Sky (Poetry) If you really want to hit it big,don't let the sky be your limit;let it be your beginning! [126 words] [Motivational] [May 2006] (HITS 2294, REVS. 0)
Born A Unique Being (Poetry) To the birth of Our LORD... [121 words] [Spiritual] [December 2004] (HITS 2059, REVS. 0)
Breathe Again (Poetry) It's hard living without someone precious to'd long to breathe again...composed 22/05/03. [117 words] [Relationships] [July 2013] (HITS 2361, REVS. 1)
Can No Longer Fly (Poetry) This captures the thoughts of a heart-broken love-bird...composed 23/05/03. [110 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2106, REVS. 0)
Cheers To Love! (Poetry) Happy cheers to the greatest of all... [105 words] [Relationships] [February 2005] (HITS 2145, REVS. 0)
Come The Way You Are (Poetry) Come to HIM who loves us all,just the way you are...composed 19/02/04. [121 words] [Spiritual] [February 2004] (HITS 2463, REVS. 1)
Enkindle The Fire (Poetry) It's not enough to have a it up! [117 words] [Motivational] [July 2004] (HITS 2171, REVS. 0)
Every Step I Take (Poetry) Missing you every step of the way...composed 30/06/03 [122 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2437, REVS. 1)
Found The Missing Link (Poetry) Should people cry when you're around?Something's not right...there's a missing link...composed 17/02/04 [121 words] [Mind] [February 2004] (HITS 2627, REVS. 1)
Frozen (Twisted, Book 1) (Novels) An engrossing tale guaranteed to make your spine tingle and your pulse pound! [168 words] [Literary Fiction] [August 2014] (HITS 2120, REVS. 0)
Gave You My All (Poetry) This love-bird's heart bleeds...has suffered disappointment from an unlikely source...composed 30/06/03 [118 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2207, REVS. 0)
I Like Your Smile (Poetry) It's friendship all the way as this poetic piece gives insight on the lovely communication ensuing between two love-birds whose heartbeats rhyme... Dedicated to Nneka [125 words] [Relationships] [October 2007] (HITS 2535, REVS. 5)
I Remember The Day (Poetry) This piece pictures how couples often settle - or should settle - their disputes...composd 24/05/03. [114 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2068, REVS. 0)
I Was Wrong (Poetry) I'm really sorry for past give me another chance...composed 19/02/04 [118 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2477, REVS. 1)
I Woke Up One Morning (Poetry) Ever woken up one morning to find a shocking surprise?This one pierced the heart of this love-bird...composed 24/05/03. [111 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2097, REVS. 0)
If God Had No Time (Poetry) What would happen...if...if...if...HE had no time? Co-authored by Esther Ejovi. [136 words] [Spiritual] [April 2005] (HITS 2084, REVS. 0)
It's Come Again (Poetry) It's a brand new year...expectations are high...composed 01/01/04,New Year's Day. [107 words] [Psychology] [February 2004] (HITS 2423, REVS. 2)
It's Gone Again (Poetry) Last year was one of ups and downs,joy and's gone,never coming back...composed 31/12/03 [122 words] [Psychology] [December 2009] (HITS 2171, REVS. 0)
Lights Remain Aglow (Poetry) I wrote this poem 5th May,2003.It's one of my favorites.Sometimes we just feel down and there seems to be no one around to cheer us up.We need not be consumed by gloom.LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE.There's light at the end of the turnel... [120 words] [Motivational] [January 2004] (HITS 2169, REVS. 0)
Love Deserves All (Poetry) Love is so potent a virtue that it deserves all there is ...composed 23/04/03 [107 words] [Relationships] [January 2004] (HITS 2073, REVS. 0)
Love Never Freezes (Poetry) I in the substance of love,the real thing.It does't just begin and end.True live never freezes,and this poem,dated 23rd-24th,2003,pin-points this fact. [115 words] [Relationships] [January 2004] (HITS 2236, REVS. 0)
Major Breakthrough In African Literature (Essays) It's really very simple...I'd like the relevant authorities to prove me wrong... [581 words] [Self-Help] [September 2010] (HITS 1695, REVS. 0)
More Than A Smile (Poetry) There's something more to your smile,I just know it...composed 22/05/03 [126 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2483, REVS. 1)
Must Move On (Poetry) Composed May 22nd,2003,this poem gives insight on how to cope with grief.[It's one of my best.]There's none that hasn't been affected one way or the other.Grief becomes over-powering when we let it persist for too long.How we handle it REALLY MATTERS. [164 words] [Motivational] [January 2007] (HITS 2414, REVS. 1)
My Visible Angel (Poetry) A special piece dedicated to my mother... [127 words] [Mind] [August 2004] (HITS 2131, REVS. 0)
Nightfall (Twisted, Book 2) (Novels) An unbelievable piece of literature that will keep you biting your nails from start to finish! [151 words] [Literary Fiction] [August 2014] (HITS 2034, REVS. 0)
Passionate Appeal To Dstv Concerning Big Brother Africa (Bba) (Non-Fiction) It's all about recognising the need to preserve the little virtues we have left...if at all we've not lost all of them! [389 words] [Mind] [July 2013] (HITS 2098, REVS. 0)
Queen Of My Heart (Poetry) A love piece that pictures the made-up mind of a love-bird...No other captures the radiance of my love the way you're Queen Of My Heart. composed 19/02/04 [113 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2199, REVS. 0)
Running In The Track (Poetry) A great encounter for this love-bird right in the track...composed 19/02/04 [119 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2143, REVS. 0)
Say You'll Be Mine (Poetry) All this love-bird needs is the hand of his soul-mate...he's losing his mind...composed 19/02/04 [114 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2445, REVS. 1)
Softer Than Silk (Poetry) Speaks of a special quality of love...composed 11/05/03. [93 words] [Relationships] [March 2004] (HITS 2389, REVS. 1)
The Biggest Problem Facing Nigeria This Century (Essays) An unending battle with a trouble that seems to have settled comfortably with individual minds... [750 words] [Psychology] [May 2004] (HITS 3088, REVS. 0)
The Challenges Of Road Safety In The 21st Century (Essays) Quite simple...It issues a call for action...reflective upon World Health Day 2004. [1,353 words] [Psychology] [May 2004] (HITS 2382, REVS. 0)
The Extra Mile (Poetry) Only an extra mile is needed to rise higher... Composed 09,20/04/03. [112 words] [Motivational] [September 2004] (HITS 2450, REVS. 1)
The Faith We Need (Poetry) It's a simple principle - faith without works is dead...composed 17/2/4 [119 words] [Motivational] [February 2004] (HITS 2049, REVS. 0)
The Fight Against Aids-Is There A Ray Of Hope? (Essays) All we need is a lasting solution...just how far have we gone?how far can we go? [902 words] [Health] [May 2005] (HITS 2850, REVS. 1)
The Fire Of Love (Poetry) Love's the greatest there is,sure.It was in the light of this tradition-the greatness of love-that this poem was composed,23rd-24th April,2003,to consider this virtue in it's intensity. [107 words] [Relationships] [January 2004] (HITS 2091, REVS. 0)
The Light Of Love (Poetry) It's the great light that love gives... [109 words] [August 2005] (HITS 2190, REVS. 0)
The Living Ark (Poetry) Remember Noah's ark?It was made of gopher wood.The ark I speak of now is a living one...composed 01/07/03. [125 words] [Spiritual] [February 2004] (HITS 2292, REVS. 1)
The Ocean And The Stream (Poetry) Someone once said to me,'The ocean and the stream never mix'.What do you think? composed 19/02/04 [135 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2045, REVS. 0)
They Came From Afar (Poetry) Tries to picture why there's so much trouble on earth...where did they come from? [114 words] [Mind] [April 2004] (HITS 2400, REVS. 2)
Twisted (Blockbuster Novel) (Novels) A compelling, provocative, masterful thriller guaranteed to leave you spell-bound with its suspense-filled intrigue and nail-biting finishes! [257 words] [Literary Fiction] [August 2014] (HITS 2055, REVS. 0)
We'll Get There (Poetry) It's a motivational one,composed 9th-10th May,2003.It's all about remaining focused.It stemmed from my every day experience in the Medical School. [100 words] [Motivational] [September 2004] (HITS 2057, REVS. 0)
What Have We Done? (Poetry) Look what we've done to the world,it's not a good sight...composed 19/02/04. [110 words] [Nature] [February 2004] (HITS 2158, REVS. 0)
What Is It With Fecamds? (Essays) - [472 words] [Health] [May 2005] (HITS 4800, REVS. 2)
When The Bells Began To Ring (Poetry) A reflection on the election of Cardinal Joseph Radzinger as successor to Pope John Paul II at St.Peter's Square,Rome.Composed April 19th,2005. [115 words] [Mind] [April 2005] (HITS 2046, REVS. 0)
Where Did I Go Wrong? (Poetry) It was only a skirmish,do forgive me...this love-bird can't figure out what's wrong...composed 22,23/05/03. [113 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2098, REVS. 0)
Where Love And Sorrow Meet (Poetry) It was Good Friday,April 18th,2003.Moved by the reflection of the Passion of Our LORD,I wrote the poem to picture the intense emotion and physical weakness Our LORD had to go through for our sake to consummate the sacrifice on Calvary. [103 words] [Motivational] [January 2004] (HITS 2323, REVS. 2)
You're The One (Poetry) It's the mind of a happy love-bird who found his missing rib...composed 25/05/03 [122 words] [Relationships] [February 2004] (HITS 2469, REVS. 1)
'twisted (Short Stories) Before things went sour, he needed a minor miracle. Now he needs the Red Sea to part. Full story coming soon on Amazon Kindle. #Novel #eBook #Kindle #Mystery #Suspense #Romance #Paranormal #Crime #Fiction #ASMSG #IART #IAN1 #TwistedCrew [334 words] [Fan Fiction] [January 2014] (HITS 1399, REVS. 0)