Laurence L'abre - Angela L - Belinda R L First attempt at lyrics L Diamonds - James L - Linda Marie Brainard Linda Marie Brainard, other titles La Carlotta - La Longue Carabine I am unwilling to submit any information, OK!? MWAHAHAHAHAHA J Labarre Student at Saint Joseph's University. George Lacroix - Laddiee - Lady Sashi - Kathy Lafollett Previously published online and print author with 5 titles currently archived online, as well as 3 magazi... Emmanuel Muhire Lakhpin Lakhpin natively called Emmanuel Muhire holds a bachelor degree of Education and Drama from the C... Lakhpin Mwalimu LAKHPIN is a Rwandan poet, songwriter and theatre practitioner holding a Bachelor Degree of Education in ... Ana C Lala - Maria Lalalala - Laurette M Laliberté Delouise Laurette LaLiberté deLouise is a fiction writer, artist, and poet who lives in Virginia Bea... Tara A. Lambert - T C Lambert TC Lambert is a black belt in karate and attests that all the martial arts sequences in this book are genuine... Rambostly Lampogna - Carrie Landes - Jesse Landon - Ryan Landry I am a high school senior who has a love for writing. I love stories because everyone and everything has one. Larry Landsperger - Zachary Lane This is a song of...God, I can't tell you guys. Jean Lang Freelance Writer Mike Lang - Maria Lapachet Born in Spain, Maria lived in Ireland and England for short periods of time. She arrived in the U.S. and ... Cylis Lapedimore - Alla Lapidus - Savclyd Laporte HI IM CLYD ,STUDYING B.B.A(BUSINESS ADMN) IM A COOL GUY & I LOVE TO WRITE A LOT AND TALK A LOT I INHABIT... Jan Lappalainen Feedback greatly appreciated Raine Lariza - Larrea - Sandra Lee Larsen I am a three-year cancer survivor, on disability for arthritis, living in San Antonio, Texas. As a publ... Brien Larson - LarsonPR - Larson - Zak Laslovich hey im 14 years old and i love to sing and write songs LasterNM - Andres Lastra - Eduardo Lastra Boy, 14 years old lives in colombia like to eat and to swim. I like the color blue and I study in Colegio Kelvin Lastsaint ... And the day lovely mama cried aloud, that is when i was on Wednesday the 9th of FEBRUARY 1977.Nature... Late Bloomer - Elle Latham I'm 24 and a singer/songwriter, screenwriter/actress trying to get by. Fyona Doyle Latz - Matt Laubenstein I'm a 16 year old guy, and I write all the time. Casey Lauber I am 15 Years old, go to school and live in a small town in New York state that nobody has ever heard of so... John Lauda - Mangano Laura Laura Mangano is a Senior at Northeasern University in Boston where she is double majoring in philosophy an... Alex Lawrence Lyrics for song Alex M Lawrence - Alex Lawrence I am a writer who writes to have fun Lawson - P J Lawton - Gary L Laymon Singer/Songwriter with more than 500 songs written, making public debut. Layne 15 years old, been writing since the age of 8. Perfer writing science-fiction, fantasy, and fiction in general Lazar - Roy Le u-BOB-n-Man "Mama Crying" Kristina Lean My name is Kristina. I'm 13 years young. Writing songs, singing, and writing storie are my passions. I hope... Adam Lear - There's nothing I like better than to snuggle up in bed with the duvet scrunched around me and a compilation ... Jm Leary Glad to be here Shannon Pypper Leary Shannon (aka) Pypper Marie Leary, a young future writer who lives through imagination, creativity an... Keri Lebeau - Brian C Lebron - David W Ledger I am 36 years old and I am married. I have three sons and live in California. I am a musician and writer... Alana Kate Lee - Amber Lee - Cody Lee - Dianne Lee 40 year olf female australia new writer. James Lee A kid that likes to write music about his own life, others lives, and things we all go through that we all have... Lanaia Lee - Thomas Lee I work fulltime at a large healthcare facility in Tampa, Florida. I write in my spare time. Eleanor Leech Please consider my short stories for publishing. I am a 21 year old female writer. I have a passion for wor... R S Leergaard An amature writer/poet/songwriter Jennifer Leeson I'm merely an enthusiastic writer :) Catherine Lefloy I'm 29, I like long walks on the beach. I love to read, I enjoy cooking and watching drama films. Roger Legrand - LeighAN - Joshwa Leigh I'm Joshwa Leigh I'm A Musician From Australia I Have Some Songs Recorded Check Them Out ( Joshwa Leigh - Nevay Leigh - Dan Lemmond - Kris Lemmonds - Liam Donaghy Lemmy I am Author Joseph Lemons - Dr Lemuria - Lena Glasgow - Carey Lenehan Carey Lenehan is a poet and writer with ambitions to change this bad old world into a better one. Slowly cl... Sarahjayne Lennon - Matt Lenox Looking to entertain with his pen for those who are willing to listen Matthew Lenox - Matthew Lenox - Lenox I try to create thought and recieve opinions not criticism or acclaim V T Leobloom - Craig Leonard - Heidi Leong I'm Heidi Leong and I like to write song lyrics. I would like to be a song-writer when I grow up. I've also b... Jonah Lepcha Famous Computer Geek Proves It To Be True: You Really Can Make Money With eBay, Adsense, and Clickbank All F... Jonah Lepcha Famous Computer Geek Proves It To Be True: You Really Can Make Money With eBay, Adsense, and Clickbank All F... Angela Leppard I'm an original writer and an artist. I write things as they enter my head from a different dimension into... Isabel Lerma Isabel Lerma currently lives in Paris, France. She moved from her beloved San Francisco where she Was ŕ succ... Catrina J Lerner I am a female, married for 33 years, have three beautiful children which have all left the nest. My hobb... Jeanette Lero - Abby M Lesczynski 17 year old, senior at Hartford Union High School Crystal Leslie My stories are inspired by dark comedy, psychological mind thrillers, parodies, and funny little observati... Matthew Mark Gill Lesson Learned Learning that life makes us happy and when you make mistakes we are only human. Betterin Gregory H Lester she's always been true to her beliefs and me but sometimes still she remains a mystery Gregory H Lester she's always been true to her beliefs and me but sometimes still she remains a mystery Elizabeth A Letourneau I am a senior at Vance High School in Charlotte, NC. I wrote this essay because our senior year e... Matthew Lett Residing in Tulsa, OK. Love writing and reading, and thinking up new ideas to write about. R J Levesque R.J. Levesque lives in New Brunswick, Canada. He is a fan of fictional works such as Stephen King, Clive Ba... Robert Edward Levin - Robert Levin - Levinus - Howard A Levy - Lewd Muse Hopeless at understanding my thoughts when and if I think them. Carl Lewis Brown hair blue eyes Deidra R Lewis im young but very muscial Gemmol Lewis - Kazhmir Lewis - Brad Lewkow Sarah K Lewry I am a committed Christian devoted to serving God with my writing and other gifts. Sk Lewry I am a committed Christian who is seeking God's will for her life. Lora Liao Lora Liao is a writer and loves to sing her songs when she can get the chance. She hopes that this song will be... Lora Liao I am 14 years of age and this is my first published song that I've ever done in my life. Sean Libbey - S Lichtenstein - Kj Liddle Senior in high school. Extremely handsome. Matthew Mark Gill Life Whatever happens you can't let the day get you down staying positive and motivated! Chris Light New author, just attempting to unlock some creativeness .... Lil Kiki Cool, unique, talented, intuitive, smart. Hans S Lillegard I am a writer/ translator who works with short stories and poetry Lily - Sapphire Lim Jus a normal 12 year old. wrote it when i was 11. Im jus an amatuer but love writing and reading. Chesterton P. Limeregis I exist in a world of music and light, far beyond reality, in a land known only to mankind's deep Lime - Colin W Linder Canadian based author T-Rey Lindholm I'm me Erin Megan Lindner Writing records feelings and emotions of my life that have confronted, challenged,inspired and scared ... Hunter Lindsey i am 18, just tryin to make it big, comment please Vincent Lini As Oscar Wilde said on his death bed while looking at the wallpaper in his dingy hotel room: "Well, one of u... Hannah E Linkin - Ariana Linkletter A simple girl from the midwest who likes to read and write. La Linoue Just letting steam out. Jack Linton Jack Linton is a Southern writer who enjoys telling stories. Erasmus Lion - Amy Mondure Lioncourt A balanced author who brings in the natural grace of people to make peices that will hopefully open... Lions - Rob Lioy I am a 21 year old Graphic Media student at the Rochester Institute of Technology. My main interests are music, ... Sarah Lipton Sidibeh Sarah Lipton Sidibeh is an author and performer. She has written short stories, poetry, a play, a ch... Lisa Female, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. Lithium - Little A - Maria Little-Hawk - J A Little - Ja Little - Jay Little from the mind to the computer Matthew Little - Ariel Little Red I am a 17 year old girl who found this site as a great way to get my stuff out there so I can see if it'... Little Red - Samantha R Little - Teresa Little - Aidan Littlefield Just a guy from Pittsburgh Matthew Mark Gill Living Everyone feels sad sometimes and dark days come.. Julia Helen Livingston - Li - P J Llewellyn I am seventeen years of age and this is only the second poem that I have written, I hope that the poetic me... Archibald K Lloyd Big fan of dressing gowns and singlets with ties. David Lloyd 21 year old male, lives in Northampton. Elroy Jamoke Lloyd 20yrs old...student...yak Laura Lloyd - LloydT - Victoria Lmuth I am a fifteen year old girl who is going to be a junior at Fontana High School and is writing stories an Bryant Lo Re - Loaner - Christian Loche - Marcus Lochricho I am a fag. I suck any size cock. I will fuck a hot, horny guy in the ass anytime. Duane Locke Duane Locke, Doctor of Philosophy in Renaissance Literature, Professor Emeritus of the Humanities, Poet in Re... Lucy Lockett From fable to poetry to whatever.... Chris Lockley Chris Lockley is a 15 year-old boy who is highly creative with a passion for words. Laura Lodemai - Abi Lodge I'm 15 years old and live in the west midlands of England. I enjoy writing, drawing, playing guitar, singing, m... Francine D Lofton Just another single mom Francine Lofton - Antoni Loignon I'M 17 years old and I just began song writting. Tell me what you think about my songs. Loki - Gia M Lombardi I love writing about nature and encorporating all of the senses so that the reader can almost experience w... L M Long I am a baby boomer with a lot of ideas rolling around in my middle aged head. I enjoy writing, reading, travelin... Longlight-Traveller - Omar Longoria - Stuart Eric Longridge - Matthew Mark Gill Looking Good Here we go again like a merry go round.. P L L Loomis - Robert Lopez - Jade-Marie Lord - Melodie Lori This song is for my true love of 5 years who I'd do anything for an who I can't be without Lori Lorien - Matthew Mark Gill Loser A new day and a new career just around the corner.. Matthew Mark Gill Loserville A new beginning to a old ending.. Succeed through reverse psychology.. Bruce E Losis Jr 19 yr male. Rita A. Lott I have three poems with International Library of Poetry to be published this fall. I've written a journal ca... Vera Louch (The Tea Lady) - Vera Louch My daughter is now twelve years old. My son is in high school, now. I still work part time in school transpo... Veraelaine Louch I'm not really new, I just haven't been around for a while. But I'm back. Antoine Louis Searching the depth's of his imagination to pen interesting story's!! Massie Louvack - Erynn A Louviaite Erynn A. Louviaite is an aspiring writer, a romantic, a fantasy nerd, a supernatural fanatic, an avid K... Lex Louw Occupation: High School Student Grade: 12 Personality: Compassionate young man who loves helping people Hobbi... Belinda Love - Divine Love Lover by soul...played,cheated,stabbed still worshiping love its never love that hurts but people do. Matthew Mark Gill Love Become a friend.. Ask how to make your site cool and I'll te Ruby-Rose Lovidge - Still Lovingyou - Bryn Lovitt - Bryn Lee Lovitt I will do anything for my characters. I am at their mercy. LoweE - Naomi Rose Lowe Naomi Lowe is an aspiring college student who loves music and words and what they can do together to chan Heather Loyd Heather Loyd is a copy editor for a small East Texas daily. Her hobbies are writing, photography and geneaol Loyd - Lode Loyens I write poems, books and songs as an amateur with hopes to become professional. Been writing on and off for ... Aaron Er Lozier Aaron Lozier is a 16-year-old, grade 11 student located in Chetwynd BC, Canada. Currently, Aaron works at... Tommy Luca TOMMY LUCAS IS AN ORACLE SO JUST DEAL WITH IT LMAO Tommy Luca TOMMY LUCA$$$ IS RISING TO THE TOP VERY FAST AND JUST KNOW THAT THIS WORLD WILL LAST BECAUSE I WILL FULFIL EVE... Teresa R Lucas - Jeremy Lucko The path I have travelled in life has led me to many unique experiences and characters. Take a moment to vie... Aryel Lucky - Keivn Luk Kevin has lived in New York for the plast eleven years, he is a teacher a the local boarding school for the bli... Lukas - Mateja Marie Lund - Sappho Luv I am a fulltime student, mother, employee, and wife. I love to write. I love to play music. I love every ty... Toni Jaquay Lynch-Omer - Richard Lynch - Stephanie Lynch - Toni Jaquay Lynch Toni Lynch started writing before she can even remember. Her writing has evolved from nursery rhyme lik... Lynch - Diane Lynn I am a college student currently majoring in English and Journalism. Writing has always been my passion and I... Patricia Lynn I am a student full time, wife and mother, who is learning to relive again, and realizing words help everyo... Lynn - Free Lyrics - Matthew Mark Gill Lyrics See life in another way in the eye of a lyracist! Timothy A. Lyzenga College Student. Charles Langley Tyna Luckey Barry Lyndon
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Brad Lewkow |
Writer only experienced as college entry English. [August 2010] |
Caught In A Storm (Non-Fiction) Captivating non-fiction story of a time when things were not so bright. [765 words] [August 2010] (HITS 2095, REVS. 0)