A M R F - F J Gordon - K. F. - Barry Stevens Faeden - Adesola John Fagbemi - Fahim - William M Faitel I am 17, and I have taken life blindly throughout my short lifetime. I never feel like I truly fit into... William Faitel I am 20, and I am a somewhat happy man. Rebekah Faith Rebekah Faith, author of “Picking up the Pieces” is the founder of RecessionFighters.org -a grass roots mo... Martin Faithless I live in england. And write. The rest is merely detail. Enjoy. Falconcraft Raised in Texas, grew up alone, moving from family at the age of 16, yet continuing on through highschool. M... Bj Fall Most of my poetry is of love vs hate situations eitherway they are both happy and yet sad in a depressed sort of ... Penkup Family We're Ambassadors Of Goodwill... Alishia A Farfaglia - Aa Farfaglia waiting for love R T Farris - Mike L Fatal Exit i have a ton of lyrics i may post some here and there depending on feedback and demand. i will post the... Liz Erjavec K Fate I'm a young American getting my degree at a British University. I love reading, writing, movies, and g... Galvin Faulks A very cutting edge focused, imaginative author who brings fantasy to life. Mungo Faust - Thomas Ta Arthur Favory - Miss Fay juz a girl who enjoying her life to the fullest~~~ Jeff Fazzalore - D Fd Just wrote song... Sean Fedrau - Alayande Usman Feelma ALAYANDE USMAN. Omar Fehimovic I am 42 years old from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I have written some plays, lyrics and stories for Ben Feidt - Patrick Fell - Robert A Ferguson Poetry for the sullen. Joshua Fernandes Song Writing A Hobby Jamie Fernandez 20, female, college student/procrastinator Stephanie M Fernandez - Richard Ferrell searching, wondering child of the universe. I like to think, read, write, walk, and pray. Kaitlin D Fest 17 year old female- swimmer. Joel Ficelle - Fiedler - Fika J Just your average 20-year-old college student somewhere in Southeast Asia. Michael Finch - Leonie Findlay A young songwriter just starting out Miranda M Findlay i wrote this, please dont steal it or rephrase it. Jessie Finn As with any other poetic author, my poetry comes naturally for me. I just get a pen and a piece of paper out ... Earl Finzel - Kat Fiore - Neil D First Generation - Josh And Nicole Fish 'n' Frog .... well. one smells good and one smells... not so good. Susan T Fisher - Tom M Fisher hmmmm, yeaaaaa James C Fitzgerald Umm...I am sixteen years old from Rittman, Ohio. Rebecca (Becca) Fitzgerald - Micah Flack - Randall Flagg I am a novice screenwriter, and this is my first script. Brendan Flanery I'm an amateur writer who has never been published. Writing and drawing have been lifelong hobbies that ... Elizabeth K Flannery An 8th grader.. Lol T Flash I love horror, thriller and mystery so beware, you're in for a scare. Laura Fleeger I am a 17 year old high school student currently enrolled in creative writing, which is where most of my wr... Nicholas M Fleischmann I am a poet and rookie comedy writer, very much oriented towards direct participation in web-based... Flipanmc Been a while since I've posted anything. Didn't realize that the author description is erased when you do. All ... Justine Bishop Flippantkzn I love writing. It makes me feel alive. Just hoping someone sees my talent :-) Elizabeth Flores - Woody Floria I am a 50 years old business man residing in Beaumont, Texas. I am widowed with a 28 year old son, and elev... Chris Flynn - Robert Flynn - Scott Flynn I am just your average guy who heard the chorus of this song in my dreams, and woke up and had to write out s... Erasmus Flynt - Fmk - Folau - Beth Foley - Julie Fonda Ms. Fonda has been writing short stories and articles for the past eight years, and her work has appeared in ... Kurt Fondriest The author is an art therapist. Has been puiblished in art journals and health journals More recent publ... Kari Fontenault I am a nineth grade student taking an English 9 class with The Potters School. Gary Foote - Jade T Force Never really submitted anything before, hope you like my work and would appreciate any feedback you have for Caleb C C F Ford strong brave rude Katie Ford - Tyler A Ford - Rahul Forever - Paul V. Fornatar After forty years of teaching school, I thought I would spend my retirement years writing. I've publishe... Charly Forney Charly Forney is a pen name for Piper Davenport, who is a recovering writer. The last time she checked, she... Shaz Forry - Vianne-Marie Fortier Sixteen. Growing up too fast. Poetry in motion, verses flying past her on the highway. And she br... David Duane Fortner - Anne F Fosburg My name is Anne, I love to read and write and live in Park City, Utah. I love to ski, snowboard and skate... Donna R Foster I am 35 years old and have two wonderful sons Jerry and Matthew. I work part-time as a Private Investigato... Mike Foster I am Mike Foster and am in eighth grade. My story has been admired by many adults. I have never published a... Francois Fouche Francois Fouche is an aspiring poet and self-confessed lasagne junkie. An ordinary Joe of simple pleasure... Stan A Fowler I was born in the Northeast of England in 1953 and I've recently married my fiance in America. I'm an artis... Sean Fowler - Christine Fox - Monique Nicole Fox - Rik Framan ^^ Erika Francesca An ordinary girl In a superordinary world With lots of unordinary skills..haha ^^ Dun mind 2 drop sum re Francesca - Celene Francis - David W Francis - Isobel Francis - P J Francis Elvira Frankenheim - Danielle Franks I'm a writer who has been writing since i was ten. Eri Fransiska expressing feelings spontaneously is a must Ambif Frantzich 16 years-old an aspiring artist and writer a musician a performer John Frazee John Frazee 260 A High Point Court Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (561)732-3118 johnfrazeexxx@yahoo.com www.fraz... Teresa Ann Frazee Teresa Ann Frazee ... Howard Freedman I write for a hobby. I have had two articles published but no short stories yet. Freelancer What can I say? I'm just another lowly writer who escapes into the worlds I create to escape (or describe) th... Clara Freeman Classy, sassy, midlife mother, nurse, songwriter,poet/freelance author. Jacob Freer - Emily Freeth - Lily Freiberg - French - Andrew French - French French - French - Louise Friedman Louise Friedman, other titles Susan Friedman - Freedom Fries - Karra Fritson I am 18 and from the NE. I have lost people in my life just like everyone else, but I thought I would write... Carl Anthony Frost Related to the abortion of my child. Jack Frost - Todd Fry sharemylyrics.com is a place to find more great artists.look me up leave a comment. Finding Saturday Fs - Randy W Fuchs Ii - Karina Fuentes Let's make a list, shall we? Name: I ain't telling ya. But you can call me kaz if you must insist. Age: a... Danielle Melissa Hannah Fuller I have been writing plays for a while now. This is first time, however, that I have submi... Katie Fuller My name is Katie Fuller and I am currently a creative writing major at Cal State Long Beach. I decided to w... Tia R Fuller - Rebekah J Fuly - Matthew Mark Gill Fun See anything ya like by me make your price. I write to write and because it's fun! Living life to t... James Fund I'm a regular 22 year old guy, struggling with my decision to pursue my career as a writer. Alan Funkle - Scott Furlong I've been writing lyrics for a year or two, it was just somehting to do at first but it developed into a ha... Dave Furniss - Grace Fynn Grace Fynn is a freelance writer Margaret M Frank Louise Friedman Ellen Fowler
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P J Francis |
Just an aspiring horror writer from the UK [August 2004] |
A Marriage Made In Heaven (Short Stories) A tale of revenge. [936 words] [Horror] [March 2004] (HITS 2314, REVS. 1)
A Perfect Crime (Short Stories) One womans vengenance as a perfect crime. [1,048 words] [Horror] [April 2004] (HITS 2358, REVS. 1)
Emotion (Poetry) - [39 words] [July 2004] (HITS 2284, REVS. 3)
Ghostly Figures (Poetry) - [89 words] [Horror] [August 2004] (HITS 2089, REVS. 1)
Gold (Short Stories) Lost hopes... [243 words] [Horror] [March 2004] (HITS 2292, REVS. 1)
Hunters Moon (Short Stories) A creature is hunted. [1,768 words] [Horror] [March 2004] (HITS 644, REVS. 0)
Insignificance (Poetry) Life's meanings and hardships. [71 words] [April 2004] (HITS 2164, REVS. 1)
Life's Essence (Short Stories) - [123 words] [September 2004] (HITS 2062, REVS. 0)
Miranda And Her Doll (Short Stories) A sweet little girl...or is she? [1,187 words] [Horror] [March 2004] (HITS 2403, REVS. 1)
Ode To A Tramp (Poetry) We forget about people that we don't see. [220 words] [April 2004] (HITS 2125, REVS. 1)
The Daemonae-The First (Novels) This is a part of a dark fantasy/horror that I am writing. [4,721 words] [September 2004] (HITS 611, REVS. 0)
The Dog (Short Stories) - [258 words] [September 2004] (HITS 2278, REVS. 2)
The Eye (Short Stories) - [138 words] [September 2004] (HITS 2297, REVS. 2)
The Holly Tree (Short Stories) A dark fantasy tale. [1,399 words] [Horror] [March 2004] (HITS 2081, REVS. 0)
The Tower (Short Stories) A man wrestles with his actions. [226 words] [Thriller] [April 2004] (HITS 2008, REVS. 0)
The White Room (Short Stories) - [892 words] [Horror] [August 2004] (HITS 2327, REVS. 2)