Ben S D I'm a guy from the US, spare a moment of your time and read this story if you will. D Donely *****sitting here "trying" to write.... G D on a keyboard J D - K R-L D - Kiyomi D 13 Year Old Songwriter Robin D Consultant, amateur writer. Daroga Daae Penniless. Mostly harmless. Mandi Daddona I am 20 years old and I have been writing since before I can remember. I enjoy writing as an escape. And I... Daddyslittlegirl - Christopher Dahm - Sally Dahoui - Amber Amanda Daigneault Rivard - Dr Surya Kumar Daimari The author is a freelance writer. Lew Dallas - Catherine Phillippa Susan Dally - Jools Dalore 'Sup just wrote two songs now, only quick. Matthew Mark Gill Dame Come join my friend list all.. Zion Dani - Maggie Danials I'm twenty years old, and I don't write often, but when I do, it's usually about sex :-) Daniel Van Heidelberg The author is studying in Melbourne, Australia and loves travelling, ice cream, abseiling and anyth... Danielle - David Daniels I am a retired New York City Corrections Officer that is currently attending Nassau Community College. I am... Shannon L Daniels i go to treasure mountain international school in park city ut M Rafique Danish The author is studying at MDH, Sweden. He has immense interests in research, reading and writing. He has... Christopher Dark Very well known and publicised author. Stunning vocab. Beatrice Darmie - Christina Darnell New writer needing honest critiques. Debadrita Das 14 yr old girl, Class X, St.Teresa's school, 72, Diamond harbour road, calcutta-23. Kishore Daswani 17 year old highschool student. Upasana Datta Hi! i am sixteen year indian girl .i love to write. i will really appreciate some reviews. E Daugherty - Danny P Dauzat 28 year old singer/songwriter from Louisiana Iron Dave - Piper Davenport - Bessie Davies - C G L Davies I'm 17, female from the land of sheep and song (ie Wales). Likes to write short descriptive stuff and storie... Rowan Davies I kick arse for the Lord. Alex Edward Davis I'm just a 16 year old kid trying to make a difference in the world wth my words and hopefully get a ch... Albert Davis - Brian C Davis - Chloe Davis I am A 19 year old girl who loves to write songs Cory J A Davis Student of Selkirk College in Earth Sciences Associate of Arts Degree from Okanagan College Likes nature, ... Fantasia L Davis My name is Fantasia. I like to write a lot of songs about the world and things people can relate to. I t... Glenn Davis Glenn Davis Doctor G born as: Glenn Scott Davis. Year of birth: 1962. Royal Welsh Family. International Artis... Hillary Davis hi Jinndal Davis Just Jinn, Mother, Grandmother, Phenomenal Woman! Mark A Davis I'm a male. I feel in love a little early i think but i love every moment of it. Im about ur typical teenage... Ryly A Davis i'm your average girl...well, mostly... i've been writing since i was only nine years old- songs, poems, boo... Radcliffe L Davis WANDERER. NOTHING MAN. EXILE. PRISONER FROM TIME. Robert Davis - Courteney L Davison Not much about me. I hate school and writing I play the bass guitar and tenor saxophone.That's it. G A Davo Creative when I want to be, love to write and sketch, enjoy! Dawei - Dawnday - Jayson D Day - M Joseph Day - W N Dayley Husband, father and writer forging ahead with his crazy dream of seeing his name in print. College grad, amat... Jenelle Marie Dayton I am fairly young and am an aspiring writer....I think it's all you need to know. David De'ath 18 years of age, i play the guitar (preferably the acoustic) and i have a vast taste in music but my ultimat... Gregory De Feo - Blu De Golyer Blu de Golyer is a produced screenwriter and published author. T De Jager errgh Martin De Leon Alive. Tony De Lima - Luis Miguel De Los Rios - Rhonda De Pietto Ocasio I'm 42 years old and live in Long Island, New York. I have 4 children and one granddaughter. I wr... Deadjerry - Alicia Marlene Dean-Hunter Well I don't know. Matthew Dean Currently I live in Tampa, FL and work in the software industry. I have a Bachelors of Science degreee from... Mason Mhd Deane Same as normal description Mason Deane - Seth Dearmas I am 16 year old from mid missouri, I play paintball grade paintball and I skateboard. I like music alot-pla... Deava To all who know me, love, to all who dont, possibilities Paolo Debernardi I was born in Casale Monferrato in province of Alessandria Italy on 03 July 1973 and had lived since 199... Paul Debrino Personal Bio: Paul DeBrino never took any lessons - playing or singing - but, in his early 20's, discovered... Jenae Decampo I'm 14 years old and I love to write. It took me a week to get this perfect! Ruby Decenilla - Peter De Dee Strange? Deedumz I'm 17.I write about things that I've experienced or things that happened to people around me.I live in New York ... William W. Degravelles Quite frankly-i'm me. Innovant Deis ... an author with many dreams one of my dreams is to be an author... Janette Dejesus . James Delacenserie - W Delaney - Paul D Deleon 31 year old male, born in Ohio. Have had life long desire to write. Currently pursuing this dream. Sarah Delise - Mary Ann Delk I am a married, 35-year-old Christian mother of two sons. I live in North Carolina, where I have lived all ... Hayley Dell - Dorra Della - Tre Delvon Tre Delvon, as I renamed myself, is my chosen pen Pseudonym, and I have a deep passion for writing. I began wr... T Demarest - Vica Demici - Donna Leigh Dennison Greetings Y' submissions on here come from South Alabama, so anything you read of mine on th... Adam G Denson I am 27 years old and I love music, singing, & writing lyrics to songs. Brayden Dent I'm a funny teen that enjoys poetry and short funny stories Patrick Dent Patrick Dent is author of the new covert ops thriller, Execution of Justice, the short story The Decision, p... Laura Depriest Laura is a High School senior planning on studying English and art at Northwestern Univerisy in Chicago, I Joe Desanto Desdemonda I love to write, even thought admittedly I'm not very good. Well at least practice makes perfect. Please revi... Lucas M Desilva The new biggest writer in the fantasy community Songwriter Songwryter Desiree Dawn - Sarah Desmedt - Gianna Desponale I'm a 10 year old girl... I like writing songs.... Idk Destiny - Andrew Detar - Steve Deutsch I like write things. Devin Meekhof Devin is a fourteen-year-old who love to write poetry, even if she's not the best of the best. She really w... Sharon L Devine - Glenn G Deweese After 21 years on the Tulsa Police Department, the author has decided to return to his roots and use the ... Nan Deyo I've waited 30 years too long to be a writer. Now, it's just about all that I do. I'd say I long for success, b... Dg Williford Dg Williford Don't hate me because I'm crazy! Joseph Di Lullo - Tom Di Roma Spaceman is my nickname, writing is my game. At least it has been since 1966 when I wrote my first young adul... Matthew Diamond Matthew Diamond is an aspiring writer from a small town in New Jersey. He has written numerous poems and ... Lisa Diaz-Meyer - John Stan Dickey - Laura Dickey - Mark Timothy Dickson A British writer, who writes fresh comedy and horror screenplays. May Kay Difference I am married with a son and daughter. I work part time as a monitor for school transportation. My hu... Jaymie N Dillon - Sean Dimech - Sean Dimech - Lindsey R S Dingo - Patti Dinneen The youngest of six girls, I learned early that the only way to survive was to see the humor in life! Greg Dinunzio Looking for work, a sturdy woman who spoils, a great cup of coffee, and friends who are incredibly funny (n... Josh Diodispazio Josh is a young writer never really good a writing but things are finally formulating in his brain. He l... Judith Ogechi Diolu I'm a 3rd year medical student of Delta State University, Abraka.I love writing, singing and dancing.... Emma Dix - Diya - Brent Dmitruk (Brazilman) - Lisa Doane - Doc Boyer - Boyer Doc A very nice and normal guy who just happens to be a horror/scifi freak! Glenn Davis Doctor G Glenn Davis Doctor G Author Doc - Saskia Dodd - Tim Doherty - Wallace Doig I am widowed man in his late seventies. I retired from my job as an Engineering Draughtsman many years ago.... Noel Dolan I'm a freshman majoring in creative writing and minoring in journalism at Colorado State Univeristy. I'd appre... Doll House - Nicholas Allan Domasio - Aj Domingo im just an ordinary man trying to share my music Mafer Dominguez I always feel that I've suffered too much but at least I feel much more that average. Matthew Mark Gill Don't Care Got it get it good! Maria C Donado - C D Donaldson - DonnJ - Sara Bella Donna - Gary Donnelly Details to come... James Donner - Katherine Gehl Donovan - Red Doors - Christine Dorothea-Maris - Simone L Dorsey I am a young girl of 13 who loves to write things and use imaginaton. Dougie Dosha - M H Doty - Kay Doucoure - Kyle J Douglas I'm a nerdy nineteen-year-old college guy who enjoys making his literary works unusual. S B Douglass - Kim Dow - Kirsten Reva-Louise Dowell - Lindsey M Downer I am a 16 year old junior student from Hartford High School. S Michael Downs OLDER THAN I'D LIKE TO BE, A DREAMER OF MAJOR RANK, TROUBLED BY THE STATE OF THINGS, AND HAPPY TO BE FREE Erica N Dozier - Martin John Devecka Dr. Z - Richard Dragon Richard Dragon is a PI living in a northwestern Ohio city. Dramaticpuzzlemaker Hey. Dranrae An insubstantial alter ego. Dmytie Drapper - Lacey F Dream I love life and what it has to offer. I enjoy writing down my personal feelings and making it into someth... Random Dreamer Crazy girl, Crazy writer, really loves reading, a big romantic with a dry sense of humour. Seen one too ma... Norman Dreiser Writer of short fiction for young people Dremoor - Skyler Drevan I am Jeff, writer, dreamer, realist. Drevan - Dana Drew I enjoy passing the time by jotting down my random ideas onto paper. Getting published would be nice but finis... Dri Cook My name is Adriana, and though I have a nickname, an American friend has told me I have a beautiful name, and u... Will E Drillit A casual observer of elemental forms of society. Dri My name is Adriana, and though I have a nickname, an American friend has told me I have a beautiful name, and uses ... Wesley B Rose Drley 44 year old Disabled Veteran. I write to heal. Grant Towey Droopy - Nikki Drosos Learning to live life and enjoying the relationship of Life! Steve Drost - Robert Drye Poem, Song in any key. Leoni Dsouza - Joseph Dubaskas Jr I am a 19 year old muscian. Tamara Dubberke Writing has been a way of life for me since my early teens. It started out to be a release of the stress... Gérard Ducasse An artist [ poetry, plays, short stories, painting and sculpture]. H A H Ducasse - Yashi Duckie DO I HAVE TOOO? Duck A young college student waiting for her A in English. Matthew Mark Gill Dude Ed Dudleston - Suzannah Duff I wrote this because I was in a bad relationship where I eventually realized I didn't have to deal with the Duluoz 19 year old-English-Male. Louisa Duncan - Rikki Duncan I live in Glasgow Scotland U.K. R Duncan - Ma Sabrina Racelle M Dungcatinkerbell i'm only seveteen years old. i'm a 1/4 american because my mom is half american hal... Gena Dunlap Fantastic blonde in Los Angeles Jeremy Ray Dunlap Lyricist, poet, humor writer, and vocalist from Boulder, Colorado. Now living in LA. My influences inc... Andrew Dunn - Jimmy Dunn Im a 19 year old guy living in South Africa. :) Frank Dunsmore Frank Dunsmore was born in Chicago and studied music and American Literature. He has always liked mysterie... Neil Dunsmore - Vanlal Duoma Duoma WHITECROSS Vanlal Duoma AMATEUR WRITER DOING RESEARCH ON POLITICS. Juan Jose Duran - Ann Durden - Durfee's Student - John A Durler I am a retired 64 year old verile male, living in New Port Richey Fl. Married, with 6 adult children. I wri... Swarnabha Dutta - Alon Calinao Dy Alon Calinao Dy is a Filipino Registered Nurse in Countries of Philippines, USA, Saudi, and Kuwait. Curre... Danielle Dyer I'm a daughter,a sister, a wife, and a mother. In College to become an elementary teacher. I absolutely lov... W L Dz Just call me DZ. I like music (Specifically rock) and writing (Obviously). I mainly write short stories as I don't... Dantu V J Diamond Hilda Ducasse Gérard Ducasse Arden Davidson Louise Dunn Garrett Diamond John Andrew Durler Noel Dolan
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Joe Desanto |
- [May 2012] |
Another Year Down (Songs) - [133 words] [December 2010] (HITS 1268, REVS. 0)
Fully Alive (Songs) This is a song I wrote about having that feeling when your with someone you care bout or someone you just cant live a day without. Its that emotion of feeling like your life couldn't get any better. Its like your really feeling what its like to be ALIVE in this world. [132 words] [Motivational] [May 2010] (HITS 1716, REVS. 1)
Get My Mind Off Of You (Songs) This is about your mind just thinking of that one special person even if its someone your with or you want to be with. [149 words] [Romance] [May 2010] (HITS 1600, REVS. 1)
Help Me Believe (Songs) Like many of my songs this song is about struggling to prove something to someone and make them Believe in you that your not just a regular person and that you have hopes and dreams too like everyone else. [156 words] [Motivational] [December 2010] (HITS 1212, REVS. 0)
It's Time To Get Whats Mine (Songs) - [102 words] [Motivational] [December 2010] (HITS 1327, REVS. 0)
My Last Goodbye (Songs) The description is in the title...Its someone who want to be noticed and they wont let others put them down. Its taking control of your destiny and surviving the life you live and never saying your last goodbye because you will always live on forever to do great things [118 words] [Motivational] [December 2010] (HITS 1392, REVS. 0)
My Own Homicide (Songs) This song was a hard one to write. Its about someone who is depressed and who feels they have nothing that can save them. This person feels the only way of getting rid of the pain is to possibly end his life all together..yet they feel bad about what the outcome would be. [111 words] [Suspense] [May 2010] (HITS 1447, REVS. 0)
Other Side Of Me (Songs) - [109 words] [April 2012] (HITS 1299, REVS. 0)
So Close Yet So Far Away (Songs) I wrote this about a girl I dated and how the relationship felt to me. We dated for 2 months but she lived about 1 hour away from me. I would see her once in a while but I fell for her quick. This is for anyone in your life that amazes you no matter how far they are from you. [137 words] [Romance] [December 2010] (HITS 1414, REVS. 0)
Spotlight (Songs) This is about basically trying to to standout and not look foolish under pressure. Its just trying to prove you can be tested with stress and pain to be able to come out on top. This song is also about proving yourself to others that you deserve respect for what you do [111 words] [Motivational] [January 2011] (HITS 1301, REVS. 0)
Summer Nights (Songs) This song was written for everyone who loves summer time. I figured for the start of summer this song will be perfect for this time. Its just about letting go and seeing what the summer nights will bring since everyone knows summer nights are where everything happens. [131 words] [Adventure] [May 2012] (HITS 1304, REVS. 0)
The Miracle (Songs) This song is about finally finding that one person who you feel has rescued you from the life you thought was boring or just making you unhappy. That person is your MIRACLE for saving you from either being depressed or just alone. [148 words] [Romance] [May 2010] (HITS 1445, REVS. 0)
This Is Our Time (Songs) [76 words] [Relationships] [January 2013] (HITS 1197, REVS. 0)
What Goes Around Comes Around (Songs) This song was about anyone who feels that there is someone who deserves to have karma come back and get them for what they did to you maybe in the present or past. Its that song that you want to hear when maybe someone cuts you off on the road lol or even starts a rumor about you. [137 words] [Suspense] [December 2010] (HITS 1244, REVS. 0)