Timmya The Totter - And The Rise Of The Dead Part 2 (1)
Rose Trimovski


Part 2- Timmya the Totter an the Rise of the Dead

Chapter one- The Talk

Its been a month since Timmya went to see the Mongol Tribe and help them at the cave.
"Honey! Breakfast is ready!!," said her mother, calling downstairs into the kitchen."God,
I wish she would stop calling me "honey" I'm not a little kid anymore." mumbled Timmya
She fixed her hair an ran downstairs for breakfast. It was August, very hot an musty out,
the sun was very bright. Timmya looked out the window wondering when she will meet her
friends again,when she will go on another adventure, wondering what Miss. Shepard is doing
an how shes been. "Honey?" said her mother, right behind her with her hands on her hips.
Timmya snapped into reality an turned around, brushing her hair lightly from her face.
"Sorry..what did you say?" Timmya asked puzzled. "Honey you've been acting out of it lately,
anything wrong that mommy should know about?" asked her mother. Now the thought of her mom
saying "mommy" and calling her "honey" was just insane to her, couldn't her mother see that
shes not a little three year old, couldn't she see that she has learned to walk already, I
and talk, and eat? "No..no nothings wrong mother, I think I will go out for a walk, I just
need some fresh air an to think for a while." replied Timmya to her mother's question.
"Oh well, alright, but I'am wondering where our lovely neighbor Aleksandra is?" asked her
mother confused. Timmya just realized that one time when she had saw Aleksandra out with
her friends, practicing wicca, in those long black cloaks, when they had transformed into
that slime ball she an her friends had to defeat in the cave, Aleksandra was nothing but
trouble and she was happy that Aleksandra wasn't around anymore. She had defeated them an
have taken the first crystal. "I don't know mother." said Timmya. She hurried out the door
as quick as she could, so her mom wouldn't of been suspicious of her whereabouts or ask her
any more questions, she didn't want to be part of it, ever.

Chapter two- The Crush

Timmya was out doors. The hot sun against her face had burned her, as she tanned an put on some strawberry-banana lotion on her. She stroked her brown hair through her fingers. A shadow had blocked her sun. "hey, move it!" yelled Timmya, opening her eyes. In front of her
stood Darryl, as he looked down at her. "Hey, sorry, I thought you were someone else." said Timmya. "Hey, its ok, how ya been?" asked Darryl. "You look nice in that bikini Timmya." Darryl replied flirtingly. Timmya blushed "Um..thanks," Darryl smirked. He was staring at her.
"So how are you and Kwan?" asked Timmya. "What do you mean?" asked Darryl. "Well you two always had a thing for eachother when we were at the cave, when I caught you two staring at eachother." replied Timmya. "No..she found someone else during the month." replied Darryl.
"Oh so you just go around trying to use me because Kai has a boyfriend..forget it!" yelled Timmya angerly."No, I never liked Kwan in that way, it was brotherly and sisterly love, I cared about her as a sister, thats all, and what do you mean im using you?" replied Darryl. Timmya's cheeks suddenly turned red, it was burning inside her, she was embarassed she made an idiot out of herself. She looked down. "Oh..nothing..I was um..kidding." she replied.She walked off, couldn't stand there an look like an idiot anyway.Darryl grabbed her arm as she was about to leave. This is the moment she thought, hes going to say he likes me. "Do you know when Miss. Shepard will be expecting us?" he asked. Darn it! I wasn't right, he doesnt like me, he wants to know about Miss. Shepard, and I haven't known a clue where shes been for the month. Thought Timmya."No..I dont," she replied. "Well ok." said Darryl. "Well, I'll be seeing you,my ma's makin lunch an I gotta go eat." He said an walked off. "Bye...," she said, watching his every move, "Wait!" she called. He stopped an looked at her. Timmya ran towards him. "Do you wanna come over to my house tomorrow an watch a movie?," she asked. "Sure, an Tye an Kwan are comin, so okay." he smiled, she grinned, even though inside she wanted to be alone with him, but she knew that would never happen, as she walked home an he walked to his.

Chapter three- Movie Night

Timmya was in her room brushing her long brown hair, as her mother downstairs was cooking breakfast. A loud knock was at the door, her mother rushed to open it and see who it was. "Coming!," yelled Rada. She ran to the door and opened it, there stood Kwan and Darryl, all dressed up and Kwan, holding the snacks. "She's upstairs," smiled Rada. "Okay thanks," said Darryl. As they stepped in they ran up the stairs and walked inside Timmya's room. "Hey Timmya!," yelled Kwan and Darryl. Timmya turned around and smiled at her friends."Hello there...my dear dear friends," responded Timmya, looking as if she was paralyzed.
"Um..are you okay?," asked Kwan. "Oh sure..why would you say that on a beautiful morning like this one, my dear lovely friends," replied Timmya. "Um..okay..whatever you say?" asked Darryl confused. "Yes, yes go ahead, put your stuff down an lets sit down on my nice pretty bed and have a long chat first," replied Timmya. Kwan was getting wierded out by Timmya's responces to their questions. "So where is Tye?" asked Kwan. "Hes still on his vacation," replied Darryl. Timmya snapped out of her dreaminess and shook her head. "Sorry guys, I was day dreaming again." said Timmya. Kwan rolled her eyes "Figures..," she said. "What does that mean?," asked Timmya. "Well, you ALWAYS day dream," replied Kwan. "Oh..sorry," replied Timmya. "I wish Tye would be back sooner," added Timmya. "Yeah me too," said Kwan and Darryl. "I hope he brings me a souvenir," grinned Kwan happily. "Kwan!! Don't be rude, even if he did or not we still have to be nice to him and ask him how his trip went." replied Darryl.
"Er..sorry, got carried away," Kwan said. They walked over to the tv room and sat down on a mat, Timmya placed the movie into the video. "What's this one about," asked Kwan. "It's called "The Sandman" and its about a guy who eats-," Kwan cut off Timmya's words as she spoke. "No!! Don't tell me what its about, I don't want to hear it from you!!," yelled Kwan. "Oh, sorry got carried away!," giggled Timmya, as Timmya and Darryl laughed and got Kwan back. "You guys!!!," Kwan laughed also. Timmya looked up at the television, "Oh look, the show is about to begin," replied Timmya. As they sat down all three to watch the show. Timmya gazed her blue eyes over to Darryl,Darryl looked up at her and she quickly glanced away as to pretend that she was looking up at the clock over to her left. Darryl smiled confusidly. The whole movie bored Timmya, that was because she watched it so many times it was getting stupid. But she needed something to watch so her friends wouldn't think that she wasn't prepared to watch anything.
Kwan and Darryl and Timmya watched the movie.Kwan put her hand over her mouth and yawned. "It's getting late," Kwan replied, looking at her watch."My mom says it's fine for you two to spend the night," added Timmya, gazing at them. "Are you crazy?," Kwan yelled, looking at them both. Darryl just stared at them and smirked without responce. "Oh alright!," said Kwan,Kwan looked over at Darryl and yelled, "What are you smiling about?!?," she screamed. "Well, while you ladies are here with me, we all can spend the night," he winked. "GUESTROOMS!," Kawn yelled angerly. Darryl laughed,"I' am just playing with you guys," he replied and ran over to the guestroom with Kwan following. Timmya felt bad, "He smiled at Kwan, he didn't even look at me ones, what if he and Kwan get a chance to go out and me and him never do," thought Timmya to herself. She walked over to the mirror and looked at her blonde hair,"Am I really that ugly," she asked herself. Kwan walked in the room,"Is there something wrong?," she asked Timmya, Timmya tried to pretend like everything was ok, and shook her head no. Kwan closed her eyes, "No!," yelled Timmya, "Why?," asked Kwan, "Just leave me alone! Stop trying to get into my private business Kwan, you think its all that great just because you were born with esp," she said sobbing an ran to her pillow and sobbed on her bed. Kwan closed her eyes and said ESP, and read all her thoughts, then she opened her eyes up again, "Oh I'am so sorry, I didn't mean to, but Timmya I am your best friend, you can tell me these things, be happy that you have one female friend," she replied stroking Timmya's mane of blonde hair. Timmya got up and Kwan wiped her tears. "I really like him Kwan, I do..but sometimes it hurts me," replied Timmya, "Be happy..hun, he likes you too," Kwan replied. TImmya looked at her, "How do you know this?," she asked her.Kwan smiled "Well,be happy that I took a peak in his brain," she smirked. "Ohh you sneaky one!!," replied Timmya, and hugged her. They heard footsteps and in popped Darryl's head sleepily, "Sorry guys, but I heard you two arguing or something, whats the noise about?," he asked, Timmya smiled and said "Oh nothing!, Now head to bed you two!," replied Timmya. The two went to bed and Timmya went to hers happily.

Chapter 4- The Visit

Kwan woke up first, as usual, and then Timmya, and Darryl, Timmya ran down the stairs and almost tripped down them.
Darryl then came down last, they had breakfast and discussed what was to be done, they had another adventure to attend. "So what's going to be the next place to visit?," asked Timmya, "Well, we'll have to see.." replied Kwan. There was a loud knock at the door, it startled Timmya. "Who would that be?," asked Darryl confused. Kwan closed her eyes, said "ESP" opened them and said "It's Tyel!!!, Tyel!!," replied Kwan. Kwan ran to the door and opened it, and hugged Tye. "Well, thanks to you too," replied Tye as he fixed his glasses.
"How was vacation?," asked Timmya.
"Fairly good..," said Tye.
"Did you like it?," asked Darryl.
"So so..,"
"Did you bring us souveniers???," asked Darryl curiously.
"Darryl!," screamed Kwan and Timmya.
"Sure I did, your my friends," grinned Tye.
He opened up his bag after they had crackers and coke, and pulled out a necklace for Timmya, a scientific pen for Kwan and a statue of a garden for Darryl, to help him remember his fave. pastime, gardening.
"Thanks!," they said to Tye.
Tye smiled, and wondered where Miss. Shepard was. "Aren't we supposed to visit her this month?," asked Tye. "Yea..," said Timmya, "lets go now," she continued.
They walked down Berry Cypress, down the side walk and into the Magical Shrine store. They walked inside and waited by the desk for Miss Shepard.
Tye knocked on the desk, "Miss. Shepard??? Are you there?," he asked.
"Velcome back," replied Miss. Shepard and her warm toothy grin like it always was. "How are you my children?, Vat brings you back here?," she asked. Darryl smiled, "Well, you told us after the Mongol tribe that we do another adventure, a new world is seeking for our help, and we need to help them," replied Darryl. "Aah..now I remember zee place you have to go next, zere iz a vorld out zere that is called Shadow Village, it iz very dark and spooky looking, vat you have to do iz, zere is a graveyard zere, and zat graveyard iz, very scary, it iz hidden somewhere in one of zose gravestones, you have to use ESP to find it..," she replied.
"Only Kwan knows ESP so she could be able to help us find it," replied Tye.
"Yez, you are very right, Kwan vill need to use her ESP powerz to help you find zee graveyard that has zee hidden staircase, inside zee graveyard you have to vatch, zere is lots of creatures, zere, they are the children of zee dead, and zere lurks a powerfull master, he iz very scary, and he rules Shadow Village now, he made most of all zee people leave the town to go and worship him and listen to him, and be a part of him, making him ztronger zen vat he is already, but you have to stop him, most of the people are inside of zere houses, scared and frightened, vishing zere was somebody out there to help them, and zey know about the four of you children that can help them, but zo many people posed as you guys, and they never believed that it was the real you, so zere will be some people you have to tell them who you really are, and you pass a couple of zee tests they give you and zen they will let you through the graveyards, and you may enter zee dungeon underneath a gravestone.," explained Miss. Shepard.
"That's some freaky stuff!," explained Darryl. "No its not...," replied Timmya, "That's because you are the only brave one in the group Timmya," replied Kwan. "That isn't true," replied Timmya.
"Zo, here iz zee plan, I vill make a sleeping potion, so zat zis world stop time, and everyone falls asleep, ven you are done vit your adventure, then you will come back here, and I will undo the potion," grinned Miss. Shepard.
"Excellent plan," replied Tye.
"Zank you," said Miss. Shepard, "Now run off to bed, get ready, take your orb vith you and tomorrow morning be sure your ready so I can freeze zis time, and you may jump into the world of zee Shadoowww villlaaggeeee....," continued Miss Shepard.
They agreed and left, getting ready for the next big day.

Chapter 5- Shadow Village

Around 5 p.m. they were all outside, Kwan rubbed her eyes, because the full sunlight reflected against her eyes, and she was inside her dark house all day, she sat down in her circle, outside where the grass was green and there was a lot of space to transport as she waited for them to begin.
Timmya got up as they all formed a circle and
held hands, Darryl had placed the orbit into the middle an went to go an chain up with
everyones hands, they all closed their eyes, and started to say out their power. "Strength!",
yelled out Tye, "E.S.P!", called out Kwan, "Healing!", exclaimed Darryl, and Timmya, now it
was her turn, "Courage!", and a big flash of silver came out of the orbit as it resized the four of
them and they slid into the ball into another world. They fell down to the floor, it took them ten minutes to fully recover, Tye was the first one up, and to find that they were in a little room dark as a cave, but had light, and lots of torches around the room, "Where are we?," asked Timmya confused. "Well, we are in a cave I guess, some kind of small room," replied Tye.
Tye examined the room, then noticed the big boulder behind the door, "Hmm..come on they make this way too easy on us, stand back guys," he replied, walking over to the boulder he said "Strength!," as he picked it up and crushed it into small pieces of nothings. They all had walked into the exit and appeared as what they see now, Shadow Village.
They walked down the cold very very foggy village, it was really hard to see, since it was very foggy. "Brr..it's cold," replied Timmya. Darryl hugged her, "I'll warm you up," he replied smiling. "Hey,thanks," replied Timmya, feeling all warm inside, Kwan looked at her and chuckled, Timmya nudged her and gave her that evil stare, and whispered, "You tell...and I will never talk to you," Kwan nodded, "fine fine..," and she didn't even look where she was going, but to bump into some lady.
"Im sorry," replied Kwan embarassed, "Way to go," said Timmya to her. Kwan gave her a snotty face. The lady turned around, "Eh, thats alright I don't think anyone can see through all this foggy weather," she smiled. The girl was pretty, she had curly blonde short hair, green eyes and stood 5 foot wearing a purple cloak with an emerald on the front. "I'm Sherry," she replied, grinning. "My name is Timmya, and this is Kwan, Darryl and Tye," she replied. The lady laughed, a laughter that was so sweet, but they who were confused, "What's so funny?," Kwan asked her. "No, its just that so many people that came here posed as being the four chosen ones..and you two are doing it again," she said. "Were not doing anything, we are the real ones..we are the chosen ones," replied Tye.
"I don't believe you," replied Sherry.
"Then give us a test, and we'll show you," said Darryl.
"Alright, come to my father's house and we'll test you, if you pass you may go to what you seek, if you fail, then you may leave at ones," she replied.
"Agreed," they said, as they walked to her father's house.

Chapter 6- The test

As they reached her father's house, they entered in, Sherry showed them to the couch, offered them tea and they refused, "Kids dont like tea. What's she thinking?," asked Kwan.
"Hey, I do," replied Timmya.
Kwan rolled her eyes, "Don't suck up to her, I really hate her," she said. Kwan imitated her, "I don't think your the chosen ones ha haha...loser," she replied.
"Shut up," said Darryl. Kwan just sat mute for a while.
A man appeared into the room, his shadow first appeared, he had one eye, and covered his face in a cloak, such deformity on a poor human soul, wandered Timmya, he had a long black cloak, and he stood 6 foot, he wore black gloves, black boots, black pants, his hair was even black underneath the cloak, since you can see a piece of hair standing out of it. He sat down next to them, "Who are you four, my sister says you are the 'chosen ones' as you may call it, such posers these days...they just think they are someone their not..people just want to copy others, everyone has to be them..no one is their own person," he replied, his voice was deep, very deep, and sounded a little bit harsh. He looked at them, with his one eye, that disturbing one eye, Timmya was getting uncomfortable. Sherry walked in, "Guys, I'd like you to meet my brother," as she pointed to the man with the one eye, "His name is, Van Damme Shadow," she grinned.
"Why is his name Van Damme Shadow???," asked Kwan rudely.
They looked at her for 10 minutes, and didn't say a word. "Because...it is," she said.
"Whatever," ask Kwan rolled her eyes.
Sherry's father entered the room, he was a chubby man, with a cane, white long beard, white hair, blue eyes, and glasses, he wore a brown sweater and blue jeans. "So, your the kids that Sherry is accompanying saying that your the four 'chosen' ones?," asked her father.
They nodded. "Ok, Im Mr. Westchester, so call me that, I'm going to test you tonight, so come along," they followed him into the back, and there were 4 tests ready, a big boulder was on one side, that was for Tye, a lady was sitting in a chair on the other one, that was for Kwan, a lion was in a cage, guess that was for Timmya, and for Darryl, was a injured boy.
"Who wants to go first?," asked Mr. Westchester.
"I will," replied Kwan.
She walked over to the lady sitting in a chair, and sat in a chair next to her, staring right at her. "Ok, this lady is thinking of something can you guess what she's thinking?," asked Mr. Westchester. Kwan closed her eyes, "ESP!," and opened them.."She's thinking of her husband that died in the war." Kwan replied.
The lady's eyes widened and so did Mr. Westchesters. "Ok..you passed," replied Mr. Westchester. Kwan grinned and sat back down to wait, for them to be done.
"Next..," he replied.



Go to part:2 



Copyright © 2002 Rose Trimovski
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"