Rooms Ana Houses Of Haunting


bull street
i was staying at the abandoned house in bull street, the old place thats so attractively darkand foreboding. the house that has been abandoned for years now, the house that had a history, even squatters had avoided it, thoo im not sure why. Though im no ordinary squatter,nosey neighbours dont see me, and rumours dont reach me. i have no reason to be there, i have money, a job, a house and a car. as i said i have no reason to be there, as far as anyone else is concerned, and this fact makes all the difference. i am there because i was drawn to it from the day i first saw it. a grand house long ago, built in the late 1800's, 3 stories of wood and sandstone. i was drawn by the heavy, muted sadness of it, the mysterious melancholy that the house generates. its like a faded beacon hopelessly transmitting too oblivion, the decaying orbit of a forgotten sattelite, the fading light of a long dead star. i heard it and i have seen it, therefore i have no choice, i must go. i remember vaguely that the indigenous people of this country had a name for this, they called it "spirit of place".
i awake from a dream, i listen. there is midnight light ana sounds outside, distant yet discernable. i sit on my bed, thinking ana listening. creakin floorboards ana bearers are groanin, settlin timbers in the cold winters nite. i watch my breath drift into the cold air, which i find somehow very reassuring. i light a cigarette with a match from a ancient matchbook. i found it in a womans dresser, it was the only item in any of the drawers. the matchbook had one match used, and written in the flip up was " dont forget me... yours for aeterna K."
the match spluttered for a while then suddenly grew brite burnin to my fingertips just after i lit my cigarette. the match light illuminates the room briefly, a soft warm glow, that contrasts wonderfully with the cold bright moonlight that pours in searchingly. i idly wonder why i woke up, since i remember what happened last time i was awoken abruptly in the lonely hours, not by sound nor by touch. something calls out to me, echoin thru my memory ana consciousness, all the while the white noise of silence is roarin dully. i get up unwrappin myself from the dark grey wool blanket with the two red stripes, a old hospital blanket. i shiver ana bump in the cool. i walk thru the pools of moonlight to the windows that overlook the street, my soft footsteps echoin deeply thru the house. i look out into the night sky horizon, lookin for my lucky star. i then watch the sinister red halo of heavy industry mixing uneasily with the brilliant silver moonlight. im drawn to look below too the street, even tho i expect to see nothing in particular, its too quiet and still. its easy to be all alone. i look down to street level staring out, in a unfocused long view. some freaked vietnam veteran at some RSL once came and told me i would be a giant in south east asia, walkin thru the jungles ana paddies. he asked me where i got my thousand yard stare from. i of course had no idea what he was talkin bout, tho i remember the thousand yard stare, and i wonder if just means a unfocused long view. meanwhile back at the street level view my peripheral catches something weird, focused i turn ana watch, waitin for further movement. whatever that was its gone now, i forget about my feeling of bein drawn.
i go to the bathroom and wash my face with my hands, theres no hot water here, thoo the pressures up. the candle flickers uneasily as the draughts whisper to me. shadows jump about nervously as i stare at myself in the mirror vaguely. i see the cast iron claw bath behind me, i abruptly go over ana look at it. the white enamel is dulled ana worn, i suddenly feel like a warm bath, so i can get lost in thought as i listen to the slow dripping that is strangely loud ana rythmic.
no hot water tho, so i just get in ana lie back staring at the ornate plaster roof, i fall into the patterns, as they appear to change in the candle light. as i lie there i wonder how many people before me have actually taken the time to notice the ornate designs. i wonder who the plasterer was, even tho he would be long long dead, for a moment hes alive thru his work, his art. i think about all those who have bathed in this claw bath, wonder how many sat in the bath lookin out thru the windows and admired the cold stormy friday afternoons, as lightnin arcs ana thunder rumbles, completely at ease in the warm warm water with the rythmic slow drip drip drip. how many listened to the delightful buffeting wind as it batters the window pane, ana howls lowly thru the many cracks ana gaps. how many listen to the patter of the cold drops of water as they hit the glass pane. did they stare ana listen so long that the warm water slowly turns cold, not even caring since they were so transfixed by the beauty of the views they saw. i run my right hand along the rim of the enameled lip of the bath, i notice there is a very small gap between the bath and the wall, i run one exploratory finger into the unknown, the gap is no wider than my thumb. i wonder how many
secrets are hid underneath the right side of the bath. i jump up, onto my next adventure, i get the candle and place it onto the black ana white hospital style tiling. behind the claws someone had constructed a wooden box behind all four claws, presumably to make cleaning easier and to make it look tidier, the woodworking is intricate, the wood follows the curves of the bath exactly, i expect it has been there as long as the bath. i tap around the wood ana look for nails ana screws, theres none, i tap more and see that it is built so that it jams into the floor wall ana tub, thus keepin it secure and preventing it from being pushed inwards, im impressed that someone had forethought to make it removable, if it becomes necessary. i take off my necklace with the key on it, i get the key ana lever the timber outwards, the timber comes out easily. i look underneath the bath, i notice the thick layer of dust, i run my finger thru it determining the depth, its real thick, it doesnt look like anyone has cleaned behind here ever, cool! i draw the candle closer the light illuminating objects covered with dust, i breathe in ana blow the dust, the black dust goes everyware'. my forearms are covered in black, black with the dust, the dust that has the texture of talcum powder.
i put my hand in softly brushin the objects, feelin delicately. i find four candles, all used, two red ones, a green one ana white one. i study them for a while, i lite the green one from my candle, it reluctantly lights, ana after its done flickering protestingly it burns softly, and im delighted to realize its scented, it smells like incence, a deep mellow hauntin one. i breathe it in deeply wonderin how long its been since anyone has smelt its wonderful perfume, prolly too long ago, lost in the years ana slowly windin equinox. my lucky star has risen ana fell many many times. the candles all have been melted at the base, i notice the curve of the base, they must have been accidently knocked off the side of the tub, and no one had bothered to retrieve them, if i had of lost that pretty green scented candle i would have retrieved it. now with two candles i peer into the abyssal darkness, the light venturing into the unknown fearlessly, i wish i could be that brave. im hoping that i find something cool, something epic. Bingo..... i see leather strapin and a dull gleam, i put my hand out without thinkin snatchin the object from the dusty abyss, it has weight, i notice, my eyes are closed to add to the surprise, even tho i kno what it is by the feel ana weight. i open my eyes ana clear the dust of the face, it has roman numerals! its real old. the watches leather band is disintergrating. i study it flippin it over hopin to see a engraving, sadly theres none. i look at the face an run my fingers over the scratches on the dial, imagining the scenarios that transpired to give it those scratches. i wind it up, the bezel rolls in my fingers easily, it gets to its end, i stop breathin as i wait for a tic, it starts ticking after a second, it feels like a eternity as i hold my breath waitin for that distinct sound.
i put the watch aside carefully, with the candles, i turn my hand back to the the unknown.a mometary flicker of my new green scented candle, causes me to see somethin i hadnt seen, the candles flicker makes somethin mettalic wink at me, its like whatever it is wants to be found, desperate to tell its story. i shiver involuntarily, i look over my shoulder slowly, tensing, i can feel the muted energy, nothin behind me. the whisperin wind consoles me ana softly urges me on, a gentle hand in a world of bloodied fists, bruises ana broken bones. the energy no longer startles me, it has a feelin of expectation ana energy, like spring..somehow. i start to lose myself in the current, i vaguely worry that i will get caught in a undertow again.. this place has no bad feelin, it jus has a sad soft lilt to it, strangely expecting with a diffused energy ana spirit. a deep sense of true melancholy. beautifully sad hopefulness, alive in depth, contrasts ana achin' potential. like a perpetual dream state. i sing in my head " well i could sleep forever, but its of her i dream, if i could sleep forever, i could forget about everthing, if i could sleep forever....." i fall into the layers as i hear it in my head.
my hand draws nearer to the mettalic object, my hand shakes as i feel it, my hand shakes even more when i realize what it is, im shivering all down my spine, i pull it out towards me, i leave at the threshold as i look for what i think will be accompaning it. sadly im right, my hand finds the delicate shiny surface with a rough dry surface on tha flipside. i see the yellowin paper just near it.
all things are laid out in front of me now on the chequred black ana white tiles. i draw a deep breath, i kno whats comin, the scent of the candle is softly comforting, my knees hurt from kneeling, jus like, i remember suddenly, kneelin for prayers at ccc across the way from school. knees on cold tiles, forgive us as we forgive those who tresspass against us. yea, thoo i walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil: i breathe out blowin the black dust of the cutthroat, its extended, im careful not to smudge or remove anythin thats not dust, i look at it very very closely. theres a long dark thread of hair tangled up in the pivot joint, i dab at the blade delicately on my shorts fabric. the blade is still sharp, theres dark stains on it, and it has corroded the metal, pitting it slightly, most of the metal is covered with this. theres solid bits of dust in tear like shapes along the vicious edge, its all consistent. i look at the picture a man ana woman, posin in that old severe way, thoo the sepia did show that look of the mutual love they shared, despite the severe pose and rigid posture. they look ahead whilst lookin at each other slightly, so softly, so gently. i look into their long dead eyes, the energy and hope is captured in the yellowin sepia. they are young in age, bout 23, however their eyes show a depth and intensity that belies their physical age. im distracted from the smudging ana same black blown stain on the man, the sepia has run in parts, it looks like someone has rubbed the mans silhouette gently ana repeatedly, leavin those black brown stains. the man is on the right, he looks of eastern european descent, he is tall and good lookin. the woman looks of irish or welsh descent, pretty tall, very beautiful with thick long dark hair. her smile is hidden in the pose, nevertheless her eyes smile so gloriously, unable to contain herself. her hands are unusually expressive. i sadly whisper what have you done girl? what have you done? on the flipside in delicate writing it says "too my beautiful wife katherine, yours joyfully ana eternally, gregor. '14" i pick up the letter, the same handwriting that has been watermarked, ana smudged by that same black brown stain. the paper is nearly disintergrating, i read it carefully." 10.10.17 too my dearest katie, please try not worry your pretty lil head about me, i will make it through this, i promise you my dear. i cannot describe how much i miss you, i think about you all the time, so much so i forget im in this terrible place, iam with you in my dreams. i will come home soon, and i will surprise you whilst you bake a cake in the kitchen, smilin like a fool standin there with a bunch of wildflowers. katie you are my everything, take care my dear, i love you. gregor
i run it all thru my head, the whisperin wind falls silent, i hear the distinct drip drip drip. i look up ana see a feminine hand over the ledge of the claw bath, i slowly raise my brow in the gaslight i see katherine naked in the bath, her blood drippin slowly off the bath rim onto the checkerboard black ana white tiles, length wise ragged gouges down her smooth peaches ana cream complexion, she's the business, she knows exactly what shes doin. shes sobbing softly as she caresses the picture with her index finger, her blood is smudging the photo as she caresses gregors silhouette, she reaches for the letter and fumbles due to blood loss, knockin the cutthroat down the gap, she watches it fall as she vaguely remembers she had planned to clean out under the bath tub.she reads gregors letter for her last time, she drops it in the water that is now very very deep red, she sobs louder at her clumsy destruction of her last letter from gregor, she carefully tries to pat it dry, only puttin more blood over the letter, she sobs heart breakingly at this, shes tryin very hard to steady her hand, the blood loss is makin it impossible thoo. i crouch down, shes slippin away, she turns to her side, her eyes are the only thing that registers the shock ana confusion, her beautiful bloo eyes are wide and not focusing very well, she tries to put the letter and photo on the right hand rim of the bath tub, her hands are so shaky she over estimates and watches as they slip down the gap, again a deep heart wrenching sob, as they slowly slip away, it tears me apart watchin and hearing this. she turnin bloo now and im watchin helplessly as her head sways, tears flowing, streamin down her face, turnin her skin that odd colour that it becomes after tears, like grey streaks. i biting my lip hard, my incisors visibly biting into my lower lip, my head is tilted oddly i rougly wipe away my helpless tears with the back of my hands, my nose is runnin terribly. i grab her swayin head and gently rest it in my right hand, she looks at me with a devastatingly imploring eyes, which are quikly losing their life. i strenghthen myself up and grab her hands and hold them firmly yet softly, her blood is all over my hands. i look directly into her eyes, she stares back, i squeeze her hands gently sayin im here im here, i stroke her hair whilst i support her head, smoothin it. Katherine is no longer sobbing, i say again im here im here, her eyes smile faintly as she exhales her last, she slowly lowers her eyelids and her weight doubles, her body finally relaxin, her chest falls. i do not drop her with the sudden increase of her weight, i steadily ana gently lower her head down so shes lying with her head restin on the rim of the bath, i smooth her hair ana repeat im here im here,slowly patting her left hand on the rim. shes so cold, life is pronounced extinct at god knows when.
i awake from a dream with my hand on the cold white enamel. i say im here katie softly to the empty room. the whisperin wind stirs me, the room is warmer now, the room smells like incence, my green candle burnin steadily. the expectant vibe is gone, replaced with a sense of spring... somehow.



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