The Sleeper Must Awaken.Part 1
HELLO!… and welcome… earth entities… brothers…sisters…fans and stalkers… SIT! …elevate your flippers…unblock your blow-holes…hear my whisper… COME! …indulge…in my poetic…prophetic whirlwind…of perception… I’M (((((THE DR))))) …and I pass to you…my knowledge for absorption…. MY! (chakras)…flicker with excitement…aware of changing times...compelled to be creative...that’s why I came to scribble rhymes...when I attempt to WAKE THE SLEEPER’S! ...I come across…a nut...I’m a holographic preacher...but behind my back they tutt...many think I’ve lost my marbles... FOR SURE! …I LOOK AT THEM THE SAME! ...don’t they realize earth is college...a higher-education game…(re-incarnating) through infinite lives...born wiser to the signs...who would have thought…I’d spend (end-times) on earth...scribbling silly rhymes… AND SO! this work…is scribed on tree flesh…by my own six fingered hand…my identity…is known to few across your primal lands… BUT KNOW! …I’m passive…and I linger…in the synchronistic thoughts…of countless beings…waiting lifetimes…to AWAKEN!… and be taught... I’M A (Reality Host)… dictating to infinite strains of meek…I’m a super-conscious FREAK!… who rides inside…(mer-ka-ba) streaks…I can exist…in umpteen bodies…whilst retaining all my memories…diluting ego…in all entities…re-tuning minds…I’ve come to tame acidic times…by humming alkaline rhymes… YUP! I tumbled down with vertigo…through realms of light vibration…I’ve been merging with your planet…since it birthed your 3rd dimension… IN FACT!… I’m a (6D) whale-like (Sirian)…an hermaphroditic being…who polarized…solidified…I’m in your D.N.A…dear earthling NO NO REALLY! WELL! HMMMM! OK! I think maybe…I hit you with that line a little ill tone it down…and slowly peel the skin from my cocoon…I don’t want to vex you early…into thinking I’m a goon…I’m within your chromosomes…that’s why we whistle the same tune… AH! AND BREATHE! OK! LETS SEE! I’ve taught the highest levels…and countless ones beyond…within Egyptian (Mystery Schools)…wielding my crystal magic wands…I inhabited the bodies…of left-handed virgin twins…being amphibious… AND YES! …they had a lovely set of fins… SIMULTANEOUSLY! …on a different continent…and different time…I graduated through the (White electric mirror Mayan line)…part human/jaguar…there were a few (therianthropes)… ABOUT! …speaking…through the plant-life (D.N.A)… WORK THAT ONE OUT! …then I left your 3rd dimension date of… FIVE FOUR O…AD …milliseconds later…Rome succumbed to (comet) calamity…the advent…of the (dark-age)…saw the dumb…rise over wise…pristine setting…for your fear-guilt blood religions to arise… ITS HELL! …to have to sweat and dwell…in a fragile human suit… AGAIN! to toil…within this dense reality… AGAIN! …as youth…but incarnate I did…for man has skid…far off the path of truth…but if the truth be told…we’ve always been engrained under one roof… BUT! it doesn’t really matter much…which world a beings from…its just a body…just a capsule…(sacred geometry)…that conforms…to surroundings of environment…you’re not a cosmic accident…you’re the makers self- experiment…in skin… HE’S NOT A HIM! you’re all (gods)…I think…its time I threw that in…beware the (Jinn)… DA! DA! I’ve stood…in ancient Scotland as an oak…4000 years…shielding…(Druidic) vortex doors…for the (Eden-burgh) seer’s… LIGHT GATES! to inner earth… EXIT! …caverns…now re-birthed…from where…the (serpent gods)…and (Elven teachers) dwell…there’s (Shamballa) (2D) codes…within your human-body shell…so don’t fear death…there’s certainly no hell… OR BURNING SMELL!… I fed the Aborigines…for countless centuries…(reincarnating)…as 2 million widgety grubs…these bugs were me… HEE! HEE! my (Karmic) contract…now dispelled my years of eating flesh…that was one bizarre experience…and still I think… ONE OF THE BEST! …but examining my achievements…in their zodiacal glory… KNOW! …the geographical…(sacred-geometry)…(equinox earth-survey)… THE (HARMONIC STAR-GATE PYRAMID) …at (Giza)…first of three…was over-seen…by many of my kind… (Reality Hosts)… like me …through our seasonal… incarnations…as the (mushroom/manna bread)… we induced mans first (God) visions…curing dread of being dead…we’re the (Grail)…out of your holy books and myths…the (tree of life)…now the (mushrooms) been replaced…by alcohols moronic strife… SPORE’S! …travelled to your planet…impregnating Mother Earth…frozen fast…in (spermy comets)… MUTATING! …(9D) big-brain-birth… now we police…the (4D) (Annuniki)…Iraq’s Biblical (gods)… THOSE WHO FROM HEAVEN CAME TO EARTH! …man drives (hallucino-genetic) cogs…a (supernova) blew…some 40,000 years ago…instigating chain reactions…in (left-brained) science…still few know…speeding up your evolution…many millions of years…E.T’s genetic past experiments…then cranked you up through higher gears… MUTATING! …Mother Natures…(serpent D.N.A) within…(psychoactive plants)…laid…the first foundations of religion…so go now…back into your literature…and read it all again… WITH A SYMBOLIC MIND! …and see Christ followed… Shamanistic trends…(Creationists)…and (Evolutionists)… ARE LOST! …playing games of slap…always falling in each others traps…with monkeys on their backs…cant they see all paths are relevant…with aspects…which are pertinent…they must unzip…their petty tents of pride… ZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP! and respect that life has many different rides… OH! DOH! (evolutionary theory’s) lost…in (Darwin’s) beard…and (creationism)…fell off their flattened earth…and disappeared…mans minds…evolved…beyond these times…I aim to show you through my rhymes…that time does not just move in one long linear line…have some wine… LIVE IN (THE NOW)! …don’t fret the future…leave regrets of past behind… !!NOW!! …its the time of planet cleansing…observe most present structures ending… THE WORLD! …may seem deranged…but change falls in photonic rains…idle human apathy…holds you in lethargy…you relinquish privacies…to false safety… WAKE UP! …OR STAY SLEEP …and let them steal your liberties… FOR! modern man is now robotic…this is obviously… PSYCHOTIC! …your banal celeb-sedation…was not conceived off at creation…these worthless clones are now your (gods)… ASLEEP! …you’re breaking all the laws…of self (manifestation)… AWAKE! …your powers of (affirmation)… STOP! existing in a soulless dream…frustration boils…you want to SCREAM! …materialism…sours the spiritual cream…where have you been…lack of knowledge…makes your spirit wither lean…you’re in a coma…being squeezed…part deceased…or so it seems… FOR SURE YOU DREAM! …for you are sold this line of (end times)…(Bible thumpers) scream its so... SIGH! man must trust conflicting doctrines...or quickly down to hell he goes... AHHHHHHHHHH! but this crying is uncalled for...this is not the doom of earth...staying conscious at this (Pisces end)...helps (Gaia) through re-birth…mans the bad kid in the class…don’t you know that you’re the last…within your vast spiralling galaxy…to re-join galactic family… MAN’S… THE MISSING LINK! …stop… think… you’re not a human/chimp… AH WELL! …pursue your monkey stink… WAIT UP! and I’ll suggest a PRIMATE SHRINK… OOO! OOO! AHH! AHH! daily time is speeding up…there’s 16 hours within your day…you think…its just the pace of life… BUT! …(3D) doesn’t work that way…heading towards a point… A DATE! …of which has always been your (fate)… (2012) ...we carved on (Mayan) slate… TICK! TOCK! …the hour is late…ignore the chaos…for these times you live are great… DON’T HATE! …just mark a tick…on this…(wormhole) opening date…and don’t sleep late… PLEASE! …understand the urgency…its dam near an emergency…half a decade still to go…to the end of time… LIGHT-SHOW! …that years Olympics are distraction…to direct away attention…from (Aquarian age)… SCRAPE YOUR CAGE! …lets spiritually engage…and refuse the (micro-chip)…vaccination makes you sick…it’s a pineal numbing trick…to make the (indigo children) THICK! …in this life…I now converse…through the cosmic searching mind…an adult…and (Celtic) male…chosen to tell my risky tale… (MAGIC-MUSHROOMS!) …eaten as a youth…with Huey… looking for a truth…an invitation…to a (Reality Host)…he talked to ghosts…again he dosed…mushroom’s on toast WISDOM! …had him engrossed… DING! he started in a church…a futile search…down holy roads…his attempt at reconnection…to the dimensional abodes…but he’d reached the hilt of fear and guilt…as I child he wasn’t fooled…as he watched the comedy baptisms…in a chlorine swimming pool… WHA?... so he set out on his dare…the fear at home too much to bear… RELIGIOUS HATE! in Northern Ireland…how slow it changes over there…through years of cosmic research…he x-rayed through the (blind faith) joke…for peace he moved to Holland… HE WOKE!… revived by (hashish smoke)…this natural earthly gift…was RE-AWAKENING!… his kind…he had forget his deeper presence…his psychedelic astute mind…he read about the (U.F.O’s) …Tiarnen…Clare and he… THEY SAW ONE! …watched the brainwash movies…about invasions soon to come… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! but he siphoned out that TV fear…detecting something real and dear…visiting the (Pyramids)…right there (((((THE DR))))) did appear …grounding geometry…as a (Sirian)…how did (Reality Hosts) build these things… AND WHY NO MENTION IN THE BIBLE? …much discomfort…ignorance brings… HIS! ancient red-haired race…is a fine poetic host…more adaptable than most…to constant ranting from a (ghost)… (((((THE DR))))) …has turned countless searching minds to dough and toast…not my intention…please don’t quote me…as that’s certainly no boast…but the Celts a special strain…high (melatonin) in the brain…they’ve taught light…since (Lemuria)…now warriors…but once tame…like the Africans and Indians…still in tune since ancient times…like a freeloader…I chose my host… I HOPE HE DOESN’T MIND! he travelled back to (Belfast)…the (SUN-god) reeled him in…living 5 years in London’s (Illuminati) money bin…losing touch with many friends…to most (((((THE DR))))) rants too much…so the (angels) shoved him home…for he was getting out of touch…Belfast is a madhouse…but unique in many ways…no more bombs to shake his windows…not hard to miss those feckin days…he knew two people who were murdered…three more shot in the knees…three cripples and two bodies…dropped in death… FOR FALSE BELIEF! he moved to haunted Edinburgh…Madam Michi came to stay…in the flat he sensed a spirit…but he got used to things that way…but when poor Michi was alone…the lodger spooked her to her bones…one night the spirit came…to greet them both… OOOOOOOOOOO! AHHHHHHHHHH! FECK! …so again he moved his home… STILL NOW! the red-haired (Shaman) race is demonised…as dark skin…reels from the virus…test-tube-man-made GENOCIDE! …the (dark-lords) are insane…low (melanin) within their brains…their INCESTUOUS! inter-breeding…has diffused their nature seeding…but know…their time is up…run out of luck…bad (karma) RUN A-MOCK! …and so now through…my Celt antenna…I let you know…you live forever…my exorcisms of illusion …quench the thirst of death-delusion…your consciousness… now RE-AWAKENS! …into light dissemination…you are ENERGY-IN-MOTION! …true meaning of emotion… as your teacher (JORDAN MAXWELL) said //The minds like an umbrella…its not working very well…if its not open//… CLEVER FELLA! …but of course…questions remain…who am I…and what’s my game… WELL! …I’m only here to help…so oil your brain power…using kelp… FOR! …to many…I talk non-sense…they’re so switched off…in front of sit-coms…fearing death through their religions…and as I said…they live in tents… ZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP! …ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! SO! I want to counsel early…as I leap from dark to light…I’ll be engaging in some topics…that are sure to summon fright…ill be dredging up sick issues…keep at hand a box of tissues…ill be stirring up…some truths tarnished by muck…I wont run and duck…don’t take it personally…if your engrained beliefs…I seem to try to mock… TICK TOCK! TICK!TOCK! TICK! TICK! TICK! its my God-right to convey…what I see wrong in your day…this day of misalignment…within a world of fear confinement…some people need offending…for them to see what the agenda is…a keyhole world…is all that many see…tweedle-dee I… (((((THE DR))))) jingle keys…to fit the doors…that open up REALITY!… HEE! HEE! so I speak this only once HEY! I’M (((((THE DR))))) …not a dunce…I’ve beamed…around forever…and I come to heal you better…don’t believe all that I say… RESEARCH! …no need to pray all day…for you’re in control…you own your soul…remember…that’s your roll… SO! put your skepticals on…you’ve been a SLEEPING! slave to long…drink the water in the bong…I’m here to show you what’s gone wrong… FOR YOU CREATE REALITY!… heed those last four words from me… FOR! I’m the (voodoo) in the horseshoe…that’s sadly now taboo…I’m the brine within the tuna tin…when drank…that makes you spew… I’m the kung-fu style of drunken shrew…that went ER! slightly askew… I’m the Incomprehensibly timeless… but affable… (((((DR MU))))) I’m you.
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