A Jennifer Love-Affair
Darcy K Metz


"Hey boys, who is your new friend?" asked the old man, sitting in front of an antique television set. He was watching some old twentieth century television show.

"His name is Jack, we gotta go Grandpa," replied ten year old Michael with a legitimate sense of urgency to his voice.

"Ya Grandpa, we are headin' out to play some hockey, so we can't stay and talk right about now," added Michael's twelve year old brother Pete, trying feverishly to shove their new friend Jack out the door.

"Hey, that's an old t.v., kinda like one my dad just rebuilt for his antique store. And you got one of them old DVD players too. How old is that stuff, sixty years or what?" probed Jack as he successfully traversed his way through the barricade of Michael and Pete. At the same time as an air of utter dismay dripped from the two brothers' faces, their Grandpa's lit up like an old Sony Trinitron.

"Pretty darned near close there boy. I've had these since I was in my twenties and now I am, uh, well, many times that age." The old man pressed pause on the remote control, crossed his fingers, the letters L-O-V-E were tattooed below each knuckle on his left hand. The old man leaned forward slightly in his burgundy recliner, eyed the frozen images on the television screen for a moment and then looked back towards the boys.

Michael whispered into Jack's ear, "Don't ask him about the t.v. shows, and don't let him tell you about them. He is crazy and obsessed, we'll never get out the door!"

Grandpa snarled at his grandson from across the room, "Remember, I got them new eardrums boy, top of the line they are! I can hear better than the lot of you! What do you know about obsessed! For that matter what do you know about crazy, ya I was crazy in love only once in my life and I still am to this day! Maybe your friend wants to know about these shows that I covet there Bailey!"

"Dammit Grandpa! My name is Michael, not Bailey! That's the friggin guy from those stupid old shows you watch!" Michael was more embarrassed than he was angry, knowing that his Grandpa was playing him.

Jack strode into the living room, took a seat on the floor in front of the old man and testified, "Sure Mr. Henry, I like a lot of those old shows from the 1990's, especially the ones that were on that Fox network"

"You are a credit to your generation there Jack," replied Grandpa. A consolidated condition of calm and anxiety came over him, not unlike someone who is set to perform for an audience, "except that I can't believe you don't know of this show there on the screen: Party of Five."

"Oh yeah, I've seen one or two shows, but they are hard to find. I especially don't recognize that pretty girl," an adolescent grin saturated Jack's face as he pointed to the screen.

Grandpa then leaned back in his recliner, put his feet up, and stared at the woman's image on the screen. He rubbed the tattooed letters on his knuckles which instigated memories and emotions from nearly half of a century ago to flood his mind and cause his heart to race. "That woman there, Jack my young friend, is the one and only Jennifer Love-Hewitt. Would you like to know more about her? I can tell you the story about when I first met her."

"Cool! You met her! Ya, tell me your story Mr. Henry," remarked Jack, filled with utter awe and unsettling feelings which confused him.

"Way to go Jack you jerk off, now we are stuck here," stated Pete with an annoyed intensity as he took off his jacket and joined his friend on the floor, followed shortly after by his brother Michael.

"I know you boys have heard this story before, but your friend here looks mighty sincere about hearing it. You don't mind listening to it again though do ya boys?" Grandpa wasn't asking their permission, not at all, he was going to relive those events regardless of his grandsons.

"No Grandpa, we don't mind. Actually we Can't Hardly Wait!" answered Michael as if regurgitating some memorized speech.

"Ah, good you can't, wait a second? You little shit heel, I got your joke. That was one of her best films too, yes it was." A smile stretched across his weather beaten face as he got caught up in images of undeniably the most beautiful woman who ever lived! - At least that was his interpretation.

"Mr. Henry? How did you meet her, ah, Jennifer Lovely, what's her name again?" asked a confused Jack.

"The name is immortal, Jennifer Love-Hewitt!" the name rolled off his tongue like so much sweet honey. "Now when we met, well, that was back in the late 1990's when the Fox network was filming some of their most popular shows down there in Vancouver. It was the summer of 1999 and I was treeplanting on the Island. We had a week off in May so a few of us went to Vancouver for some fun and that was also the first season they started filming Party of Five there as well. It all began when we were taking one of them new Fast Ferries across from Victoria."

"Thank fucking god that whole shit of a mess is over, I'm never workin' for that contractor again," complained Steve, sitting at the bar on the ferry with Christian and Alex. They were half way between Victoria and Horseshoe Bay and cooling off at the bar did not aid well in helping them to forget their worst planting experience ever. Christian added in his French-Canadian accent, "So Alex, no summer planting on the Island for you eh?"

"Na, I've had enough of the Island for this year, and if everything goes well I'll be working for myself next year," Alex answered quite cheerfully, finishing his draught.

"'Eh, maybe I work for you next year if you prices good?" inquired Christian, most seriously.

"Ya right man, so you can cream everyone out? Guys'd be quitt'n on me."

"Enough fucking bush talk already. We got a week to whoop it up in Van, let's get in the mood boys," blurted Steve, who was a good three beers ahead of his companions, "We have to see my cousin who is some kind of production person or something. She was around the taping of The X-Files during its last season and Millennium."

"So what's your point Steve?" Alex asked in a somewhat annoyed voice.

"She can get us in and meet the actors. There is some kind of gathering for a show that just got moved to Van, Party of Five I think. We can go to that party," Steve emphasized like a fool with his hands.

"Yeah, that Neve Campbell, mmm, sweet she is!" smiled Christian, already convinced he would have her.

"Big deal, that's a fucking lame show anyway. And besides, why would they want us there at all?" Alex thought he made a valid point, but it was to no avail.

"It won't matter, there'll be lotsa people there, you can hide easily Alex, ha, ha!" Steve was mocking Alex; he knew how to push his buttons to the point where he would agree to most anything.

"Fuck you Steve. I'll go to your lousy party and then we are doing what I want." Alex was quite angry with Steve and he thought to himself that he never liked the bastard much anyway.

"That a boy Alex. You won't regret this I promise you!" Steve poured more beer into Alex's glass. The three of them made a cheer and clanged their glasses together.

The party, being more than Alex had expected, made him greatly uncomfortable. They had spent the last two months living in tents so Alex felt far removed from his element. The only person he recognized as an actor was Neve Campbell and that was only because he knew she was Canadian. He was also quite perturbed with Steve and Christian since they were right in the mix of things with some of the crew members. That was when Alex thought he may as well attempt to mingle. As he was looking around, he walked right into another person, unaware that anyone was there.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry. Didn't even see you there," Alex exclaimed, feeling like a huge fool.

"Oh that's all right, I forgive you," answered the young woman. Just then the two of them finally made eye contact and it happened, that was it. Both of them stopped and just looked into one another's eyes for a time. Alex's adrenal glands were awakened and released a fury of epinephrine into his bloodstream; fight or flight, he would do neither. Alex had never experienced such an event before.

"I don't believe we've met yet," stated the woman, concentrating as best she could to keep her own breathing stable, her pulse rising with the microseconds.

"No. We haven't. My name is Alex, Alex Henry," he put forth a clammy hand which met an equally clammy hand in a brief handshake. The contact was heavenly.

"Nice to meet you Alex, I'm Jennifer. Jennifer Love-Hewitt."

"Jennifer, hi. So, are you part of the crew or are you here with , uh, colleagues, like I am?"

"Ah, you could say I'm part of the crew. I take it you're not that familiar with the t.v. show?" asked Jennifer not really surprised but appearing more pleasantly relieved.

"Not really much of a t.v. fan. Mostly just watch the CBC. The only person in this room that I am positive is one of the actors is Neve Campbell."

"Is that so? I don't really like these functions much," Jennifer paused, smiled slightly and continued, "You want to get out of here and get a coffee or something?"

"Uh, ya for sure. I'm sure we can find a Tim Horton's nearby," Alex was filled with such delight.

"Let's go then Alex."

"Mr. Henry, who is that Tim Horton whose house you went to for coffee?" asked a confused Jack.
"Oh, you mean Tim Horton's, there Jack. That was a popular coffee shop where you could buy donuts and bagels and muffins and such."

"Grandpa! Why do you lie! Starbucks is the only place you can get that kinda stuff!" screeched Michael as if stating a universally known fact.

"Damit Michael, you and the rest of you ungrateful designer genotypes. I can remember a time when things were more Canadian! When you didn't have to buy nice clothes at Bay-Mart,"


"A time when you could buy your groceries at Overwaite,"


"A time when you could still watch an NHL game in this part of the country!"

"Grandpa!" All three of the kids yelled in unison, breaking the old man from the spell of his rant.

"What? Oh. Oh yeah, where was I. Righto, we were going for coffee and I had no idea who this sweet lamb really was."

"So Alex, tell us more about this woman you met at the party who stimulated your body. You didn't even mention her name man," prodded Steve as he passed a joint to Christian who was sitting across from him on the hotel bed.

"Oh yeah, her name is Jennifer. We are going out for dinner tonight."

Steve took a deep puff, held it in for a few seconds and exhaled. "Woh. A dinner date already, she must dig you. Speaking of Jennifer, that's the only cast member whose autograph I never got, she was there but left early or something."

"What are you talking about Steve?" asked Alex.

"Oh. I never saw Jennifer Love-Hewitt there so I never got her autograph," Steve was visibly disappointed.

"Jennifer Love-Hewitt? That's the woman I had coffee with and who I'm seeing tonight."

"Zut alors! She's actress from the show man! You are kidding, no?" asked a stunned Christian.

"No seriously, she never said she was an actress, and I wouldn't know any better," Alex was quite surprised, but didn't think it mattered much.

"Fucking shit Alex! You got a date with Jennifer Love fucking Hewitt man! Fuck, why you of all guys there!" stated Steve, who was stunned and confused and very stoned.

"Fuck you Steve. Probably because I treated her like a person since I had no idea who she was, you stupid prick."

"Eh, Alex. You got a point there mon ami. You like 'er 'cause of she makes you 'orny and not 'cause of she be famous," Christian stated in a Eureka sort of tone, pointing at Alex as if discovering a new universal law of science.

"Ya, but its not just that Chris. I've never felt such a deeply strong response before to a woman who was a stranger. It can't be explained except that we must have been destined to meet."

"Holy fuck! Give us a break you Harlequin pussy. You never actually said that to her I hope." Steve thought how he would never want to meet her now, because he would be far too embarrassed of what Alex had said to Jennifer.

"Steve, I've about had enough of you you stupid asshole. For your information, Jennifer beat me to it. She feels the exact same thing and she said that it must be destiny," by this time Alex was ready to throttle Steve, but he practiced restraint.

"Whatever man. You gotta go about this differently now that you know she's a famous actress. Spotlight shines bright man," Steve always thought he was so damned wise.

"I don't care about any of that," Alex paused and stared at the floor, then finished with a most serious tone, "I only care about her."

"Oh man!" Steve fell back on the bed not believing what he was hearing, and man was he hungry.

"Alex, I wish you were able to stay longer. Where is this place you're going to work?" asked Jennifer, tightly embracing Alex at the Vancouver Greyhound bus depot.

"Prince Geoerge, it's a few hours north, but I'll be back to see you in two weeks for sure."

"Well, we don't begin production until July so I've got a lot of free time. You'll have to let me come visit you sometime."

"Definitely. After I've come to see you. You remember my e-mail address?"

"Yes. Alex, I've never felt anything like this before, but it is so strong and so frightening at the same time," revealed Jennifer as she clung tightly to Alex like so much Velcro, not wanting to let go of this man she had only known for six days.

"I know, I feel exactly the same thing, except my instinct tells me this is the real thing," Alex said softly, staring into her eyes, pathetically attempting to peer into her very heart.

"Before you leave I," Jennifer paused, closed her eyes, then looked back up at Alex, "I love you."

"And I love you Jennifer," Alex replied then kissed her for a long time while the song I Don't Want to Wait by Paula Cole reverberated throughout his brain.

"Nice try Grandpa but wrong t.v. show theme song. Dawson's Creek ring a bell there?" interrupted Pete, "Grandpa always gets that stupid song mixed."

"That show was a pile of crap, yes it was! And how unreal it was, not like the all too true Freaks and Geeks," ranted Grandpa with an obscure turn of the century television reference the boys would never make sense of.

"Grandpa, I swear you went crazy all those years in the bush," said Michael shaking his head.

"You little freak! Thirty-five years treeplanting and thirty-two of those I worked for myself. I musn't have been that crazy," he answered shaking his tattooed fist in the air.

"Oh ya, Pete what was grandpa's company name?" asked Michael in a mocking tone.

"Wasn't it For the Love of Trees?" answered Pete with a giggle.

"Very funny ingrates! Back to my story," Grandpa was quite pissed now, but he went on if only to relive the memories for him self, "We saw each other nearly every weekend until work wrapped up for me. Then I moved to Vancouver to stay with her. Those months up until December were as perfect as perfect can be let me tell you."

"What happened in December Mr. Henry?" asked a genuinely curious Jack. Grandpa answered in a gravely voice, "That's when our roads began to diverge."

"Alex, why do you have to go to New Zealand? Especially this time of year. I wanted to spend Christmas with you," Jennifer was as angry as she was sad that Alex took a treeplanting job in New Zealand.

"Jen I told you, I need to do this. For sixteen weeks I'll be saving enough money to start my own company here in BC next spring." Alex was telling the truth, he was not about to turn down all the potential income. This was the break he was looking for; this was simply what he had to do. It tore deeply at his heart though. He had found a woman whom he knew he could be happy with for a lifetime. But this was also his career on the line, a chance to work for himself, to never have to be ripped off by unscroupulous contractors again. Besides, after four months he would return, surely Party Of Five was here to stay for some time.

"Besides Jen, you'll be busy starting that new film and doing your publicity stuff and all. It's not like you're not going to be busy," Alex added this if only to reasure himself.

"But Alex, I told you I would help you get your company started. Why won't you let me help you? I want to help you," Jennifer's voice was a conglomerate of agony and anger; a single tear rolled from her right eye.

"You don't understand. I have to do this on my own. I know you mean well and I know you are offering that out of love," Alex reluctantly looked at her from across the apartment room, and added in an unsure voice, "Things will work out well, I know it."

"So Mr. Henry, what happened? Did you get to marry her?" asked Jack sincerely.

"I'm afraid not there young man. I had to make a choice, a life decision. I was at a path where I had to choose between two things I wanted most of all. It's kinda like choosing between a good bowel movement in the morning or a hot cup of contraband Tim Horton's coffee. You want both and need both, but can only have one or the other," Grandpa spoke the truth and today he was wishing he had chose against the coffee.

"Sick Grandpa! What the hell's a matter with you! Get to the moral of your story already so we can go play hockey," Pete had heard enough already for today.

"So Mr. Henry, what did you choose?" asked a confused Jack.

"Jack, your parents obviously never selected your genes very well, stupid. Can't you tell he went crazy all those years in the tree farms," Michael thought the answer was obvious eventhough he'd heard the story a hundred times.

"We still called them forests back in my day and you could hike and camp and fish and what have you for free!" blurted out Grandpa living out in the uneconomic past as usual.

"Grandpa! Get on with it already!" announced an angry Pete.

Just then Grandpa, AKA Alex Henry, clenched his left fist and stared at the tattooed letters beneath the worn knuckles and as quickly as his tired reflexes allowed, he shoved the fist mere centimeters from young Jack's face. "This, Jack, is what I chose against and this is what I lost and this is what I've regretted to this day. Love. The only real deep down spiritual kind of love that you don't just feel in your gonch."

Jack stared in awe as if receiving the commandments from God. And Grandpa went on as he stood up out of his old chair, "Just when I was half way through my first season working for myself, them bastards at the Fox network pulled production out of Vancouver once and for all because of taxes or some damned thing. Jennifer had to leave and I had to stay, or so I thought at the time. Her career was still rising and mine was just beginning. We both worked too friggin hard to give up where we had come to just for love. We were also both young and thought we knew better, but boy I tell you were we both wrong."

Suddenly it struck them and both of Alex's grandson's looked at him with real sympathy. They saw the lifelong pain of regret that Grandpa still carried and realized why he always wanted to tell them the same story. Granpa loved them and wanted them to avoid the same mistake he had made, and save them from what must be a kind of pain that never goes away. For the first time the boys also felt repect for their Grandpa.

"Grandpa, you mean we should choose that kind of love if we get the chance no matter what the outcome?" Michael asked in a sympathetic tone.

Grandpa's eyes came to life like the boy's had never seen before, a spark of life that must have been extinguished for years. Grandpa looked at the boys with a new admiration, "That's right son. A love that fills your very being, that starts from a chance meeting, that is the stuff of life. If you are fortunate enough to experience it, you got to be wise enough to recognize it for what it is, and then you got to fight like mad to keep it no matter what."

"Wow Mr. Henry, I hope I get loving like that one day," stated Jack, not realizing exactly what had just transpired.

"Oh, I'm sure you will Jack. Now why don't you boys get outside there and play your hockey," Grandpa motioned to the door with a smile on his wrinkled, well weathered face. The boys stood up in near unison. As the other two walked towards the door, Pete hesitated and turned towards his Grandpa once again, "Hey Grandpa, why don't you come play with us? Dad said you used to skate. You can tell us about the old teams that used to play in Canada," asked Pete with real enthusiasm.

Grandpa said nothing for a few seconds, rubbing his tattooed fingers, and responded, "Ah, what the hell, this old body could use the exercise. Have you ever heard of a good 'ole Canadian boy called Tie Domi?"

"No, what was he like?" asked Michael putting on his jacket.

Grandpa smiled an ominous little grin, "Oh I'll show you boys, that I will. Some good old time hockey."



Copyright © 1999 Darcy K Metz
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"