The Doormasters THE DOORMASTERS Fade in: Int-corridor. A man lays on the floor uncounscious. His eyelids twitch. He opens his eye's. He stares at the flourorescent light lined ceiling. The man stand's up. Leans beside the wall. He appears to be in his early's 30's. He has a light stubble,and his clothes are wrinkled. He stares down the corridor. Numbered doors align the hallway. He begins to walk. The corridor seems endless. Man (shouting) Hello?! Hello?! Only his echo answers. He continues down the corridor. He stops in front of a door. The number on the door is 434. He opens the door, and looks in. To his amazement, there is no room! no floor, no walls, no ceiling. Just a great void! Suddenly a rush of air hits his face. He shuts the door. A voice comes from behind him. The accent sound british. British Voice "Hello John." The man John turns around. The man standing before him is tall, and dressed in a blacksuit, blackderby,and wears a monocle. He carries a cane, with a glowing crystal atop. John Who are you? How do you know my name? Man If I told you my name, you could not pronounce it. But you may call me "Seven" for short. John Okay. Seven. How do you know my name? And where am I? Seven I know many things John. For I am meant to know them. Like I also know, that you are here by accident. But I guess, that you shall have to do. John And where exactly is here? Seven Exactly where are any of us? Who is to say rather we are here or there? or better yet, there are here? John I misphrased the question. I'll try again. What is this place? Seven This place... well.. you could consider this as being my workstation, or my post. John And how did I get here? Seven Well, very simple. You were born. John No. I know that part,i meant,how did I get to your workstation? Seven Actually,i am trying to figure that out also.Walk with me John. Seven and John walk down the corridor. Seven It appears that you stepped through a rift, accidentally. Which was accidentally opened by one of our other... operatives. John There are more of you here? Seven Oh yes. There are not like me, of course. But we serve the same purpose. John But where are they? Seven They are here and there.. as your species is fond of saying. John Excuse me "your species"? I take it that, you're not human, right? Seven Of that I am certain. Seven and John stop in front of a door marked, 737. Seven John, Have you ever wonderd about the "order of things"? John I don't follow you. What do you mean? Seven The totality of everthing. You see John... your solarsystem is comprised of nine planets, all of which rotates around the circumference of the giant flaming gaseous sphere. Which your people call the sun. John listens intently. Seven Therefore your solarsystem can be looked upon as a "circle".or better yet a wheel.You see outside of your solarsystem, there are other systems,or wheels.And all of these wheels,are contained within a greater wheel, which your poeple call the Galaxy.And outside of your galaxy,lays other galaxys,or greater wheels.And all of these "wheels" John, make up what you call, the universe. John begins to get impatient. Seven But you see John, there are countless other universes out there also.Imagine "a wheel within a wheel",continuing for infiniti. John So what are you getting at? Seven Well, simple John.For every universe,there are Guardians, or Doormasters,for a better word.And you John,have entered though one of our doors. John laughs. John Really?! So you're telling me, that you're some kind of doormaster? Seven smiles John (Sarcastic) Right. You need help,Could you show me the way out? Seven Why of course. There's the door. John Thanks. Nice meeting you. Goodbye. John opens the door labled 737. Is about to step out,when suddenly he beholds on the other side of the door,A huge ringed planet!The door swings out into open space. John Impossibe! Seven Nothing is impossible John. Just improbable. John This defys the laws of physics. We should be pulled out into the vacuum of space! Seven Physics? Oh yes. The name that the scientist of your world gave to the studies of properties, changes and the interactions of light and energy. John stands amazed. Seven I imagine that this would defy the "laws of their physics". But you see John, your race is still young. They have yet to master..what they call quantum physics. John watches a great asteroid pass by. John Okay Seven. I am a believer. Why am I here? Seven Why are you here? That is the question indeed.Come John. Int.-- Living Room John and Seven enter a comfortable living room. Seven takes a seat, in a wingback chair, beside the fireplace. Seven You are here for a test,John. This shall be your living quarters. There is entertainment, food, and relaxation. You are free to roam about. You may open any door... except for the back door. John looks towards the back door.The door has many deadbolts. John That it? That's the test? How hard can that be? Seven Well then.I see that you understand.Well,i shall take my leave. Seven stands up. Seven Well, make yourself at home John. Seven walks to the door.But before opening it, he turns around and states again: Seven Remember,Do not open the backdoor.Good night John. Seven exits,leaving John in his new home.John walks about exploring his new "Home". Int.-- Kitchen John stands at the sink, looking out the window. He see's a boy kicking a ball, in the spacious backyard. The boy stops and waves. John nods. John Cute kid.But there are no other houses,in the vicinity,i wonder where his parents are? Int.-- Bedroom.-Night John lays in bed sleeping. Someone whispers John's name. He awakes. John Hello? Who's there? The voice whispers again. Voice John. John. John Seven? is that you? Voice John. Let me in. It's cold. John gets up, put on his robe, and goes into the: Kitchen. John stops in front of the backdoor. John It's late. Who are you? Voice Please John. Let me in,it is cold,so very cold. John remembers Seven's word: Remember,do not open the backdoor. John No,look it's late.Go home. The voice does not reply. John goes back to bed. Int. Living Room John walks through the living room, to the front door. John opens it, expecting to see a long, flourorescent light lined corrider. But instead he see's a frontyard. John What the hell? Am i going crazy? John closes the door, and takes a seat. John I know i'm not crazy. Maybe it was all a dream. A bad, weird, crazy dream. John sinks back in the chair,and Sips his coffee. John A bad dream, yeah. Montage: John goes to bed, only to be awaked by the little boy's voice, at the back door, each night. And every morning he stares, out the kitchen window, the little boy stands, smiling and waving. Int.--Kitchen-morning John sets at the kitchen table in his robe, over a cup of coffee. His eyes are red, from sleepless nights. John walks to the kitchen window. He see's the boy,Smiling and waving. John I'm tired. So very tired. He's always there. Smiling and waving every morning,calling to me everynight. John slams the coffee cup down on the countertop. Spilling some of the cups contents. John What do you want?! Damn it! You're driving me crazy! The boy still stands. Smiling and waving. John turns and walks aways. Ext.-- LivingRoom-Day John walks through the livingroom. He opens the front door, he finds a paper on the doorstep.John picks it up. John This paper is current. The date on the paper is: Decemder 31, 1938. John It's almost a brand new year. John closes the door. He sets in the chair beside the fireplace. John This paper is current,i must be on earth.The grass is green.The sky is blue, outside that door is nature... Trees and cities are beyond.Yes ,there is no corridor. John goes back and opens the frontdoor, to prove his hypothesis. And sure enough, he see's green grass, blue sky, and trees. Birds are singing. John But still, there's Seven. How do I explain him? Damn it! I must have answers. John shuts the door. Int.--Kitchen-Day John walks to the window, and stares out. The little boy smiles and waves. John Alright boy.Alright.Tonight I will have answers.Tonight we'll talk. Int.--Kitchen-Night John sets at the table, staring at the wall clock. It hands point to 12:00 am. John waits. John Any minute now. And sure enough, the voice calls, from the backdoor. Voice John. John. John What do you want? Voice Just let me in, please.I'm cold. John does not open the door. Voice Please John. Just let me in.It's cold out here. John get's up,and walks towards the backdoor. His hand reaches for the Deadbolts. But suddenly it stops. Just an inch from the deadbolts. He remembers Sevens warning:" Do Not open the backdoor". John turns around, and begins to walk away. But the voice stops him. Voice Wait John. Please listen. John What? Voice I sense that you are a man of reason. Qualities to be admired. You want to know the truth do you? John Yes. The truth. Voice He told you it was a test; didn't he? John walks closer to the door. Voice He told you a lie.They want to hamper the development of mankind. They kidnap you to determine your strength and weakness. They fear you,your race true potrntial. So they put you in a cage. A fancy, nice, cage, where you live out your days. Well fed and happy,like an animal in a zoo. John My God,you're right.You're right.I should have known all alone.But wait,who are you? Voice I am a prisoner, as you are. Long ago, I led a rebellion against their hypocrisy.But my forces were defeated, and I was banished. John listens Voice All I want is to see the yoke of the galactic oppressors lifted, off of those with such potential as yours. Free me John,let me in.Free me and you shall know.. Immortality. John thinks it over. Voice Please John, let me in. John You're right. John slides back the bolt of the deadlock. In that instant, the door opens with so much force, John is blown back! As John lays on the floor, he see's the back of a naked man. He watches as great wings sprount from his back.The man looks over his shoulder at John with a sly grin. The man opens the front door and proceeds out. John Oh God. What Have I done. Suddenly Seven appears in the wing back chair beside the fireplace! Seven Hello John. What you have, is failed the test. John But-But I didn't know. Seven Know what John.I told you everything that you needed to know. You acted on the hereditary impulse of your race. John He said he would make me immortal. Seven Oh, and he did. You will live John.. Oh you will live. But countless millions will not. They will perish because of you John. Not because of a politician declaring war. No, only because of a normal, ordinary man, with a burning curiosity,to know the truth. Goodbye John. You are going home, or should I say..What's left of it. Ext.-- Alleyway- New York-1939 John stumbles out of the alleyway. He sees a newpaper on the sidewalk, that reads: Adolf Hitler declares war on the world. John No.No. John sinks to his knees sobbing. END.
Copyright © 2006 Willie Travis Jr |