The Chronicles Of Samson:The Jewel Of Life THE CHRONICLES OF SAMSON: THE JEWEL OF LIFE ACT ONE WRITTEN BY WILLIE TRAVIS JR NARRATOR(V.O) Long,long distant Lands,now long forgotten,there was a time like no other. It was a time of Kings,Queens,and shining Kingdoms.It was a time,of legends. It was the time..of the HORDE! EXT-DESERT-DAY The Sands of the Desert vibrate,as thousands of Armor clad Soldiers,gallop across on Horses,and Camels! NARRATOR(V.O) They were called the" Red Horde.For when they invaded,a Kingdom,the Streets, ran red with the blood,of it's inhabitants! EXT-KINGDOM-DAY The Red Horde,rampages through the Kingdom!Fighting and Killing,Soldiers and Civillians indiscriminately! NARRATOR(V.O) The Red Horde were merciless.Some called them Scourges from Hell! They were unstoppable! All that opposed them,perished.Their Kingdom would burn,and their Soldiers would be defeated! Those that surrendered,would be impaled! Their Women and Children would be enslaved!The "Horde's Chief Commander,was the Night Queen. INT-THRONEROOM-BLACK PALACE The Night Queen sets all alone,on her Throne. In her dimly lit Throne room. Her face is concealed,behind a Golden Face mask.Long dark Hair flows down, past her shoulders. NARRATOR(V.O) From her Palace of Night,she ruled them,with an Iron Fist! Where she sat,on her Throne .. the Throne of Blood. But now,after many years,of Victorious Conquests,she begin to feeel,her own Mortality.She and her Hordes,had defeated all,that had opposed them.But now, time was catching up. INT-THRONEROOM-BLACK PALACE The Queen stares at her Hands.Which are adorned,with long Black Finger nails.Her Hands are covered,with Age spots.Her Veins are Cracked.She is Old. NARRATOR(V.O) There was only one thing,that could extend,her longevity. It was a Jewel... ANGLE ON: A GLIMMERING JEWEL. NARRATOR(V.O) The Jewel of Life. Which rested deep in the Junglelands,of the South.In a Kingdom called " Urbala". This small Jewel's life giving energies,was exactly what the Night Queen needed. So... EXT-THRONEROOM-BLACK PALACE Four men all dressed in Armor,enter the dimly lit Throne room. They bow before the seated Queen. NARRATOR(V.O) She sent her Hordes out, to claim it. EXT-DESERT-DAY The great Armies of the Horde, gallop across the Desert,on their Horses! NARRATOR(V.O) But little did she know,that this latest Conquest,would bring about a Legend.A mighty Warrior,who would stand before..and defeat her Armies! A man destined to become,a Champion,and a God. Fade to black: TITLE APPEARS: THE CHRONICLES OF SAMSON: THE JEWEL OF LIFE-ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT-URBALA-JUNGLE LANDS-NIGHT A magnificent Kingdom,sets sprawled across the Jungle floor,beneath the light of the full Moon.Surrounded,by massive Defense Walls.Populated by,two to four story Buildings,and Towers made from Limestone.Nubian pedestrians walk to and fro,about the Streets of their great City! NARRATOR(V.O) Ahh...the splendid Kingdom of Urbala.Long ruled by a line of Proud and Powerful Monarchs.And long renown,for it's beauty,and it's, famed life replenishing wonder: The Jewel of Life. INT-ANCIENT TEMPLE-URBALA-NIGHT The Jewel rests,on a Gold Altar.Guarded by Armor Clad Nubian Guards! Who are armed with,Swords and Spears, NARRATOR(V.O) Little did the Urbalians know,how far tales of their wonderous Kingdom, had spread.But now these Tales,had reached the Seat,of the Hordes Power.. The Throne of Blood! And little did they know,that their Kingdom ,was about to be Invaded. EXT-URBALA-NIGHT The City Burns!! While Hordes of the Night Queens Troops,rush through the City! On Horse back,and on Foot! Setting Fires,and fighting through the Ranks of the Urbalian Soldiers! INT-TOWER-URBALA-NIGHT A Soldier of Urbala,rushes into a room,and blows a great Warning Horn! Calling for help! But his blowing is cut short,by a Hordesman Blade! Which is thrusted through his Chest! The Nubian Soldier,falls to the Floor, dead! EXT-DEEP JUNGLE-URBALA-NIGHT Among the thick Jungle Growth, crouches a Lean,and Muscular Man. He is armed,with a Spear.He quietly,raises his Spear..and aims for a Great Boar,drinking from a Small Lake! As he is about,to Spear the Boar,he is unaware,that he is being Stalked by a Great Jaguar! Which is concealed,by the thick under growth of the Jungle! Suddenly,the Great Cat,leaps out of the Under growth! Knocking the Man,to the Jungle floor! The Hunter throws the spotted Terror,off of him,and rolls to his Feet! The Boar hears the disturbance,and runs off! The Large Cat,begins to circle,the Tall,Muscular Man! Suddenly the Jaguar leaps! The two Fight! It is a swift,and vicious fight! Soon the Hunter,gains the upperhand! He places his Foot,on the struggling Cat's white furred breast! He reaches down,and grabs the Upper and Lower part of the Cat's Jaws! The Large Jaguar,struggles as he begins,to pry the Cat's Cannine filled Maw,wider and wider! Suddenly,the Cat lets out one final roar, before we hear it's Jaws pop! The Hunter has won! As he stands,catching his breath,suddenly he hears, the Warning Horns,of Urbala! He picks up,the Jaguar's Carcass,slings it over his Shoulders,and rushes through the Jungle! EXT-ANCIENT TEMPLE-URBALA-NIGHT The Horde Troops,rush up the Temple's steps! Fighting through the Temple Guards! After defeating the Guards,the Soldiers of the Horde,enter the Temple! EXT-JUNGLE -URBALA-NIGHT The Muscular Hunter,runs through the Jungle,with his dead Prize,slung over his Shoulder! Rushing for his Home! EXT-ANCIENT TEMPLE-URBALA-NIGHT The Night Queen's Troops,enter the Temple! Where they find,a beautiful "Jewel" resting on a Gold Altar! A Soldier steps forward,and lifts the Jewel of Life,from the Altar! EXT-JUNGLE -URBALA-NIGHT The Hunter,comes to a stop,on an elevated portion,of the Jungle land! Overlooking the lower portion,of the Junglefloor! It is here,where the Hunter,see's his Kingdom,going up in Flames! He drops the Jaguar Carcass,and leaps down to the lower,portion of the Jungle floor! He hastily rushes,through the Jungle! His perfectly toned body,glistening with Sweat,beneath the Light of the,Full Moon! EXT-ANCIENT TEMPLE-URBALA-NIGHT The Four Armor clad Men,that we saw earlier,Bowing before the Night Queen, are now seated on their Horses. Over seeing the Battle. Women Screams are heard echoing through the Night,as lustful Hordesmen,proceed to beat and Ravish them! All around the Four Mounted men,Buildings burn and collaspe! While the Dead,and Dying are strewn about the Ground,everywhere! Amidst all of this Carnage, the Four Men set calmly,as if nothing unusual is occuring! They set on their Mounts,watching as a Hordesman Soldier, descends down the Temple's steps. Carrying the Glowing Jewel of Life. The Soldier comes to a stop, before the Four Mounted Men. Holding the Jewel of Life,out before him. The Man in the middle,of the Four gives an approving nod. Two Soldiers,carrying a large specially designed,Wooden Crate,comes to stop before the Four Mounted Men,and the Soldier holding the Jewel. The Soldier places,the Jewel,into a specially made Inset,inside the Crate. The lid is placed,over it. The two Armor Clad Soldiers,lift the Wooden Crate,and proceed out of sight. While another Soldier,approaches the four Mounted Men. SOLDIER What of the Survivors,my Lord? 1ST MAN Put them in Shackles. They will make excellent Slaves. The Soldier bows,and moves away. EXT-JUNGLE-NIGHT The Hunter runs,with all of his might! But the faster,he runs,the farther away,from the burning Kingdom,he seems to get! EXT-URBALA-NIGHT The Hordesmen,proceed out of the,devastated Kingdom.Taking Hundreds of Nubian Slaves with them. Which are mostly,made up of Young Boys, Girls,and Women. The Four men,ride up ahead in silence. Soon the Red Horde Armies,and their Slaves,vanish out of sight! LATER EXT-URBALA-NIGHT The Hunter has finally,arrived in his once beautiful Kingdom! Which is now going up,in flames! Dead Soldiers,and Civillians lay ,in the Streets. The Burning Fires cackle,as the Hunter,slowly walks through the Streets,of his devastated Home. He stoops down,to examine a slain Soldier,which is not of his Homeland. HUNTER Who were you? Suddenly,the Hunter is drawn out of his thoughts,when he hears screaming, coming from one,of the burning Buildings! He turns to see,a group of Survivors trying to move a large,fallen piece of Limestone wall,from over the Door,of a burning Building! He runs over to the,group of Men,trying to move the huge chunk,of Limestone. 1ST MAN Oh Prince Samson! It is you!Thank the Gods! It's my Daughter! She's trapped behind that Wall of Limestone! You must help her! SAMSON Stand back! Prince Samson,moves the Men back,while the little Girl,trapped inside the burning Building screams! Samson,the Tall and Muscular Man,grabs the large fragment of Limestone,around its edges.His muscles flex,as he lifts, the huge section of Stonewall,over his Head! And throws it,into the Streets, where it breaks apart! The Little Girl,runs out and into her Father's arms! FATHER Thank you,Prince Samson! Thank you! FADE TO BLACK FADE IN: EXT-BURNT OUT PALACE STEPS-URBALA-MORNING A mature and attractive Woman,wearing a Gold Coronet,sets on a Throne,atop of the Fire Ravaged Palace Steps.Her subjects stand,gathered at the Base,of the steps! Samson strides through,the crowd of Survivors,gathered at the Steps. The Queen addressess him. QUEEN Samson! My son,i am pleased,that you survived the Attack! Thank the Gods! SAMSON Mother,who is responsible for this? Why did they,attack us? QUEEN I do not know. No one here,has ever seen them before. VOICE(O.S) I have seen them! Samson turns,to locate the source of the Voice. The Crowd gathered,at the steps part. Allowing an Elderly Man,walking on a Ivory Cane,to proceed, toward the Queen. Upon reaching the steps,the Old Man,bows to the Prince and the Queen. SAMSON You have seen them before? OLD MAN I saw them long ago..during my youth.They were called the "Horde". The Red Horde. They were Conquerors.It is said,that the Hordes were commanded,by the Kings,of the Four Great Cities,of Thrall,Vissyria,Edia, and Ademia.But rumor has it,that the true ruler of the Hordes, lies deep,in the Forgotten Sands.In a place,called Zwalahania. Samson listens intently. OLD MAN It is said,that the Four Kings,answer to a Dark and powerful Queen.That resides in Zwalahania.Some say,that she's not human. SAMSON Where are these four Cities? OLD MAN They lie far away,in the East. Across the Burning Oceans of Sand.There you will find them. But beware my Prince,if you do somehow,find Zwalahania,be wary of the Queen. It is said,that she has"unnatural powers". QUEEN But Samson,we cannot attack them,my son. Our Armies are devastated. We must rebuild. SAMSON The Horde have taken,our People as Slaves!Burnt our Kingdom,and Stole the life blood,of our Kingdom,the Jewel of Life! Without it,our People shall know strife! QUEEN Samson, what can we do?! The Hordes Armies are great! Ours are decimated! SAMSON You're right Mother.You can do nothing. Our People can do nothing. But i can. LATER: INT-JEWEL ROOM-ANCIENT TEMPLE-URBALA With his great Strength,Samson moves the great Limestone Slab, that once supported,the Gold Altar,on which the Jewel of Life rested! As he moves the Slab,we see a: DESCENDING STAIRWELL Samson grabs a Torch,and proceeds down the Stairwell. At the base,of the Stairwell,there is a : SECRET CHAMBER He enters the Secret Chamber. There are Various types of Weapons,aligning the Walls! Everything from Swords,Shields,to Spears and Daggers! The Secret Chamber,is a Weapons Chamber! EARLIER: EXT-BURNT OUT PALACE STEPS-URBALA Samson stands before his Mother,the Queen.The Crowd watching. QUEEN You will go alone? SAMSON Yes. PRESENT: INT-WEAPONS CHAMBER-ANCIENT TEMPLE Samson,the tall,and muscular Man, slips on his,Gem embeddedd, leather Gauntlets. EARLER: EXT-BURNT OUT PALACE STEPS-URBALA-MORNING Samson standing before the Queen. QUEEN You,only one man,will defy the Armies of the Red Horde? SAMSON Yes. PRESENT: INT-WEAPONS CHAMBER-ANCIENT TEMPLE-URBALA He slides his Great Curved Sword,into his Back Scabbard. EARLER: EXT-BURNT OUT PALACE STEPS-URBALA-MORNING Samson stands before the Queen. SAMSON I will bring them all down. PRESENT: INT-WEAPONS CHAMBER-ANCIENT TEMPLE-URBALA Samson slings,his great Shield over his Back.And equips himself,with a Great Spear. EXT-ANCIENT TEMPLE-URBALA-DAY Samson exits the Temple.And proceeds down the Steps.The citizens watch as their Prince,proceeds down the Stone Streets.Heading out of the Kingdom. EXT-DESERT-DAY Samson rides across the great vast Desert,on Camelback. NARRATOR(V.O) And so..the mighty Warrior,Samson embarked upon his journey, across the Burning Ocean of Sand.For many Days he rode.Hours turned to Days,Days turned to weeks.How long he had rode,he did not care.For Samon,only one thing mattered: REVENGE. Those that wronged him,would taste his Spear! Samson,rides towards a Great Ancient Babylonian style City! Which is surrounded by a great Defense wall! NARRATOR(V.O) Now after riding,for Countless days,the Prince came upon,the Great and Ancient City,of THRALL. Long ruled by the Horde King: Zinthallus. EXT-DEFENSE WALL-THRALL-DAY Samson rides through,the City Gates. EXT-STREETS-THRALL-DAY The Streets of Thrall,are bustling with activity! Street Merchants,line the streets,pitching their goods! As Old Turban wearing men,playing Flutes, set cross legged,arousing Snakes from,their Straw Baskets! Samson, strides through the hustle and bustle,of the Streets. His head covered, by the Hood,of his long Robes. As he walks,he spots Nubian Slaves up ahead! Pulling huge blocks,of Limestone across the busy Streets,while having their backs lashed,by the Hordesmen Slavemasters! Samson quickens his pace,as the Slaves dissapear around the Corner,of a Building! As the Prince clears,the Corner,he comes to a stop. His P.o.v- Samson beholds a Collossal Stone Monument,in the likeness of Zinthallus! Which stands before,a great unfinished Structure,on which the Slaves(hundreds of them) are still building! While below the great,and towering unfinished Structure,Slaves are dragging huge blocks of Limestone towards it! Under the supervision,of the Hordesmen Slavemasters! One of the Slaves,who is pulling a huge Limestone Block,stumbles and falls! A Slave Masters,descend upon the Slave unmercifully! Lashing and Kicking him,all the while shouting at him! SLAVEMASTER (shouting) FILTHY NUBIAN! GET UP! GET UP I SAY! The Slave master,continues to kick the Slave,even as he trys to get up! He is about,to strike the Slave with his Fist! But suddenly,a large Black Hand,grabs him by the Wrist! The Slave master,looks back,only to see a Tall,imposing Nubian Man,dressed in long Robes,standing behind him! Samson lifts the Soldier,off the Ground,and sends him flying into the Base, of the Great Statue! The Soldier hits the Monument,with force! Then he falls, to the Sand! Where he lies still! Samson throws off,his long Garments! Revealing his Perfectly Toned muscular,body! The other Slave masters, catch sight of him! 1st SLAVEMASTER (shouting) KILL HIM! The Soldier Slavemasters,of the Red Horde,rush towards Samson,with their Swords and Spears drawn! Samson eyes narrow,his Fist Clench! For the Prince of Urbala,this is a workout! Samson and the Soldiers fight! Samson works his Spear vigorously! With each turn,and Lick,Soldiers are sent flying to the Sand! The Soldiers are outdone,in a matter of Minutes! They are all, lying in the Sand,very still! Samson begins breaking,the Slaves Chains with his Barehands! The Slaves cheer! As Samson is breaking the Slaves Chains,suddenly more Soldiers are approaching,the construction site! Samson stabs his Spear,into the Sand! He runs to the great,Collossal Limestone Statue! He places his great Hands,on it's Base,and begins to push! The mighty Warrior's Back Muscles flex,as he applies more and more pressure, to the Statue's base! Suddenly the Hordesmen Soldiers,come to a stop! Their P.O.V- They watch in amazement as the Great Statue,descends towards them! The Soldiers rush out of the falling Monuments path,as it speeds towards them! The Collossal Monument hits the Ground,with a great THOOM! Sending Dust, and Particles of Sand everywhere! The Great Noise,sends the Beast of Burden,and the City's inhabitants running in fear! A whole line,of freed Slaves,stand cheering upon, seeing this Magnificent feat,of Strength! One of the Slaves turns,and asks another Slave: 1ST SLAVE His strength is amazing! Who is he?! A Nubian Slave answers. NUBIAN SLAVE He is Samson. Prince of Urbala! Blessed with the Strength of the Gods! After the dust settles,Samson runs atop the fallen Monument,towards the bewildered Soldiers! Suddenly,a Soldier spots,the approaching Nubian Prince,and rushes towards him,with his Sword,at the ready! With one Hand,the Mighty Warrior,Samson slaps the Sword,out of the Soldiers hand, and strikes him! He then lifts the "dazed" Soldier into the air,with one hand! SAMSON Return to your King.Tell him that I Samson,Prince and Champion of Urbala,seeks an audience with him. Now Go! Samson throws the Soldier down! The Soldier lands in the Sand,with a thud! He hastily gets up,and runs away! Leaving his Sword and Helm behind! LATER: EXT-STREET-THRALL-DAY Crowds are lined up,on each side of the Street!Staring in awe, as Samson,the Bare Chested,tall,muscle bound,Prince strides down the Street! A dozen or more Armed Hordesmen Soldiers,walk beside Samson,on each side! But not to close. Constantly they keep their distance! EXT-PALACE COURTYARD-DAY Samson stands beneath a Balcony,with Guards all around him! With their Swords,and Spears,at the ready! While Archers atop,the Palace steps keep,their Arrows trained on him! Ready to strike,upon the slightest movement! And even while surrounded,by all of this,Samson stands cool as a cucumber! Suddenly.the King appears upon the Balcony.He wears a Gold Crown,and is attired in long lavender robes. The Bearded ruler,looks down upon Samson,and addressess him: KING ZINTHALLUS Samson,Prince of Urbala,what business have you here? SAMSON You enslaved my people,burnt my Kingdom,and stole the Jewel of Life. The Well spring of my people's,well being. I have come here,to ask you, to relinquish them both.My People,and the Jewel.What is your answer? After taking Samson's request,into consideration,the King responds. KING ZINTHALLUS Here is my answer! The King forms a Fireball,in his Hand! And sends it speeding,towards Samson! Samson rolls out of the way,just in time! KING (SHOUTING TO HIS MEN) KILL HIM! The King swiftly exits the Balcony,and proceeds back into,the Palace! His long Robes,trailing behind! While below in the: COURTYARD Samson armed with his Sword and Shield,fights off Sword,and axe Weilding Soldiers,left and right! Suddenly the Archers,on the Palace Steps,let their Arrows fly! The Arrows speed towards Samson,about to strike..but with a cross,of his Gauntlet clad Arms,a Magical Orb,of fire is created around him! The Arrows burn on impact,with the Fiery shield! After defeating all of the Soldiers,in the Courtyard,he rushes up the Palace steps,and makes quick work,of the Archers! Afterward,he enters the : PALACE- Where he fights through, Dozens more,of Helmed and Armor Clad Soldiers! Each Soldier that advances,is either speared,or sent flying through the air! Landing on the hard,and glossy limestone Floor! INT-THRONE ROOM-PALACE The King sets on his Throne. All alone in his Lavish, Throne room! Suddenly,one of his Soldiers,is sent flying through the great Doors,of the Throne room! Slide landing, on the glossy grey,Limestone Floor! Where he lays uncounscious. The King watches as Samson, enters the Throne room Samson walks past,the great Lavender and Gold Stripped Columns, and the Hindu styled, Multi armed statues, which line the Walls,of the Throne room. He comes to a stop,before the seated King of Thrall. KING ZINTHALLUS Well,i must admit,i am impressed.You have entered my City,destroyed one of my Monuments,defeated my Soldiers,and have entered my Throne room! You are the first,to have made it,this far. Congratulations, my strong Nubian Friend. SAMSON Flattery will get you,nowhere. You will pay for your misdeeds! But before i kill you,tell me..where is the Jewel of Life? The Evil King laughs! KING ZINTHALLUS Why certainly.You will not find it here.No..even as i speak,my Brother carries it East. Where my Mother,awaits it. You will never attain it,my good Prince! SAMSON You will die! KING ZINTHALLUS Maybe..but first you must defeat,my Sentries! The Evil King of Thrall,claps his hands! Suddenly the Six Multi-Armed Hindu Statues,come to life! Each of their arms,are armed with Swords and Axes! All six Stone Sentries,begin to walk towards Samson! Who throws down,his Spear,and brings his Shield,and Sword,to bear! Suddenly,the six multi armed Sentries attack! Samson and the Sentries fight! The Mighty Nubian Prince,evades and counters! Samson Sword lands countless times! But has no effect,for the Statues are made of Stone! Sword and Axes swing,swipe and stab at Samson,from all directions! Forcing him to Evade and roll,countless times! As he comes up,to his feet,a swipe from an Axe,nearly decapitates him! But Samson is Quick! He ducks just in time! The Axe Blade misses,and sinks into one of the,great Columns of the Throne Room! While the Axe Wielding Stone Sentry,is busy pulling it's Axe blade,from the Column, Samson rolls to feet! Now King Zinthallus's Hands become aflame! The evil King laughs,as he sends Twin Jets of Flame,towards Samson! Once more, Samson is forced to Evade! Once back on his feet,the Prince gets enough space,from the Six Sentries,and the King,to get his thoughts together! Play time is over. He means business now. Samson eye's narrow.His fist clench! Suddenly the Statues advance! Samson evades,the first Statues blows! He counters by lifting,the Statue up! He raises the Animated Multi- armed Statue over his Head,and sends it flying,into the five other approaching Sentrys! Two fall,and break upon impact! Samson grabs another by it's Ankles,and uses it like a club! Breaking off the other, Stone Sentries, Arms and Heads! Upon the Stone Sentries defeat,Zinthallus,the Evil King sends forth,a Jet of Flame,towards Samson! Samson evades,the Hot Flames,by front rolling! He grabs his Spear,that was lying on the Throne room Floor! He gracefully rolls to his feet,and throws his Spear,with perfect form, towards the King! ANGLE ON: SPEEDING SPEAR The King brings both, of his Hands aflame,once more! Preparing for another Flame attack! Before he can react,he see's the Spear,speeding towards him! The Spear hits him,square in the Abdomen! Sending him flying backward,and landing in his Throne chair! Where he explodes,in a Fiery Conflagration! Leaving nothing behind,but his Lavender Robes! Samson walks over to the Throne. Picks up his Spear,and proceeds towards the Doors of the Throne room. Suddenly he comes to a stop,as a Hooded Figure,peels from the Shadows of the room! The Faceless Figure,bows and dissapears back into,the Shadows of the Room! Samson continues on. EXT-PALACE STEPS-THRALL-DAY Samson emerges from the Palace,only to find a crowd of People,gathered at the base of the Steps! Staring quietly,as Samson proceeds down,the great Steps of the Palace! Suddenly,a young Boy,runs out from among, the Crowd,and up the Steps,into the Palace! After a short time,the Boy runs out Shouting: BOY The King is Dead! The King is Dead! The Citizen's rejoice! NARRATOR(V.0) And so,after the Evil King's demise,Samson had all of the Slaves of Thrall, freed! Including those in the Dungeons,that were not of Urbala! It was here, that he met the former King of the Great City! EXT-BALCONY-PALACE-NIGHT Samson and a Silver Haired,Elderly gentleman stand on the Balcony together.Watching as the Citizens of Thrall,celebrate in the Streets, beneath the Moon light! KING Many blessings,be upon you Samson.Long has it been,since i laid eyes on my Kingdom! I am thankful,for my freedom. Although i know it is short lived. The King turns,to regard Samson. KING You do not know,the Horde as i do. You have slayed one,of the Kings! His brothers will,come seeking retribution! Their arrows shall rain Death,upon my People! This City will be Razed to the Ground! Samson stands Quietly,listening. KING Even you cannot stop them.You are only one Man.Our defeat is eminent. SAMSON We shall have to see. Samson and the Elderly Man,stand side by side.Staring at the revelers, in the Streets! END OF ACT ONE. ROLL CREDITS.
Copyright © 2007 Willie Travis Jr |