The Chronicles Of Samson: Act Two THE CHRONICLES OF SAMSON THE JEWEL OF LIFE ACT TWO WRITTEN BY WILLIE TRAVIS JR PREVIOUSLY ON SAMSON: EXT-BURNT OUT PALACE STEPS-URBALA-DAY Samson stands,before the Queen,of Urbala. QUEEN You..only one man,will defy the Armies,of the Red Horde? SAMSON Yes. INT-THRONE ROOM-PALACE-THRALL Samson rolls to his feet,and throws his Spear! The Spear speeds towards, King Zinthallus! Who is about,to launch another Flame attack! Before the King can react,the Spear hits him! Sending him flying backward,landing in his Throne Chair! Where he explodes,in a fiery conflagration! EXT-PALACE STEPS-THRALL-DAY Samson strides down,the Palace steps.The citizens of Thrall,stand at the base,of the steps. Staring quietly. Suddenly a young Boy,runs up the Steps,and into the Palace! Afterward he runs out,shouting: THE KING IS DEAD! THE KING IS DEAD! The crowds of People cheer! EXT-BALCONY- PALACE-THRALL-NIGHT Samson and the True King of Thrall,stand upon the Balcony,of the Palace. Overlooking the revelers,in the Streets! KING Even you cannot stand,against them.Our defeat is eminent SAMSON We shall have to see. FADE TO BLACK: TITLES APPEAR: THE CHRONICLES OF SAMSON: THE JEWEL OF LIFE: ACT II NARRATOR(V.O) By way of the Queen's Messenger,news of Zinthallus demise,spread to his Brothers ears quickly! FADE IN: INT-THRONE ROOM-PALACE-VISSYRIA-NIGHT The Cloaked and Hooded Figure,that appeared before Samson,in the Palace of King Zinthallus,now stands before,a Crowned and Bearded Man. Seated on a Throne. The Messenger bows before the King. EXT-VISSYRIA-NIGHT The great Babylonian Style City,sets sprawled across the vast Desert. Beneath the light,of the full Moon. As a Dozen or more Armor Clad,and Robed Men,gallop across the Desert!Heading towards the Defense Walled City,of Vissyria! INT-THRONE ROOM-PALACE-VISSYRIA-NIGHT The King who we saw earlier,conversing with the Messenger,now sits all alone in his,great lavish Throne room.The Wall Torches,aligning the Walls,burn low.Every thing is quiet. Suddenly the Great Doors, of the Throne room swing open! A Robed and Crowned Man,strides into the Throne room. He is escorted by Armed Guards. Two on each side. The King of Vissyria,rises from his Throne. He approaches the visiting King. The two embrace! NARRATOR(V.O) The two Sibling Kings,Tabellius,of Vissyria,and Sargon,of Ademia, had vowed to avenge,their brother's death. EXT-BALCONY-PALACE-NIGHT Tabellius and Sargon,stand on a Balcony.Overlooking their great Armies. Which are positioned,on a great Field below. NARRATOR(V.O) Together,their combined Horde Armies,would raze Thrall,to the ground. In honor of their slain Brother's memory. The inhabitants of the Kingdom, would be impaled.And as for Samson...they would have,his head on a Silver Platter! EXT-VISSYRIA-DAY Thousands of Horde Troops,of Ademia and Vissyria,march out of the, the Great City's Gates! Their Red and Gold Armor,and their Spear tips, shine in the Sunlight,as they proceed across,the Desert! EXT-BALCONY-PALACE-VISSYRIA-DAY King Sargon,releases a Carrier Pigeon.With a Leather Parchment,rolled up on one,of it's legs.The Bird takes,to the Air.Dissapearing among the Clouds! INT-THRONE ROOM-PALACE-THRALL-DAY The Elderly King,of Thrall sits on his Throne.Suddenly a Palace Guard, enters the Throne room. Carrying a Pigeon,on his Forearm! The Guard bows. He removes the Leather Parchment,from the Bird's leg.Unrolls it,and hands it,to the King. ANGLE ON: PARCHMENT TEXT: BEWARE FAKE KING.YOUR DAYS AND HOURS,ON THE THRONE,ARE NUMBERED. FOR AS YOU READ THIS,KNOW THAT I, TABELLIUS, KING OF VISSYRIA, ALONG WITH MY BROTHER,SARGON,HAVE SENT TROOPS,TO MARCH UPON THRALL. WE SHALL BRING THRALL,AND ALL OF IT'S,INHABITANTS TO RUIN.OUR COMBINED,FORCES SHALL BE UPON YOU,IN FOUR DAYS. LATER: EXT-PALACE STEPS-PALACE-THRALL-DAY The King,sets on his Throne,upon the Palace Steps.Samson is beside him.The Crowds,gathered before the Palace Steps,are in an uproar over the latest news.The Palace Guards,stand at the Base,of the steps, armed with spears,as the King tries to calm,his people. KING Please my fellow citizens,we must be calm.We must find a solution,to this problem. 1ST CITIZEN (SHOUTS OUT OF THE CROWD) SOLUTION?! WE MUST FLEE! FLEE TO THE MOUNTAINS! WE ARE NO MATCH, FOR THE ARMIES,OF THE RED HORDE! The rest of the frightend Citizens,are in agreement,with the first Citizen's sentiments.Samson strides forward,and shouts to the Crowd: SAMSON NO! WE MUST FIGHT! THIS CITY IS YOURS! YOU STAY AND FIGHT,FOR WHAT IS YOURS! The King rises from,his Throne.And walks over,to stand beside Samson. KING But Samson,they are not trained Soldiers. They have no training,in the arts of warfare. They are just normal Civillians.They don't know how, to fight. SAMSON They should learn. KING Who will teach them? Samson stares down at the,gathered Citizens,of Thrall.Who are now,all standing silently.staring up at the King and Samson.And now the King, of Thrall,also turns to,regard Samson. LATER EXT-CITY SQUARE-THRALL-DAY Mostly Men and Boys,are gathered before Samson.As he walks past each of them.Scanning them over. SAMSON Here is where,you shall learn,how to fight.Your attention must never stray, from your,opponnets movements. You must remain alert,at all times. The Armies of Tabellius,and Sargon,shall arrive in four days.We have much to do,and very little time.So let's begin. MONTAGE: DAY ONE: From sun-up till sun-down,the Citizens Practice Sword fighting Skills, under the watchful eyes,of Samson. DAY TWO: From sun-up til-sun-down the Citizens practice,Spear and Shield skills! They thrust and block,each others strikes,with their Shields! All the while,Samson walks down their formations,shouting commands. While far out in the: DESERT-DAY Thousands of Hordesmen Soldiers,are marching across the Desert.Beneath the Burning Noon Sun.Heading for their target.The City State of Thrall. DAY THREE: The Young Boys,and Men of Thrall,practice Archery Skills! A long line of Straw dummies,align the walls of the Square.The Trainees take aim,and Fire! Most of the Arrows,hit their Targets on the mark! Afterward,they practice close range,empty handed,fighting styles. Samson has them review,all of their training. From hand to hand,to Spear Skills,to Archery and Sword Skills. Samson nods,as he watches them carry out attack drills! While Samson is watching,the trainees perform Battle Drills,he is approached by Group of Armed Warriors.Which are lead,by a Young Dark complexioned,bearded man.Who carries Two Swords,on his back, in an X formation.And beside him,stands a beautiful,Raven Haired, Dark Complexioned,Woman.Who is attired,in long Robes.And carries a Staff.The Young Man,greets Samson. YOUNG MAN Greetings. I am called Etana.This is my Sister Mariel.We are of the Emmorites.We have come seeking,a Man of untold strength. He is called Samson,of Urbala. SAMSON I am he. ETANA It is said,that you defy the Armies of the Red Horde.Is this true? SAMSON Yes. MARIEL We have heard of your victory,over Zinthallus and his Armies.We are also enemies,of the Red Horde.They Conquered,our,lands as well. Now we are forced,to live in Caves in the Wilderness,like animals. We would be honored,to join you,in your Battle aginst the Horde. Samson bows. SAMSON The Honor is mine. Etana and Samson lock arms,in frienship. DAY FOUR EXT-DEFENSE WALLS-THRALL-DAY Samson and his Civillian and Emmorite Armies,stand in Battle Formation, before the Great Defense Walls,of Thrall.Watching as Thousands of Hordesmen Troops,march across the Desert.In Battle Formation! Their Armor and Spear tips,shining in the Sunlight! Suddenly,the Hordesmen Commanders,shout orders to the Troops!Bringing the marching Soldiers, to a halt. Samson stands before his Army,looking at the large,Horde Army,positioned before him.His P.O.V-Samson scans his Men over.The Men of Thrall,seem a bit Shaky.The more battle hardend,Emmorites,stand ready.Calm and Poised. Atop the Defense Walls,the Archers seem edgy!Samson brings his attention, back to the opposing,Army before him. The Commanders of the Hordes,give the orders to Fire.The Line of Archers, positioned in,the Front Phalanxes,drop to bended knee.They fit Arrows,on their Bows.Afterward,they raise their Bows,towards the Heavens!They pull their Arrow cords.Thousands of Arrows fly into the air!Speeding towards the Armies of Thrall,and the Emmorites! Etana,leader of his group,of Emmorites,see's the Arrows speeding, towards them!He shouts to his men: INCOMING! RAISE SHIELDS! The Emmorites,and the Soldiers of Thrall,raise their Shields over their Heads! Preparing for the Incoming Arrows! Everybody does except Samson! Who stands upright,before his men! Watching as a Thousand or More Arrows, speed towards them! One of Samson's men,stares at him,from beneath his Shield,and addressess him: MAN Do you not fear,their Arrows,o great one? SAMSON Their arrows cannot harm me! Samson crossess his Gauntleted Arms,before him! A Magical orb of Fire,is created around him! Suddenly,the Arrows strike! Most of the Arrows,are deflected by the Thrallian's and the Emmorite raised Shields!Upon coming into contact with Samson's Magical Force field,the Arrows burn,to nothingness! Samson pulls his Great Curved Sword,from his Back Scabbard! And rushes towards,the Hordesmen Phalanxes! His Helm,and Breastplate,gleaming beneath the light,of the Noon Sun!The Archers fire arrows,at the rapidly approaching Samson!But to no avail!The Arrows burn upon impact,with Samsons Magical Force Field! Samson rushes into,their Ranks!Samson and the Soldiers fight! The Great Warrior,Samson works his Sword Vigorously! He slices and Dices Hordesmen,with each turn and slash! The Hordesmen Soldiers, attention, is focused all on Samson! Who is like a whirlwind of Death!Soldiers are either Killed,or sent flying,many feet into the, air,left and right!Where they land uncounscious in the Sand! With the Hordesmen Soldiers,attention focused on Samson,they are left defenseless,from the Incoming Arrows of Thrall! Which begin, to rain down upon them! Hordesmen Soldiers fall like Flies! Those that are left standing,are soon mowed down,by Samson! Who fights unhindered, by the Arrows,due to the protection,of the Force Field,provided by his Magical Gauntlets! EXT-DEFENSE WALLS-THRALL-DAY Etana who is mounted,on his Horse,before his Army of Emmorites,and Thrallians,gives the Order to ATTACK! At once,the Army of Thrall,and the Emmorites rush across the hot Desert,towards the bewildered Hordesmen Soldiers! With the might of Samson,the Emmorites,and the Civillian Soldiers of Thrall,the Soldiers of the Red Horde,are overwhelmed! Those of the Horde Commanders,still standing,have no choice,but to shout: RETREAT! What is left,of the Great Army of the Red Horde,hastily retreats, back across the Desert! The Army of Thrall,and the Emmorites, stand in the Sand,cheering Victoriously! As they watch,the Hordesmen Soldiers,dissapear over the great Sand dunes! Mariel,who is atop,the defense walls,with the Archers,smiles as the Young Men,atop the walls cheer. FADE TO BLACK: NARRATOR(V.O) Samson and his rag tag civillian Army,with the help of the Emmorites, had driven,the Sibling Kings Armies back! Now it was,with a heavy Heart, that the Prime Battle Commander of the Horde,strode into the Throne Room,of King Tabellius. FADE IN: INT-THRONE ROOM-PALACE-VISSYRIA-NIGHT The Horde Commander,strides into the Throne room. The Guards stationed beside the Doors,of the Throne Room,stare in amazement, as the Sand covered Commander, drops to bended knee,before the seated King! The Horde Commander bows,and begins telling the King, what happened before the Walls of Thrall! We can see,this news imparted from the Horde Commander,has clearly upset Tabellius,ruler of Vissyria! Suddenly,a Fire Ball leaves,the King's Mouth,and completely incinerates the defeated Horde Commander! NARRATOR(V.O) Tabellius and Sargon,the Children of the Night Queen,were angered greatly! So they sent,waves upon waves,of Hordesmen Troops,to conquer Samson,and his followers! EXT-DESERT-DAY Thousands of Sandal Clad feet,pound the Sands of the Desert! As we travel away,from the feet,we see that the feet,belong to thousands, of Hordesmen Soldiers! Marching across,the Desert! Beneath the Hot noon Sun. Suddenly,the Commander of the Troops,who is mounted, on a Horse,brings the Marching Troops,to a Halt! A distance away,across the sand,stands Samson! Clad in his Breast Plate, Helm,Shin Guards,and Gauntlets! His Shield and Sword,held at the ready! While thousands of men,mounted on Horses,and some on feet,stand behind him cheering! NARRATOR(V.O) From the Desert Wastes,of the Burning Oceans of Sand.... MONTAGE: Swords clash against Swords,and Shields,as Hordesmen Soldiers, battle the Followers of Samson! Samson rushes through the Hordesmen Troops, like a Rhinoceros! Sending the Soldiers of the Red Horde,flying left and right! While Mariel,Sister of Etana,the leader of the Emmorites,summons Sand twisters,by way of Sorcerey! Dispatching Dozens,of Hordesmen Soldiers! NARRATOR(V.O) To the Great,and Ancient Mountain of Ziusudra,did they fight!But each Campaign,ended with the Armies, of the Red Hordes Defeat! EXT-BASE OF MOUNT ZIUSUDRA-DESERT-DAY Samson's P.O.V- He watches as thousands of Hordesmen Troops proceed across, the Desert!Some of The Hordemen Soldiers,are Mounted on Great Elephants! Samson and his Men,rush towards the Battle lines,of the Horde!They Fight! After dispatching Soldiers,with his Sword,he rushes towards the mounted Great Elephants!He strikes one Elephant,with his Great Fist!The Elephant rears up wildly! Throwing it's Riders off,it's great Back! Afterward,the Elephant,runs away wildly! Rampaging through scores,of Hordesmen Soldiers! Afterward,Samson rushes towards another,Mounted Elephant! After evading the Beast's devastating,swinging Trunk and Tusks,he positions himself,beneath the Elephant's underside! He places his hands,upon the Elephants Stomach!With his Samsonian Might,he lifts the Great Elephant,up over his head! It's feet dangling, above the ground!It's riders frantically,leap off the Elephant's back!Landing in the Sand below! With his fantastic Strength,Samson sends the Elephant,flying across the Sands! Towards a large number,of Quickly appoaching,Hordesmen Troops! Suddenly, the lines of Hordesmen Troops,come to a sudden halt! Staring into the air! Their P.O.V.-The Soldier's stand staring ,at something impossible: A Gigantic SCREAMING ELEPHANT,flying towards them!! It's great Shadow, completely envelopes them,before crashing down upon them! The Soldiers try, to get out of its path,but they are too slow! A large number,are crushed under, by the huge Beast's Body! The remaining Soldiers run away! FADE TO BLACK: NARRATOR(V.O) Now after Countless Defeats,by Samson and his Armies,the two Sibling Kings:Sargon and Tabellius,decided to convene,with their Mother: The Night Queen. FADE IN: EXT-ANCIENT TEMPLE RUINS-MOUNTAIN CLIFFS-NIGHT Two Figures,mounted on Horses, pull up to an Ancient,and crumbling Temple! setting precariously,on the edge of a Cliff. Overlooking the Black, and turbulent Sea! The Two Figures,are revealed to be,Tabellius and Sargon. They dismount,their Horses. And proceeds towards the Ancient Temple. INT-TEMPLE-NIGHT The two Kings,stand before a Small Altar,inside the Temple.The temple has no walls.Just four great Columns,which support the Domed Limestone Roof.Suddenly a large Transparent,Gold masked Face,appears over,the Altar! It is the Night Queen! The Two Kings bow before the Night Queen. NIGHTQUEEN Sargon.Tabellius. Why have you come before me? TABELLIUS Mother,it concerns this Samson. He has Slain our Brother,Zinthallus. We try to avenge,his death,but we are unable,to do so! We send our, Armies to Conquer him,and his followers,but they are defeated,each time! He defies us. Nothing we do,can destroy him. SARGON Yes,he speaks the truth,my Mother. That is why,we have come before you. To seek your counsel! You must help us! We beg of you! The Night Queen,takes their requests,into consideration. NIGHTQUEEN Very well.Bring this..Samson before me.If he could be turned,he could prove,to be a, worthy Ally! Sargon and Tabellius are outraged,by her response! TABELLIUS This is Treachery! He Killed our Brother! You- The Night Queen is Angered! She interrupts Tabellius! NIGHTQUEEN SILENCE! Tabellius and Sargon,stand silently! NIGHTQUEEN You shall bring this Samson,before me. Now be Gone! The Two Kings Bow. And exit the Temple. NARRATOR(V.O) So the two Sibling Kings,followed their Mother's command. They sent, for their dreaded Enemy:Samson.To convene with the Night Queen. EXT-ANCIENT TEMPLE-MOUNTAIN CLIFF-NIGHT Beneath the light of the full Moon,and the Starry Night Sky,Samson stands before the,Altar of the Temple. A great Gold Masked,and transparent Face,appears above the Altar,before him! Filling the the entire air,in front of him. The Two Kings: Tabellius and Sargon, stands outside,observing the meeting,between Samson and the Night Queen. NIGHT QUEEN So,you are this Samson. I have heard much about you.Tell me Samson,what do you want? SAMSON My wants are simple,my Queen: I want my People,whom you have enslaved, and dispersed,across the great Ocean of Sand.I want them Freed.And for you to relinquish,the Jewel of Life.The source of my Kingdoms,well being. The Night Queen laughs. NIGHT QUEEN Oh.. Samson. You are so simple. Why not think bigger? What are the lives, of a few Slaves,compared to power? Power to have dominion,over all things, big and small? Join me Samson. I offer you,the invitation to truly live. Behold! With a wave of her,transparent Hand,all of the Kingdoms of the Known World appear,before Samson! NIGHT QUEEN(V.O) (OVER IMAGES) Behold Samson. All that you see before you,could be yours! From the Twin Seas,of the far East,to the Great Forest,Mountains of the Far West,far West as Wolta,would be yours,to command. All that you have, to do is Join us. Join me,Samson. With me,you would know all. Bliss, Power,and Pleasure,would be yours. Sargon and Tabellius,who are standing outside the Temple,faces are Red,with anger!Upon hearing the Queen's offer! SAMSON Your offer,is quite tempting Queen. But i am afraid,that i must decline, your Highness.I do not seek,domination over others.I seek,freedom for my People,and all others,that you have enslaved! The Night Queen is Angered! NIGHT QUEEN How dare you reject me! I offered you Power,and you throw,it back in my face?! I offered you a chance,to rise above the petty Mortals,and to become a God! You are not my Equal! I am Sulfuria! Daughter of the Hydraress! And Queen of the Night! You are nothing! Such arrogance, must not go unpunished! Samson reaches,over his shoulder,and pulls his, Curved Broad Sword, from his Back Scabbard! SAMSON Tell me Queen..if you are a Goddess,what need have you,with the Jewel of Life? The Queen is extremely Angered! NIGHT QUEEN (to her sons) Kill him! Sargon and Tabellius,suddeny transform, into Hydras! Tabellius stands upright,like a man.but with two Snake Like Heads! While Sargon,is a great Writhering Hydra,with a long Snake Like Body! Samson and the Two transformed Kings,fight! Samson uses his Shield,to deflect Fireballs,sent from the Mouths, of Tabellius,twin Hydra Heads! All the while,countering and Defending, Sargon's movements! It is a tough battle,but Samson finds an opening, in their defenses! He throws his Shield,towards Tabellius! The Sheild hits him,sending him flying backwards! Samson rushes towards,the Fallen King: Tabellius! Just as Sargon, who is behind him,lets out a great Jet of Flame! Which is speeding towards him! Just as Tabellius gets,to his feet,preparing to attack, Samson ducks and rolls,out of the way! As the Great Jet of Flame, hit Tabellius,instead! Tabellius Screams in agony,as the Fire consumes, his body! Tabellius wildly rushes towards the Cliff,where he tumbles off into, the Sea! Falling to his Death! SARGON No!! Samson grabs his Shield,as Sargon lets out,a Huge Jet of Red fire! The Flames hit,Samson's Shield,and flows around the Edges! Suddenly, the flames stop,as he prepares,for another jet of Flame! Suddenly Samsons runs towards him! With his Sword Drawn! Before the Jet of Flame,can exit it's maw,Samson takes off it's head,with one clean Swipe,of his fine Blade! Sargon's Snake like Body,Writhes about,before Dying!The Night Queen is Greatly Angered! Dark Clouds begin to swirl, around above the Temple! Suddenly the Roof of the Temple collaspes! The Queen Transparent Body,towers into the Air,before Samson! She points her gigantic transparent Finger,at him! NIGHT QUEEN Know this Samson,that you shall pay,for your Actions this Night! I will not rest,until i have defeated you,and all that follow you! I shall bring you to nothingness! Before i have destroyed you,you shall grovel,at my feet,and wish for Death! Remember my Words,Samson! Remember. With that the Night Queen,dissapears! The Sky returns to normal. Samson slides his Sword,into his Back Scabbard.He looks up,at the starry night Sky. SAMSON We shall have to see,your Highness. Samson walks away,from the Ruined Temple,and dissapears over,the Moon lit Horizon! END OF ACT II. ROLL CREDITS.
Copyright © 2007 Willie Travis Jr |