Star Saga (1) "STAR SAGA" BY MICHAEL HARRIS FADE IN: At the dawn of the 21st Century, scientist mapped the humane genome. With the human genome mapped, scientists then began to manipulate the genes of all those who could contribute to science and technology, and increase their gifts an untold fold, a trend that continued from generation to generation. By doing so, humanity experienced a time like no other. Shortly before 2015, space colonization began. By the year 2120, Earth's influence could be felt throughout the cosmos. And so, we come to this point in history... EXT. UNISEE - MIDDAY - SUPER - THE MAJESTIC WORLD OF UNISEE We see the beautiful and majestic structures of Unisee, bathed in colorful light shades of blue and pink and constructed at sickness inducing heights. Its people go about their merry way, clothed in bright blues and whites and such, when all of a sudden a huge warship begins descending from the sky, parting the clouds in the process. The humming noise made by the ship and the shadow it casts causes the peoples' attention to move upward. They look on curiously, but unafraid. Suddenly, radiant pulses of light fall from the ship. Once majestic buildings fall from their places and crash into the ground. People scramble to and fro. The warship let's loose another slew of pulsing beams and the same results occur. INT. INTIMIDATOR WARSHIP, BRIDGE - CONTINUOS We are now inside of the bridge of the Intimidator warship, where we find two people starring through the observation screen. They are FEDOS and FEDORA, husband and wife, and the commanding couple of a race known as the BULGATA. Another stands behind them. He is called RAPHSIDY. Fedos and Fedora observe the chaos upsettingly. They speak in an alien tongue and don't look much different from humans themselves, with the exception of slight facial alterations. The words they speak appear onscreen. FEDOS No, no! Don't run! Fight back! FEDORA Why aren't they defending themselves? RAPHSIDY I told you, this is a peaceful civilization. FEDOS Quiet Raphsidy! You say a lot of things. FEDORA Dispatch the MYRMIDIONS. RAPHSIDY Yes, Lady Fedora. EXT. UNISEE, THE SKY - CONTINUOS A blanket of smaller ships depart from the Intimidator itself. Once landed, soldiers known only as Myrmidions exit and whip the people into a frenzy as they surround them. On their arms, the Myrmidions have long elephant-like tusk weapons attached that can be removed at will, similar to how one would put on a glove, but these weapons encompasses their arms. These weapons are called TUSKANS. INT. UNISEEIAN PALACE, MAIN HALL - CONTINUOUS We now are inside of Unisee's Palace. LORD DALAYSIS, and his daughter, MONAFIA DALAYSIS, travel with an entourage of escorts through the main hall. The palace shakes and quivers from the attack as small dust particles fall from the sky. INT. UNISEEIAN PALACE, SHIP PORT - CONTINUOS Monafia and the escorts rush toward a small escape pod while Lord Dalaysis hesitates. They speak in English. ESCORT #1 Come sire, we must get you out of here. MONAFIA Father, why do you hesitate? LORD DALAYSIS ... MONAFIA Father? LORD DALAYSIS ...You must go alone, Monafia. Monafia gasps. ESCORT # 2 But sire, they will surely... LORD DALAYSIS No need to try to talk me out of it. It's something that I've already decided upon. Lord Dalaysis walks toward his daughter, whose tears stream down her cheeks. MONAFIA But father...why? LORD DALAYSIS The people, my daughter, they depend upon me. Now...come. Lord Dalaysis escorts his daughter toward the escape pod. The hatch of the ship opens, and Monafia sits. LORD DALAYSIS I will keep in contact with you throughout all of this. Monafia remains silent. The hatch closes. She places her hand against it, Lord Dalaysis does the same. He watches as the escape pod leaves the port and flies into the unknown. INT. INTIMIDATOR WARSHIP, BRIDGE - CONTINUOS Fedos and Fedora watch as Monafia flys past them. Fedora makes reference to the ship port. FEDORA That must be the ship port. RAPHSIDY I can't get the Intimidator through there. FEDOS Prepare us an escape pod. RAPHSIDY You will need INTERPRETERS and AMPLIFIERS if you are to understand their language. I have done the necessary work aforehand and programmed the Interpreters with the tongues of this people. Raphsidy heads toward them and places earpieces in the both of their hands. The commanding couple puts them in their ears. RAPHSIDY (continuing) The amplifier is inside of the earpiece. It should alter your voice when spoken so that they can understand you. INT. UNISEEIAN PALACE, SHIP PORT - CONTINUOS Lord Dalaysis stands in contemplation. ESCORT # 1 Sire? LORD DALAYSIS Yes, let's go. Lord Dalaysis and the others head for the exit when their attention is drawn towards the exterior of the ship port. An escape pod, much bigger than their own, flies into the port. It lands. Hatches from both sides of the ship open. A small detachment of Myrmidions exit with Tuskans in tow. They surround Lord Dalaysis and his administrators. Lord Dalaysis glances about to and fro and suddenly closes his eyes. EXT. HIGH ORBIT OVER UNISEE, ESCAPE POD Monafia flys alone when suddenly she is stricken by something. She closes her eyes and she can now see everything that happens in the ship port. She places her hands over her heart. MONAFIA Father. INT. UNISEEIAN PALACE, SHIP PORT - MIDDAY Fedos and Fedora make their grand entrance, one exiting from each of the respective openings. We can now understand what they are saying without words being present onscreen. They speak as if having English accents. ESCORT # 3 How dare you attack the Uniseeian people?! FEDOS Oh do shut up! The two walk towards Lord Dalaysis. Fedos instructs the Myrmidions to withdraw. They do so, hurriedly. FEDOS I take it you are the leader of these people? LORD DALAYSIS I hold that honor. And you? Fedos walks around the interior of the ship port, taking note of its splendid design. FEDOS You may call me Lord Fedos. FEDORA And I, Lady Fedora. And just who might you be? LORD DALAYSIS I, am Lord Dalaysis. FEDOS Ah, but the Uniseeian people need only but one lord. LORD DALAYSIS Aye, and they have it, in me. FEDOS Hmph. LORD DALAYSIS Why have you attacked me and my people? FEDORA Manual labor. We thrive off of the combined capabilites of countless worlds. FEDOS And...for sport. Fedora smiles wickedly toward her husband. ESCORT # 3 But...we are of no use to you. We have no need for that which you call weaponry. FEDOS On the contrary, I think you Uniseeians will make a fitting addition to the empire. Don't you, Fedora? FEDORA Indeed. I just love their sense of artistic style. FEDOS There, it's settled. EXT. DEEP SPACE, ESCAPE POD Tears flow from Monafia's eyes upon hearing the news. INT. UNISEEIAN PALACE, SHIP PORT - MIDDAY Another escape pod flys into the port. It lands and Raphsidy exits. FEDOS Report. RAPHSIDY We have begun enmassing them near the square. Fedos shakes his head. FEDOS What a pity, it was over before it even started. FEDORA I wasn't even moved this time. FEDOS Indeed. This, is pathetic! Fedos walks around in discontent. FEDOS (continuing) We subjugate all worlds within Bulgata's vicinity, journey to distant galaxies in search of new targets and this is what we are faced with? Is there no world out there worthy of our challenge?! FEDORA No one can see the Bulgata! RAPHSIDY Actually... The two turn toward him. FEDOS What? RAPHSIDY There is one. They're quite advanced. Not advanced as us of course, but they'll at least put up a fight. Lord Dalaysis takes notice of Raphsidy's words. FEDORA Go on. Raphsidy turns away from them. RAPHSIDY (continuing) Their main world is called Earth. I noticed it while scanning for potential prey. They've amassed a respectable number of colonies, so they should be able to satiate your desires for a time. FEDORA For a time you say? O, It has been so long since we've been even remotely challenged. FEDOS Yes, I've been meaning to put PROJECT DOOMSDAY to use for some time now, but using it on unworthy opponents would be a waste. FEDORA Doomsday? Ha, they don't stand a chance. Lord Dalaysis attempts to communicate with his daughter. EXT. DEEP SPACE, ESCAPE POD Lord Dalaysis speaks to his daughter. LORD DALAYSIS Did you hear that, my daughter? You must warn the people of Earth. Monafia speaks in her mind. MONAFIA I shall try to contact one of them. INT. UNISEEIAN PALACE, SHIP PORT - MIDDAY FEDOS Prepare for the onslaught, Raphsidy. We shall remain here and get ourselves aquainted with the people of this miserable planet. Raphsidy bows and heads toward the escape pod. Fedora speaks to Lord Dalaysis. FEDORA Shall you lead the way? Accompanied by his escorts, Lord Dalaysis leads them out of the ship port, all while being followed by Fedos, Fedora, and the Myrmidions. EXT. SPACE, HIGH ORBIT OVER EARTH - SUPER - EARTH EMPIRE A colossal space station sends out scouting ships that begin to scour the perimiter of Earth from all sides, while others head back to the space station. We follow those that head back. As we get closer to the space station the words OMEGA SQUADRON can be seen imprinted on the exterior of the structure itself. The scouting ships land inside of the ship port. We watch as one ship's hatch flys open and its male occupant withdraws. He is LANGDON HUGHES. A strapping young lad, white, with brown hair, who looks to be in his early 20's. Another exits a scouting ship, this time a woman. She is IRIS GRISHAM. And despite her military occupation, she is very much feminine and very attractive. She also appears to be in her early 20's. Langdon approaches her. LANGDON I didn't know you could fly like that. You surprised me. IRIS Yes, I've gotten better, thanks to you. LANGDON Hey, that's what I'm here for. Iris smiles. A UNIFORMED OFFICER enters the ship port. UNIFORMED OFFICER Hughes, Grisham. The two look toward him. UNIFORMED OFFICER COMMANDER WECKER will see you now. IRIS Well that was fast. LANGDON Yeah, I just hope its good news. The two head for the exit. INT. WECKER'S QUARTERS The door to Wecker's quarters slides open and Langdon and Iris enter. A monitor is mounted in one of the rooms corners. Wecker stands near it while watching a news program. LANGDON Commander Wecker? He turns toward them. WECKER Oh yes, Langdon, Iris, come in, sit down. Wecker heads to his desk while Langdon and Iris sit opposite him. Wecker looks over some papers. WECKER Now, about your shared request to revisit Earth. HIGH COMMAND feels that with the way things are going, the colonies could attack at any time. And they don't want to take any chances by allowing some of our finest fighters to be out of action. Iris looks saddened. LANGDON We understand, commander. IRIS Yes, you did your best. Perhaps another time then. WECKER Now, hold on a second. What they have done is granted me the permission to allow one of you to go. Whichever one it is, that's up to you. Iris looks at Langdon. LANGDON Well, then it's simple, Iris goes. IRIS But, Langdon I could... LANGDON No, no. You have family down there. I wouldn't feel right if I took your place. IRIS You...really mean it? Langdon nods. IRIS Oh thank you, thank you! Thank you so much! She hugs Langdon. WECKER You'd better get packing, young lady. The dropship arrives in three hours. IRIS OK. Thank you again, Langdon. LANGDON What's there to thank? Iris smiles and leaves. Langdon stands. WECKER That was mighty nice of you. LANGDON Yeah. Langdon stands. LANGDON (continuing) Well, I'm gonna go ahead and go to class now. COMMANDER WECKER Have fun. Langdon heads toward the sliding door and stops. He turns toward Wecker. LANGDON (continuing) Commander Wecker, do you...really think we'll go to war over this? Wecker sighs. WECKER I don't know. I had my doubts but... it's all over the news. Everywhere you turn. Wecker picks up a remote and flips through the channel a few times. He then turns up the volume. The two watch as a FEMALE REPORTER reports. FEMALE REPORTER And in interstellar news, there still hasn't been any settlement regarding the tariffs on imports and exports between the Earth Empire and its colonies. Later on today, CZAR SHEPARD will be arriving at the colony of MARUNE where a meeting is scheduled. However, analysts predict that a deal won't be reached and that inevitable. As always, we'll keep you posted. Wecker turns the television off. WECKER Doesn't look good. Listen, don't worry about it, if it happens it happens. It's not like you can do anything to stop it. LANGDON Yeah, you're right. Langdon looks at his watch. The time reads 11:58. LANGDON (continuing) I should get going. INT. TRAINING FACILITY Both male and female cadets train vigorously in the training facility. Some spar with one another in a boxing ring, while others lift weights and practice on punching bags. A large blue mat encompasses an area on the opposite side of the activity. Langdon enters with a duffle bag thrown around his shoulder. At the forefront of the facility, a man wearing a white martial arts outfit blows a whistle. Everyone stops. INSTRUCTOR All right, everyone get dressed for training. INT. TRAINING FACILITY The cadets, now bathed in similar white outfits and lined in rows, follow the instructors lead as they go through the warmups. Langdon is positioned at the forefront of the group. After awhile, the Instructor stops and so do they. INSTRUCTOR Let's get some action going here. The Instructor looks around the group and points to a MALE CADET who chews gum. Situated in the middle of the group, he is white with black hair and also looks to be in his early 20's. INSTRUCTOR You. The teacher looks around again and this time points to Langdon. INSTRUCTOR (continuing) And...Langdon. Langdon and the Cadet head toward a rack which houses protective suits, similar to ones you'd use if you were fencing. They begin putting them on. The Instructor walks toward a rack which holds silver, jagged weapons reminiscent of swords. He picks up two. He then heads back to the group. INSTRUCTOR The KILLIMARI: One of the standard weapons of Omega Squadron and OMEGA ELITE: a highly advanced faction of the Omega Squadron. The Instructor hands the weapons to Langdon and the Cadet, who are now all suited up. INSTRUCTOR (continuing) These two guys are familiar with it. For all you new cadets, you'll be issued one. As for now, you'll be restricted to lasers. Langdon, and the Cadet head toward the middle of the mat. The Instructor instructs the other cadets to fall back. They do so. INSTRUCTOR (continuing) To conclude today's session, I wanted to give you an idea of just give you a sparring demonstration. Cadets? The two enter their stances. The Instructor blows his whistle. Immediately, Langdon charges the cadet and the two become locked in combat. Both are highly talented, and both move about with lightning speed. In the end, Langdon puts the Cadet on his back. The Instructor blows the whistle, concluding the match. Langdon offers to help the Cadet up, but he declines. INSTRUCTOR Good work, gentlemen. He addresses the cadets. INSTRUCTOR (continuing) Now if you're all thinking that these guys got to this level because their genes have been attuned for this kind of thing, you're wrong. While it did help, it still took a lot of dedication on their part. When the guys at the lab modify your genes, it'll get easier, but it won't be a cakewalk. So keep that in mind. You are dismissed. The cadets begin to scatter. Langdon looks at his watch again and sighs. INT. CLASSROOM A large number of students listen as their FEMALE INSTRUCTOR lectures. Langdon, as well as the Cadet from earlier, are two of those students. The two sit relatively in the same area. FEMALE INSTRUCTOR We are at a pivotol point in history. Not since the first half of the 21st Century has humanity been divided. Historians will look back on this time with great interest. A MALE STUDENT raises his hand. FEMALE INSTRUCTOR Yes? MALE STUDENT But it's so trivial. I mean, they're fighting over prices for godsake. FEMALE INSTRUCTOR Yes, and if you remember that was exactly what caused the American colonies to revolt against the British. The old saying rings true, 'history repeats itself.' That's all for today. I expect you'll have read chapters 22 and 23 by next meeting. You may leave. The students stand and collect their things. The Cadet from earlier eyes Langdon and follows him. INT. DESOLATE HALL In a desolate hall, Langdon is confronted by the gum chewing Cadet. They talk as they walk. CADET You're Langdon, right? LANGDON Yeah, that's me. And who are you? CADET FAUNDOO, JESSE FAUNDOO, formerly of ALPHA SQUADRON? I'm sure you've heard of me. LANGDON Yes, I've heard of you. So why'd you transfer here? JESSE I wanted to meet you. LANGDON What for? JESSE Some guys back home were saying stuff like you're the best, and they've seen you in action. Of course, I didn't believe it. LANGDON Oh yeah? Now whaddaya think? JESSE I think with a little more practice you could probably be on my level. Probably. LANGDON Oh really? JESSE Really. But it's OK, you're bound to get better. You've just gotta keep at it. A mouse walks along the wall. JESSE (continuing) Rodents. That's something we didn't have to deal with in Alpha Squadron. Jesse advances to stomp on it when Langdon pushes him and causes him to stumble. JESSE What's your problem? LANGDON You were gonna kill it. JESSE Your point which being? Langdon shakes his head and continues walking. Jesse catches up to him. LANGDON That's really something though. You came all this way just to test me. I'm flattered. Two beautiful blondes walk past the pair. JESSE Well yeah. For that, and the girls. Jesse persues them. JESSE I'll be seein' ya sometime then, Langly. Faundoo gets between the two and puts his arms around them. Langdon stops and observes. He then realizes something. LANGDON Iris. INT. OMEGA SQUADRON, SHIP PORT Cadets equipped with their belongings stand in the ship port. Iris being one of them. A dropship enters into the port and lands. A singular hatch opens and cadets head toward it. Iris looks around concerningly. She then sighs, picks up her bags, and heads for the ship. Langdon enters the port hurridly. LANGDON Iris! She turns and spots him. She drops her bags and rushes toward him. IRIS I didn't think you were going to see me off. LANGDON Yeah? You should be more optimistic. Iris smiles. IRIS Listen Langdon, I really appreciate what you did for me. just won't be the same without you there. LANGDON They'll be other times. Christmas is coming up, you know. Iris nods. IRIS Yes, I know. Iris looks back and sees that most of the cadets have boarded. LANGDON You'd better get on board. Iris nods. She then heads toward the ship when suddenly, she stops. She drops her bags and rushes toward Langdon. The two embrace. Afterwards she kisses him on the cheek as tears flow from her eyes. Langdon wipes them away. LANGDON Tell everyone I said Happy Thanksgiving, OK? Iris nods. She then picks up her bags, heads for the ship, takes one last look at Langdon, and boards. The ship's hatch closes. It then hovers above ground a bit until it flys out of the port. Langdon watches until he can see it no more. He then heads for the exit when suddenly he is stricken by a female's voice. MYSTERIOUS VOICE They're coming...prepare yourselves...the end is nigh... Langdon looks around and spots no one. He pulls himself together and exits the port. EXT. UNISEE, PALACE BALCONY - MIDDAY From the palace balcony we can see that the Uniseeian people have been amassed in one area. Fedos, Fedora, and Lord Dalaysis stand in the balcony, while the Myrmidions remain encamped about the Uniseeian people. The people speak nervously amongst themselves. FEDOS Make them shut up, or I will. LORD DALAYSIS You don't understand, we've never experienced anything like this before. They don't know how to react. FEDORA Talk to them. Tell them of our demands. Lord Dalaysis sighs. He then outstretches his hands toward his people. LORD DALYSIS My people, please, listen to me. These invaders have promised to spare our lives only if we work for them. The murmuring of the crowd increases. Fedos folds his arms and taps his foot. FEDOS My patience is withering, Lord Dalaysis. Lord Dalaysis looks at Fedos nervously. He then resumes talking to his people. LORD DALAYSIS Please, you must quiet yourselves, otherwise they shall begin to slaughter us. The crowd's paranoia reaches an all time level. FEDOS Nice choice of words. FEDORA Enough of this nonsense! Fedora points randomly in the crowd. A man begins to hover upward until he is high above everyone else. He kicks and screams in midair. He then flies backward at incredible speed until he is out of our sight. The murmuring ceases. FEDORA Do you understand who you are dealing with now? Supreme power! The crowd remains silent. Fedos approaches the forefront of the balcony, making himself known to the people. FEDOS What your leader said is true. We shall allow you to live only if you build our ships, design our weapons, and construct our structures. Soon, we shall depart for your new home planet known as Bulgata. Enjoy these towering fortresses and vibrant colors while you can. A new reality awaits you all. The murmuring returns. Raphsidy enters the balcony. RAPHSIDY Preparations are complete, my lord and mistress. FEDOS Excellent. Let us board the Intimidator at once. You too, Lord Dalaysis. FEDORA Yes, we wouldn't want you to miss this. Accompanied by the Myrmidions, they leave. INT. OMEGA SQUADRON - CONTROL ROOM A male console OPERATOR notices a bleep on the radar. He informs Commander Wecker. OPERATOR Commander, we've got something coming our way, sir. Wecker makes his way toward the operator. WECKER What is it? A Marune Star Cruiser? A swarm of SORDAAN fighters? OPERATOR No, sir. It looks to be a small escape pod. Wecker looks at the radar. WECKER They could be jamming our signal. Sound the alarm just in case. OPERATOR Yes, sir. The Operator presses the alarm switch. INT. DORMS, LANGDON'S QUARTERS Langdon sits up in his bed while reading when he is disturbed by the sudden buzz of the alarm. He stands and heads toward the hall. He peaks out of his quarters when he catches a glance of Jesse and other cadets hurriedly running down the hall. LANGDON Faundoo, what's going on? JESSE Didn't you hear? We're going to war! On a speaker we can hear the following from a FEMALE. FEMALE SPEAKER All cadets report to your ships immediately. This is not a drill. All cadets report to your ships immediately. JESSE Come on man, let's go. Langdon follows after Jesse. INT. SHIP PORT Cadets scramble to get to their ships. Langdon and Jesse do the same. INT. CONTROL ROOM OPERATOR Sir, its heading towards the ship port. Wecker looks confused. WECKER I'm going down there. INT. SHIP PORT Langdon, Jesse, and the other cadets strap themselves in when suddenly Monafia's pod enters into the port. They observe. The pod lands and the hatch opens. Monafia exits. She looks around in awe at the machinery. MONAFIA Please, you've got to help me. My people, they're... Wecker enters the port. Langdon speaks to himself. LANGDON That voice... WECKER No need for alarm, cadets. You may return to your dorms. Cadets exit their ships and head for the exit. Jesse approaches Langdon, who still hasn't taken his eyes off of Monafia. Wecker approaches her. MONAFIA Please, sir, you have to help me. My people have been... WECKER Now, just hold on a minute there. What's your name? MONAFIA Monafia, Monafia Dalaysis. Wecker looks at her confusingly. WECKER Young lady, spying is a high price to pay. Did Sordaan send you here to spy on us? Monafia shakes her head. MONAFIA Sore...daan? I do not know of a Sordaan. Langdon begins approaching them. JESSE What are you doing? LANGDON I've got to talk to her. JESSE What? Jesse watches as he pulls away from him, he then follows. WECKER What about DORRIDION? Do you work for DELTA SQUADRON? Monafia shakes her head again. MONAFIA I... Langdon catches up to them. LANGDON Commander, let's hear her out first. WECKER I thought I told you cadets you could leave? LANGDON I know, but...I mean, just look at her. Look at her clothes, her ship, she can't possibly be from Sordaan or Dorridion. Wecker observes her clothing and then glances at the ship. WECKER OK young lady, lets hear what you have to say. MONAFIA My people, we have been attacked. We request assitance. WECKER Now, wait a minute, when you say 'your people', who do you mean? MONAFIA The people of Unisee. JESSE There is no colony called Unisee. WECKER You expect me to believe that you're alien? Oh, this is just too easy. The Sordaneese must take us for complete idiots. MONAFIA But, it's true. They have taken my people hostage. My father sent me here to warn you. Wecker sighs. WECKER Listen... LANGDON Wait a minute, Commander. What harm would it do to check up on it? I mean, if what she says is true then this will mark the first time we've come in contact with extraterrestrial life. Wecker sighs and then contemplates. WECKER I don't know why I'm doing this...all right, I'll go inform High Command and see if they know anything. MONAFIA Thank you, kind sir. WECKER And since you talked me into this, you're going to be responsible for her, Langdon. LANGDON Yes, sir. WECKER Take her to your dorm and...whatever. I'll get back to you when I hear something. Wecker heads for the exit and leaves. Jesse advances toward Monafia. JESSE Let me introduce myself, my name is Faundoo, Jesse Faundoo. And you are? Monafia looks at him confusingly. LANGDON What he meant to say was he's not going to bother you at all during your stay. Isn't that right, Jesse? Jesse looks at Langdon angrily. JESSE Fine. You can have her. She's not my type anyway. Jesse heads for the exit. LANGDON Why don't we go back to my dorm and we can talk there. MONAFIA ...OK. The two head for the exit. EXT. EARTH EMPIRE, SPRALLING METROPOLIS - MIDDAY The buildings of the metropolis seem to extend beyond the clouds. We watch as vehicles fly above the ground, making their way to their different destinations. EXT. EARTH EMPIRE, DOCKING BAY - CONTINUOS Iris, along with a few other cadets, walk on a dock that leads toward a small submarine. The metropolis can be seen in the distance. A male SAILOR greets them. SAILOR Greetings. I hope you enjoyed your flight. We'll now be escorting you to AQUANATA, one of the most beautiful underwater facilities in the world. I'm going to ask that everyone please board so we can be on our way. Iris smiles. Cadets begin boarding. EXT. UNISEE, EXTENDED VIEW OF INTIMIDATOR WARSHIP - MIDDAY The Intimidator hovers over the Uniseeian structures. INT. INTIMIDATOR WARSHIP, BRIDGE - CONTINUOS Fedos and Fedora stand near the observation screen while Raphsidy commandeers the controls. Lord Dalaysis stands near the exit to the bridge, with two Myrmidions encamped about him. One of the Myrmidions is noticeably different from the other. He's much more bulkier then the others and his regalia is seperate from the others. He is ILLZAR, the highest ranking Myrmidion of the Bulgata. RAPHSIDY The cannon is ready. Fedos motions toward Lord Dalaysis. FEDOS Come, you simply must see this. You too, Illzar. Illzar and Lord Dalaysis head toward them.
Copyright © 2004 Michael Harris |