The Last Mission (1)
Shaun Goldsmith


              FADE IN:
              EXT. DESERT - DAY
              An endless sea of sand. Dunes marred by wildly criss crossed
              tire marks and tank tracks. Stretching to the horizon.
              Up ahead, pillars of dark smoke rise from objects dotting the
              barren landscape.
              Getting closer, we recognize the objects as
              Burning fiercely. Wrecked and blackened. Flames LICK at metal.
              Corpses dangle from vehicle hatches. Others, scattered among
              the debris of war. Once a furious battleground, now QUIET.
              A HALF TRACK
              Races past. Followed by some cargo trucks. The pennant of the
              Afrika Korps (a swastika over a palm tree) FLAPS in the wind.
              LT. DIETRICH sits in the passenger seat. Early twenties.
              Irritated looking Nazi poster boy. BECKER (20) drives. He's
              obese. Slovenly. Sweats a lot.
              Haggard Soldiers in dusty uniforms sit behind. Their weary
              eyes avoid the carnage around them.
              Lt. Dietrich raises his hand. The convoy stops. He gets out.
              Nearby, flies BUZZ over a burned corpse. Mouth agape in a
              silent scream.
              Ignoring it, Lt. Dietrich scans the horizon with binoculars.
              SUPER: NORTH AFRICA. SUMMER 1942
              He takes a map from his coat.
                                  LT. DIETRICH
                        North is that way, correct?
              Becker slurps from his canteen. Wipes dribble from his chin.
                        Don't know sir.
                                  LT. DIETRICH
              EXT. RIVERBED
              Dietrich is watched through binoculars. They lower.
              This is ANDERSON. Early thirties. A scholarly, granite face.
              Ambitious glint in his eye. A revolver on his hip. Beside him
              is CARTER. Twenties. Boyish. Nervous.

              Both lie prone behind scrub brush. Carter loads an ammo clip
              into a machine gun. His hands are shaky and it won't go in.
              Anderson reaches over. Guides Carter's hand. The mag CLICKS
                        Sorry sir. Jumpy. Mitchell says it
                        gives you an edge.
              Anderson nods.
                        You ever scared sir?
                        Always. But Mitchell...
              Anderson looks through the binoculars toward a pile of
              EXT. ROCKS
                                  ANDERSON (V.O.)
                        He likes this too much.
              A gun barrel pokes through a crack.
              Meet MITCHELL, hunkered over a menacing rifle known as a Boys
              Gun. His eye pressed to the scope. A rat in silhouette is
              painted on the stock.
              He's thirty. Rugged. Worldly. Strong. The kind of soldier
              you're glad is on your side. To his right is WHIPPLE.
              Eighteen. Crew cut. Just a kid. He sets up a machine gun.
                        Who is it?
                        Signals unit. Ninetieth Light.
                        They lost?
                        We've found 'em. Haven't we?
              Whipple grins. Locks and loads the machine gun.
              EXT. GERMAN VEHICLES
              Three German Soldiers step from a truck. ZUMWALD. Bullish.
              GERBER. Younger. Thinner. REIMANN. Baby-faced. Pasty, white
              skin. The others, tanned bronze. They watch Dietrich.
                        We're lost. Again.

                        Dead eye Dietrich. Not the first
                        ...not the last.
                        I have to piss.
              He walks off.
              Zumwald walks to the truck's bumper. Reimann stands there.
              Holds an egg.
                        What are you doing?
                        I've heard it's so hot here you
                        can fry an egg on the tanks.
              He cracks the egg. Pours it on the hood.
                        You can fry it but you won't want
                        to eat it.
              EXT. GERBER
              Finds a secluded spot near some scrub brush. He UNZIPS. Piss
              SPATTERS on the sand. He sighs with great relief.
              A few yards away, Anderson and Carter stay low. Out of sight.
              Gerber finishes. ZIPS up. Looks over.
              Carter crawls backward. Makes a RUSTLING noise.
              Gerber HEARS it. SEES movement in the scrub. Slowly
              EXT. MITCHELL
              Turns to Whipple.
                        He's spotted them.
              Through the scope, Gerber walks on. Approaching the scrub
              brush. But, he moves behind a burned out tank. Obscured from
              Mitchell's view.
              Mitchell moves like lightening. Dashes from the rocks. Boys
              Gun in hand.

                        Mitchell! Mitchell!
              He doesn't stop.
              advances. Rifle ready. Quickening his pace.
              Fiddles with the machine gun. Anderson's face is tight.
                        Take him.
              Carter presses the trigger. CLICK. Nothing happens. Anderson
              reaches for his pistol. It's too late.
              Points his rifle.
              charges. Aiming on the run. Gerber in the crosshairs.
              Watch the egg POP on the truck's hood.
                        It cooks!
              Presses the trigger. A GUNSHOT. Gerber's chest SQUIRTS open
              like a grape. He falls dead.
              Look over. Eyes wide.
              Smiles. Relieved.
                        Perfect timing, Sgt. Mitchell.
              Drops. Taking cover. Looks through the scope. Pulls trigger.
              CRACK! A bullet SIZZLES through the air striking

              In the chest. A sickening THUD. He crumples against the half
              Dives on the ground.
              Confused, Reimann remains standing. A GUNSHOT!
              Is struck. A piece of skull flies out the driver's side
              Another GUNSHOT!
              SEES red fluid spatter on the egg. He looks to his chest,
              covered in blood. He falls.
              Can't get the machine gun to fire. Anderson reaches over.
              Shoos him away.
                        Let go!
              He grabs it. FLICKS a swtich. Pulls the trigger. Opens FIRE.
              Moves for the flank. Bullets WHIZ through the air. He's hit
              in the throat. Drops face first into the sand. Dead.
              GERMAN SOLDIERS
              Exchange FIRE but are quickly wiped out.
              SHOOTS until CLICK! The mag's empty. It's over anyway. The
              German guns now SILENT. Anderson waves his hand over his head.
                        Cease fire! Cease fire!
              He turns to Carter. Gives him a harsh look.
                        Move in.

              Two jeeps are parked nearby.
              Mitchell takes binoculars from Dietrich's neck. Anderson
              searches the half track. Further on, Whipple and Carter
              search the trucks.
                        Take what you can. Torch the
                                  WHIPPLE (O.S.)
                        One still alive!
              Quickly, Mitchell and Anderson head over.
              Lies on his back. Covered in blood. Trembling. Eyes wide.
              Carter kneels beside him. Holding out his canteen.
              Anderson looks to Mitchell and nods. Mitchell steps forward.
              Draws his pistol. SHOOTS Reimann dead. Carter recoils.
                        Save your water.
              He walks on.
              EXT. FORT - NIGHT
              Rotting bodies hang suspended in barbed wire surrounding an
              old fort. Walls pockmarked by gunfire.
              Bullets ZIP through the air. Flares WHOOSH skyward. Gently
              floating down illuminating
              TWO JEEPS
              Racing for the fort's entrance. EXPLOSIONS all around as they
              speed through the main gate and into
              EXT. FORT - COURTYARD
              Burned vehicles and corpses litter the area. It's chaotic.
              Amid frequent EXPLOSIONS and panicked shouts, the jeeps stop.
              LT. CHARTRAND (30), rushes up. Sporting a beard with torn
              uniform, he resembles a vagrant. His arm's in a sling.
                                  LT. CHARTRAND
                        Mitchell! We heard you were dead
                        mon ami.

                        Not yet mate.
                                  LT. CHARTRAND
                        Anderson? The General needs to see
                        you right away.
              A nearby EXPLOSION. All three duck.
                        Let's not keep him waiting.
              Lt. Chartrand leads them across the yard as more EXPLOSIONS
              shower them with sand.
              INT. BUNKER
              Distant RUMBLES echo through the dank room. It's poorly lit
              with a low ceiling and sandbags for walls. A map drapes over
              a table in the room's center.
              DUSSERE (60), bends over it. Balding. Wrinkles. Dirty face
              and uniform. But, proud nonetheless.
              His STAFF OFFICERS stand nearby. Tense faces. One mops his
              brow. DUSSERE'S AIDE stands opposite. Holding a clipboard.
                                  DUSSERE'S AIDE
                        The Germans have moved within two
                        hundred meters of the perimeter.
                        What's left?
                                  DUSSERE'S AIDE
                        Very little ammunition. No mortar
                        rounds. The artillery-
                        Can we hold?
              Dussere's Aide lowers the clipboard.
                                  DUSSERE'S AIDE
                        No sir. We cannot.
              Mitchell and Anderson enter. Dussere nods.
                        We heard you were dead.
                        Wishful thinking sir.

                        The Germans will attack at dawn.
                        We're out of time General.
              Dussere ponders. Rubs his chin.
                        Begin the breakout at twenty two
                                  DUSSERE'S AIDE
                        And the wounded?
              SILENCE for a beat.
                        They'll slow us down General.
              Mitchell looks over. Disbelief.
                        Admiral Anderson would never
                        approve of such an action.
                        Sir. My Father's not here. We are.
                        But, I know what he'd say. Do what
                        has to be done. See it through. To
                        the end.
              Dussere nods. Grim acceptance.
                        Sir. It's all for naught if they
                        realize we're pulling out.
                        Go on Lieutenant.
              Mitchell sighs quietly. Disgusted.
              INT. CORRIDOR
              It's lined with Wounded Soldiers. Others on the ground.
              Mitchell and Anderson walk along. Watching where they step.
                        The General agreed. It's what has
                        to be done.
                        You looking for a medal sir?
                        Hardly. Maybe you're just afraid.

                        For myself? Never. My men? Always.
                        You should let me make you an
                        officer. How many times have I
              Mitchell shrugs.
                        But, you don't like officers. Do
                        It's not that I don't like 'em
                        sir. I just don't trust 'em.
              Anderson smirks.
                        It's not a matter of trust. It's
                        a matter of following orders.
                        Seeing it through-
                        Yeah. Yeah. I heard the speech.
                        But at what cost?
              They stop walking. Anderson faces him.
                        Any cost.
              They walk on.
                        Sir. The men are exhausted.
                        I know. But someone said you're
                        the best. And the best, I need.
                        Which brings me to Carter.
                        It's nerves. Happens to us all.
                        Has it happened to you?
              No answer.
                        The decision's final. He's out.

                        Let me tell him.
                        Of course.
                        You know. Once the Germans realize
                        we're pulling out, they'll move in-
                        And annihilate us.
              A distant EXPLOSION shudders the corridor. They stop walking.
                        What do you have in mind?
              INT. STORAGE BUNKER
              A single lightbulb dangles from the ceiling. Swaying with
              every distant BOOM. A hand reaches up. Steadies it.
              Mitchell's hand.
              He leans against some crates. A dozen Soldiers stand
              opposite. Carter and Whipple included. All tense.
                        We're the bait.
              Several groans. The men shift on their feet.
                        Why us Sergeant?
                        Someone said we're the best.
                        A diversion?
                        We follow the trail to the south.
                        Draw the Germans off. Once clear,
                        we head for the coast.
                        If we make it...
              Mitchell points the crest on his uniform.
                        What's it say?
                        Who dares, wins.

                        Remember it.

                        Lads. If Rommel takes Tobruk, he
                        takes Egypt. If he gets Egypt,
                        North Africa's done. And us with
                        They'll outnumber us.
                        At least ten to one.
              More groans.
                        We'll be lightly armed. Push hard.
                        Kick up dust. Make 'em think
                        there's more of us. Kickoff's
                        twenty two thirty. Any questions?
                        Let's get started.
              As the Soldiers depart, Mitchell gestures to Carter who
              remains behind.
                        What happened out there?
              Carter turns away.
                        You had a job to do. If it wasn't
                        for me-
                        I'm out, aren't I?
              Mitchell nods. Carter frowns.
                        A last mission then?
                        Just stay close. Do what I tell
                        And if they find us?
              BOOM! An EXPLOSION. Not far away, rocks the room. The
              lightbulb sways. Flickers.
                        We run like hell.

              EXT. DESERT - ROAD - NIGHT
              Fast moving jeeps armed to the teeth race along a bleak,
              desolate road. Clouds of sand trail behind.
              Drives the lead jeep. Mitchell mans the anti-tank gun mounted
              in the rear. He's alert. Expectant. Checks his watch.
                        Almost there.
              Carter nods.
              EXT. RIDGE ABOVE
              Gloved hands hold binoculars. Panning. Following the jeeps.
              The grip tightens. Leather CREAKS.
              This is CRUWELL. He's early thirties. Wears a cap with
              goggles. A long overcoat. It's hard to SEE his features in
              the darkness.
              An Alsatian dog rests at his feet. In b.g., a row of tanks
              wait SILENTLY. The Crews ready for action.
              The tank turrets spin as one. Guns trained on the jeeps.
              A parachute flare bursts into the sky, clearly illuminating
              the jeeps against the landscape.
                        Stop column!
              The jeeps halt.
                        Ours or theirs?
              Mitchell shakes his head. Doesn't know.
              Cruwell lowers the binoculars.
              The tank's guns ROAR.
              Mitchell SEES the telltale pinpricks of light.

              Shells bracket the jeeps. EXPLODING all around. Shrapnel
              ZINGS through the air. Soldiers run for cover.
              Mitchell loads the anti-tank gun.
              Carter fumbles with the gear shift. The jeep doesn't budge.
              A shell WHINES in. EXPLODING beside the jeep.
              Mitchell's blown clear. Tossed around. Lands some distance
              away. A gash on his thigh.
              Dazed, he tries to stand but falls. Slowly, he crawls to a
              INT. WELL
              And flops in. Catching his breath.
                                  CARTER (O.S.)
              Mitchell looks over the lip of the well.
              EXT. CARTER
              Lays near the jeep. Badly wounded.
              EXT. GERMAN VEHICLES
              Race in. Pull up and halt along the road. Soldiers leap out
              and deploy.
              MITCHELL'S MEN
              Raise their hands.
              Reaches out his hand toward Mitchell.
                        Help me Will...

              Steps from a tank. His dog follows. He looks over the
              surrendering troops. Then, gestures to his men. Machine guns
              are pointed and FIRE.
              Horrified. His men are mowed down.
              He clenches the sand with his fists and tries to climb from
              the well but his wound is too painful.
              The SHOOTING STOPS. Wounded men plead for help.
              Draws a pistol. SEES Carter writhing and walks over.
              Watches him approach. Raises his hands defensively.
              Cruwell FIRES. Carter dies.
              EXT. WELL
              Mitchell freezes. Mesmerized. Total shock.
              Steps toward him. The dog barks.
              Slowly squirms deeper into the well. Concealing himself.
              Doesn't notice. Moves along.
              Shakes all over. More SHOTS follow. More screams. He cowers.
              Covers his face. Closes his eyes.
              The dog keeps barking.
              INT. HOSPITAL TENT - DAY
              The flap is thrown open. Anderson walks in. Greeted by a
              flurry of activity.

              Doctors scurry from patient to patient. Some cry out in pain.
              Blood soaked sheets are piled high in the corner.
              Anderson spots Mitchell on an examination table across the
              tent. He walks over.

                        The breakout succeeded.
              Mitchell stares off into space. A thousand yard stare.
              He reaches over and hands Anderson several small discs.
              Anderson looks at them. Identification discs. Stained with
              A curt-looking NURSE walks up.
                        Not now sir.
              She draws a curtain.
              Anderson looks at his hands. Stained red. He pauses. Then,
              turns and walks out.
              EXT CAIRO - DAY
              Sun rises over the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
              EXT. CITADEL
              A vast fortress centered around an ancient mosque. Sunshine
              glints from the massive dome. A Union Jack FLAPS in the
              Steps from the driveway lead to the
              Anderson steps out the door. Sentries snap to attention.
              He touches a freshly painted medal pinned to his chest.
              Shiny. He salutes the Sentries and walks down the steps to a
              INT. STAFF CAR
              Pritchard sits in the passenger seat. Puffing on a pipe. He's
              fifty. Fatherly. Distinguished. Gray hair with tanned skin.
              Dapper. Wearing a white suit.
              Anderson climbs in, shutting the door.

                        We're on.
              Pritchard smiles and the staff car drives off.

              EXT. CAIRO - STREETS
              The car drives along. Horn HONKING. It's all stop and go.
              Streets teem with pedestrians.
              INT. STAFF CAR
              Pritchard closes a file. Smiling.
                        Radio intercepts. Magnificent.
                        Now, all we need is for Rommel to
                        be where he's supposed to be. When
                        he's supposed to be.
              Anderson peers out the window.
                        Summoned to Berlin on Hitler's
                        orders? He's not about to miss it.
              The car stops at an intersection. Anderson watches
              A SHOPKEEPER
              Replace photos in his shop window of Churchill and King
              George V with those of Hitler and Mussolini.
                        They think we're finished. Don't
                        they sir?
                        Fail this time. And we are.
              The car speeds on.
                        Have you seen the shooting results?
                        McTavish will be ready.
                        His accuracy at longer ranges-
                        You said your operative could get
                        us inside the perimeter.

                        And if she can't? We've taken
                        chances before. Not this time.
                        You should be more optimistic
                        You can afford to be. I can't.
              Anderson removes a silver case from his pocket and lights a
                        For this assignment, we need a
                        marksman like no other. One who
                        can hit a target from any
                        distance. Under a variety of
                        You have someone in mind?
              Anderson nods.
                        So? Where is he?
                        That Colonel, is the problem.
              INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - DAY
              Clean. Sterile. Clinical-looking. Dull walls. Plain tiles.
              Anderson and Pritchard walk with DR. REYNOLDS (45). He's
              balding and nerdy. Wears eyeglasses and a labcoat.
                        Battle fatigue?



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Copyright © 2004 Shaun Goldsmith
Published on the World Wide Web by ""