Consequence (1)
Henry L. Bean



Snow falling in thick clumps dominates the whole of the scene now bearing in front of the camera and the audience in general. A car's headlights slowly appear in the never ending whiteness, and as the car approaches, the camera does not move and we eventually switch suddenly to a view of the inside of the car. The windshield wipers are moving swiftly back and forth, back and forth, feebly attempting to keep the snow off of the windshield. The car isn't nice by any means, the seats and dashboard showing this age in the way they are worn. The car, however, does run, and that is all that matters to the teenage couple driving along in the winter's storm. Sebastian adjusts his glasses on his nose as he begins to speak to his girlfriend, Sierra.


I had fun tonight, didn't you?


Yeah, I did. I always find it amusing to watch those two.


Who? Kyle and Alyssa?


Yeah. It's fricken' hilarious to watch them, all over each other like that.


Why's that?


I dunno' what it is, it's just kind of funny to me to see two people who feel like that towards each other, both foolishly thinking that they're in love with each other, when it is painfully obvious to everyone else that it is simply a superficial attraction and they'll soon grow bored with each other, just like Kyle always does.


You couldn't be more right on that one, sweetheart. You should hear him. "Man, its for real this time, I swear" (SEBASTIAN LAUGHS GOOD-NATUREDLY). How many times have I heard THAT one. Well, I'm glad that you and I aren't like that. Four years now, it's been. A long time. (SEBASTIAN LAUGHS A BIT AS HE SAYS) Remember freshman year? How we were all surprised that we went out for more than a few months? (HE CHUCKLES AT THIS) Funny stuff. Funny stuff.


Yeah, I know. You and I really do have something special, don't we?

They pull up to SIERRA'S house, a relatively average house in the average suburb where they live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Goodnight, sweetheart. I'll call you about Saturday, OK?


OK, I should be home sometime around 6 tomorrow, so call me around then. Goodnight.

They kiss each other good night, at the door, this previous dialogue having been while Sebastian walked Sierra to the door. He turns around and walks back to his car, the look of someone totally in love still in his eyes, the same look he watches Sierra with.


Sebastian and Sierra walk slowly together along the shore of Lake Michigan, both have warm cups of hot chocolate in their hands, their other hands entwined with one another. They're discussing their plans for college, Sebastian is being awfully queit. They are taking up the whole path, and there is a runner behind them, very distressed at not being able to pass because of the high snowbanks on either side of the path.


�But in any case, I really don't know where I'm gonna go. My parents say east coast, but I'm looking more towards somewhere that I'm going to enjoy, like Colorado or something. I mean, since I still don't know what exactly it is that I'm going to major in, I don't want to go to some specialty school. Maybe I'll go to Madison. Or maybe I'll go out to the west coast, get myself into Cal Tech or something. Maybe I'll even try for Berkeley. Sebastian, you seem rather queit today, what's up?

SEBASTIAN (as if breaking out of a daze)

Hmmm? Me? Nothing, nothing. Nothing bothering me.


Umm...ok, nothing. I see. Well do you want to talk about all the stuff that's NOT bothering you?


Yeah, ok. Well, you know how my grandma has offered to pay my way through college?

As he starts this diatribe, he turns around while still walking, so that he is walking backwards and facing Sierra. (STILL TAKING UP THE ENTIRE DAMN PATH)




Well, evidently there is one condition to that payment of my entire college career. Evidently, she wants me to spend a year away from here, a year somewhere else entirely, just to get away from everything and everyone to "contemplate my future" or some crap. I don't know, but if I want her to pay for my college, which I have to, I have to go. She specifically said though, ALONE. No one can come with, not even stay with me. She said that if I bring any of my friends for even 10 seconds, she's pulling the plug on my entire education essentially. I can't have any contact with anyone for a year, I have to make all new friends. And she says that....well.....that includes you. I don't know what I'm gonna' do.


I....I don't know what to say. I mean, your education is the most important thing to your future, but why the hell is she doing this?


I wish I knew myself. But I don't. She said that I need to learn to live on my own for a while, even though the whole thing is on her dime and I won't have to do anything but lay on the beach all day and get tan.


The beach?


She's sending me to Florida. Destin, to be exact. To stay alone in my own three bedroom condo for the duration of the entire year. Then she will pay the tuition to any school of my choosing. But I don't know what to do, an entire year without everyone that I hold close...I don't get it. I mean, my family is no big deal...its like they don't even exist, that's not what I care about. But my


You need to do it, you know Sebastian.

SEBASTIAN (stops suddenly to look at Sierra and still manages to block the runner from passing)

Huh? You almost sound eager to get rid of me.


No, that's not it at all! I just mean that the oppurtunity to have someone pay for your entire tuition to any school, anywhere...that's not something you want to pass up, hun. I love you, and I'm going to miss you like crazy, but you need to do this. And hey, this is a year of ALL-EXPENSES-PAID vacation to Florida. That sounds like it'll be great.

But she doesnt sound to enthusiastic about this, and her facial expressions show it.



As the surprised Sebastian steps aside, the runner sprints on, shaking his head in disgust.


(mutters)What is wrong with the people in this world? In any case, Sierra, I know that I SHOULD go, and take advantage of this. (after a period of thought) I will. That's it, I'm going to Florida at the end of the year. I guess I really don't have a choice do I?

SIERRA (sounding appropriately down)

No, you really don't.

SEBASTIAN (takes Sierra's head between his hands and lifts her face to look into his eyes)

Hey, don't look so down about it. I mean, it's only one year, we'll pull through this, just like we always do. Listen, sweetheart, I love you, and that's something that can never die. I'll call you every night, OK? Lets just make the most of the next few months.

He kisses her softly and holds her head to his chest, embracing her.


I love you too, Sebastian.


So anyways, what do you wanna' do next Saturday?

The camera stays put and we see Sierra and Sebastian walk off on the pathway, the scene fading into one of their high school graduation.



Anna comes up and takes her certificate with pride, a very stoned look in her eyes.



Steven comes up and takes approaches the principal slowly and reluctantly, as if the principal is going to throttle him. He finally takes his certificate and scurries to his seat.



As Sebastian's friend is called, there goes up a murmer in the crowd. He apparantly is missing from his seat, and the camera gets a shot of the empty seat, the students sitting around it staring bewilderdly at the blaring emptiness of Kyle's designated place.

STUDENT (shrugging)

He hasn't been here the whole time!


Well, where is he?! This is just like that hooligan! Always disrupting the peace of mind of others!

The camera cuts to a view of Kyle asleep in his bed, still wearing his clothes from the previous day. His eyes suddenly open, a look of complete recongition and sudden shock at the realiztion that he is missing his high school graduation and is going to be in a shitload of trouble for this one.



Kyle pulls on his robe and his tassled hat over his clothes and messy hair, and runs out the door of his house, his dog barking at his heels. He crosses the street, and runs into the main entrance of the high school. The camera now sees him run quickly across the commons area and then cuts to a view from the end of a hallway, Kyle running down it, one hand clamped tightly to his head, holding his hat on, a very distressed look on his face. He glances at his watch and picks up his pace, his shoes slipping a bit. He runs down the hallway and skids to a stop, sliding past the door that he has a grip on the handle of. The camera cuts to a view from the stage of the auditorium, to see a door way in the back open to reveal Kyle, looking very calm and composed. He loudly says to the crowd and everyone


I can't believe you started without me! The nerve of you people!


Very exemplary of your behavior for the past four years, Mr. Wyler. Now come up here and take this before I come to my senses and decide that you need yet another year here in this fine institution.

Kyle walks proudly and purposefully up to the stage, and taking his certificate from the principal, bows before the crowd, which in turn claps much more loudly than they did for the previous students. Walking back to his seat, he turns around in it to talk to Sebastian as the principal begins droning on and on and on about how he's "sorry to see them go", etc. The camera is a view of the two of them from behind Kyle.


So what time is your flight today, dude?

SEBASTIAN (looking at his watch)

In only 2 more hours, man. This is so wierd, I have to leave everyone behind and everything. I mean, I guess I've been in denial about it for the past few months, but last night when I was packing up like everything that I own basically, I realized, hey this is for real. I won't see my friends or the love of my life, Sierra, for a really long time. A whole year man. A fuckin' year. That blows my mind.

Kyle pats him on the shoulder as he says


Don't worry about it, buddy. You'll be fine. I mean, come on, don't feel down about it, look at how many people in the world would give their life for the oppurtunity that you have because of this year spent away from your family.


Yeah, you're right. Let's get goin'.

They get up from their seats and walk out of the auditorium, talking to each other, the conversation not picked up, we can only see their mouths moving. The POV is still from right in front of the seats, looking back, and we see the principal walk halfway up the aisle, look around sadly at the empty seats, and then continue out of the building. The scene fades.

Now we cut to a scene of Sebastian�s front yard, a car outside parked with extreme care to the exact side of the curb, Sebastain�s car, the same one we saw earlier. Behind it, parked far more haphazardly, is Sierra�s father�s car, the one she�s borrowing for the day.The camera moves closer to the open front door of the house.
The camera cuts now to a scene of Sebastian�s househould, the camera viewing the bottom of the stairs. Through the camera�s POV, we can see a nondescript man sitting in a chair off to the right of the screen, smoking a pipe and reading a newspaper in a very general, stereotypical way. Sebastian can be heard trapsing about upstairs, talking to Sierra.

SIERRA (as she says this, the camera cuts to a view from the doorway of Sebastian�s room, the room now almost completely bare, with the exception of a large assortment of bags and backpacks, as well as Sebastian and Sierra standing in the middle of the room)

Have you got everything?


I think so.


You think so?


Yeah, I think so.


Well, let�s go through the list

She picks up a clipboard.



SEBASTIAN (holds up the suitcases he holds in either hand)



Personal items (watch, wallet, necklace, keys, etc)

SEBASTIAN (rummages through a backpack, and with his head still halfway in it says)


SIERRA (with a voice of mock authority)

Accessories (shoes, hats, glasses, etc)

SEBASTIAN (points to a bag sitting to his right on the floor)



Stereo equipment


Already shipped it down there, so, check, I guess.


Carry-on equipment

SEBASTIAN (glances over his shoulder at the backpack he�s wearing)



Hey, by the way, how are you planning on moving this furniture?


I�m not, the condo is already furnished, grandma had me pick it out from any catalog I wanted last week, she says that I�ll have a TV already there, too. And I shipped my computer yesterday, should be arriving sometime later today.


Ah, I see. Anyways, is that everything?

SEBASTIAN (looking around his room for one last time, and sighing)

Yeah, it sure looks like it. Wow, I can�t believe that I�m actually moving out. This is so very cool.

He steps out of the room, a bag slung over his shoulder, and a box in his hands. On the way out, he almost trips over a small kitten trying to wind itself around Sebastian�s feet.


Don�t worry, Boddah, I won�t forget you. Hey Sierra, can you grab him and put him in his animal carrier? I wouldn�t want to leave �im behind.

Sierra picks up the cat and, stroking his face, puts him into a very small animal carrier.


Do they allow pets at the condominium place thingy? I wouldn�t think they would.


Yeah, they do surprisingly enough. But they only allow the people that live there to have animals, they don�t let the ones that are just renting out the condos keep pets.


Ah, OK.

SEBASTIAN (laughs a bit)

And besides, even if they didn�t allow animals, I would still take Boddah with me. I love that little cat.

They walk out the front door, and load the things into Sierra�s car.


So the plan is this. You drive to the place that you have to drop your car off, the place that�s shipping it down to Florida for you, and I�ll follow. Then I take y ou to the airport, and we unload your stuff and I see you in a year?


Wow, you make it sound like an everyday occurrence. �Yeah, I�ll see ya� in a year�. That�s gonna� be so wierd, I�m gonna miss you so much.

He walks up to her and kisses her softly and sweetly after he says this, and they pull back and begin again to load things into the car.


Boddah can ride in the front seat with me on the way there, no need for him to be in the animal cage until it is absolutely necessary.


Good call, he always hated riding in my car anyways, I don�t know why that is though. Oh well, in any case, we�d better get going if I want to make my flight. (glances at his watch as this is said)


Well, you ready to go sweetheart?


Yeah, just let me tell my parents that I'm leaving.

We see Sebastian walk up to the front door, and lean his head in. As the camera sees his head lean in, it cuts to a view of him from right inside the door. He yells.


I'm leaving, probably to never come back. Goodbye.

SEBASTIAN'S MOM (from somewhere in the house)


SEBASTIAN'S DAD (still sitting in the chair smoking a pipe, without looking away from the newspaper)

Good riddance.


Good then.

Sebastian walks back out the door, the camera now viewing it as it did before, the front facade of the house. He stops halfway down the path to the street, and turns around, looking long and hard at the place where he's spent his whole life, thinking about the many thousands of different things that happened in that house. Sierra comes up behind him and wraps her arms around him.


Hard to leave, isn't it?


Yeah. It is. But I don't know why. I mean, for the past four or five years, my parents have practically been counting the days until they no longer have any legal obligation to me, they've hated me for that long. I should be happy to leave this place finally. But I'm not. I mean, it marks a whole big new chapter in my life, and it's going to be a tough chapter. It's sad to leave, I guess. It's like my whole world is totally changing, and it's kind of hard to deal with, you know? I mean, right now, everything fundamental about my life is changing, everything. Everything that is, but you, sweetheart. Our love has always been my single constant in life. (reaches his hand back and strokes her hair as he looks into Sierra's eyes as he says this)


Ready to go?


You got Boddah?




Then, yeah, I think that I finally am. Let's get rolling.

The camera now swings on an arced track to a view from what is basically the roof of the house, Sierra and Sebastian quickly discussing last minute directions, and then climbing into their respective cars. The camera follows the two cars down the street, not actually moving, just changing it's field of view to view the cars as they drive down to the end of the street and turn. The camera then swings back up to look at the green leaves moving on the tree, and then when it swings back down a moment later, the scene before it is of Sebastian and Sierra at the airport, pulling up in Sierra's car to a parking lot space. The camera then moves to a view of inside the car.


I can't believe its 10 bucks to park here for like half an hour. That's a giant load of crap. Here, I�ll take care of it, you were kind enough to take me to the airport.


Yeah, it is rediculous. I can�t believe how much they overcharge for stuff like that these days. Well, you�re going to miss your flight if we don�t hurry up and grab your bags.


Yeah, you�re right, let�s get going.

The camera changes from a view of inside the car to one from a slight angle above it, slowly rotating up and to the right a bit to see Sebastian and Sierra walking, suitcase laden, towards the building that is Mitchell International Airport.

The view now cuts to one of Sebastian and Sierra walking into the doors of the airport, stumbling with all the bags they are carrying. Sebastian and Sierra make their way up to the gate where Sebastian�s plane is to depart from.


Do you have your ticket?




I knew you�d forget something Sebastian! Agh!

Sierra hits him playfully as she says this.


Just kidding, I have it right here.

Pulls the plane ticket out of his pocket.


I should�ve known.


Yeah, you probably should have.


Shutup, shutup, shut-up.

As the two lovers are joking around, they hear an announcement over the loud speaker.


Flight 97 is now departing for St. Petersburg Florida, would all passengers for said flight please report to the appropriate gate. That�s gate 7, Flight 97. Thank you.

SEBASTIAN (looking at his ticket, the smile from the joking around earlier fading)

Looks like that�s me.

SIERRA (sounding VERY down about it)



Well, I guess this is goodbye then.


Don�t say goodbye; whenever you say goodbye, it just makes it all the worse. Don't ever say goodbye to me Sebastian. I still can�t believe that it�s going to be a year until I get to see you again.


Yeah, I know, it�s too much. Maybe I shouldn�t go. Let�s just go home.


No, Sebastian, as much as I want that to happen, it can�t. You HAVE to take this oppurtunity.

She hugs him tightly, and looks into his eyes.


Now, kiss me and go!

He kisses her lightly, and, with tears in his eyes says softly


I love you, Sierra.


I love you too, Sebastian.


Final boarding announcement! Flight 97 is about to depart! In other words, YOU BETTER GET GOING! LOSERS!

(another voice on the announcment comes on)


HEY! Who the hell are you?! And what are you doing?! You're not supposed to have that! Give me the microphone!

The entire airport is looking at one of the speakers, as we hear the two men fight over the microphone for the announcements.


There. Now, Flight 97. Last call!

SEBASTIAN (laughing slightly at the announcers)

Well, I've got to go. I'll call you, sweetheart.

Sierra hugs him one more time, and looks tearfully on as Sebastian walks up to the clerk, and hands them his ticket, then moving onto the plane.

The view is now of Sebastian getting on the plane, he's walking in. The flight attendent takes his ticket stub, looks over it carefully, and unable to read, she asks one of the other extremely stereotypical and ditzy flight attendants to help him find his seat. She does, and Sebastian sits down, pulling out his headphones and putting them on. We can hear the song slowly building from his headphones to the full on soundtrack as Sebastian stares out the window of the plane at Milwaukee passing below him, the emotion on his face showing that already he misses Sierra. The camera cuts to a scene from behind Sierra, her back to the camera, standing in front of the huge windows overlooking the tarmac. The camera cuts to a closer view, tears in her eyes, as she mouths the words


Goodbye, Sebastian.

The whole scene is this, the rest of the loud noise and clutter of the airport unheard, and as the camera rotates to follow Sierra as she walks out, the silence is broken exactly as the door closes behind Sierra, the noise and dissarray coming back into the soundtrack.

The camera now cuts to a view of a different airport's tarmac, palm trees swaying in the wind and rain that is pelting the ground as well as them. The rain is coming down so heavily that it is hard to see anything at all, and the windows on the inside of the airport are covered so in running water that they look like waterfalls instead of windows. The view is now of the inside, at one of the many gates in the airport. Sebastian walks out, and over to the baggage check, and looking at his watch, picks up his bag, and heads out the door, hailing a cab from under the slight protection of a canopy over his head. A cab pulls up, and the driver gets out, opens the trunk, and helps Sebastian put his things in. Then, corresponding exactly to the sound of the car door slamming shut, the camera cuts to a view from inside the cab, from the back. The cab driver is little older than Sebastian, with longish hair that is bleached, Oakley sunglasses perched precariously on his head, holding his hair out of his eyes.


Hey man, thanks for helpiong me with my bags.


No problem, dude. Where to?

SEBASTIAN (pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket)

I'm going to Jetty East, 500 West Gulf Shore...

The taxi driver cuts him off


Yeah, I know where that is.

He hits the counter for the tab for the taxi, and they drive off, the camera now a view of the taxi driving into the rain covered street. The camera then cuts to a new scene, one of the taxi pulling up to a driveway with the letters "Jetty East" on a low sign in garden to the right. The taxi drives by the gate, showing a fat old security gaurd Sebastian's pass, and pulls into the sheltered area of the parking lot, next to the doors. The driver gets out and helps Sebastian move his stuff into a shopping cart to use to bring the stuff up to the room. They stand outside the doorway, and talk for a little bit.


Thanks again man, I got so much crap.


You movin' in here?


Yeah, but only for a year or so.



SEBASTIAN (with a dismissive gesture)

Nevermind, it's a complicated story.


Ok, cool. Yeah, this is a great place man, I'm sure you'll get a long with the dudes here, I know someone who lives in the building, you'll probably see 'im around. His name's Akinshigun, and he's kinda' hard to miss. I better get goin', should go back to the airport and grab another customer. Later dude.


Hey, wait. I didn't catch your name...


Oh, my name's Cole. Yours?




Nice to meet you, Sebastian. Peace out.


Later, Cole.

Sebastian turns and pushes his cart into the building, heading past a large fountain towards the elevator. The scene fades out.

The scene now is of Sebastian later that night, in his new condo, just having finished unpacking. He has no shirt on, and is wearing fleece, loose fitting pants that look extremely comfortable. He is standing behind the counter in the minute area that serves as a kitchen. As he gets out a cup and pours himself a glass of water, he watches TV. He then walks over to the TV and turns it off, heading now for the phone that sits on the counter. He pulls up a stool, one of those stools that turns, and begins dialing a very long number, but one he knows by heart, obviously Sierra's.


Hi, is Sierra there please?


Oh, hi Sebastian. I figured you'd be calling. Yeah, hold on, I'll go get her. She's upstairs.

Sebastian sits at the counter, a thoughtful and waiting look on his face as he turns on the stool, waiting for Sierra to come to the phone. He can hear her come bounding down the stairs and head towards the phone.


Hey! How was your flight, sweetheart?


My flight? Well, it was pretty interesting, first of all, I get in there and the stupid flight attendants couldn't find my seat.

As he says this, a flashback of the plane ride over comes to him, Sebastian standing in the aisle of the plane, two seperate flight attendants attempting to help him find his seat, unsuccessfully, him making annoyed hand gestures at them.


And then there was this girl who ended up sitting next to me. She was THE single most annoying person that I've ever met.

Another flashback, of this typical teenage girl with pigtails and braces. She loudly chews bubblegum, and twirls one of her pigtails with her hand, talking to Sebastian. Sebastian rolls his eyes, and looks out the window of the plane, trying to ignore the girl. She just keeps on jabbering away. The scene cuts back to Sebastian on the phone.


And then there was this other flight attendant that was flirting with me, the biggest problem with that being the fact that it was a GUY.

Flashback to Sebastian looking at this male flight attendant with incredulty as the guy starts talking to Sebastian, making gestures with his hands that are obviously homosexual.


Plus, it was raining like hell here earlier this morning, so I got soaked. How are you, sweetheart?

Flashback of Sebastian walking into his condo, totally soaked to the bone. Cuts back to him sitting on the stool.


My day was OK today, but it could've been a lot better. I went over to Alyssa's house, she had a ton of people over for a post-graduation party kind of thing. It was pretty boring. Kyle was there, he said to say hi, by the way. Anyway, there was this girl there who like was totally a slut....

The camera backs out a little bit, and the scene fades away as Sierra chatters on to Sebastian.

The scene now before us is one of the sun rising over the ocean. The camera is very high up, and set back slightly from the beach, so that the sidewalk type of thing that leads up to the beach is visible. There are a few indistinguishable figures can be seen walking along the edge of the sand and the ocean. The camera turns, and we can see the facade of a building, Jetty East, with many many balconies. Sebastian stands on one of these balconies, cradling a cup of coffee in his hands. He wears what he slept in, a wife beater, plus some shorts he's thrown on. He is petting Boddah with one hand, Boddah sitting on the edge of the balcony, purring. Sebastian turns and goes into his condo, and the scene cuts to an inside view from the far wall.

Sebastian pets Boddah and says to him as he sighs


I love you Boddah, but you�re no substitute for Sierra. Jeez, it�s only been one day and look at me, imagine how a whole year is going to feel.

The camera sees a view of Sebstian�s back as he walks towards the counter on which lay his sunglasses and a portable CD player. He takes his sunglasses and his smallish headphones, putting both on, and presses a button on the CD player. He then walks down the hallway adjacent to the kitchen, the camera following him. He walks out the heavy door of his condo, and closes it behind him, making sure it is locked. The sound in the hallways echos, because in the middle of everything is a large sqaure shaped hole, with a tall, thick railing around it. 6 floors up, Sebastian can see a skylight, and 2 floors down, he can see the fountain near the main office of the building. He walks to his right, and then takes a left, going down the winding stairs to the bottom of the building, seeing two girls about his age at the same time.



Go to part:2  3  4 



Copyright © 2000 Henry L. Bean
Published on the World Wide Web by ""