Momma Speaks, A Collection of Verse
Tamara Dubberke


Momma Speaks

Sadness replaces my joy
Tears replace my hugs
Death replaces your birth
Dreams replace your reality

Fulfillment you brought to me
has passed away with you
but the love I have for you
will live forever more

Regrets of not trying harder
burns deep within my soul
I wish I could wish that day away
and bring you back to me


A Tear

Emotions running wild through my mind
In veins where blood must be
Anticipating the fire of explosion
The bursting of unknown thought in motion


I feel the roaring of the fire
Burning deep inside of me
Time is near for an emotion explosion
The bursting of a tear



In The Stillness Of The Night

The morning glory
April rains
Sunshine dancing within my brain

Flowers are yearning
Bursting bloom
Rainbow colors take way my gloom

The fragrance is burning
Open fire
Love is there for your desire

Rays are sparking
Internal light
All in the stillness of the night



It's OK Just to Be a Kid

My little boy is going to school
Now he thinks he's really cool
He said he's not a little kid
But you'll never guess what he did

He combed his hair and washed his face
Ran to school like it was a race
But when he opened up the door
He didn't want to be there any more

Thats ok to feel that way
None of the kids wanted to stay
So on this first day of being big
It's Ok just to be a kid



My Big Brother

I never thought I'd see the the day
When my big brother would go away
I heard he's going to a school
But really, what do they do?

Do they play peek-a-boo?
Or learn to tie their shoe
Maybe its the game of hide and seek
Anyway it sure sounds neat

He said you have to be 1,2,3
To learn your A,B,C's
So I guess I'll have to wait and see
Til I turn that big old three

Until that time I'll wave goodbye
I promise not to cry
But hurry home back to me
The place I want you to be



Depths of the Soul

               From my soul peace prevails no more
        Stirring havoc brings forth riplets of destruction
           as conquering confusion sings victoriously
             Living no more, joy in my heart is dead
           Decaying hopefullness depletes life within
        Stench of destruction aids torture among my soul

              To what depths will destruction go?

                Weighted heavily upon my heart
                Forever stays confusions song
               I know not lifes desires no more
                 Yet yearning has failed not
             Thus bringing forth confusion to life
                    Death to understanding

          Confusions depths shall fail not destruction

          Truth in confusion explains the aching soul
              My weakness overpowers my strength
               Havoc consumes all peace within
                   No longer can I focus
                     Tears shall fall
                       Life is gone



Copyright � 1999 Tamara Dubberke
Published on the World Wide Web by ""