Forgotten Memories, Uncompleted (1) Forgotten Memories She awoke, with the feel of nothingness inside her, the nothingness filled her mind with no thought. Dreams crept, crept into the dark crevices of the human brain and it whispered the name "Michelle" Chapter 1 revival She just layed still, wonders what and where she was. The woman was in her early 20’s, beautiful and elegant with her glorious brunette hair and sparkling blue eyes. Although she was beautiful, to her this was meaningless. For the first time, her bones cracked and her muscles ached with stiffness while she attempted to stand in the dark, old alley. She could barely stand, as she had no sense of balance when an old tramp came over. He was old and tattered and did not look much better than his clothing. Suddenly she felt emotion, she was scared, frightened at the sight of the old man. The others she had met were a little harsh and she had grown the instinct of fear. The old man saw a shaking grown woman as if she had only been born, alone in a huge world with only the basics of human needs. The old man spoke in a slow tone, one that was crooked and cracked like his skin "hey pretty lady". The young lady overcome her fear and tried to speak "m.m.Mi.Mich.Michelle". The old man chuckled as he had only noticed that the young lady was naked and shivering. "Well Michelle, my name is Mr. Green and oh my.. Wrap this around you!" As the woman began her identification as Michelle the old man put a tattered blanket around her. She felt better and sat for a while talking to her friend. It was morning and Michelle began to feel her sense of speech coming back into her mind. As soon as she could stand, she looked for her friend Mr. Green. He was not there but there was his lucky pipe. He had been talking about it all night and Michelle knew he wouldn’t leave without it. She looked around in the alley while she held the blanket close to her as if it was life itself. She eventually gave up only to see the old pipe. She had watched Mr. Green smoke it for hours and she wondered what it would be like. She put the pipe in her mouth and waited. She waited with the pipe and then put it back down. Just then she heard voices not like the ones on the street but directly in her head, voices which were harsh, as the voices clumped up in her head she screamed over and over again but the voices wouldn’t stop so she screamed and screamed until and gentle voice touched her. It was Mr green smiling gently "what’s this commotion all about?" Michelle smiled and sweetly said "nothing sir I was just thinking". The voices were still there though, mocking her and daring her but she never subdued as her bond of friendship was increasing. "Here girl, here are some clothes I stole" said Mr Green as he threw her some clean clothes. She smiled sweetly and was in deep thought, as she did not know how to dress. She looked up at Mr Green hoping for advice but instead he said, "Alright alright I’ll turn around". She tried them on and then said with a cheerful voice "done!" He turned around and looked "no dear trousers are for legs, not for body, T-shirt goes there". She was dazed as if she was learning too much. "When I turn around get it right ya’hear" she tried the second attempt… much turned out like the first one as she said again "done!" Mr Green turned around with disbelief and said, "look lady if you needed some help you could have asked, you don’t mind me do you?" Michelle just smiled. "You see Michelle you need to know how you got here and who you are ya’hear" said Mr Green walking along the road with his new companion beside him. They were walking down a busy road with many staring at the two, lets face it, it is a bit strange that a guy who is maybe 3 times as older as Michelle is holding her hand and keeping her balanced. "Do you remember anything at all?" Michelle walked silently as If every new corner was a whole new experience, she smiled her way through the crowds of people who were just staring in disbelief. Mr Green knew that something was wrong " quick Michelle run!" Michelle’s mind overflowed with memory as she remembered the same phrase over and over again drawing the line of sanity thin. Mr Green ran but did not recognise that his companion had collapsed lifelessly. He pulled and pulled but his attention drifted to find the police arriving. "Damn they’ll be here in a few minutes, MICHELLE!" She rose up and ran into a nearby arms shop. With her friend behind she collected a shotgun and pistol and took aim on the roof. The sudden rush of energy and dominance surprised Mr Green but he was not going to argue with a girl on the edge carrying a shotgun. Michelle’s once faithful smile was an angry frown with deep concentration built in. "you can’t shoot them! They are just normal civilians like us," shouted the old man but Michelle was like the devil, just being slow, calm and evil as she took aim. "There just on time," said the possessed Michelle while taking aim on the police, her finger just slowly squeezing the trigger but not to fire. She jumped up and looked around "damn it no escape, we’ll have to blast our way through". The first policeman came up through the door unaware of the danger around him. As he turned around, time stood still as Michelle fired the cartridge into his chest and blew his spinal cord and skull out of him. Michelle collapsed again this time for good. Mr Green who was horrified took the shotgun from out of Michelle’s hand and threw it off the roof and tried his hardest not too look at the pieces of bone which were brutally dismembered by the now lifeless Michelle. Nothingness was inside her. Chapter 2 aftermath Michelle thought to herself "why would I do such a brutal thing that I don’t remember" she shook her head and followed the lunch line. She was in jail, a woman’s correctional facility where the most feared woman in the world is kept. "Maybe you were sleepwalking darlin’" said a cheerily voice from behind her. Michelle turned around slowly just like the policeman did. "Oh it’s only you Vikki I didn’t know you were out of solitary today". Vikki is a lively 16-year-old with long blonde hair and the same sparkling eyes that Michelle has. She is the so-called pageant queen of the prison. It took awhile for Michelle to find out that Vikki was a lesbian was so it took awhile for them to become friends. She wasn’t sure she wanted to be friends who actually thought that they could be partners but she decided it wasn’t a problem. She was in because she helped her mother die when she was ill. "Hey never guess what" shouted the lively voice of Vikki. "What?" said the lingering, bored voice of Michelle. "I talked to the chief adviser and he said he would move me to your cell!" Michelle started to smile but thought of something "why I am I still waiting to hear something?" Vikki had a childish smirk on her face "we gotta show him some action". Michelle was puzzled while she began to get her tea "he wants us to beat him up?" Vikki sighed "no… the other action" Michelle spat out her drink "uh no way" Vikki’s face drowned as if a child’s toy had been taken away "oh come on just a few kisses and touching and we are in the same cell, we can play cards all night!" Vikki knew all of Michelle weaknesses as she noticed that Michelle has an addiction to cards but no one to share it with. "Ok ok but nothing…." Michelle shuddered at the thought. "I’m in here ‘cos when I threw the shotgun off the roof, it fired when it hit the floor and ripped apart a little boy" said the shaken voice of Mr Green "we still got to find out who you really are and I know were to start". Michelle was listening tightly with the phone pressed on her ear "but we are in jail and there is no way out unless you wanna wait 30 years". Mr Green chuckled along with the crackling of the phone reminded her what her first friend looked like. "Don’t worry I’ll get you out on the 24th which is six days away and you never be sarcastic to an old fool young lady" Michelle smiled "bye" and after all the good bye’s were said she slammed the phone down. She walked back down to her cell trying to figure out her own puzzle of why she existed in a place that was never really home. She entered the almost empty cell with almost no positive mood while her new roommate Vikki was as eccentric as possible. Michelle took no notice of her bubbly mood and just laid on her bed, just thinking. She envied others, maybe because they knew exactly who they were, maybe because as long as she can remember, her life existed only a week. For now she was to learn another emotion, Boredom. However she took advantage of this spare time by trying to learn herself in this brave new world of complex living. Days went by as Michelle’s mind was being repaired. She had dreams while she slept, dreams of her in what seemed like another world. Was this her? Was this an illusion of what has already happened? She kept on thinking and thinking until she was afraid to sleep. Afraid that she might die in the fierceness of her own battles inside her troublesome mind that had cost the lives of 2 innocent. She awoke, it was the 24th which was the day she had been wishing for. She sprung immediately out of bed and got dressed the way Mr. Green shown her and desperately waited without thought of her friend Vikki. What would happen to her? Could she come with her? "No" she thought, "Mr. Green would not allow it". Just then her mind was blocked with awesome thoughts, these thoughts were clearer than before, they were electrifying, flowing and frightening. They showed her, different but in the same form. She was relaxed while being annoyed. Her eyes were closing as if she were drawing closer to insanity, to death. Throughout all the noise in her head there was a line of sweetness. Vikki had awoken. As Vikki began to realise what was going on in the troubled woman’s mind she heard a clink of metal. A metal object seemed to be rattling around on the wall outside. Vikki walked toward the wall slowly as if the wall was an enemy itself. As she took three steps toward the rocky wall, it exploded open revealing an old man on the run. He was shabby while running toward her. He picked Vikki up with force and ran through an open gap in the wall. "Michelle! I’m gonna get you outta here girl" said the old man. Before Vikki could describe the situation she was tugged out of the prison’s sight only to see a faint scene of Michelle escaping. CHAPTER 3 REUNITION Michelle sat down, bruised and battered from the escape through barbed wire and attack dogs. She had escaped, but with the whole city after her, the only rational thing to do is to find Mr. Green. Which would be hard, being in a huge city with millions of population it would be hard to track him. She still was unsure and unsafe to herself, she felt her own mind being crushed in a vortex of human society. She decided to move on, sitting was making no progress. She stood up and felt the cold breeze of air in the winter evening inside the town centre. She walked out with her hood on, trying to conceal her face and her identity. "Ironic" she thought to herself "people for years have strive for fame, I had achieved it in a week" she walked with eyes wide open behind her hood and scanned the streets. She spotted a shadow and began to walk. She looked down the dark alley with only the sound of single drops of water. They echoed in her head. She began to walk down the alley, surveying everything in sight and scanning all that was visible in the almost black pathway. Every footstep was filled with fear, intense thoughts as she realised an area. It was a whole in the fence, someone had tried to cover it up with wood but it was easily moveable. Michelle kicked the wood cover with fury and used her delicate yet bloody fingers to find a suitable space to enter into what seemed like pure darkness. She felt a sudden rush of pure excitement as she realised that she had no idea of what was inside this new premises. She felt the soil on her tattered trainers and the cold air breezing like a chill on her spine. Her smile lowered as she realised that she was not alone. "Was it Mr. Green, or is it someone else" she thought unknowingly. She took small steps forward, making new images as she walked. She could see a glowing small light, like a magnet that attracted Michelle as if she was possessed. She looked at it, only a few metres away from the small glowing light and she stopped, realising that others were there. As if life took slow motion, the light increased in power blinding Michelle, lowering her sight and was totally open to what seemed like a full on assault on her. She felt weapons beat her down but before she fainted with extreme pain, she realised that the mysterious people had the letters, SFIT. She was gone. Vikki started to wake up. She was tired, yesterday was all too eventful for a young woman. She really hadn’t got on well with Mr. Green too well and he was angry because he made a mistake. That’s what she had decided and she was sticking to it. However at least they had made one good idea together, finding Michelle. Mr Green smiled in a friendly way, after seeing that no such expressions were being created back at him he lowered his head, raising it slightly sometimes to see what the girl was doing. Vikki just sighed and stood up slowly with her eyes fixated on the old man just in case he began something she didn’t want to finish. To her, Michelle was the only glue sticking her to the old man and if he didn’t know her, she would be long gone. She lent against the wall, the 6 am air seemed to knock her back as she wiped her eyes of the dirt and gravel of the ugly floor below her. Mr. Green looked up again and began to speak when Vikki cut him off "what we gonna do today pop?" she said with a dirty look. He didn’t have enough energy to argue with the young one. She reminded him of his ex-wife that he loved so dearly but like Vikki, the love was not returned so he just chuckled "we shall find the troublesome one, which shouldn’t be hard. I’m lookin’ at her now" he said arising and beginning to walk to the deserted pathway beside Vikki. As he walked past he felt a small impact on his arm as he turned to check Vikki. She just smiled and replied "not hardly as troublesome as you!" Mr. Green just laughed and walked down the road with what looked like a model on the run. He scratched his rough beard and looked around to see if his new companion was staying on track. To his surprise she was right beside him keeping an eye out for her mysterious friend. The search however would be hard, he new that one place that Michelle would stay is the alleys, the darkest ones as she confessed to Vikki that she felt safe there, she quoted "it reflects my mind". They knew that their best chance would be on the outskirts of the town, maybe the sports centre that was mostly empty by night. It seemed the best place to start as they had no other idea where she would be and both of them did not feel like a full-scale search of the whole city. She could also be back in jail, she could have got caught or another person escaped instead of her and it would be a good idea not to get caught as both Vikki and Mr. Green were public enemies. It was going to be interesting and Vikki was up for the challenge. It was just another day for Mr. Green. He had enough, he hated his job and the people he had to work with. He spat at the thought at what he had done, beating down a woman. He sat in the old and rusty quarters with only a few bunks and other soldiers’ most prized possessions like expensive guns and frames of loved ones. He joined at a young age because he was good at military commando style work. Seemed to be good at the time, easy work with good money until he realised what type of work he would be doing. He looked at his watch "6:25, 5 precious minutes until work started for another day" he said while thinking the same. What was he going to do? He suddenly jumped up and began walking like a programmed machine. He thought to himself "I’d better say sorry to that girl" he felt electric run threw his veins, this was a bit difficult for a soldier to submit to emotion. "It was pretty tight of us, giving her a beating and she was just my type" he thought. After a short walk he entered the cell wall. All of the criminals are kept in here in even worse living conditions than the soldiers of SFIT and that’s saying something. It was like a booking for rape and whatever the soldiers’ wanted to do with the crims as they liked to call them, torture and the works. There was no doubt in his mind that someone had already tried the girl, he laughed "she’s got a mean punch, no guy would be able to get her down without an army". After the "booking" was done he took a very deep breath before entering the cell. He could see from the outside that there was no toilet or bed and the floor was covered in blood. The only part of the girl that was visible was her blood soaked hair, whether it was her own or another crim made no sense. Her hair was elegant and flowing which made him curious of what she looked like. He unlocked the cell and walked threw the rusty door which looked as if it would snap if he held it too long.
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Copyright © 2003 Tony James Sayers |