The Prince And The African Grey (Chapter 1)
Amarjit Bhambra


Chapter 1

The Past


A young Prince is on vacation in the Mountainous Area of India. Where he happens to find a very talkative parrot, an African Grey. It is through this bird that he meets an Indian beauty who had trained the parrot herself -in fact the bird’s real name is Ganga Ram but matters are more than complicated regarding their relations (The Only true Character in this book is the Author's own African Grey called Ganga Ram, who has been On "Test your Pet” with Rolf Harris). It has taken the Author 8 Years to train him and to know all his abilities to answer to her questions, be it via written sentences, words Letters, colors, or numbers - his abilities to know numbers up to 1 to 100 or via knowing to recognize the people in a picture. He is known to know the English and Indian Alphabet). He is also capable to be trained to know other languages. The entire test carried out in training him - proved to be 100 percent accurate - He is truly very intelligent and unique and have been used in the book. He is the only true main character in this book including the Authors two dogs named Spike and Rex).

The book is about a Young Prince from England in the year 7777, whose fortune was told long before he was born. His brother went to live on the Moon and his own Interest was to save animals from extinction. During exploring the world he decided to stay in the Indian Mountainous area of the Himalayas. It was here he happen to find the African Grey talking bird that is bilingual. While he is in his company he further teaches it to interact and play game of snap and skittles! He became quite fond of his company. But one morning he found that the bird had flown away. Whilst out searching for his companion he happened to come across a beautiful young Indian girl (Who was also looking out for her lost African Grey). It was through this unique bird that they so happened to meet). The young girl named Natasha is the true owner of the parrot. But things were not all that it seemed, The Prince is bought up in England and Natasha is bought up in a very strict Indian family. Natasha’s father belonged to a yeoman tribe who went out to search for her when she did not return back home on time. He saw her with this stranger: she knew the sequences of her actions she had to face death. It was a tradition of the tribe
That just continued to present day. At first the Yeoman tribe lived on the foothills – near where the stream flowed down from the mountains. They slowly wondered towards the top of the mountain to seek pasture for their animals were they flourished in their own small communities. It was much safer up on the mountains than the lower regions due to weather destruction. The Yeoman’s were very narrow minded people – they practiced their Ancient beliefs to present day. However other small communities also took to the mountains to be safe. Once a year there would be sporting competitions between communities were their strength used to be challenged. Only the masculine and well build members were able to enter. The
Sports were all out door, the big challenge was the Great Dive at the waterfall.

It is an art of Asian Sport. The reward for the winner was a pair of Mastodon horns which were made to fit on ones head. It was the sign of power and strength that they had to win.

The action of the Story begins from here, when her father takes her back and the well trained African Grey helps the Prince back to Natasha. It is a test for the Prince to reach his true love, but he has to face another side of this World a hidden Old Wise Tree and its secrets of the other side. The real adventure for the Prince starts here.................

The only communication the Prince had with Natasha was via the very clever African Grey. It was through the training with this Parrot that led the Prince to his true love. It

Is a very serious matter of Life and Death but he had little time to save her, could he save his true love in time?

The book is full of adventure, and the Author uses all she knows about the secrets of the inside of an African Grey's brain, which she herself had discovered whilst training him. (Ganga Ram's abilities work similar to that of her computer -storing information as files and retrieving them as and when required).

Most of the things that Ganga Ram knows are mentioned through out the book rolled up to make a fiction story. The Author has also used a lot of real animal names which are not commonly used -hence it gives any young reader the chance to pick up their dictionaries to find out about these animals.

The Young Prince and the African Grey

The characters
The Fortune Teller
The Kings best friend, David
The Queen
The King
The close friend of the King Paul
The Eldest Prince - James Edward Taylor
The Second Prince - Steward Henry Edward Taylor
Her father + Local Village people of the Yeoman tribe

Main Animals

The African Grey (Well trained and talking)
The African Grey that is not trained
The Black horse of the Prince called Stella

The Queen and King were in a period where by now the weather change had caused so much destruction around the World. However, the conspicuous feature still remained around the Coastal Area of their Country after constantly attacked by hurricanes in the past. Their Castle was built by the King of France who was well know
for his work of Art. Yes, this was a work of Art, well structured to withstand any weather changes that have been happening around the World. The worst hurricane and earthquake that happened 15 years ago which had totally destroyed their

Ancestral Castle which stood for over 900 years It was very lucky that at the time the Young King who's name was Henry, who ruled Britain in those days was aware of the
Desperate situation that the Whole World was in - Global Warning was in full force.

The Earth was erupting and shaking deep inside and the Whole Earth was affected badly. Like wise his previous Ancestors who had became Army Officers, he was very much interested in how to play his part in saving the World, he studied demography and was aware of the decline in the human population. After he died at the age of 40 his youngest daughter Kathy was interested in the works of her father. Kathy Jane Henry studied Astronautics and she was the first Royal to have been living on the Moon when her family and their Ancestral Castle had been destroyed in that worst ever Earthquake. Mainly, damage was done in Central Britain whilst other parts of the World were also destroyed. At the worst time like this, the World had nothing better to think about than to save themselves and Mother Earth. There was no more time for Wars and killing each other for land etc. It had to be understood that there was something more powerful than this was happening. Man was not almost defeated via Mother Earth as it was man’s curiosity to find and know things other than Earth. The watchful moon was their only hope. It was calm
Place with a period of freezing weather. The very first ready made building that was take there was a Laboratory. Than a
Hydrometer was build to discover unusual liquids. Some chemicals that were discovered helped with the growth of Earth plants. The system was called “Click” The Earth plants had clicked with the chemicals on the Moon. The system was similar to hydroponics. Phosphate was also found and was successfully used with plants to promote plant growth. They also discovered nickel but not that was the same found on Earth. Scientist did not discover any elements that are contained in another set (sub-set) on the Moon. They found gases that gave of bubbles with fizz. Most of the elements were tested for their chemical reaction with water, the water mainly from the Earth. Global Warming had its full toll on the Earth. The Ice was melting and the Sea level was causing destruction to the land. It was like a puzzle as to how the Moon was standing solid, what was it that was holding it solid? Like the Earth. What was deep inside its heart? The top surface was dusty sand what was solid underneath? They needed the concrete ideas. With the help of the Lab. Liquid matters were dug up and tested with other materials found. They became successful with their findings.
They found Curium and other unusual unnamed things that were not heard of on Earth. They discovered a complete new
Composition of the Moons layer deep down below. Oil rigs were built on finding unusual oil which changed from liquid to solid when mixed with other material found. Than it was jackpot they discovered fuel oil which helped speed up the whole process of traveling back and forth. Test upon test proved positive they had discovered the liquid which acted with mixing to create solid blocks of concrete. Soon water holes were built and water could be transported to the Moon for life to begin and the water burden on the Earth was at ease.

Over a matter of time people were living on the Moon and regular trips were made. It was a well known tourist attraction. Special homes were built. People and animals were living on the moon. It was just as well, has most of the animals on Mother Earth were now almost gone.

After the worst that had happened to the Earth and the World, things were quite again but there was always that fear the worst could happen again. It was only a matter of time that these incidents of the past were only stories left to be told. It was soon all forgotten and referred to in Geography and History books for children of the future to study.

In the Year 7777, The World was beginning to settle back to just about normal. Britain was ruled by Queen Mary and King Luke.

Chapter 2

The King and the Fortune Teller

Queen Mary and King Luke ruled Britain. They had worked with the other rulers of the World to help run their own Countries and the World was now almost back on its feet again.

They had been married for 10 years know and had no children. Their standards were simple because all the World Rulers did not believe that money was everything. They helped the poor and needy and sold most of their precious jewels to help them. Each Ruler was only allowed to keep just two crowns each and pass on wedding rings through their own generations.

The Queen always wore a simple satin gown which she designed and stitched herself. She had blond hair and blue eyes. She was about 5ft 4inches tall. The King wore tweed in mainly browns and greens. He had brown eyes and black brown hair and he was slim and just as tall as the Queen. They both had wedding rings that were passed down through generations.

The King loved his Queen so much but having had no children was troubling him for sometime now. He was getting a bit depressed. His best friend who lived in Switzerland noticed the change in the King's behavior and could not see the king hurt. He offered one of his new born twins to the King but after careful thought the King knew that one twin cannot live without the other so for the twin’s sake he refused the child. However deep inside he really did want it.

His close friend than recommended him to take advice from an Astrologer who had helped him find his lost dog. After listening to his friend's story of how his own dog was traced, he thought that there would be no harm in this, even though he did not believe in them. So they arranged a private meeting with the Astrologer over an afternoon cup of tea canceling all important meeting for the day. The situation was such that the King had no cousin or brother to carry on the throne and was desperate for any help whatever there may be.

This was a very private meeting. No one in the Palace was aloud to know of this meeting and the Butler and servants were allowed to go home for the day. The

Astrologer was an ordinary looking man with ginger hair, and glassy hazel eyes. He wore a checked tweed suit with trouser up to his Ankles. It looked like he was suffering from Lumbago and walked with one hand behind his back carrying a small red bag in the other hand. The Queen smiled and nodded and she noticed that he wore large emerald ring on his middle fingers. The nails on his small fingers were quite long.

"For what reason would he want to keep those long nails" thought the queen, smiling over the thought. After greeting the King and Queen he was asked to be seated. They sat relaxed ready to listen.

"What on earth was he going to do?" thought the Queen.

The Astrologer answered as if he was reading her mind. He placed the red bag on the small table in front of him.

"This bag contains some small pieces of rock which l found inside the cracks of the great Earthquake in central Europe, they are very special as you will see for yourselves. At one time, the stars above had influence on the Earth, we know this, as when the worst Earthquake happened they all changed position, when the Earth was badly affected".

'How interesting" replied the King. Now eager to listen more

"You’re Majesty, what would you want to ask about?" Asked the Astrologer as he started to open the string on the red bag.

There was silence, and than the King: all of a sudden tried to speak, and cleared his voice to speak his position.

"We wish to have your advice as to if we are ever going to have children" The King spoke with a straight face and the Queen stared into thin space as to know that there would be no hope. She caught his action, lifting the bag. He put his head down and she noted his bold head shinning, he had a bit of hair at the back, which was almost grey with age.

 "He must be in his late 60's - he must be wise". Thought the Queen

He took the opened bag and asked the King to put his hand inside to take out only one small rock. Which the king did, and than the Astrologer asked the king to put that rock on the Astrologer's hand.

"Is he mad?" thought the Queen. She watched his actions staring into the hard rock. He looked at the small piece of rock as if to read it. Muttering something.

"I can see the word "Nov. November" came up and he wrote it down on a piece of paper in front of him. He put the rock back in his red bag and than put his hand in it to mix them all up again.

"I would like you to pick out of the bag again", as he held the open bag and the King put his hand in it again and pulled out another rock. Again the Astrologer examined it as if to read it.

"I can see the word. Nova, - which means a star that suddenly becomes much brighter for a short time" He wrote this down and its meaning.

He continued again, shaking the whole bag and repeating the same procedure again.

"Two" and he wrote the number two.

After taking out another rock he said, "Children" he wrote this down.

He repeated the same and he said, "Boy”. He wrote this down.

Now he was ready to reply to their questions.

"My reading tells me that you are going to have two children and they are going to be Boys."

There was excitement on the King and Queens faces but there was also buts and if on their minds. For the moment they wanted it to be true and wanted to believe in what they were hearing. They both leaned forward in their throne eager to hear more.

"W...W...When are we going to have them?" Whispered the Queen looking a bit shocked and puzzled.

He opened the red bag muttering something whilst doing this. There was complete silence.

This time he asked the Queen to pick the rock out of the bag. She put her hand in as if she was choosing a sweet. She pulled out a chosen rock and gave it to him. He than carefully examined the rock. There was complete silence.

"New", He wrote this down. When the next rock was pulled out by the Queen again.

 "Star", He said out aloud. Than another rock, and he said the word "born".

The next one, revealed the word “soon". He wrote the words down.

He was know studying his wording that he had picked up from his readings and within10 minutes he was ready to answer to their questions. His long nose was now staring at the couple and he slowly lifted his head and tried to stretch his back. He began to speak slowly. He had a serious look on his face.

"Your Majesty, my readings tell me that in November, a Nova will appear which means that a Star will become bright for you. The reason that this will appear for you is that a new star will mean a New King will be born"

Queen Mary and Luke were know almost so close that they were almost trying to read the upside down paper to see if he was making anything up and yet they were full of joy at hearing this.

The Astrologer was now full of confidence and continued as he unrolled a map
of stars...

"You are going to have two children and they are both going to be boys".

"Yes a new star will be born in the sky, a new star for a new king". Said the Astrologer.

"If our dream may come true, we shall reward you well." Said the King.

"Your Majesty, this is a very special gift that is given to me, l am not allowed to take anything from anyone, but if you may, you may give to the poor should your dreams come true". He said.

He still continued with his very unusual readings. The King took out another rock.

"Moon", he said out aloud and wrote this down.

"Was any of the Royal in the past interested in the Moon?" He questioned the King.

"Yes" replied the King wondering as to why he was asking. So again he opened his red bag and the word,

"Expedition" seemed to appear to him.

"Your younger son will be very interested in this field, and he will be on regular expeditions to the Moon, he will find a very special stone on the Moon, you will not find one like it on Earth. The eldest son will be exploring the World before he settles down; he will have love for animal and will be aware of how important it is to save them from extinction. He will discover a very special gift. Which will tell the World that animals are far clever than humans. This will tell the World how important it is to save the animal from disappearing completely and that they are just as important as humans".

Mary and Luke thanked the Astrologer at the end of the reading.

It was now a matter of time waiting for November, but November had passed and still into December and the next year and still nothing. Maybe it was not true what the Astrologer had told them. So they forgot about it and gave up hope.

The following year in October, the Queen was looking out of her Castle to look at the Moon and was wondering about the people that were already living there and thought how peaceful it must be for them. While she was looking at the Moon, she noticed a sparkle in the sky.

'Luke! Come and look at this dear", she called.

Luke came running and Mary pointed at the dark sky. There were plenty of stars as usual all sparkling like the diamonds in the crown. They both saw the sparkly star shining above the others. Than after about 5 minutes it did not sparkle any more.

"I never seen that before" said Luke. After that they thought nothing of it.

In November of that year, they Queen was full of joy as she was expecting her first child and they remembered the Astrologer's words. Their wishes had come true for they had a son. He had dark hair just like the King and blue eyes like the Queen. They gave plenty to the poor just like they were told to do so. The following year they had another child. He looked just like his mother with fair blond hair and blue eyes.




Copyright © 2007 Amarjit Bhambra
Published on the World Wide Web by ""