The Gas Station
Kristofer Van Der Meulen


We got to the gas station with nearly no breathe left to choke on. Austin and Tim both follow me like 2 cops leading me into a jail cell. We rode up the oily black sidewalk of the gas stations snack shop and lean our bikes on the white walls. I stopped to take a huge breathe of air in to catch my breathe. I take a nice big whiff of the fuel mixed with the exhaust of trucks and cars in the early morning fog. I open the shop door Tim and Austin still following my every step, we were all anxious and full of energy in the mornings. The warm morning coffee filled my lungs, and we walked to the refrigerators at the back of the small warm snack shop. All of us browsing our options of beverages I decide to get an extra burst of energy and get a Monster. They both grabbed a monster as well. The refreshing, cool grip of the drink quickly sent a shivery through my body. I turn around looking directly into the cashiers dark brown eyes, and slowly walk over to him. He was a big, over weight trucker with a netted hat and a fur lined hunting coat as if the shop was in the middle of Alaska. I dropped the drink on the counter and he mumbles your total will be two dollars. He throws his arms in the air and yawned. I handed him two dollars exactly, he smiled and told me to be safe and have a good day. Tim and Austin bought there drinks together to save time. We were on our way to the park to ride some benches and rails. We left the store together and the cashier tells us again to have a nice day, and we all reply you to. When we got outside we sat on the bench next to our bikes and open our drinks. The streets were unusually crowded, and many were coming in and out of the gas station we were sitting at. I would take a sip of the sweet monster, and then take a whiff of the comforting smell of the early morning exhaust, then take another sip. Then a unusual red Honda civic, pulls into the parking lot of the gas station. It had obviously been in a wreck or even maybe two, you could tell by the bent license plate, dented rear, and cut up bumpers. It was a UN average site to see in this part of town.  An extremely thin, average height white man gets out of the car and starts heading in our direction. His hair was cut just about as short as you can get it, almost completely balled. Black or even purple rings sat under his eyes, his face pale starring right into our eyes. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, I felt like he was going to suddenly turn around and clock me with a bat or something. He looked away and entered the shop. The cashier busy didn’t even recognize his entrance as he was giving a customer change. The man walked to the back of the store and grabbed a case of beer. And aimlessly walked to the front of the store, hitting the racks filled with all different kinds of snacks. The cashier looked up as his customer finally grabbed all his change and started to walk out of the shop. The cashier face expressions seemed as if there was a rat in his pants biting everything It could find. Once the man got the register the cashier looked at the circles under his eyes, and took the case from him, quickly stashing it away under the counter, I couldn’t make out the words but the cashier looked like he was lecturing to the man. By now the man obviously looked like he was drunk, or on some kind of drug and he started to lean back and forth, and looking around like the walls were coming in on him. The cashier picked up a phone frantically and called 911, I could tell because he only dialed 3 numbers, at that note I jump off the bench put my drink down and run into the store right to the cashier. He told me the cops are on the way and to make sure the man doesn’t leave the store. I told him I will hold the doors closed, I ran outside and told Austin and Tim. I stood in the middle of the two doors, Austin and Tim in front of opposite ones. The man in the store fell to his knees screaming and the cashier looking at him in freight. Two cops rolled up with full lights on quickly making it through the crowed of the gas station. They get out of there cars and walk up to us, they first asked us if there was a gunman in the store we answered no and we let them in. They told us to stay blocking the doors and to not let civilians in. We stood there looking into the shop, one cop bent down to the man, and the other started talking to the cashier. The man had passed out at this point; the police officers came out of the store and asked us if we had seen it happen. We told them exactly what had happened, and we told them about the car he had got out of. At this point the fire department rolled into the parking lot and rushed into the store as us and the police officers looked in the car. There were crushed beer cans all over the ground in the back as well as cigarette packages. The fireman came out with the man on a stretcher and the cops asked to take a alcohol test on him. He tested positive, and the cops radioed into dispatch what had happened and the charges he will face after he is out of the hospital. The ambulance drove away with the man in the back. The police told us thanks for the help and took his license plate number. And left, we wondered if a tow truck would tow the car or they were going to wait for the man to pick it up himself. He walked back into the store, and talked to the cashier. He thanked us for our help and told us to stay away from that man if we see him again. We walked back out of the store, and I turned to grab my half empty monster. We jumped on our bikes and ode passed the car the man had left. We took one last look of the inside of the car. Something was weird, the car was filled with a light smoke that hadn’t been there before, We could here a faint beeping coming form the inside of the car, We first had thought a fire started in the car, so we broke a crack window and Austin crawled threw the window and into the car to see were the smoke was coming from, he slid the passenger seat forward and there lay a bomb, 9 steel cylinders strapped together with a timer taped to the top and a fuse wrapped around it winding around the bomb slowly Austin screams and jumps through out the window. If this car exploded everyone in this gas station will die from ignition of the underground gas tanks the station stores, also car size propane tanks on the corner of the shop lay next to the car. We didn’t have time to call for help, or even go inside to tell the cashier what was happening, I jumped through the window keeping my feet hanging outside the window, grabbed the ignited bomb, Tim and Austin pull me out through the window, And I took off running down the middle of the street, people jumped out of there cars and took off running, some screaming at me, I could see most of them on there phones, probably calling the cops which wasn’t exactly going to help anyone at this point, I look down at the bomb in my hands and I could see the fuse had only 1 more wrapped around the bomb to burn and it was going to detonate. I look up trying to find some were to throw the bomb I was at least 60 yards away from the station now, the bomb wouldn’t be able to reach that far, I had to make a decision fast before this thing blew or I would be gone. I saw a construction site across the street, so instinctively I ran towards there not looking at the street, I could hear sirens now, close, very close, helicopters roared in the sky, as they told me to dropped the explosive and put my hands up over there mega phones, I completely ignored them And found a long and seeming canyon deep trench, I dropped the bomb in the hole , and took off towards the police and crowd of people 40 yards away in the street, I yell fire in the hole! Everyone but the police duck, I hear my heart thumbing, my legs cramped, I slid into the middle of the street. BOOM!!!!!!! I heard the bomb detonate, the sound echoed in my skull. I could feel small pieces of shrapnel cut my skin like dirt thrown at you. I heard yelling, screaming, cars sliding through the streets, I finally notice news cameras. And everyone watching in aw, I hear gun shots, Not frightened by there reaction I scream, I saved you! The firing goes on, I took a hit to the left leg, I could fell the cold, lead slice clearly though my leg, I fall screaming in pain, The firing calms down, I’m crying and screaming, my leg cramped up and the blood was pooling out like Niagara falls after a flood, I constricted the hole with my hands, and plug it up with my fingers. It helped but bleeding was still bad. Bullets engraving lines in the pavement around me I could hear them ricochet back up into the air like buzzing bees, I scream Stop F…ing shooting. The firing stopped, and police officers with full metal S.W.A.T. shields and steel helmets run up to me. They jump on top of me, hand cuffed my ankles and hands I felt the cold steel bracelet like cuffs hanging from limb to limb, and the paramedics put me on a stretcher wrap my leg, and carried me to the car. The cameras flashing and cameras rolling I say to one of the airing news cameras, I saved you! , I could see Tim and Austin standing on top of a police car waving to me, I wave back. When I arrived at the hospital I went right into the emergency room, news cameras outside my door, and police trying to get them away, the doctors but me into deep sleep. I woke up in the same room, a nurse told me to go back to sleep, but I refused, I had to tell what had happened. My parents came and picked me up from the hospital the next day, I had a leg cast, my back was fine. News cameras and people with signs crowed me and my family as we got into the car. Driving away I said once again I saved you all! Once I got home Tim and Austin were sitting on the coach in the living room watching the news of me getting out of the hospital. Once I entered the room they jumped out of there seats and helped me to the coach. I told them about everything that had happened. The news came back on and it had the video from what happened the day before, They first started off that civilians and police officials thought I was a terrorist bombing the town, and I was shot dead. It was the day I got out of the hospital that Austin and Tim disproves this, then Tim and Austin appeared on the screen crying and explaining what had had at the gas station and with the bomb.  The news reported showed the police investigating for evidence, and the story was proved right. The news reporter told that I was going to be getting a reward and a Sorry from the police department later that week. But that didn’t matter to me. I felt great to have saved dozens of people, and risked my life doing it.



Copyright © 2007 Kristofer Van Der Meulen
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