Dr Lemurias Host (1)
Ok then…so there you have it…you have met the Dr. What do you think of that for an introduction? This entity as I’ve said… maintains that he and myself made a pact 25,000 years ago…to write this book to help pass on certain lost knowledge of our suppressed world… Can you understand how crazy this all sounds to me? For sure though… something has happened…as I just don’t know how…what started as a hobby for me…was able to reach such a state as to be published in a book…so I need time to tell you a bit more about myself… before I let him take over me completely. So let’s hope he has got his own introduction out of his system for the time being. Ok! Many good people like my friends and family who know me in my everyday life…are going to maybe read Dr Lemurias book and think I have lost the plot…and that I'm an absolute “BLOOP” due to the way I will be talking about myself…and about certain supposed world concepts. Some may even get intimidated or angry at what they read…and start to question where I receive all of this information from…and they may even wrongly think that I'm part of some crazy left-wing cult or something…being influenced or brainwashed in some way. And trust me…I can understand that under the circumstances…after what they have read from the Dr. But that of course is in no way the case. As this type of “mind-body-spirit” classification of information can be found in any downtown bookshop or on any home Internet. You just have to know where to look…how to take that little clue from each source…and how to piece it all together…while of course being un-fazed of what information you may find that might collide with your own chosen belief system. That is…if you have one! In other words…I suggest you relax and grab a large shoehorn and pry open your mind wider than you ever dreamed possible…as its about to be forcefully gripped and stretched to its absolute limits of belief endurance So I want you to think about this for a second. Unless your mother birthed you on a desolate mountain-top…and left you alone to ponder the world as an infant…with no contact with another living soul. And somehow magically you came up with the religious or political belief system you so passionately now follow in its whole pure form…then no one has a right to accuse anyone else of disrespecting their beliefs…because in reality…its not their beliefs…its really just some kind of cultural or political…somewhat improvable structure of reality…that they happened to have absorbed or adopted through repetition…familiarity…or even guilt or fear…based on theirs…or their families immediate lifestyle or environment. Ah! And breathe! And anyway…while I'm on a roll…if anybody does happen to follow any kind of set in stone belief system…at the expense of looking at physical or researchable textual evidence…then their mind is basically closed…chained shut…to the endless and newly discovered world wonders being unearthed daily within the rest of factual reality. Final! And so nobody has the right to run around chastising others for blindly doing something which they are blindly doing themselves. So there. Deep breath Ah! And again…breathe the “prana”. Some of these folks who know me…naturally may react very uneasy as they read the following paragraphs…because first off…they are picturing me… the male person whom they know or grew up with…and cant quite grasp what I'm trying to do here with my alter ego Dr Mu. (If can call him that) as I certainly wasn't brought up being taught any of this information…I just happen to naturally come across it and attract it…its just part of my life experience…and I suppose you could say it was out of my hands as I indeed reincarnated into elements of it. To many peoples eyes and minds though…when they saw me last…I was just reading some silly conspiracy book or the like…talking about this or that otherworldly crazy shit. But please don't think for a second that this is what this work is about. For its not about shaky disinformation improvable theories…its about unraveling the secrets of our true human origins and sewing together with surgeon precision the loose dangling tendons…of our planets deliberately beaten down and suppressed earth knowledge. (Her-story not His-story). But my friends and family are not picturing my multi-dimensional…super-conscious…true light spiritual form. ( Eh?) (What’s he saying?) (There…see!) (I told you he was nuts.) They are only interacting with my physical…skin…spacesuit-ego form…and I with theirs…which is no more than simply the accumulation of all of my emotional experiences…both good and bad…in my present…one of many…brief physical lives. Do you know the health of our bodies on the most part…reflect the true health of our minds. Dis-ease=not at ease. Ha! For I really do not care what people think of me…and they can read our book and think I’m an idiot or whatever…for its actually none of my business what they think of me…I don’t give it a second thought. My point is…that too many people base their own lives on others…on the most part…shallow expectations of themselves. Too many people would rather believe and hold on to a lie or obvious fallacy…against their own higher intuitive and better judgment…finding comfort in the masses of people who are also believing the same lie…rather than find themselves as an outcast from the group for opposing the group belief. This is taking the concept of "security in numbers"…in my opinion…totally the wrong way down the garden path to the compost heap. Just because dozens or even millions of people all believe the same crap about something…because after all…they are receiving it from the same source that has been repeated into their heads 5 or 10 times a day in the form of so-called daily news…doesn’t make it fact…and certainly doesn’t make it the truth. Tiny fish in the sea group together in their millions knowing that their friends on the outside are getting eaten for doing exactly what they are doing…but as long as its not them then its ok…and they must deserve it anyway for taking chances in life. This is the mentality of our human world also…climb all over each others faces…just hoping that someone will notice our divine uniqueness…and hopefully not eat us up…when we do something…which to their eyes is wrong. "Ill believe anything you'll tell me…just eat him…not me". Of course the vast majority of us humans are sane balanced individuals…but the amount of undereducated and basically moronic type of humans seems to be growing faster and faster each and every day. So I will repeat a well known Japanese saying…that goes something like this. "The nail that stands out above all the rest…is the one to get hit first" People need others to direct their own inner frustration at…it has always been like this…but it’s unnatural and reflects a deep…inner…subconscious insecurity and loneliness. This is an unconscious knowing that we as a race are disconnected from the power-source…and desperately need to find a way to quickly re-connect to the source of all. The Great-Spirit. This is exactly what is wrong…we have been bred for too long to be materialistic and Godless…and we have forget that we are basically in our most true but forgotten multi-dimensional state…"angels"…who have absolute control of creating our own realities. (((((Be who you are and say what you feel, Because those who mind don’t matter, And those who matter don't mind. (Dr Seuss))))) Organized religion is the greatest example of this self-denial and disconnectedness. We have these greedy…money and guilt based institutions in our world… that were conceived of way back in the ancient world when men had no concept of the workings of the universe and nature…that through their rough 2000-3000 year history…have stolen…murdered…divided….deceived…tortured…mistranslated…warred…covered-up…and spread hatred and fear throughout their backward male-dominated and aggressive legacy’s…who still…in our modern day….have the minds and gaping mouths of millions of modern people hooked with false sin… and fearing their inevitable death. These organizations through their rather dubious middle-men…control the minds of the masses…by telling them that this is the only life there is…and that the only way they can make it to a better place…is by purifying their souls by believing exactly what they say without question…and by giving more money than the last person…so as to secure their space in a non-provable Heaven. Ah! And again breathe! Again…this is the climbing over another’s face to get recognition. The good people…who follow these concepts…quite conveniently brush all of the extreme horror of the past centuries under the carpet…and just pretend its not there…and then they wonder why other good people don’t want anything to do with their belief systems. In my opinion…this mentality is the absolute scourge of humanity. So Please…Please…Please Someone please explain this Bible verse for me…as I don’t want to laugh… as I might be sick at the same time. ((((("At a lodging place on the way, The Lord met Moses and was about to kill him. But Zipporah took a flint knife, Cut off her son's foreskin and touched Moses feet with it”. (Exodus 4:24)")))) HEE! HEE! HEE! BOAK! ??????????????? I personally have lost the fear of what people think of me…I was cured of this individual mind-sickness a lot of years ago in this present life…when I endured a rather disturbing experience…which was no-ones fault but my own. It was in this time…that I realized that there is no point in worrying about what people think of you…because in reality…they are going to think what they want anyway…whether you know they are thinking it…or not. It’s just like the fashion obsessed. These people and kids who spend their whole wage slip on the most expensive gear…just so they can look like a shit celebrity or film-star…these women…who would actually starve themselves to look like some known-face…self-confessed…talent-less junkie scregg. Do these people really think strangers in the street give a shit about them and how they look…don’t they realize these strangers are doing exactly the same…and are wanting their recognition at the same time…and that they are not interested in anyone else’s insecurities…as they have plenty of their own? Where has the expression of human uniqueness disappeared to…who is it that is forcing these images of banality and stereotypes in front of the faces of the impressionable children? People have other stuff going on in their lives…they are not sitting at home thinking back to seeing you today in the market…and how cool you stood smoking beside that expensive shop label. The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself. (Mark Twain) There is actually no real need for genetic cloning…as corporate advertising is just as effective in producing a human hive-mind mentality of clone-like…conforming non thinkers. They say clothes make the man…and of course it good to look smart and clean…but to a person who recognizes themselves for the most part as a multi-dimensional being…self integrity… and conscious "evolution of the soul" is what makes the man or woman. (Ahhhhhh!) (He said it again!) (He said multi-dimensional being) (Ahhhhhhhh!) (But what does he mean?) I'm sure…for some people to hear me call myself a multi-dimensional being…may spin certain folks out…and make many start to doubt my sanity. But they shouldn't forget…that I'm not a naive child…and they surely have to take into account that I haven't experienced life and reality in exactly the same way as they have…as I have went out of my way in the last few years…to visit some incredibly strange and out of place destinations on the planet. For no two people…not even twins…not even clones can possibly live the same experiences…its impossible…as there is not one being in the known universe that doesn’t create its very own unique reality. That’s why I just want to put as many minds at rest here that I can…before we proceed any further. So don't fret…as my book is written in the spirit of absolute positive intention…without any deliberate conscious malice in any way…as I really do see our work as a kind of self help book. Well! Of some sort…as it’s certainly not going to be for everyone…and may even turn a lot of folk’s perceived world’s upside-down…and contort them into gibbering idiots. Oh! Look out… Here he comes… Here comes the Dr. With his own example of gibbering idiots. (But you said!) (But!) SHHHHHH! (But!) (But!) SHHHHH! SLAP! Like I said…make want you want of the Dr's Behaviour… As I'm just the messenger…so put your crossbows away. (But!) (But!) SLAP! SLAP! OK! Where were we? The personal affect on…and interest to every individual reading this book will become obvious…as I certainly wont be leading anybody by the flipper while they read…as the book just isn't structured to be experienced… interpreted…or read from front to back like normal. As there are 500 dimensional doorways within the on-going script…and hundreds more linked to those…that you can casually knock on anytime you fancy changing your route within the book. So hang on…and ill walk you through it. You will see! Most people reading our book…on the other hand…will be strangers…having of course never met me…the humanoid…and primate…carnal…amphibious…physical essence that I am…and interact through within this dense 3rd dimension. They are just going to picture whoever and whatever image of me …or the Dr …that comes into their head… and hopefully just go with the flow…not taking it all too seriously …and simply enjoy the contents and the read. But when it comes to the bizarre topics and theories within the Dr's Writing...just know…that really…I am utterly serious…or I just simply couldn't have had the will or the drive to complete such a personal work. I do hope that if anything…this crazy trip which I am about to post you on… on the most part…is highly positive…enlightening and entertaining…and that you do go away with at least a mild vibration around the 3rd eye or heart-chakra area. In fact…this book started off as a way to remember important and darn-right head twisting information I happened to be reading in many other authors amazing works. For I can remember so clearly how affected I was by one book when I was about 17…which seemingly had proof from newly discovered parts of the Bible that were ostracized…hidden and suppressed…that the real Jesus “Yeshua”… was just a mortal man…although incredibly special…and may even have had a family. Wow! That spun me out big-time…as I had always been brought up to never question the Bible as it was believed to be a serious sin…and if I was to believe and be a good Christian boy…then I had to accept the whole Bible as the infallible word of God…with no mistakes…exactly as it was dictated to certain high spiritual human prophets…who were chosen for the job centuries before…for their depth of obedience and faith. Ah! Breathe! This was 17 years ago…and I just couldn't stop reading after that incredibly revealing…and professionally published…consciousness altering experience. I had from that moment on become a human sponge…for sometimes I was easily devouring many books at the one time. Up to this point in my life…I had hardly read anything…but now I had found my hobby. I had been brought up…in this life…regularly attending a Protestant Christian church in Northern Ireland…and had personally seen a lot of bad stuff on the streets of Belfast…in real life and on TV. But I knew even then…as a frightened confused kid…that something was very wrong with the whole scenario…when I couldn't work out what side "Jesus" was supposed to be on in the war. Was it Protestants…or was it the Catholics…as they are of course all supposed Christians…who were both fighting for the recognition of the same God. The final straw was being told that dinosaurs didn't exist…as the "Creationists" believed the world was only a few thousand years old…and yet I had the rubber toys and had seen the bones in the museum. EH? The earlier “Santa and tooth fairy's don't exist” revelations…were disturbing enough to me as a small child…and I suppose you could say it was around this time that I lost my faith in faith…and so-called blind belief…as I basically thought in my child-mind that I was being lied to. Of course…I didn't know back then that I was wrong…and that there were millions of people in the world keeping their mouths shut in fear…not daring to question…if maybe the understandings of these texts might just be a little bit off…but thinking back …I couldn't have completed anything like this book…if I hadn't had Christianity and the Bibles teachings… shoved down my throat as a child. So I can only be grateful now…of which I sincerely am. This to me is confirmation that the reincarnation concept…of how we choose our specific life situations to incarnate into…is maybe correct after all. I can’t just take Dr Mu's word for everything…though he is usually correct. And so in the following years my book obsession had grown to such a degree…that my brain was totally overloaded with such varying types of cosmic and esoteric information…that when I tried to communicate it to people…just came out as a mess…and sounded like utter nonsense. Or as they say in Ireland… "gobble-de-gook" The reality…or 3d template…which everyone around me was seemingly living and perceiving together…and which I also experienced growing up…was slowly eroding away in my buzzing and spiraling sight. But of course something had to give. So let’s fast forward 10 years. WHRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! CLICK! For whilst on a trip to Egypt in 2002 for the second time…I met this amazing German lady called Rosa Keller …or Hadra…as the Egyptians named her…who was an actress…artist and spiritual Reiki master…and we were lucky to spend 2 weeks together…whilst I wrote and filled a note pad with crazy spiritual information…that she daily dictated to me…which literally blew my head off…as I desperately tried to grasp the reality…of alternative…higher…and hidden…multi-dimensional…psychedelic…cosmic reality. I had already known quite a bit about different worlds and colored realities…as in my 20's I had lived in Holland…and had extensively experimented with hallucinogenic drugs…being mushrooms and L.S.D…I'm not condoning drugs of course. I had seen other frequencies of reality…other indescribable worlds of strange…unimaginable…and sometimes frightening creatures…and new electrifying colors and tracers…at the same time as learning so much…and I instinctively knew that it wasn't just the effect of a little pill…fungi…or piece of blotting paper doing this to me. It was just…that they were the correct cocktails of trigger chemicals…used to force my brain to release my pineal-glands own higher-consciousness hormones…that were already there within my grey matter…lying dormant for many sleeping lifetimes. Ah! These are the kind of realizations you have on these drugs…along with turning into plants who have big black spider eyes…meeting the pixies…mind reading and talking to cows etc. MOOOOOOOO MOO MOO! Yes! Yes! I know what you mean. Just chew your cud mate and try not to think about it. MOOOOOOOO! There…that’s better now…isn’t it son? MOO! No worries mate. Instinctively I knew that these worlds hadn't been created purely with my mind and the drug…but that they were always there hiding as other planes of reality…flickering just to the left of my vision…just waiting to be re-discovered…manifested…and leapt head first into. Many years later I would find out…that this is how reality manifests instantly in the coming and unfolding 4th dimension…so remember to look this up in "Part 2" of the book. I wish I had known and understood these concepts of… “Watching what you wish for, as it just might happen”… many years before…as it would have saved me from creating my very own living-hell nightmare with my negative and mixed-up thoughts. But no matter how much I was learning…I was still torn between this freedom of inner spiritual self-awareness…and the guilt of my intense hell-fire and damnation…religious conditioning from my childhood. And so I started to push the boundaries of experimentation…as far as my drug consumption was concerned… I’m not condoning the use of drugs of course… but I wanted to see how high and how deep inside myself I could really go… without actually going too far…and having my brain go BLOOP! I wanted to challenge the reality of the religious God experience…I just wanted proof that it wasn't all crap…and that it was just misunderstood. And so I asked out loud…I challenged the Universal God to reveal itself to me…in a way that was beneficial to my soul’s level of understanding…and personal evolution. I literally asked this out loud…and into a mirror looking right at myself. ON MUSHROOMS! (Still not condoning) And then it happened. BLOOP! Oh dear! My reality in the following weeks started to crumble…everything I put my hand to…everything I said turned to extremely disturbing chain-reactions of self-created bad luck. My relationship with my family and friends in my mind at this time…wasn't important anymore…this is a great regret of mine now…and I basically went consciously A.W.O.L into a hell-world of my own making…and turned distressingly paranoid. Looking back now…I can see…that whatever Wild West saloon doors I had recklessly kicked open in my mind…were flapping violently in the whirling winds of The Wizard of Oz tornado. But I'm also glad now thinking back while I write this…that not all the Munchkins and flying monkeys went back home to Oz…for some of them have stayed with me to assist me in holding these doors open…giving me access to the alternative… psychedelic D.M.T world of silence in my mind…anytime I wish. BLOOP!
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