Tales Of Tito: Essay Of An Inmate
David Daniels


   As a NYC Correction Officer I had a steady midnight tour in a jail on Rikers
Island from 11pm to 7am.For a period of time I was assigned to the clinic and
it was a busy post during the day but at night it was relatively slow.During
my tour I had to pick up an inmate named Tito who would clean the clinic area.
Tito was a young,handsome,Hispanic male that was always in a cheerful mood
and always seemed to look on the bright side of things.

   Tito would talk incessantly all night long while he worked.As he mopped
the clinic floors he would go on and on about his life and the crimes
he committed.He would tell me of the places he'd been,the people he robbed,
the many cars that he stole and even the people he killed.And he would
tell me about his crimes as if he were talking about everyday common
situations with a smile on his face from ear to ear.

    Tito told me how his life of crime started early in Spanish Harlem
which was the neighborhood he grew up in.He told me that at an early
age he had joined a gang that he referred too as his 'crew.'Everyday
him and his crew would sit around and figure out ways to make a buck
or score. They soon realized that to make a lot of easy money that
they would have to start dealing drugs in their neighborhood.Through
their connections they already had suppliers and were basically set
to start an illegal drug operation.But there was one problem.The
neighborhood already had a drug dealer.

    It was a local guy named Freddy who had been in business
for quite some time now.Tito and his crew had a sit down and
they decided that Freddy had been in business long enough and it
was time for him to go.The gang continued to discuss it and Tito
was assigned to do the 'hit.'

    Tito did his homework and started asking around about Freddy.
Tito found out he was a tough drug dealer with a crew of enforcers
of his own and was very dangerous.However,as Tito kept investigating,
it kept getting back to him that Freddy might be gay.No one ever
said this to Freddy's face because it was known that he had a bad
temper.But still,Tito heard from a lot of reliable sources that
Freddy was homosexual.So Tito had a plan.

     One night while Freddy was dealing drugs on a street corner
Tito bought some drugs off of him.They sort of new each other but
this time Tito was going to hang out with him and get to know him
better.The both of them talked and hit it off well.Freddy even
offered Tito a job stating that he could use a good man like him.

     After a while Tito took a big chance and started dropping
hints to Freddy that he was sexually attracted to him.So the
rumors about Freddy were true because he responded to Tito's
advances.Tito suggested that they go into a dark alleyway for a
few minutes to get to know each other and Freddy agreed.After
they were in the alley for a while Tito put his arm around Freddy
and could feel his gun on the side of his body.Then he leaned
forward and kissed Freddy on the lips and as he did this he
reached into his back pocket,took out a switchblade and then
stuck it into Freddy's chest.Freddy keeled over and died in
Tito's arms.

     Tito called his crew on his cell phone and notified them,
through a code, that the hit had been completed.Minutes later
his crew arrived at the alley with large garbage bags to
dispose of the body.But there was a problem.Where would they
dispose of it? One of Tito's gang members suggested they
go to his uncle's meat shop where they could chop up the body.
So the crew wrapped the body up in plastic,placed it in the
trunk of their car and drove to the shop.

    Once they arrived they placed the dead body on a metal
table,got a hold of some small hatchets and meat saws
and started chopping Freddy up into small pieces.Once Freddy
was chopped up they put his body into a meat grinder,bone
and all, and grounded him into chop meat.Now they had pounds
of meat that they still had to dispose of.

    Tito had an idea.He took all the meat and wrapped it in
cellophane and then packed it into cardboard boxes with dry
ice.Then about a day later he drove out to Queens where he
knew a guy that bred and raised Pit Bulls for illegal
dogfights.He knocked on his door and told him that he
had grade A beef to sell to him for his dogs.The guy asked
Tito where he got the meat and he told him he stole it
off a meat truck.A deal was made and Tito sold the meat
for a few hundred dollars.

   About a month later Tito ran into the dog breeder at a
party in Brooklyn.The guy approached Tito and was furious
at him,claiming that the meat was rotten and tasted terrible.
Tito questioned him how he knew what the meat tasted
like since it was for his dogs.The guy continued to
shout furiously that he invited family and friends over for
a barbecue and made hamburgers out of the meat.Everyone
spit the meat out because it tasted disgusting and had
pieces of bone in it.Tito didn't want any problems with
the guy for fear that he might go to the cops.So he gave
the guy his money back plus a little extra for his trouble.

   After Tito told me this story he started laughing hysterically
because the thought of this guy making,'Freddy burgers,' for his
family was the funniest thing in the world to him.And though it
was the most morbid story I ever heard I couldn't help but laugh
along with him.But I accused Tito of bullshitting me but he swore
up and down that the story was true.

    That was just one of the many stories that I heard from him as
he sanitized my post.He told me stories of how he was a pimp and had
young girls working the streets for him.He told me of how him and
his crewmembers used to drive up to Canada and down to Mexico and
sneak drugs across the border.He explained to me how he used to
swallow small rubber bags of heroin and then take laxatives to
retrieve the drugs out of the toilet.And he continued to tell me of
the people he murdered and didn't seem to have an ounce of remorse
because he said that killing was all part of the game.

    Many times I was tempted to go to my Captain and say,"Hey Cap,
you gotta wire me up because I've got an inmate clinic worker whose
spilling his guts."But I never did.I guess it was because I was
fascinated and entertained by Tito's stories and his way of life.

    One night Tito was telling me about how he had to go to a
housing project in the Bronx to purchase a large quantity of drugs
from one of his suppliers.He told me how he was in the supplier's
apartment and he had to buy a suitcase full of cocaine.Tito had
thousands of dollars in cash on him.He was about to make the buy
when an argument ensued about the amount of money to be paid for
the drugs.The argument got heated and the supplier took out a 9mm
handgun and tried to shoot Tito but the gun jammed.So Tito reached
down and took hold of a small revolver that was holstered to his
calf and shot the guy in the chest.Then the suppliers girlfriend
came at him with a kitchen knife and went to plunge it into his
chest.But he blocked it and the knife got stuck in his forearm.
Then he lifted his gun and shot her in the face.

    Tito quickly grabbed the suitcase and fled the apartment.But
the shots were heard through out the project and soon the housing
police were chasing him.Tito ran through the project trying to make
his escape.He could remember hearing the police radios shouting,
"Shots fired," over and over.He ducked into a doorway and found
himself in a boiler room with nowhere to run.So he crawled
underneath one of the boilers,with the suitcase still in his hand
and the knife sticking in his arm,and hid for his life.

    Tito told me that he stayed underneath that hot boiler for two days hiding out from
the police.He told me how he was sweating bullets and bleeding from his knife
wound.As he laid there,roaches,ants and spiders were crawling all over his
face and body.At night large rats would brush up against his face as he hid,
keeping perfectly still,afraid of being captured by the police.

   Finally,when Tito thought it was safe enough he tried to get out from
underneath the boiler but he had a problem,he was stuck.Tito began to
panic and he was afraid that he was going to die.But he tried to remain
calm and think of a way out.He figured if he couldn't get out the way he
came then he would continue forward.So he crawled further underneath and
reached the wall behind it.There was just enough space between the wall
and the boiler for him to stand up,with the suitcase still in his hand,
and make his escape.Tito said he broke three ribs crawling out from
underneath that boiler but it was all worth it.

    The news of the shooting got back to his gang.But he told them that
even though he was able to make his escape with the suitcase,he had
already paid the supplier all of the cash.When his crew questioned him
as to why he didn't take the money as well.Tito said that when he paid
the guy he counted it and then gave it to his girlfriend and she put
it in another room.Then after the money was put away that's when the
argument began.

    Tito's crew bought the story and he kept all of the buy money.And
that money combined with the profits Tito made from the street sales
of the drugs was just enough to buy himself his dream car.A brand new
Mustang convertible for which he paid cash.If his crew would've ever
found out the truth then they would've executed him,but they never did.
Again I accused Tito of bullshitting me once more.I told him that there
was no way he could've survived underneath that boiler with a knife
wound.But he swore on his life that the story was true.

   Tito often bragged about all the money he had and all his wild nights
of hanging out with beautiful women and blowing thousands of dollars in
Atlantic City and Las Vegas.He told me that the drug business was good
but still he wasn't satisfied because all of the profits he made had
to be shared with his crew.

    So Tito decided to branch out and go into business for himself,
the automobile business.Not selling them or repairing them but
stealing them.Tito soon learned how to become a master car thief.
He told me about the methods he used in stealing cars and how he
dealt with all the locks and devices car owners used in trying to
prevent guys like him from stealing them.Tito didn't mind it though
because the harder it was to steal a car the more challenging it was
for him and he liked a good challemge.He told me of all the good
places to steal cars like upstate New York and Long Island and parts
of the Bronx.

    Tito had a special system of dealing with car alarms
that I found particularly interesting.He would find a secluded house
in the woods of upstate NY that had a mint car parked in the driveway.
Then he would use a long,thin,metal tool called a slim jim and slide
it down the inside of the car door and unlock it.When the alarm went
off he relocked the door and ran into the woods and hid,still keeping
an eye on the car.The owner of the car would then come out of their
house and investigate and then turn off the alarm.Tito would do this
several times and usually one of two things would happen.If luck
were on his side then the owner would think their alarm was
malfunctioning and voluntary disengage it.Or the alarm would go off
and the owner would ignore it giving Tito just enough time to
deactivate the alarm,hot wire the car and make his getaway.I had
to admit it was a clever way of stealing cars.

   But soon Tito got annoyed with the automobile business because he
wasn't making the kind of money he had hoped for.He would sell the
cars he stole to chop shops,junkyards,auto-body repair shops and
even to used car dealers who would do a complete make over on the cars.
He was lucky if he could clear a thousand,even on a brand new car.The
shady business's that Tito sold his cars too knew they had him by
the balls because he was always in a hurry to sell a stolen car.He soon
realized that the chop shops and the junkyards he dealt with were
dismantling the cars and making thousands of dollars selling off the
pieces one by one.So what does Tito do? He opens up his own chop shop.

   Tito rented a garage and would take his stolen cars there and dismantle
them himself and sell the pieces one by one,making much more money if
he sold the car as a whole.He soon learned that one car could supply him
with cash for weeks at a time.If he ever needed money he would stop by
his garage,pick up a car part,sell it,and then have instant cash.Having
his own chop shop was like having money in the bank.

   Tito worked for me in the clinic for several months but then he made
bail and became a free man.I got another inmate assigned to me.It was
an older man who didn't speak much English.I had to admit that
the post just wasn't the same without hearing about Tito's wild
adventures of his life in crime.

   Several weeks after Tito got bailed out I was sitting at my kitchen
table eating breakfast and thumbing through the NY Post.Suddenly a
small news article caught my attention.The headline read,'CAR THIEF
GUNNED DOWN IN THE BRONX.'The article went on to say how the owner
of a Lexus snuck up behind a car thief that was stealing his vehicle
and fired three shots into the thieves back killing him.The article
continued to say that the thief was pronounced dead at the
scene and went by the alias of 'Tito.' Tito never even knew what hit him.

   Tito was a thief,a crook,a drug dealer and a murderer.He was the
lowest of the low.He had no education and the only jobs he held were
 the jobs he had in prison.If you looked up the word criminal in the
dictionary you would see a picture of Tito next to the word.But sitting
there at my kitchen table reading about his death I couldn't help but
feel somewhat sad.

    Tito had a carefree,happy go lucky,I don't have a care in the world,
I don't give a shit about anything attitude that fucking amazed me.He had
 a smile on his face every night from the moment I picked him up until
the time I dropped him off at his cell at the end of his shift.I guess if
you're happy with what you do for a living then the world is a better place.
And Tito loved his life of crime,I mean,he actually enjoyed it.I truly
believe that Tito died while doing something he loved and if you're going
to get shot to death then I guess that's the way to do it.Tito always told
me that he was going to spend the rest of his life in prison or end up dead
in the street and he was okay with that.So not only was Tito a criminal but
he was a fortuneteller as well.

    I don't know if Tito made it through the gates of Heaven but if he did then
I know one thing for sure.Now this may sound kind of silly,but I truly hope
that the angels of Heaven don't drive around in fancy cars because if they do,
then they better watch out for Tito.



Copyright © 2005 David Daniels
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"