Best Friends Adventure Club : Grown Up
Prologue: There once were three young nine year old girls who loved to go on adventures. They wondered what the secret of Athopia was, only some knew it but they would not tell anyone. So the three friends joined together to figure it out. They ran into an evil woman who didn’t want three children finding out the secret and telling everyone in town. So she put the so far two children on a conveyor belt to their doom. Luckily they escaped and stole the papers with information how to find the secret and hints about it. While doing that they grabbed a bit more information that showed them the secret, and a map to where it was. They decided to find the secret to stop it. They realized that the rich people in the town were turning less fortunate people into slaves. The map led right to their friend Lindsey’s house. While they were there Lindsey became the third member of their group. They released the prisoners and trapped the evil woman, Caroline. At the end of that day’s adventure, Lindsey suggested they call it B.F.A.C for Best Friends Adventure Club. The next month they visited Scotland Caroline was using a projector to holograph a fake Loch Ness monster to scare tourists. While caught by the three friends Caroline took Sophia and their diving equipment Millie and Lindsey almost drowned, but then saved buy the real Loch Ness monster in hiding. Caroline took Sophia to China and hung her over a volcano. Millie and Lindsey also went to China to save her. They all ended up hung over the volcano which even worse was going to erupt in five minutes. Lindsey saved them by calling an eagle with bird calls. The eagle carried them to a plane, and they hopped on with their parents to catch the ride back to Athopia. That was there last adventure for awhile. That didn’t mean their last adventure. Once an adventurer always an adventurer. So the very next year they where sitting under a shady tree on a sunny day. They fell asleep and missed a storm warning. They got picked up by a tornado and woke up in Egypt. They decided to do some pyramid exploring. They got caught in a trap and ran into Caroline. Caroline pushed Lindsey of a very tall mountain, hung Millie right above a river where she would drown, and tied Sophia to a pole to burn on top of the fire. The luck was, Lindsey was caught by a bird, Millie by a huge fish, and a pelican bit Sophia’s ropes. Then they jumped onto another tornado to get home A lot of time had passed since their last adventure. Sophia and her two friends had grown up. They where all about 29.They had children that where each nine. Millie's daughter was named Amy, Lindsey's was named Valerie, and Sophia's daughter was named Lizzy. "Can we go for a walk mom?" Said Lizzy." Sure sweetie." Said Sophia as she talked to her friends Millie and Lindsey. "Come on my and Valerie!" Said Lizzy. "Ok" "Ok" Said Amy and Valerie. They headed out. There were three paths that each went to the same place. So they each took a path. Amy skipped along happily when suddenly a dart hit her arm. "There's a little friend. Hi Millie. ", Said a man's voice. Meanwhile Valerie was just jogging kind of wanting to get there first. Something hit her arm. A needle. "What's happe-"she tried to say .All black. Meanwhile Lizzy was just calmly walking. When ropes went over her waist. "I am the daughter of Caroline, my name is Tiffany. She's told me all about you little Sophia. "Said what appeared to be Caroline’s daughter. She was about 26.Though Lizzy had no idea what she was talking about. Though she got up the strength to Say" What are you talking about?".” What am I talking about?! You should know, but for now nighty night Sophia!" Said Tiffany. Then Tiffany shot a needle at Lizzy and it went black. They woke up. They where all in a separate cell. It was an underground prison.” I don't think you know who we are. I’m Lizzy and they are Amy and Valerie, Sophia, Millie, and Lindsey aren't us. They are our parents." "Get rid of them.” Said one man. "Wait! We can use them. "Said Tiffany, she Said it so concerned about her idea. “How cou-", the man started. "You listen to MY ideas your little thoughts DON'T matter!" yelled Tiffany.” Well little girls we'll call your mommies. Don't do anything funny. Guards! Tie them up.”, she ordered. Next she did call. They all had to listen to it. How are you doing? Long time no see. I’m Caroline’s daughter. We’ve got your little girls. Give up or we will trap them in the world of shadows.” Said Tiffany” What have you done?! We will not tell you where we are no matter what! We want our kids and -"Sophia was cut off. The doorbell rang, Millie opened the door. “Delivery for Sophia Comoro at Athopia, Oak lane, 602"Said a mailman at the door. "We give up! Just give us our kids. "Said Sophia quickly, right before she hung up. In about an hour later Sophia and her friends where in the underground prison, each in the same cell as their daughter. "I want you to be imprisoned for ever. To never be able to go out into the world again. Why? You caused my mother to go to jail, break out and me never being able to have a friend or order pizza or anything. Just hide and move from place to place. Let the little brats go" Said Tiffany. "No! We won't leave our mothers. ", Said all three girls. They had no choice though. They got taken home by one of Tiffany's servants not even knowing where there mothers where any more. "We will not stop until we find them! We will search and search! Tiffany Said they move from place to place right? We can follow their tracks, and after a while they find a resting point to stay at for a couple months. So when they rest we can catch up with them. “Said Lizzy.” To B.F.A.C2!" Said Valerie." "Go!" Said Amy! “"B.F.A.C2!" They all Said at the same time. They where all ten now, but there was no big celebration for birthdays since they where always on the move. They walked into a clothing store. "Hey miss have you seen an about 27 year old girl named Tiffany with a few adults maybe?” Lizzy asked an employee.” Well yes I have. She was here asking if I had a sea weed smoothie. There is a special sea weed smoothie that can allow you to swim perfectly in The Lost Sea. It is called The Lost Sea because it is lost in your mind. You must think on dark purple water, flesh eating fish, and dark black shores. Of course I had some but I didn't give it to her, I could see the evil glint in her dark black eyes. Would you like some?” Said the employee.” May we ma'am?” asked Valerie.” Sure sweetie pie.” Said the employee. They all shared the smoothie. Lizzy drank the most. Then they thought and thought on The Lost Sea. POOF! They appeared on the black shores of The Lost Sea. Lizzy jumped in first because she drank the most. The others followed. A huge sea monster appeared out of a cave.” Hello girls. The waves tell me your mothers are missing. They also tell me you are B.F.A.C2, The Best Friends Adventure Club2.I also know that my sea monster children here can give you much help. I would love for you to take one. It cans teleport you any where, turn you invisible, or change you into anything. It can only be used once and then it will fade into nothing. For now I will help you and teleport you and one of my baby sea monsters to the island of secrets. It holds images of every secret ever hidden. You might just find the secret your enemy hides, where your mothers are.” Said the sea monster. POOF! They where on an island. They decided after a good nights sleep they would search the area. They where asleep in seconds. When it was morning they started to search.” Look our mothers are in -", started Lizzy. They heard a booming noise. A storm was coming. Not just any storm though. It was The Shocker. It destroys everything in its path. If not move them far away. They forgot the baby sea monster was with them!” Teleport us to where ever Tiffany is!” Said Lizzy holding the baby sea monster. Wind swirled around them. They appeared in a cave. What appeared to be Tiffany but wasn't, was sitting in the corner facing the wall.” WHERE ARE OUR MOTHERS?” yelled Amy.” Tiffany isn't here but she trapped them in world of the shadows. It is a place where you forget your name, family, and home. To get there you have to go to the Hole of Hope. The Hole of Hope has never been found before. Once you pledge to find it you can't ever stop looking until you do.”, Said who ever it was.” We pledge to find the Hole of Hope and to be trapped in the world of shadows if we fail.” Said Lizzy. "We pledge”, Said Valerie.” We pledge", Said Amy.” We pledge!” they all Said. They decided they needed to go to one of the magical people called "The Lookers”. They can see who you are, your past, and your future. Once they arrived they met a young girl who claimed she was a looker.” I am a looker we can change to any form or shape we please. I chose this look because I looked like this when an older looker told me my destiny was to be one.” Said the looker. "Ok so we would like you, Looker to see who we are, our past, and our future of course. “First I shall change to my true form of power.” the Looker Said. BLAST! An old woman appeared.” Now sit down and I will begin. I see that your past has been very dreadful, and your mothers had the same trouble when they where young. I see ... oh my! Your future has been blocked from my sight. I see you are ... the daughters of earth! Your mothers where too, but they had to realize it when they where young or their powers wear away. Which they have already worn away.” Said the Looker.” Who are the daughters of earth?” asked Lizzy. "What powers do they have?" asked Amy. "Can anyone steal our power?” asked Valerie. "The daughters of earth, control earth. Only every one thousand years do they realize their powers, the year of The Shocker. Only they can survive it. Their powers are control of land, water, and the most powerful one have the control to destroy both with weather. My Amy you are the controller of land. Valerie you control water. Lizzy is the most powerful of all, you control weather. Anyone would love to steal your powers. I will be gone now." Said the Looker. Then she vanished. "Wow. I can't believe that just happened. Just to make sure, I daughter of earth and controller of land order a clump of dirt to fly onto the table.” Said Valerie, still not believing it. A clump of dirt flew its way to the table.” Now we have the go to the entrance to the magical world. We can't have these powers with a mortal around, and The Hole of Hope most likely isn't in the mortal world.” I um call on the spirit of wind to um guide us to the entrance as good as they can.", Said Lizzy.A gust of wind zipped into the room. "Hi! What can I do for you? I can only take you so far south.” a voice whispered in Lizzy's head.” Are you the wind spirit?” Lizzy Said out loud.” Yes I am! Only you can hear me since you are the controller of weather.” Said the wind spirit.” Who are you talking to?” asked Amy.” The wind spirit is speaking to me.", Said Lizzy. "Well I think only you can ride it”, Said Amy. Idea! Lizzy will ride the wind above the ocean, while Valerie will ride a wave, and Amy will summon the sand on the bottom since it is considered soil, so she'll make a sand wave to ride beside me.", Said Valerie. "That's a great idea!” Said Valerie and Amy. They walked to the ocean, the wind spirit blowing behind them. "Never let a weather spirit follow you, it makes you keep thinking of gray dull weather.” thought Lizzy. "Ok. Ready?” Said Lizzy. "I think so.” Said the other two. It went so fast they felt like time was speeding up just for them. The spirits stopped in the middle of the ocean. "This is as far as we can take you. Power spirits can't interfere too much with young power controllers, or they'll be blasted to bits. There are many more of us not blasted ones though.” Said the spirits. "If I where you ocean girl I would make a bubble to protect your not ocean safe friends. BOOM! The ocean spirit was blasted. His remains sunk into the sea and formed into a tuna fish, and swam away. A bubble formed around them at Valerie's command. They sank down into the water. Lizzy was very tired. By the time they got to the edge of where the south just starts in Ataro, they all where tired. "Well hello who are you little girls?” Said a nice looking lady by the shore. "We are the daughters of earth.” they Said not even caring if they where talking to a mortal or not. "Or as I like say, my evening snack!” she Said. Claws grew out of her hands. Fangs grew out of her mouth. Then scales formed all over her. She blazed fire out of her ears and nostrils. "Weather! Turn this monster into -", she couldn't finish. "I am a Renoke I am not a monster, I will be called by my name!” yelled the monster. "What ever. Weather I call up a soft rain and baby tornado.” Said Lizzy. A tornado swirled around her. When it disappeared a tiny baby monster was where it was. It had no claws, and tiny teeth that weren’t very sharp, that is what the small tornado caused. Then the soft rain poured. When it stopped the Renoke was a plush baby monster. "That is a lesson. Do not tell people you are an earth daughter.” Said Amy. "That's right!" agreed Lizzy and Valerie. They continued on their journey toward the south. They where tired and hungry. They went up to a hotel and checked in. Their room was the best in the hotel. This was weird because they paid to have the worst room. In the next room they heard growling and scratching. They walked over to the next room and knocked. "Are you a mortal?” asked the person inside. "No. We are magic blooded.” Said Lizzy. "Ok come in please. “ Said the man inside the room. Inside the room they saw a man taming a something kind of like a mixture of a Saber Tooth Tiger, and a fish. It had scales for skin and the claws and teeth where at least 2 feet long each. They where one foot wide. "Please help me tame this wild beast! It comes from the dark storm clouds!” Said the man. The monster noticed the girls. He walked toward Lizzy and away from his master with his shattered clothes. "I can talk to it. It's saying it wants to go back home.” Said Lizzy. "Get it back there then!” Said Valerie. "It says only in the west can it be transported home. We think the entrance to the magical world is in the South. It says it is in the West.” Said Lizzy. "I don't think we should trust an animal.” Said Amy. "Get on my back it says." Said Lizzy. "It's big enough for everyone." Said Valerie. "Ok", Said Amy. They climbed on to its back. Instead of starting to walk it transported them. They where now in the West! "You lied to us! Lightning I command you to strike this beast!" Said Lizzy. Nothing happened. "Your powers are not usable in the West." Said a voice. "Who are you?", Said Lizzy. "I am a magic blooded person like you." Said the man. The man transported them back to the South. They stopped by a Coffee Shop. All of them got hot chocolate. "These are strength increasing drinks. I am your first stop watcher." Said the waiter. "What's that?" Said Lizzy. "I protect you until your next stop. Your next sop is a brown house on Main St. in the next town north. By the way, if you didn't notice this Coffee Shop is filled with hidden monsters." Said the waiter. "Thank you for helping us." Said Amy. "One more thing. Some monsters can control you. They will trick you into combining your powers to destroy man kind." Said the waiter. "We better get going!" Said Valerie. They continued on their journey. They still had a long way to travel. They saw the brown house. There where two. "Which one do we go in?" Said Lizzy. "One holds the protection you seek, the other holds a monster so fierce." Said an about 19 year old walking out of the darkness between the two houses. "One of you knows which house is right. Only one knows the way to lead. She has a leader’s blood. One of you has an extra special power. She has seen all of your mother’s adventures, and their strategies. That one does not tell though. If she confesses now you will know which house to choose." Said the girl.” I’m not her.", Said Valerie.” I’m not", Said Amy. "I think I am.", Said Lizzy. "Then which door do we choose?" Said Amy. "I see something. We have to do a task that is Said by -", Said Lizzy. "Emily, Stop Two Helper.” Said the girl. "Yes a task Said by her. Once we complete the task successfully the correct door will just open to us." Said Lizzy. “What task do we have to do?" Said Valerie. "I have a pesky Erone in my backyard. An Erone is huge 6 feet tall plant eating animal. Though it is hard to make him stop eating my plants. There is only one way to make him go away. Have a better eating spot somewhere else. The problem is there is no better spot than my garden .If you can plant one Penicite in my yard he will have to leave to the next best place. Not only does Penicite taste terrible, it also sends the ta Prologue:There once were three young nine year old girls who loved to go on adventures. They wondered what the secret of Athopia was, only some knew it but they would not tell anyone. So the three friends joined together to figure it out. They ran into an evil woman who didn’t want three children finding out the secret and telling everyone in town. So she put the so far two children on a conveyor belt to their doom. Luckily they escaped and stole the papers with information how to find the secret and hints about it. While doing that they grabbed a bit more information that showed them the secret, and a map to where it was. They decided to find the secret to stop it. They realized that the rich people in the town were turning less fortunate people into slaves. The map led right to their friend Lindsey’s house. While they were there Lindsey became the third member of their group. They released the prisoners and trapped the evil woman, Caroline. At the end of that day’s adventure, Lindsey suggested they call it B.F.A.C for Best Friends Adventure Club. The next month they visited Scotland Caroline was using a projector to holograph a fake Loch Ness monster to scare tourists. While caught by the three friends Caroline took Sophia and their diving equipment Millie and Lindsey almost drowned, but then saved buy the real Loch Ness monster in hiding. Caroline took Sophia to China and hung her over a volcano. Millie and Lindsey also went to China to save her. They all ended up hung over the volcano which even worse was going to erupt in five minutes. Lindsey saved them by calling an eagle with bird calls. The eagle carried them to a plane, and they hopped on with their parents to catch the ride back to Athopia. That was there last adventure for awhile. That didn’t mean their last adventure. Once an adventurer always an adventurer. So the very next year they where sitting under a shady tree on a sunny day. They fell asleep and missed a storm warning. They got picked up by a tornado and woke up in Egypt. They decided to do some pyramid exploring. They got caught in a trap and ran into Caroline. Caroline pushed Lindsey of a very tall mountain, hung Millie right above a river where she would drown, and tied Sophia to a pole to burn on top of the fire. The luck was, Lindsey was caught by a bird, Millie by a huge fish, and a pelican bit Sophia’s ropes. Then they jumped onto another tornado to get homeA lot of time had passed since their last adventure. Sophia and her two friends had grown up. They where all about 29.They had children that where each nine. Millie's daughter was named Amy, Lindsey's was named Valerie, and Sophia's daughter was named Lizzy. "Can we go for a walk mom?" Said Lizzy." Sure sweetie." Said Sophia as she talked to her friends Millie and Lindsey. "Come on my and Valerie!" Said Lizzy. "Ok" "Ok" Said Amy and Valerie. They headed out. There were three paths that each went to the same place. So they each took a path. Amy skipped along happily when suddenly a dart hit her arm. "There's a little friend. Hi Millie. ", Said a man's voice. Meanwhile Valerie was just jogging kind of wanting to get there first. Something hit her arm. A needle. "What's happe-"she tried to say .All black. Meanwhile Lizzy was just calmly walking. When ropes went over her waist. "I am the daughter of Caroline, my name is Tiffany. She's told me all about you little Sophia. "Said what appeared to be Caroline’s daughter. She was about 26.Though Lizzy had no idea what she was talking about. Though she got up the strength to Say" What are you talking about?".” What am I talking about?! You should know, but for now nighty night Sophia!" Said Tiffany. Then Tiffany shot a needle at Lizzy and it went black. They woke up. They where all in a separate cell. It was an underground prison.” I don't think you know who we are. I’m Lizzy and they are Amy and Valerie, Sophia, Millie, and Lindsey aren't us. They are our parents." "Get rid of them.” Said one man. "Wait! We can use them. "Said Tiffany, she Said it so concerned about her idea. “How cou-", the man started. "You listen to MY ideas your little thoughts DON'T matter!" yelled Tiffany.” Well little girls we'll call your mommies. Don't do anything funny. Guards! Tie them up.”, she ordered. Next she did call. They all had to listen to it. How are you doing? Long time no see. I’m Caroline’s daughter. We’ve got your little girls. Give up or we will trap them in the world of shadows.” Said Tiffany” What have you done?! We will not tell you where we are no matter what! We want our kids and -"Sophia was cut off. The doorbell rang, Millie opened the door. “Delivery for Sophia Comoro at Athopia, Oak lane, 602"Said a mailman at the door. "We give up! Just give us our kids. "Said Sophia quickly, right before she hung up. In about an hour later Sophia and her friends where in the underground prison, each in the same cell as their daughter. "I want you to be imprisoned for ever. To never be able to go out into the world again. Why? You caused my mother to go to jail, break out and me never being able to have a friend or order pizza or anything. Just hide and move from place to place. Let the little brats go" Said Tiffany. "No! We won't leave our mothers. ", Said all three girls. They had no choice though. They got taken home by one of Tiffany's servants not even knowing where there mothers where any more. "We will not stop until we find them! We will search and search! Tiffany Said they move from place to place right? We can follow their tracks, and after a while they find a resting point to stay at for a couple months. So when they rest we can catch up with them. “Said Lizzy.” To B.F.A.C2!" Said Valerie." "Go!" Said Amy! “"B.F.A.C2!" They all Said at the same time. They where all ten now, but there was no big celebration for birthdays since they where always on the move. They walked into a clothing store. "Hey miss have you seen an about 27 year old girl named Tiffany with a few adults maybe?” Lizzy asked an employee.” Well yes I have. She was here asking if I had a sea weed smoothie. There is a special sea weed smoothie that can allow you to swim perfectly in The Lost Sea. It is called The Lost Sea because it is lost in your mind. You must think on dark purple water, flesh eating fish, and dark black shores. Of course I had some but I didn't give it to her, I could see the evil glint in her dark black eyes. Would you like some?” Said the employee.” May we ma'am?” asked Valerie.” Sure sweetie pie.” Said the employee. They all shared the smoothie. Lizzy drank the most. Then they thought and thought on The Lost Sea. POOF! They appeared on the black shores of The Lost Sea. Lizzy jumped in first because she drank the most. The others followed. A huge sea monster appeared out of a cave.” Hello girls. The waves tell me your mothers are missing. They also tell me you are B.F.A.C2, The Best Friends Adventure Club2.I also know that my sea monster children here can give you much help. I would love for you to take one. It cans teleport you any where, turn you invisible, or change you into anything. It can only be used once and then it will fade into nothing. For now I will help you and teleport you and one of my baby sea monsters to the island of secrets. It holds images of every secret ever hidden. You might just find the secret your enemy hides, where your mothers are.” Said the sea monster. POOF! They where on an island. They decided after a good nights sleep they would search the area. They where asleep in seconds. When it was morning they started to search.” Look our mothers are in -", started Lizzy. They heard a booming noise. A storm was coming. Not just any storm though. It was The Shocker. It destroys everything in its path. If not move them far away. They forgot the baby sea monster was with them!” Teleport us to where ever Tiffany is!” Said Lizzy holding the baby sea monster. Wind swirled around them. They appeared in a cave. What appeared to be Tiffany but wasn't, was sitting in the corner facing the wall.” WHERE ARE OUR MOTHERS?” yelled Amy.” Tiffany isn't here but she trapped them in world of the shadows. It is a place where you forget your name, family, and home. To get there you have to go to the Hole of Hope. The Hole of Hope has never been found before. Once you pledge to find it you can't ever stop looking until you do.”, Said who ever it was.” We pledge to find the Hole of Hope and to be trapped in the world of shadows if we fail.” Said Lizzy. "We pledge”, Said Valerie.” We pledge", Said Amy.” We pledge!” they all Said. They decided they needed to go to one of the magical people called "The Lookers”. They can see who you are, your past, and your future. Once they arrived they met a young girl who claimed she was a looker.” I am a looker we can change to any form or shape we please. I chose this look because I looked like this when an older looker told me my destiny was to be one.” Said the looker. "Ok so we would like you, Looker to see who we are, our past, and our future of course. “First I shall change to my true form of power.” the Looker Said. BLAST! An old woman appeared.” Now sit down and I will begin. I see that your past has been very dreadful, and your mothers had the same trouble when they where young. I see ... oh my! Your future has been blocked from my sight. I see you are ... the daughters of earth! Your mothers where too, but they had to realize it when they where young or their powers wear away. Which they have already worn away.” Said the Looker.” Who are the daughters of earth?” asked Lizzy. "What powers do they have?" asked Amy. "Can anyone steal our power?” asked Valerie. "The daughters of earth, control earth. Only every one thousand years do they realize their powers, the year of The Shocker. Only they can survive it. Their powers are control of land, water, and the most powerful one have the control to destroy both with weather. My Amy you are the controller of land. Valerie you control water. Lizzy is the most powerful of all, you control weather. Anyone would love to steal your powers. I will be gone now." Said the Looker. Then she vanished. "Wow. I can't believe that just happened. Just to make sure, I daughter of earth and controller of land order a clump of dirt to fly onto the table.” Said Valerie, still not believing it. A clump of dirt flew its way to the table.” Now we have the go to the entrance to the magical world. We can't have these powerswith a mortal around, and The Hole of Hope most likely isn't in the mortal world.” I um call on the spirit of wind to um guide us to the entrance as good as they can.", Said Lizzy.A gust of wind zipped into the room. "Hi! What can I do for you? I can only take you so far south.” a voice whispered in Lizzy's head.” Are you the wind spirit?” Lizzy Said out loud.” Yes I am! Only you can hear me since you are the controller of weather.” Said the wind spirit.” Who are you talking to?” asked Amy.” The wind spirit is speaking to me.", Said Lizzy. "Well I think only you can ride it”, Said Amy. Idea! Lizzy will ride the wind above the ocean, while Valerie will ride a wave, and Amy will summon the sand on the bottom since it is considered soil, so she'll make a sand wave to ride beside me.", Said Valerie. "That's a great idea!” Said Valerie and Amy. They walked to the ocean, the wind spirit blowing behind them. "Never let a weather spirit follow you, it makes you keep thinking of gray dull weather.” thought Lizzy. "Ok. Ready?” Said Lizzy. "I think so.” Said the other two. It went so fast they felt like time was speeding up just for them. The spirits stopped in the middle of the ocean. "This is as far as we can take you. Power spirits can't interfere too much with young power controllers, or they'll be blasted to bits. There are many more of us not blasted ones though.” Said the spirits. "If I where you ocean girl I would make a bubble to protect your not ocean safe friends. BOOM! The ocean spirit was blasted. His remains sunk into the sea and formed into a tuna fish, and swam away. A bubble formed around them at Valerie's command. They sank down into the water. Lizzy was very tired. By the time they got to the edge of where the south just starts in Ataro, they all where tired. "Well hello who are you little girls?” Said a nice looking lady by the shore. "We are the daughters of earth.” they Said not even caring if they where talking to a mortal or not. "Or as I like say, my evening snack!” she Said. Claws grew out of her hands. Fangs grew out of her mouth. Then scales formed all over her. She blazed fire out of her ears and nostrils. "Weather! Turn this monster into -", she couldn't finish. "I am a Renoke I am not a monster, I will be called by my name!” yelled the monster. "What ever. Weather I call up a soft rain and baby tornado.” Said Lizzy. A tornado swirled around her. When it disappeared a tiny baby monster was where it was. It had no claws, and tiny teeth that weren’t very sharp, that is what the small tornado caused. Then the soft rain poured. When it stopped the Renoke was a plush baby monster. "That is a lesson. Do not tell people you are an earth daughter.” Said Amy. "That's right!" agreed Lizzy and Valerie. They continued on their journey toward the south. They where tired and hungry. They went up to a hotel and checked in. Their room was the best in the hotel. This was weird because they paid to have the worst room. In the next room they heard growling and scratching. They walked over to the next room and knocked. "Are you a mortal?” asked the person inside. "No. We are magic blooded.” Said Lizzy. "Ok come in please. “ Said the man inside the room. Inside the room they saw a man taming a something kind of like a mixture of a Saber Tooth Tiger, and a fish. It had scales for skin and the claws and teeth where at least 2 feet long each. They where one foot wide. "Please help me tame this wild beast! It comes from the dark storm clouds!” Said the man. The monster noticed the girls. He walked toward Lizzy and away from his master with his shattered clothes. "I can talk to it. It's saying it wants to go back home.” Said Lizzy. "Get it back there then!” Said Valerie. "It says only in the west can it be transported home. We think the entrance to the magical world is in the South. It says it is in the West.” Said Lizzy. "I don't think we should trust an animal.” Said Amy. "Get on my back it says." Said Lizzy. "It's big enough for everyone." Said Valerie. "Ok", Said Amy. They climbed on to its back. Instead of starting to walk it transported them. They where now in the West! "You lied to us! Lightning I command you to strike this beast!" Said Lizzy. Nothing happened. "Your powers are not usable in the West." Said a voice. "Who are you?", Said Lizzy. "I am a magic blooded person like you." Said the man. The man transported them back to the South. They stopped by a Coffee Shop. All of them got hot chocolate. "These are strength increasing drinks. I am your first stop watcher." Said the waiter. "What's that?" Said Lizzy. "I protect you until your next stop. Your next sop is a brown house on Main St. in the next town north. By the way, if you didn't notice this Coffee Shop is filled with hidden monsters." Said the waiter. "Thank you for helping us." Said Amy. "One more thing. Some monsters can control you. They will trick you into combining your powers to destroy man kind." Said the waiter. "We better get going!" Said Valerie. They continued on their journey. They still had a long way to travel. They saw the brown house. There where two. "Which one do we go in?" Said Lizzy. "One holds the protection you seek, the other holds a monster so fierce." Said an about 19 year old walking out of the darkness between the two houses. "One of you knows which house is right. Only one knows the way to lead. She has a leader’s blood. One of you has an extra special power. She has seen all of your mother’s adventures, and their strategies. That one does not tell though. If she confesses now you will know which house to choose." Said the girl.” I’m not her.", Said Valerie.” I’m not", Said Amy. "I think I am.", Said Lizzy. "Then which door do we choose?" Said Amy. "I see something. We have to do a task that is Said by -", Said Lizzy. "Emily, Stop Two Helper.” Said the girl. "Yes a task Said by her. Once we complete the task successfully the correct door will just open to us." Said Lizzy. “What task do we have to do?" Said Valerie. "I have a pesky Erone in my backyard. An Erone is huge 6 feet tall plant eating animal. Though it is hard to make him stop eating my plants. There is only one way to make him go away. Have a better eating spot somewhere else. The problem is there is no better spot than my garden .If you can plant one Penicite in my yard he will have to leave to the next best place. Not only does Penicite taste terrible, it also sends the taste through the ground onto the other plants." Said the girl. "Where can we find Penicite seeds?" Said Lizzy. "They are very rare seeds. I know a spot that grows rare plants. "Said Emily. "Where may that be?” Said Valerie. "It is in Belemo Bog. It is very foggy. Once a month the Lightfish come out and light the way for searchers. Like you girls. If you're lucky it'll be tonight. "Said Emily." Doesn't sound like it's going to be very difficult." Said Lizzy. "Doesn't sound like it's going to be very easy either." Said Amy. "Nice staying on the 'bright' side guys.” Said Valerie. "Stop girls! This is the kind of fighting that starts war. You haven't even started. The earth is in your hands. You must get along.” Said Emily. "She's right. We can't risk a war.", Said Lizzy. "We should go to Belemo Bog now." Said Amy. "We should." Said Valerie. They went on their way to Belemo Bog. It was very foggy on the trail. Then suddenly they saw a blast of light. Under them in the water a light made a path below lily pads. They followed the path. They saw a tall, purple, and snowy plant. "That must be the Penicite." Said Lizzy. Valerie pulled hard to get it out of the ground. It wouldn't budge. "I feel that we must say the spell I hear in my head." Said Lizzy. "Ok. We should try. "Said Amy." Lets go for it.", Said Valerie. "Repeat after me.", Said Lizzy. "Water, Land, and Weather Daughters, our powers unite, we pull up this plant with all our might." Said Lizzy. "Water, Land, and Weather Daughters, our powers unite, we pull up this plant with all our might." they all Said in unison. It flew out of the ground and into Lily's hand. The Lightfish still led the way. They followed all the way till the beginning of town. Then the plant shattered. "What did we do?" asked Lizzy. "I don't think we did anything.” Said Valerie. "I think we did everything right.” Said Amy. "You did everything. After a while it shatters into seeds. It can be planted now. Though if you had gone faster and planted the plant itself it might be a little more powerful." Said a nearby shopkeeper. "What do you know about rare plants?' Said Amy. "What do I know about rare plants? You’re asking me? My father combined plants and made five life saving rare plants." Said the shopkeeper. "Let’s go before he turns into a monster." whispered Lizzy. “Me a monster? Monsters aren’t real! It’s not Halloween kids. Run along now.” Said the shopkeeper. They gathered up the seeds, and went on their way. “We got the seeds.” Said Katie. “Good job girls.” Said Emily. “Let’s go plant a seed!” Said Lizzy. They went out to the backyard. “Wow.” Said Valerie. “That’s a big plant eater.” Said Lizzy. “Huge” Said Amy. They tried to sneak between its legs. It closed them. “Music!” Said Lizzy. “Music will make it go to sleep! “Said Lizzy. “I can play drums.” Said Amy. “Perfect!” Said Valerie. “Here use these sticks and bang the fence in a beat.” Said Lizzy. It was an amazing beat. The Erone went to sleep like a baby. “We need a shovel.” Said Lizzy. “I’ll check that shed!” Said Valerie. “Ahhh!” screamed Valerie. “What happened?!” Said Lizzy. “Spider. Big. Hairy. Scary!” Said Valerie. There was a spider the size of a small circular table. “This is going to take more then one rolled up newspaper.” Said Amy. “I think I know what we can do.” Said Lizzy. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Said Amy. “Oh you, bet I am.” Said Lizzy. They went across the street to the newspaper stand. They got all of them, and rolled them up together. They wacked the spider over and over until it finally fell of the web. “Let’s get that shovel! Ooh and a watering can!” Said Lizzy. They planted the seed. It grew and grew and grew. It was 5xs taller then it was when they saw it at Belemo Bog. It started to stink. The plugged their noses. The Erone woke up. It took one sniff of the plant and ran for the hills. “Come see this!” Said Amy. They ran to the other side of the houses. The right door had opened. “Thank you girls.” Said Emily. “You’re very welcome.” Said Valerie. They walked inside the right brown house that had opened. They saw just a big chest in the middle of the room. “I wonder what is inside the chest.” Said Amy. “Only one way to find out!” Said Lizzy. Lizzy opened up the chest. “You are very close to the entrance. It is in this very room. Where you least expect it to be.” Said a voice out of an open book in the chest. “In this very room. We should start looking.” Said Lizzy. They started looking around. Amy looked around in the chest. Valerie looked under a sofa in the corner. Lizzy crawled around on the floor. “This mouse hole is glowing.” Said Lizzy. “It can’t be that neat painted and cut.” Said Amy. “No, it is really glowing.” Said Lizzy. “What?” Said Valerie. They walked over there. A green glowing mouse hole was in the wall. Lizzy stuck her hand in it. She was sucked into it with a blur. Amy and Valerie decided to follow. They put their hands in the mouse hole. Magical things where all around them. Monsters, flying dogs, Tall plants, if the grant of the scrolls and scroll down People. Things where everywhere. “Wow. Is this the Magical world?” Said Lizzy. “We like to call it T.M.W The Magical World.” Said a nearby woman. “Do you have any idea where the Hole of Hope is? The one inside T.M.W.” said Valerie. “You mean THE Hole of Hope?” Said the woman. “That one I think. We are looking for it.” Said Amy. “Well some brave explorers you are.” Said the woman. “Nobody goes there. Ever.” Said a girl next to her. “You could ride a dragon there. An even better choice. See Mr. Cont. He once was an explorer. He can help you.” Said the girl. “Thank you. Where can we find him?” Said Lizzy. “He lives somewhere in that old maze of a house. Twenty floors thirteen rooms, and a pretty big yard. It is old and crumbly though. Some people would even call it a junkyard.” Said the woman. They headed up the hill. “Gosh. He could have just bought an apartment if he was that desperate.” Said Lizzy when they where at the top of the hill. “Good one!” said Amy. “No, no, no, great one!” said Valerie. “No, not at all a good one. Who is brave enough to enter my land?” said an old man coming out of the broken house. “We are here for your great adventurer advice, of um wisdom.” Said Lizzy. “Hello girls. I thought you were coming. I could sense it.” Said the man. He stared at them. They where scared. He was so creepy. It was hard not to stare. “Mr. Cont, we were told to stay come here.” Said Valerie. “Fine then, I guess I have to help you.” Said Mr. Cont. He sounded like he had hadn’t had any friends for years. “He must feel terrible” thought Lizzy. “What do you want to know?” said Mr. Cont. He said it As if he was wasting his time. “ We would like to know how to get to The Hole of Hope.” Said Amy. “Why would I help a bunch of little kids?” said Mr. Cont. “I guess you shouldn’t.” said Lizzy. “I didn’t say you wouldn’t get help. My grandson is an adventurer himself. He would love to help you, on your adventure. He could always use more experience. He is a great explorer. He could probably help you very much.” Said Mr. Cont. “Thank you very much.” Said Lizzy. They were very thankful. A young boy started walking out of the old crumbling house. “Howdy y’all. I see you’ve met my grandfather. What can I do for you?” said the boy. He seemed very happy to help them, even though he didn’t know what they were planning to do. “We would be honored if you helped us on our journey to The Hole of Hope, to get our mothers. They have been taken away from us. We need the greatest you to help us find them.” Said Lizzy. “Well I’m flattered.” He said. “He is so cute!” thought Valerie. “I would love to help you. My name is Jake.” said Jake. “Thank you very much. Would you accompany us on our journey?” said Lizzy. “Sure.” said Jake. It seemed he was so generous. “Stay safe.” said Mr. Cont. They went on their adventure. Only half an hour later, the past a cabin made of solid gold. “That must belong to a rich person. If they could afford that much gold, it would still take a lot of money to build a house out of it. They probably didn’t build it by hand.” said Lizzy. “I think we should go and take a look around inside.” said Jake. “We should.” said Amy. They walked inside the solid gold house. Inside the whole house was covered with silver. “They must be really rich!” said Valerie. “You are right, I am.” Said a woman walking out of a door, at the top of the silver stairs. “May we stay here for the night?” said Amy. “You know the 50% chance of her being a monster. Be smart girls” said Jake. “Instead I guess we’ll just go.” Said Lizzy. “Please I’ve been lonely since my lovely daughter moved out. Oh, I’m Mrs. Tetre.” She said. “What is your daughter’s name?” said Valerie. “Tiffany, she just left to go on a business trip. She said something about child assistants.” Said Mrs. Tetre. “Tiffany. Children. Trip. She’s, your, Tiffany’s mother!” said Lizzy. “Mrs. Tetre, we aren’t going to lie to you. You don’t know what your daughter is really up to.” Said Valerie. “What could you possibly mean?” said Mrs. Tetre. “We mean your daughter has taken our mothers from us and we are on a desperate search to find them.” Said Lizzy. “Well then where do you need to go?” Said Mrs. Tetre. “The Hole of Hope.” Said Amy. “Well I have a pet dragon that could fly you there.” Said Mrs. Tetre. “Thank you so much.” Said Valerie. “No problem. Sargus!” Said Mrs. Tetre. A dark blue dragon swooped over the fence, and into the front yard. “Good boy Sargus.” Said Mrs. Tetre. “So just climb on?” said Lizzy. “Perfect. To the Hole of Hope Sargus.” Said Mrs. Tetre. “I’ll pass, I’m very afraid of heights.” Said Jake. “If you insist.” Said Lizzy. They all climbed upon the blue dragon. “Um, fly Sargus!” Said all three of them. They lifted of the ground. “Goodbye girls!” Said Mrs. Tetre. “Bye!” They shouted. Amy, Valerie, and Lizzy flew high over mountains and volcanoes. It was an amazing sight to see the landscapes from so high above. Suddenly they swooped down onto the side of a mountain. “Raq!” said the dragon, its wing pointing to the top of the mountain. “I think it means that huge cave up there, is where the hole of hope is.” Said Valerie. “I can listen to it. Weather daughter, remember?” said Lizzy. “Go for it.” Said Amy. “He’s thinking he can’t fly us up. He is too scared. Wait! He needs the ancient lullaby, it is to train magical animals or get them to help you.” Said Lizzy. “Amy has most beautiful voice, she must sing it!” said Valerie. “I also know the words to it. It was in a book that I read, I thought it was fiction.” Said Amy. “Then it’s settled, Amy sings it.” Said Lizzy. “You can do it Amy.” Said Valerie. “You can.” Encouraged Lizzy. Amy cleared her throat. “Such a sweet creature. Nature cares for you. We love animals too. You are great, you are good, and you are nature’s creation. We live together in one nation. Help us now, for all we do for you. We love you too.” Amy finished beautifully. “I’ll do it!” said the dragon in Lizzy’s head. “He said he’s in.” said Lizzy. They climbed back onto the dragon’s back. They flew for a few minutes then landed on the edge of the cave. “It’s a little dark in there.” Said Valerie. “You mean very dark.” Said Amy. “I’ll take care of that. Sun shine in the cave, we are who you save.” Chanted Lizzy. Just the cave lit up like a 9,000 watt light bulb. “Wow.” Said Amy. They walked in. In front of them was a never ending pit. They walked even closer. Snap! A twig snapped under Valerie’s shoe. There was a rush of cold air. They where surrounded. “Well, well, well. Who could it be? Came to rescue your mothers, didn’t you? Oh, all the hard work and then what? Caught. You only have five minutes before they disappear forever. Tick tock tick tock.” Said Tiffany, pushing through a hole in the circle of guards. “We aren’t alone.” Said Lizzy bravely. “Oh you mean your imaginary friend army? You are alone little girl.” Said Tiffany. “Wind spirits!” Called Lizzy. “Water spirits!” Said Valerie. “Land spirits!” Said Amy. “Sargus!” they all said at the same time. A huge army formed behind them. “What do you think about that?” said Valerie. “Scared?” said Amy. “Bring it.” Said Lizzy. “I think you have three minutes. Attack them!” Said Tiffany. Their armies started fighting. Sargus roared, and the spirits used ancient powers. The guards used plain weapons. Lizzy ran to the edge of the pit. There was an ancient spell to release all trapped in the Hole of Hope. “Guys! We have to recite this, and fast!” screamed Lizzy to her friends. Her friends ran to her. “Valerie, go stand on the circle with a picture of a wave on it. Amy, go stand on the circle with a flower on it. I will stand on the lightning circle.” Said Lizzy. “You will know this spell from the bottom of your hearts, paper or no paper.” Amy said. “Reach into your hearts to the deepest depths, grab your true feelings, and recite the words you hear in your head. Valerie finished. “All that have or soon will perish in this pit let the light of good be lit! Many get put inside this hole, by people with hearts of coal. Let good rule this hole once again, let the message of goodness send.” They all chanted in unison. Blue light burst out of the hole. Their mothers appeared beside of them. “I will have my revenge!” yelled Tiffany as she fell into the deepest depths of the hole. “I don’t think any of us want to get her out.” Joked Lizzy. They laughed all the way out of the cave. “How are we going to get back home?” asked their mothers. “We have an idea.” Said the girls. “Wind blow and blow, to a green mouse hole named so.” Said Lizzy. Wind picked them up and flew them back into the market by the mouse hole. “Well you really did it girls. I’ll contact you if that evil girl shows up again.” Said the woman they had met on their way to the Hole of Hope. “We said we would.” Said Lizzy smiling. “Do it just like this mom.” Said Lizzy. She stuck her finger in the mouse hole and was pulled in. Valerie and Amy followed. Then their mothers stuck their finger in the hole. Except they weren’t pulled in. When their mothers didn’t come, the girls went back into the magical world. “Why aren’t you coming?” said Lizzy. “It won’t pull us in.” said Sophia. “Do you remember what Tiffany did to get it to pull you in?” said Amy. “She said she’d hang us over a volcano if we didn’t go in, it made usfeel like we were kids in Caroline’s lair with-” started Sophia. “With magical powers still!” ended Valerie. “Your fantasy of you still having powers let you get in.” said Lizzy. “Think that you are still trying to figure out the secret of Athopia.” Said Valerie. The mothers stuck their fingers in the mouse hole, with their eyes closed. Swoosh! They got pulled back into the mortal world. Then the girls did it. “Now all we have to do is travel halfway around the world to get back home.” Said Lizzy. “Not exactly.” Said Amy. “Get a shovel and dig a hole, just as if you were a mole.” said Amy. A slide shaped hole appeared in the ground in front of them. “That’ll work.” Said Lizzy. “Just slide down.” Said Amy. They jumped into the hole. “Woo!” said everyone. It went fast and smooth. In just about nine seconds they appeared in front of the house. “It’s such a big house, why don’t we all live in it.” Said Sophia. “Ok.” Said everyone else. “She’ll be back. I’m sure of it.” Said Lizzy. “Her mom did come back three times, though she looks like she won’t give up that fast.” Said Millie. “Oh yes.” Said Lindsey. “Maybe when we get inside Valerie can boil water, Lizzy can fry eggs and bacon, and Amy can’t make a garden.” Said Sophia. Though what they didn’t know was that this was just the beginning. The End for now.
Copyright © 2009 Spencer A Morin |