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Don't Take The A Train by Winson Thai (2)
"Honestly, this story sucks. I want to give constructive criticism, but you may as well re-write it from the beginning. It reads like an autistic train fanatic wrote it, and has way too much frivolous information about trains. It seems as if you just set up a scene as a platform to talk about trains, kind of weird if you ask me and doesn't make sense." -- Marie Polar.
"definitely sounds like a railfan's assessment of a train route. I should know. But I've never taken that train it just reminds me of many conversations I've heard while watching local trains in CA. :): " -- Shelley, Burkburnett, tx, usa.

In God's Profile by Ashley N Hudson Hudson (1)
"havent read the story. i just hope it will be worth reading." -- Torxey, ho, ghana.

The Best Is Yet To Come by Ashley N Hudson Hudson (1)
"I think it is a very great play" -- Dejanae, Elkridge, MD, USA.

Wild Abandon Di by Dramaticpuzzlemaker (1)
"Do you have a mental health professional screen these essays for potentially dangerous people? Do you enjoy and encourage stories of animal cruelty? Do you know that the person who wrote this might be your neighbor or your child's school teacher? " -- small mammal.

Alice In Wonderland? (Dramatic Monologue) by Dramatic Monologues (6)
"this is a great piece, i was just wondering what you changed and cut out, that would be great if you could email me back :) " -- amber , Cabarita, NSW, Australia.
"Hi Amber, I cut the entire paragraph starts off "you'll never guess how many mad people there are here". I eliminated all props except for a small desk that I started out underneath and then crawled back under as I said the last sentence. I sang the Abba song- that worked really well, I got a laugh at the " dancing- RABBIT" . Other than that I kept it the same as written. The deleted paragraph would have fit into the time allowed for the HSC I just wasn't a great actress, I visioned that entire paragraph rapidly spoken as if the words were just falling out and the hands coming up to the sides of the head to "press" the thoughts back in. If you use it let me know how it goes! I would love to see how someone else interprets it" -- Dramatic Monologues.
"Amazing piece and I'm interested in using it as my Solo Interp. piece for my upcoming speech competition. However, I do need a name to put in as the author. If you aren't comfortable with your name give me some kind of pen name please! " -- Amy.
"Hi Amy, glad you enjoyed it. You can put the author as Chloe Batey" -- Dramatic Monologues.
"As a huge Alice in Wonderland lover, I adore the way you wrote this- it's so unique. I am auditioning in February, and would love to use this, but my monologue has to be from a published play. Did you, by any happy chance write a play for this, or is this extract the complete work? I would really appreciate if you emailed me about this. Thank you x" -- clem.
"Hun clem! Unfortunately your email didn't come across. This wasn't written as a play at all. We had to use original monologues for an assessment and I wrote this. I have been thinking about writing a bunch of "twisted fairy tale" monologues and putting them together, but it still wouldn't necessarily be a play. If you do ever perform it, I would very much like to see your interpretation. If you would like to talk further, please contact me on chloebatey@optusnet.com.au " -- Dramatic Monologues.

Red (A Monologue) by Dramatic Monologues (1)
"What an amazing piece! I'm honestly so excited that I stumbled across this and was wondering if I was able to use it for my HSC IP this year? I'd love your thoughts, tips and ideas for the performance." -- Annette Silsby, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Easy Money by Peter E Zuehlke (1)
"everything is great here" -- ayse.

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