A Writing Prompt Challenge: - Mm3 N.A Miller, Usn Ret.
Publish Or Perish - Richard Evans
Trading Souls - Simnitt
Write With Me!!!....Please - Joanne
This Time Of The Year - Richard
Check Out My Song Online - Alex Lawrence
Begning To Final End - Brahamrishi
God My Only Father - Keundrey D. Jackson
Check Out My Song On You-Tube. - Alex Lawrence
Can We Have Sitcoms/Series? - Luis Choc
Changed My Email - Tony Goff
Looking For A Co-Writer - Demarquis Johnson
The Reviews Issue - Richard Koss
"Are We There Yet?" - Richard Koss
Withdrawal Of Retroviral Test - Azubike Victor
Cancel My Story - Ailis Darin
Reviews - Write Words
Twist Ending Stories - Danny
A Plagiarist Among Us - Richard Koss
Christian Loche - Rhonda
Not Yet Finished! - Richard
This Site Is Now A Microcosim - Richard
Mathew Mark Gill - Me
She Needs Help! - Cold Longevity
Suggestions Suggestions - Lost Pieces
Please Read! - Lost Pieces
Read And Work - Lost Pieces
What Would Happen? - Lost Pieces
To Change The Author Name - Prakash
To Change The Author Name - Prakash
Help - Spencer Morin
Precious: Great Filmmaking? - Richard
Why Have My Hits Disappeared? - Xenia Sholl
The Reviews Issue - Charlotte Juliet Weasley
The Greatest Hoax Of All - Richard Koss
I Need Some Reviews Please :) - Xenia Sholl
@Richard - Weasley
C.J. Weasley: I Need Reviews!! - Charlotte Juliet Weasley
Got Your Teacher To Love - Charlotte Juliet Weasley
Read: My Inner Me - Emma Jean Robson
Anecdote Or Essay For Grade 1 - Ananiel
What Happened? - Abracadabra
Check Out My Song Carry On - Alex Lawrence
Alter Ego - C. Simnitt
On The Monopoly On Title Names - James W. Mcright Jr.
On The Monopoly On Title Names - James W. Mcright Jr.
Check Out My New Cd - Alex Lawrence
Title For My Story. - Tonie
Q&A With Writer/Producer Free - Ellen Dimagio
Coming Soon - Emory L Griffin
Songwriters? - Guyp
I Read Some Of.... - Emory L Griffin
How Do You Submit - Emory Griffin
I Can Love - Deborah Jones
Delete - Birdie
Check Out My New Cd - Alex Lawrence
Do Pro. Publishers Come Here? - Lexi
Ignorance Is Bliss - Lester
Check Out My Shop New Shop - Lawrencea45@Yahoo.Com
My Chemical Romance - Semlaylo
I'm Wondering.. - Erika Manurip
Turning My Poem To A Song - Dolot
Lyricist/Song Writer Needed! - Eugene
Please Read My Very Short Rant - Katmandoo
Please Help Me ! - Baxi
Looking For A Co-Writer. - Alena Austin
Exciting News... - Black Rose Writing
Cd For Sale - Alex Lawrence
3-Time Grammy Award Winner!!! - Reagan Rothe
Theme: Love For One's Work - Jaime1079
Black Rose Writ. Needs Poetry! - Black Rose Writing
I Was Taught A Different Tale - Mattie
Need Poems!!! - Reagan Rothe
Website Is Up!!! - Reagan Rothe
Life With Lester - Richard Koss
Love Is - Lamar Cole
True Love - Lamar Cole
Love Will Bind - Lamar Cole
Love Is The Thread - Lamar Cole
Twilight - Lamar Cole
Love Is The Axis - Lamar Cole
Blueprint For Happiness - Lamar Cole
First Love - Lamar Cole
Love Is A Path - Lamar Cole
Lester - A One Trick Pony - Curious
To Lester (And Followers) - Needful
To Needful - Where Did You Go? - Lester
Hey Richard - R. Bennett
This Site Could Use A Forum - Michael Harris
Come See My New Online Mag - David ''Doc'' Byron
New Titles I Need Help! - Cara Spencer
This Is Major! - Cara Spencer
Come And Check It Out! - Cara Spener
How To Change Name Or Cancel - Aimee M Colliar
I Need A Muse! - Briony
Novel Published!!! - Reagan Rothe
To All Storymania Writers - Vince O'neal
Links To Short Story Publisher - Jynter
Im Back! - R. Bennett Okerstrom
Whatever Happened To Km? - Dixie Wells
I Am New To This Site. - Authorette
A Million Tiny Lights - Tessa Joe Williams
Hello, Storymanians - Bernay
Chatting-Made-Easy - Wanderer Bass
Help!!! I Need Some Opininons! - Georgette
To Rocco For Doc Nasty - Doc Nasty
To Dg Williford - Doc
Scott Secrest - Cathy
This Place Is Sweet! - Oddlyfried
Holy Cow!!!!!! - Curious
| |
New Titles |
Hey, where did all of the new titles go? Yes, I have searched and the three I am looking for are not found using the search function, but they are still listed on the site by using the direct link. |
Jd |
November 24, 2007 |
"s/m does this on occasion, usually in a day or so all the old stuff re-appears but to be safe probably a good idea to back up or copy anything you really want." -- friendly helper. (2007-11-25)
"Wrong you are friendly helper. They have been pulling this often and authors and titles have disappeared for a lot longer than a day or two. More like days and weeks at a time. You are right about backing things up though, because who knows if or when it will reappear this time. Way to go Storymania! Real class operation you have going here!" -- helper. (2007-11-25)
"i guess helper told me. if i were in a mood to argue i would since helper is full of it but i'm not so what ever was said is correct in their mind. in any event hang in there, the titles will probably be up soon - or not." -- friendly helper, didn't say accurate. (2007-11-25)
"Gee friendly, that doesn't sound so friendly. Why so sensitive? You are the one that is full of it. You know that I am correct but since I'm not in a mood to argue, you go on thinking what you want. I was just being honest. Sorry you can't handle it. " -- helper. (2007-11-25)
"there u go jd, all the stuff is back. enjoy the place, it's free and mostly pretty well run though some ppl just can't accept it for what it is. have a great time." -- friendly helper. (2007-11-26)
"I've had titles disappear for months and then all of the sudden they are back. It kinda pisses me off." -- R. Bennett Okerstrom. (2007-11-26)
"I might add that when my titles disappear, all of the reviews go with them. No big deal. I have already read most of them anyway. Helper/Friendly if people aren't backing up their work onto word or a cd they are foolish and should take your advice immediately. Have a great holiday season." -- R. Bennett Okerstrom. (2007-11-26)
"Yep. Had a new title that I posted yesterday vanish into thin air today. Hopefully it will re-appear on its own so I don't have to re-post it and then have two of them when it suddenly comes back." -- R. Bennett. (2008-1-4)
"Re-submitted it. Let's see what happens next." -- R. Bennett. (2008-1-4)
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