The Girl No One Knew (2)
Nicole M Laster


"My hat! My hat! Where is it?" misty cried in desperation, looking around her.
"Here miss!" Dobby said jumping forward and handing her the hat. Misty sighed in relief and put her hat on, twisting it back so that the front flap was facing down.
"Thanks Dobby." misty said smiling at him.
"Miss is welcome." Dobby said, bowing.

Meeting Three, and Hitting one

"What happened?" misty said standing up with Dumbledores help.
"Dobby was just telling me. Dobby?" Dumbledore asked as they started walking again.
"Well, miss and me were going to Gryfindor tower like master Dumbledore say, when�s I says that Mister Potter survived the dark lord! Then miss stops walking and falling on floor!" Dobby said in his squeaky voice, wringing his hands.
"Yeah, I remember. The bastard wants to find out about your army sir. He said that once you�re gone and harry potter was gone, he would be the power hungriest man in the world." misty said. "Excuse my sarcasm, but that�s what I remember." she added hastily.
"We will talk more later, but now, we are at the Gryfindor common room. I believe the password is Buckle Burry bird?" Dumbledore said to the portrait.
"Hello master Dumbledore, and yes it is! It would be A shame to deny pass to the head of Hogwarts." the lady in the portrait laughed and the portrait swung forward, showing them a hole in the stone wall.
"Well, this is where we say good bye!" Dumbledore said, bowing slightly.
"Yes, goodbye Dobby, Head Master!" Misty called as they walked back down the hall, arguing over some kind of Bertie Botts every flavor bean. Then she stepped into the common room that had gone quite, hearing Dumbledore at the entrance. Taking her first look around the room, Misty knew she would like it there. The room was dressed in bright red and gold colors, the Gryfindor emblem, a lion, was on a drape over the fireplace. Comfortable squishy looking armchairs were scattered over the large circular room and nice plush golden and red carpets with opposite colors gleaming �Gryfindor� on them were also scattered every where.
Noticing everyone staring at her, she was aware her hat was turned back ward, and moved it forward again, hiding her cat eyes in its shadow.
�Did anyone see my eyes? Was it that obvious?� She thought desperately, and saw a dark corner, one of the abandoned window seats by a staircase. She quickly made her way to it, and sat down, looking out at the gloomy night.
�At least im not the only one� she thought looking out at the darkness. After of about two minutes, the noise level increased again, and Misty finally breathed a bit easy. Thirty more minutes passed with out a thing changing, until Misty heard someone walking toward her. She turned and saw a girl with bushy hair and a bit of freckles on her face stop in her tracks. She was medium height, and had a shiny badge on her chest that said �Prefect�. After scanning the girl over, which took half a minute, she went back to looking out the window. Then she heard the girl walking toward her again, and heard her sit on the window seat with her, facing her.
"Hi, im Hermione Granger, welcome to Hogwarts. What�s your name?" she asked.
"You�re Hermione Granger?" Misty said turning to look at her.
"Um, yeah. You heard of me?" Hermione asked uneasily.
"Yeah, a little house elf told Me." misty said grinning.
"Oh! So they got the cloths?" Hermione asked excitedly.
"Well, he got the cloths. And he really appreciates it. But, he likes the socks best. I kinda fancy the hats though.� Misty said smiling at Hermiones awe stricken face. "You�re very good at making cloths."
"Uh, thanks?" Hermione said uncertainty.
"Im Misty. Misty Balta." Misty said sticking out a hand. "Nice to meet you Hermione."
"Same to you misty.� Said Hermione shaking her hand. �You aren�t from London are you?" she asked, sitting Indian style on the window seat, facing her.
"Unfortunately, no. If I knew there was such a place as Hogwarts, I would have came here sooner." misty said truthfully.
"Yeah, it really is a great place isn�t it?" Hermione said smiling as she looked out over everyone.
"What�s that badge you have?" Misty asked, motioning to the badge on her chest.
"Oh this?" asked Hermione beaming proudly. "Im prefect! Its something you earn for working hard!" Hermione informed her.
"Wow, you must be a hard worker. Look how shiny it is!" Misty giggled. "Anyway, who is Harry Potter?" she asked.
"You don�t know who harry potter is?� Hermione asked. �You do not know any of his history?" she said in disbelief, and Misty shook her head.
"No, I do not know him personally. I just heard that he goes to this school, and is in this house. So I was just wandering. In America, he's a legend. Actually, he's both. He showed up in the daily prophet more then once, but you know." she explained.
Hermione nodded. "You should meet him, and Ron since they are best friends.� She said matter of factly.
�All right then, how about now? I have nothing else to do.� Misty replied stretching.
�Okay, look, on the comfiest couches in the tower, infront of the fire. The one with the red hair and freckles is Ron, the boy next to him is Harry.� Hermione explained, and Misty glimpsed a chance at Harry�s scar as he scratched his forehead.
�Oh wow! That really is him! That�s Harry Potter!� Misty whispered in disbelief. �Come on! I want to go meet him!� she said standing up.
�Okay, but don�t stare at his scar, -� Hermione started, but Misty cut her off.
�I wasn�t intending to, I wanna look at his eyes, are they green or blue?� Misty asked, but with out waiting for an answer, she was sitting infront of Harry and Ron in an instant.
�Hi, call me Misty. Who are you?� she asked intently and Ron�s eyebrow�s rose.
�You don�t know who this is?� he asked incredibly.
�Well, I have a hint, or clue. Glasses give it away a bit.� Misty said rolling her eyes at the boy�s stupidity. �Anyway! Are you Harry Potter?� Misty asked again as Hermione sat next to her.
�Well, yeah.� He said, and Misty grinned.
�I knew it!� she said excitedly. �What color are your eyes?� she asked hastily.
�Um, green.� Harry answered uneasily
�Oh! I knew it! Cal is so going to pay if I ever get back to America!� she muttered, but Hermione heard her.
�If you ever get back to America? How come you said that? I mean, you do live there right? Why not go back?� she quizzed.
�Well, because, um, I�I just cant go back there.� Misty whispered.
�Why not?� asked Ron.
�Well, because�well you know Voldemort, he has death eaters over there. They already have new forces�like more death eaters now. They took over my school, so I was forced to come here. Not that I mind much anymore.� She tried to explain.
�What about your parents?� asked Hermione. �I mean, they are in London with you, aren�t they?�
�Well, no. They worked for the ministry of magic in America, and where sent as spies to find out what their plan was. I waited late every night for them to come home, and tell me everything was all right, and we were going to move somewhere quieter, but they never came back. One day I got a letter from the ministry, saying that�that they found my parents.� Misty gulped as they leaned in to hear her sad story. �They were dead.� She said, and Hermione gasped.
�Misty, im so sorry!� Hermione whispered, putting her hands over her mouth.
�They found my parents in a muggle hospital. Apparently, a muggle found the bodies and called them to come pick my parents up. Then�.�Misty paused, wandering whether or not to tell them the whole truth.� then, one day I got up and ran away. I was going to go to Alaska, or Hawaii, but I got on the wrong, airplane. I landed here in London. I wandered for a while, until I found the Leaky Cauldron where Tom took me in out of pity. I was able to work for him for a few days until my letter came. I missed the train, and got on the night bus, thus ending my journey to HogWarts.� She sighed heavily and shook her head, a slight smile forming on her lips. � So, anything happen to you guys lately?� she finished.
�Well, not anything you want to hear really. Unless its something other than me meeting Voldemort again last year.� Harry said shaking his head sullenly remembering the last few moments when he saw his godfather fall into the black veil. He let his head fall on his chest and didn�t look up for some time.
�You did?� Misty frowned. �To bad I wasn�t with you, I would have killed the scum bag with my own hands.� Misty cursed. Suddenly, her back arched, and her right fore arm, where her jacket sleeve was crimped as if an invisible hand was squeezing her.
�Misty, you all right?� asked Ron. �What�s wrong with your arm?�
�The�the same thing that�s wrong�with Harry�s scar.� Misty gasped, out, trying desperately to not scream in agony, While nodding at harry, who was clutching his scar in pain.
�He�s happy.� Harry croaked out.
�No, he�s mad�Happy for some other reason�He�s mad at me�� Misty gasped, falling off the couch as the pain started getting unbearable. She ripped off her jacket, grunting in pain as the leather peeled off her shirt. The people in the common room were dismissing this odd thing that was happening with a wave of their hand. No one suspected a thing. They didn�t know what was happening under their noses. Hermione and Ron watched in horror as Harry�s scar started to bleed, and Misty�s arm started to sizzle.
�We�need�. To go! Now!� Misty grunted out, standing up with an effort, and walking out of the common room with as much elegance as possible. Ron and Hermione hesitated a mere second before pulling harry to his feet and half dragging him out of the tower. As soon as they stepped foot out of the tower, Misty grabbed them and closed the portrait gingerly. The pain in Harry�s scar was subsiding, but the pain in Misty�s arm stayed longer.
�Follow�me!� she gasped and started walking away. They looked at each other a second and followed her quickly. She led them into a classroom and shut the door, moving a table infront of it with a swift movement.
�What do you mean, he�s mad at you and happy for a deferent reason?� asked harry.
�Its obvious Harry. She has something to do with him.� Hermione quoted, eyeing Misty in anger. �What�s going on? Is he calling his death eaters? Is he burning the skull in your arm?� Hermione spat acidly.
�How the hell should I know that Hermione? I�m not a death eater! I�m a slave!� Misty snapped at her briskly, taking off her over shirt, wincing while she peeled it off her skin. Harry and Ron turned away. �What are you two doing? I�m talking to you two too, not just Hermione. You can�t join this discussion talking to the wall! Turn around!� Misty barked, and they did. She was wearing a tank top under her out shirt, and was clutching her arm, a painful expression on her face.
�Well�well if you aren�t a death eater, what�s on your arm?� Hermione spat.
Misty reluctantly moved her hand to show them all
A star shaped scar;

It was as big as four of Misty�s pinkie fingers were.

Full Moon Horrors

�He did that to me. To keep me under his command. The weird thing is, when he cut me, he put a bit of his blood in me, then a bit of his snakes blood in me, and then a bit of potion. Don�t ask me why, I don�t know. But every time he wants me to do something, or punish me, he squeezes his fist, and a torturous pain spreads through my upper arm. Its kind of like Harry�s scar there, but the pain lasts longer. And it hurts more.� As misty talked, the pain in her arm was going away slowly.
�But you said he was mad at you, and happy for something else, so you can feel what he is feeling?� harry asked.
�Worse. I can see where he is, what he�s doing, and what he�s so happy about. That rat worm tail was there. I think he told �his major pain in the arse� something that pleased him. But it goes farther. He knows what I�m feeling. That�s why he was punishing me. I was pissed. I can�t let my emotions over flow, or he�ll sense it.� Misty growled.
�All right, so what about your hat? Why do you always where that? Why don�t you ever look anyone in the eye?� Hermione pointed out.
�That, is a deferent matter that has nothing to do with Voldemort. It�s a more personal thing. Unless, you really want to know.� Misty fell silent, and heard that they were waiting with baited breath. �Fine then, but tell anyone, and I will get you in a corridor by your self. Believe me.� Misty snarled, before slowly taking off her hat. Hermione gasped and nearly fainted, but Ron caught her, and Harry stared, mouth open a bit, but Ron was ecstatic.
�Your half demon! That is totally cool! My dad told me all about half demons!� Ron said, putting Hermione on her feet and starring at Misty�s ears.
�Your father told you every thing about half demons did he? Did he tell you about how we transform into a full demon once a full moon? How we can kill with out a care? How we can�t help but eat a little child, how they hate themselves? You think its cool do you? You try resist pouncing on someone unsuspecting when you didn�t eat any dinner earlier. I think its hell.� Misty cursed at him, sitting on a nearby desk. �Damn it! This gets on my nerves! You two should not be here! Your lives are in as much danger as harry is already in! I�m already a walking dead demon. I should just put a memory charm on you two, knock you out, and put you over to that poltergeist Peeves.� Misty snapped.
�Is it really that horrible?� Hermione whispered amazed.
�Hell yes! One day, im perfectly fine, dreading the night to come, next morning I find my self over a dead little boy, covered in blood, a full account of what happened last night. When I think back to that night, I cry, wondering why I couldn�t just go eat a dog! But no, this little boy had to wander up, and there wasn�t any thing I could do! Do you know how that feels?� Misty screamed at them, her cat eyes glaring angrily.
�Yes, I know how it feels. Two years ago, I met Voldemort in a grave yard. We were having a contest and me and Cedric showed up at the cup at the same time. I said �let�s take it at the same time!� I was such an idiot! I should have just gotten it! The cup was a port key, and it took us to Voldemort! Even in the graveyard, I could have done something to move Cedric out of the way of the killing curse, but did I? No! I watched him die. Yes, I think I know how that feels.� Harry said bitterly, and they all stared at him.
�Sorry, I just felt angry with myself.� Misty apologized, lowering her gaze.
�Its okay, I know how it feels to get angry at your self.� Harry sighed, sinking to a thinking position on the floor, legs crossed. �I�m still angry I put every one in danger last year by taking them into the department of mysteries. Where I lost my grandfather.� Harry muttered. They stood in silence for a few minutes, until Misty spoke.
�It�s a full moon Saturday. Dumbledore already knows. He�s letting me into the forbidden Forrest since I know how to control myself and defend my self, and since there is plenty of animals other then humans to eat. We better go back to the common room. It�s almost 10.� Misty said, and then picked up the oak desk with one hand and put it where she got it.
�I think you left out the part that you have better hearing, seeing, smelling and a more powerful body then a person.� Ron said, answering Hermione and Harry�s question for them.
�Good job Ron. Your smarter then you let on to be.� Misty said, winking at him as Hermione and Harry snickered at him.
�Thanks�. HEY!� Ron said as she walked out of the room.
The next morning, Hermione woke Misty up at around seven so that she could help her with her warb drobe.
�Okay, look, this is what you have to wear.� Hermione said, throwing extra robes on Misty�s bed as Misty sat up, yawning.
Misty picked up the tie and frowned. �I have to wear a tie?�
�Well�yeah.� Hermione said a bit confused.
�In America, girls don�t wear ties. Boys wear ties.� Misty informed her, throwing the tie back at Hermione.
�Well, this is London, not America, plus you are in HogWarts. Wear the tie.� Hermione said, tossing it back.
�Fine! Fine, I will wear the stinking tie!� Misty said. Thirty minutes later, Misty, and Hermione made their way down the stares, misty complaining about the long skirt and buckle shoes.
�Hey! Im starving! Can you two bicker about cloths while I eat?� Ron said impatiently.
�Food!� Misty said suddenly, remembering how hungry she was. �I didn�t eat anything last night!�
�Why not?� asked harry as they walked out of the tower.



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Copyright © 2000 Nicole M Laster
Published on the World Wide Web by ""