Acute, A Collection
Christopher Jablonski



An exercise of fierce dedication; a man's lifelong journey to solve the myth
of the angle of 45.

With a clear plastic protractor in its own special case he sets out to make
his daily measurements.
"I will find the walker" he mumbles to himself as he turns toward a very
busy intersection with a bustling crowd in ties and dresses. He eventually
does not find the the measurement he was waiting for.

"A person who walks and scrapes his heel on the asphalt consistently; with
feet that generally point to the sides as well, usually makes a great
measurement," he would claim.

There have been a number of close calls, with thousands of measurements
taken between 35 & 38 Degrees. Even a 44 degree angle recorded in late July
of 1974 in Caledonia.  Wooden flip flops, on a woman who took 7 steps with
here right foot for every 8 steps with her left.

the achievement was great.  Parades were organized, articles were written. 
It was in the latent quarter of 2003 that it finally happened.

The meeting point of the two surfaces of inclination were discovered in
aisle 14 of a Jewel food store, the one with pet foods and supplies.  The
protractor confirmed: they met at exactly 45 degrees.



The Kenyan Embassy Will Apply The Lotion For You!!!

Without the media telling us
Plus two three minuses

wrapped in a bamboo mat

would be nothing more than a
nori without a nojiri

Without the sticky cotton candy from

the moist lips of a Kenyan waif
twins are capable of cooking

pink Cornish lotion from walrus stink

see backwards worry palm
but without it
trouble is in the main pipe
for you to shake
your sugar on
non-corrugated cardboard

circles and mixing image haunted and amused

but without these to make a lotion

you or
who would have the right
to be
kenyan cortex freestyler?



Copyright � 1999 Christopher Jablonski
Published on the World Wide Web by ""