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Usui Reiki - A Spiritual Energy In Motion by Reverend Dr Lance Provides information about a Spiritual energy that comes from God thus, considered sacred and theonomous. Reiki was rediscovered in the late 1800's by a Japanese Christian Scholar, Dr. Mikao Usui. Rei... [673 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 4234, REVS. 0)
Reiki Questions And Answers by Reverend Dr Lance Reiki Questions and Answers provides information about a Spiritual energy that comes from God thus considered sacred and theonomous. [1,961 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 728, REVS. 0)
The Progressive Movement : Final Opportunity For A Change In The Status Quo by Joseph Albrecht To Glenn Beck, his audience, and everyone out there who unfortunately is mislead about what a Progressive really is [1,029 words] (HITS 1672, REVS. 0)
Nutrition Nation: A Guide For Moving Forward by Joseph Albrecht Current information about our nation's nutrition dilemma and proposed solutions. [698 words] [Health] (HITS 1128, REVS. 0)
Why To Say No To G.M.O. by Joseph Albrecht Helpful information about genetic engineering of our foods.Feel free to leave a comment of wht you think. It's encouraged. [1,198 words] [Health] (HITS 1637, REVS. 0)
Alternative And Holistic Health Information by Joseph Albrecht This is information which I've recieved from various quality scientific studies. My sources for the information are listed as well. Hope you find it to be of good use. [428 words] [Health] (HITS 1416, REVS. 0)
Nike And The Like: The American Birth Of Globalization by Joseph Albrecht An ivestigation of the detrimental process of globalization. The consequences are often overlooked by un informed or careless consumers. [1,818 words] [Motivational] (HITS 437, REVS. 0)
New Progressive News On Failing Economy by Joseph Albrecht After hearing and learning about our current crises,I sometimes find myself hopeless that the information isn't more mainstream. I was glad to see this piece by economist Joseph Stiglitz who won the N... [1,116 words] (HITS 1469, REVS. 0)
'question Of The Week' by Spencer A Morin Answer this question for a story about what you want if you win. I will comment the winner the next week and they will get a personlized story. [45 words] (HITS 1560, REVS. 0)
The First Man Reincarnated Alerts The Public by Lloyd George Been Been THE FIRST MAN REINCARNATED ALERTS SOCIETY OF HISTORY FACTS AND HIS LIFE STORY [2,169 words] [History] (HITS 546, REVS. 0)
Money : All The Wrong Reasons by Joseph Albrecht How the U.S. seems to be ripping apart at the seams. [680 words] (HITS 1533, REVS. 0)
The Physical And Psycological Benefits Of Exercise by Joseph Albrecht Information from Joe Henderson (Consulting Editor of "Runner's World") as well as from www.garynull.com http://garynull.com/GNthisArticle.php?article=30 Thank You. [384 words] [Self-Help] (HITS 1558, REVS. 0)
Michael Jackson: The Legacy! by Dream Rinsed Let's see if all of that controversy bullshit can out rank the following list. (p.s.,LOVE YA MIKE!!!) [143 words] (HITS 1945, REVS. 0)
Proper Termination And Mobile Termination For All A-Z From 7aaa Corp. by Viktor Shark Wholesale VoIP carrier proper termination and mobile termination for all A-Z destinations [54 words] [Business] (HITS 1583, REVS. 0)
Taking Them Down by Todd Fry I will be taking down all that I have posted last year on storymania.by the end of this year You can find me atGOYUWIE/Oddlyfried. or at [email protected] also posted Lyrics Sharemylyrics.co... [64 words] [Publishing] (HITS 1759, REVS. 0)
Confederacy by Emilee Brown The governmental structure of the Confederacy is very important to our nation today. One of the main ideas is the fact that when most people think of the Confederacy they often tend to link that to th... [2,505 words] (HITS 686, REVS. 0)
Battle Of Gettysburg by Brett Goldberg Battle of Gettysburg occured during July 1-3 1863. This battle changed American Society [7,927 words] [History] (HITS 1252, REVS. 0)
Making Money From Nothing by Matthew Mark Your Rich No seminar here just cold hard facts.. [362 words] (HITS 1961, REVS. 0)
How To Be A Good Person by Matthew Mark Gill With God Changing your life today! [166 words] (HITS 1897, REVS. 0)
Becoming Famous! by Matthew Mark Gill Money Making dreams a Reality. [348 words] [Art] (HITS 2405, REVS. 1)
Quotes by Mark Bowen These are quotations to inspire you. [2,185 words] [Motivational] (HITS 933, REVS. 0)
Computer �Hackers� �Nerds' by Josh Anderson Ever wondered what shaped and does shape the computer hacker / nerd / programmer? Well I have taken my time to try to explain what it is that makes us who we are, this may just be in the case of mysel... [1,605 words] (HITS 648, REVS. 0)
Novel To Screenplay: The Challenges Of Adaptation by Lynne Pembroke Some basic steps when adapting a novel to the screenplay form. In this article, we'll take a look at this challenge and a few others that a writer may encounter when adapting a novel to screenplay fo... [970 words] [Writing Resource] (HITS 2732, REVS. 0)
Contest Advice For Screenplay Writers by Lynne Pembroke Help to the writer by a judge of several major TV script and screenplay contests. Advice and tips on preparing a script before entering a contest. [983 words] [Writing Resource] (HITS 5949, REVS. 0)
Doc's Recomendations by David B Doc Byron - [342 words] [Fan Fiction] (HITS 3634, REVS. 4)
Medical Mishaps: A Fact Of Life by James Cartwright Another essay written for my contemporary issues class. Not particularly well written, but presenting some very important facts. [494 words] (HITS 2820, REVS. 2)
Twilight Of Summer by Charles Cotterman A reflection on my first days of college, my hopes for the coming year, and advice for all new students. [1,169 words] (HITS 2973, REVS. 5)
Rise! P.O.D.�S Satellite Blasts Off by G Sandberg A review of the band's latest album. [544 words] (HITS 2611, REVS. 0)
Food For Thought: Writing For Readers by Martine Hayes I think the site [Storymania] is absolutely brilliant, it gives people the confidence to show people their abilities, and offers the chance of review, which is hard to come by. I would like to offer s... [588 words] [Writing Resource] (HITS 2764, REVS. 0)

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