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Short Stories

Lost In Space...Beagle 2 by Harvey Kennett The true story of Beagle 2 ? Apologies to Yanks in general... [1,105 words]
The Happy Housewife by April Griffin A short but powerfull tale of a battered woman. [980 words]
Mind's Shadow by J Shartzer A teenager is engrossed in the search for the reason of his girlfriend's sudden suicide. [8,115 words]
Melancholy Polly by J Shartzer A young woman with a bizzare history is deeply affected by her mother's death. [1,579 words]
Your Little God Is Pooh And Creepy Too by Xoggoth Only the innocent find salvation. In the run up to the revelation the ki... [1,442 words]
The Three Rotten Sisters by Christopher W Sorenson A funny short story about three snoody women who marry three fine gentlemen. In the e... [789 words]
The Markings Of An Angle by Narinder Bhambra A short story. [1,398 words]
The Fly And... by Xoggoth That Geoff Goldblum had it easy! One fly?? I should have been so lucky! [483 words]
The Difference-1 by Sukesh Srivastava An emotional story of sacrifices made for each other in the family. [4,595 words]
The Diary Of Mystery by Hazli Ghazali Collection of Hazli's short stories under the topic of mystery, a lot to think and discove... [3,982 words]
The Come Back by Bryan Meckley About a successful overdose. [2,157 words]
Ripple Effect by E Rocco Caldwell A scientist has discovered time travel or maybe his own descent into insanity. [838 words]
Providing For Sarah by Xoggoth A desolate man finds comfort in an imaginary (?) companion. But who will care for her when ... [883 words]
Pakistani Feast by Jerry Pat Bolton A man, alone in the jungles of Pakistani, become surrounded by a pride of tigers. [1,681 words]
Night Ride by P J Lawton A tired young man accepts a ride from a mysterious stranger. [1,463 words]
My Eternal Triangle by Erasmus Flynt - [710 words]
Monica's Pie by Paul B Kramer Reklon Harponip, a Turkish lad on his own in America, identifies with Monica Lewinsky's plight as ... [3,062 words]
Man Skin by Harvey Kennett When you sleep, what happens to your dreams ? [776 words]
Hell Is A Personal Place by Erasmus Flynt Each of us has a personal idea of Hell! [1,043 words]
Goodnight Sweet Kevin by Harvey Kennett It concerns me that we, as a species, follow trends and "buzzwords", and anyone who dares... [603 words]
God's Trainees by Xoggoth Him upstairs is thinking of retiring, all he needs to do is train up some suitable replacements.... [1,570 words]
Fury Of Steele by Robert E Tadlock The drug lords of Hong Kong are trying to take over L.A. But Hong Kong itself will feel the fury... [2,686 words]
Free Road by Deon Coetzee The possibility that life may be ended with a happy parting of one's shadow, ie. suicide, that is not... [194 words]
Food For Thought by P J Lawton Ever wonder where the food of the future will come from? [973 words]
Do You Remember Now? by E Daugherty - [703 words]
Did You Hear The One About The Three Icelandic Bishops by Gypsey Teague When you invite a guest into your home, be prepared for ... [493 words]
Death Walk by P J Lawton A space ship crashes on a lonely planet leaving the crew a long walk to safety. [1,147 words]
Changing To Go Out by Xoggoth In the aftermath of the genetic bomb, a simple night at the pictures with the missus is no e... [444 words]
Business Card by E Rocco Caldwell Madness can be in a simple telephone call. [723 words]
Back To The Garden by Xoggoth Depressing the extent to which everything is being dumbed down these days. Poor state educat... [527 words]
A Conversation With God by Kevin Myrick Basically, its a short story with sort of a twisted view on the whole walking with god ... [1,230 words]
The Music I Held by E Daugherty - [802 words]
Licorice Tea by Shelley J Alongi This is a story I havent' worked into my novel yet; it's how Rachel makes a decision to fall in lo... [3,590 words]
Victim by Gypsey Teague By the full of the moon, and the cloak of the night. There are some things that are better Kept in the l... [1,372 words]
Twisted Figures by Rae Just wrote it down as it came to mind.. no sense or anything :) [294 words]
Things To Do Before I Die by Gypsey Teague Everyone makes lists. Some mean more than others. [1,045 words]
The Waitress Fom Hell by Richard Koss The story of a patron's ongoing feud with an over-the-hill waitress. [750 words]
The Soldier by Solo A darkly lyrical tale of an old soldier seperated from his men behind enemy lines who takes on a mi... [8,019 words]
The Siege Of Tar Ebon by Dayne Edmondson This is a story of human kind's greatest hour of need. [2,501 words]
The Man I Call My Dad by Justin M Chapman A story about my dad that I wrote for a class. It tells about him. [979 words]
The Gatekeeper Of The Heaven by Partha Pratim Majumder Theme : Hypothetically, the concept of God,heaven etc. are all created by and pr... [2,419 words]
The Divine Inside Of Thoughts by Elroy Jamoke Lloyd Auto-bio piece... [4,442 words]
The Clearing by E Rocco Caldwell A simple ghost story that happens to be true. [783 words]
Spirits Revolt by Jack Roland Butter When Donna moves to her new Californian house she can't believe her luck. Soon she discovers tha... [1,079 words]
Simon Says: The Case Of The Singing Lady Blues by P J Lawton A hard-boiled private detective makes a fatal mistake. He can't ... [3,757 words]
Simon Says: Case Of Vengeance By The Letter by P J Lawton A hard-boiled private detective's past comes back to haunt him. [3,972 words]
Simon Says: Case Of The Deadly Diamond Dupe by P J Lawton A hard-boiled private detective reluctantly gets involved in a terr... [3,813 words]
Shadow Cat by John Caruso On a cold winter day a feral kitten wandered out of the wooded paradise surrounding our home in west... [22,470 words]
Roundabout Love by Kevin Myrick The story of two people who shouldn't be able to fall in love, but came together. [1,187 words]
Pyscho Librarian by Sarah Beresh About a librarian who was a Physco killer and told all her lil library kids about her past the... [1,849 words]
Not Much Like Christmas by Stephanie A Erickson A short story based on the song "Christmas By The Phone" by Good Charlotte. Also based ... [2,616 words]
Neighbors by Shelley J Alongi Aviation story. This story takes place before Andrew meets Anne in his spactacular early morning lan... [1,523 words]
Mom's Color Code by Partha Pratim Majumder Relationship between mother and son. The very intricate relationship that needs no description... [1,287 words]
Managing by Shelley J Alongi Twenty years after marriage, and despite life, Anne and Andrew still manage to hold everything togethe... [2,329 words]
Last Day by Shelley J Alongi Aviation Story 18. Anne and Andrew, a sinus headache, troublesome passengers, a frantic boss, and the ... [2,335 words]
Landing Part Two by Shelley J Alongi Aviation story. Relationship conflict. Melanie talks to Laura about Jeff. [1,765 words]
Landing Part Three by Shelley J Alongi Origins of the accident. Pleasant flight. [1,176 words]
Landing Part One by Shelley J Alongi Anaviation story. A pilot is caught between a rock and a hard place, literally, leading to a ... [1,637 words]
Landing Part Four by Shelley J Alongi Melanie is afraid. [1,480 words]
Landing Part Five by Shelley J Alongi Jeff's dream. [1,033 words]
Jolly John's Last Laugh by Partha Pratim Majumder In 1963 , A young Englishman bought an old Bunglow at the foothills of Himalayas near ... [2,437 words]
Is It Real Or Is It Memorex? by D G Williford You tell me... [82 words]
Billy And Jason by Ashley A Selsing Jason meets a new kid, Billy, who steals his things. At first they are enemies, but they then ... [1,382 words]
Back Page News by E Rocco Caldwell The thoughts of a dying US soldier on the road to baghdad. [805 words]
Attack Of The Sans
An Encounter With Evil by P J Lawton A young man's search for the bizarre gets him a little more than he bargined for. [1,761 words]
A Season For Figs by Geraldine Winters A short story. [3,255 words]
A Hike by Jennifer Winter A short story. [875 words]
A Friend by Peter Izdebski I was like clay, so soft and yellow. I listened and followed because I didn't know that I could talk ... [917 words]

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Attack Of The Sans
A Space Warrior named Fland travels to a planet called Narburg and battles intelligent Slug creatures.
[3,022 words]
Science Fiction
Randy Johnson
[November 2022]
A 2nd Poem About Anthony Ainley (Poetry) DEDICATED TO ANTHONY AINLEY WHO DIED MAY 3, 2004. [88 words]
Bush (Poetry) - [130 words]
Christmas Isn't About The Gifts (Poetry) - [62 words]
Cruel Twist Of Fate (Poetry) - [107 words] [Drama]
Farewell Mr.Ainley (Poetry) Dedicated to Anthony Ainley who died May 3, 2004. [144 words]
Goodbye Ronald Reagan (Poetry) Dedicated to President Reagan. [91 words]
He Shot His Daughter (Poetry) THIS IS A TRUE STORY. [68 words] [Drama]
I Voted Against Phil Bredesen (Non-Fiction) - [97 words]
In Memory Of Burley Johnson (Poetry) This poem was published in Quill Books and the International library of Poetry. I've made a slight change. Originally the poem said that my Grandpa was refined. I've changed the word refined to divine... [132 words]
Insulted (Poetry) - [79 words]
Joe Biden And Other Democrats (Non-Fiction) Joe Biden and other democrats are using scare tactics. [153 words]
John Brown's Drug Use (Non-Fiction) Dedicated to John W. Brown (1970-2019) [161 words]
Loveless Marriage (Poetry) - [299 words] [Humor]
Manborg Menace (Short Stories) An intelligent alien and his girlfriend travel to thirty-first century Earth and help the humans battle evil cyborgs. [2,786 words] [Science Fiction]
My Grandpa (Poetry) Dedicated to my late Grandpa. May 1, 1910 - February 7, 1998. [108 words]
Norman (Poetry) This poem is about Norman Greene. He died of lung cancer on June 12, 2001. [44 words]
Pertwee Perished (Essays) Dedicated to Jon Pertwee (1919-1996) [119 words] [Biography]
Poochie (Poetry) This poem is about my dog. He died July 14, 1994. [105 words] [Animal]
Rest In Peace, Mom (Poetry) Dedicated to Agnes Johnson who passed away March 6, 2013. (1948-2013) [186 words]
Stacy (Poetry) Dedicated to the late Stacy Brooks. [109 words]
Sylvester (Poetry) This poem is about my cat. He's two years old. [57 words] [Animal]
The American Way (Poetry) - [109 words]
The Majority Of The Mentally Ill Are Harmless (Non-Fiction) - [216 words]
Twister (Poetry) This is a fictional poem about a man and a tornado. [63 words]
You Don't Care Who You Hurt (Poetry) - [76 words]

"This put me in mind of the movie Alien MinD with Randy Quiad. I have to be honest, this story didn't hold my interests. I think SCI-FI needs to be original and edgy! I thought this wasn't either. I did like a few of your character but the plot line was so predictable and really didn't simulate my creativity at all. Sorry, I normally try be be polite but I thought you would like a honest opinion" -- e. rocco caldwell.
"In response to e.rocco caldwell. Yes you are impolite. I worked hard on this story and I don't need you trashing it. If you think you can do better, write the story yourself!!" -- Randy Johnson, Bean Station, Tn, USA.
"I'm sorry you feel that way. I take a bad review just as well as a good one. As a writer I'm trying to get better not think I'm already there! I tried to be helpful and just didn't come and say. I thought your story reeked! I gave you the reasons I didn't like the story and what I liked about the story. If you can't take criticism (Not trashing) perhaps you shouldn't post to a site that has people giving reviews to your work... Just let you friends and family read you stuff so they can stroke you ego! I never once said I can write your story better than you...I can't...it's your story...it's what God give you. Only you can write this story. So stop crying in your coffee and write the story! " -- e. rocco caldwell.


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© 2004 Randy Johnson
January 2004

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