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Short Stories

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Kissed By The Wind by Shelley J Alongi Aviation Series story 2. Andrew, involved in his piloting work, and Anne, living her life as... [2,664 words]
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The Journey Home by Samuel Lamar Williams A short story. [799 words]
The Apartment
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Promise by Lawrence Peters For Monica. [355 words]
Murder By The Numbers by Norman A Rubin - [2,227 words]
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... Die By The Sword by Rowan Davies Victor loves TV... His obsession with a certain cop show gets him in more trouble than he ... [2,335 words]
A Usual Evening Walk by Simi Purkar It's a mystery story about a middle aged indian man.I can't write more because that will r... [569 words]
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Blind Man's Bluff by Pauline A White She had always been kind to those less fortunate. [2,085 words]
2nd Chapter Amsterdam by Roberto J Moreno - [3,000 words]
1st Part Intro by Roberto J Moreno This is the first chapter of a 5-6 chapter story. Enjoy and please give feedback. [1,109 words]

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The Apartment
[535 words]
Kirsten McManus
Open-minded, friendly, kind, everybody's best friend... That's what I strive to be.
[November 2001]
11.30.01 (Poetry) I've met a guy... [42 words]
12.5.02 (Poetry) - [57 words]
4.4.02 (Poetry) Poem sketches. Words I had to use: moonlight, geese, gold, strings. [35 words]
6.24.01 (Poetry) Written at camp. [93 words]
8.14.02 (Poetry) - [111 words]
8.99 (Poetry) Written by a scared kid. [92 words]
A Rap By This White Girl (Poetry) The title says it all. [73 words]
A Song For You (Songs) I wrote this after hearing my cousin's song about his ex-girlfriend. [151 words]
Creative Block (Poetry) Eighth grade year. [83 words]
Divination (Poetry) Part of an english assignment. [44 words]
High (Poetry) - [52 words]
I Want To Know (Poetry) Fill me in. [100 words]
Love And Volleyball (Poetry) Cinquain style. English assignment. [22 words]
Me (Poetry) I'm growing up. [113 words]
My Hero (Poetry) About the guy again. [42 words]
Ode To Spanish III (Poetry) Odes. Another english assignment. [90 words]
Online Convo 1 (Poetry) You actually wrote this, not me.... [167 words]
Roses And Cookies (Songs) - [263 words]
September 11, 2001 (Poetry) Written after seeing a picture of a young boy with beautiful blue eyes crying. [101 words]
Seventh Hour (Poetry) - [52 words]
Seventh Hour (Part 2) (Poetry) - [51 words]
Seventh Hour (Part 3) (Poetry) - [130 words]
Something (Poetry) - [39 words]
Sporatic (Poetry) Love. Aaaahhh, it's so crazy. [36 words]
Starlit (Poetry) It's in code. [141 words]
Summer (Poetry) - [372 words]
The Random (Poetry) It seems to depict my feelings of the game very well. [331 words]
Thoughts (Poetry) This was published in Mandala. [63 words]
You're Simple (Songs) As if crazy sayings are not enough... [118 words]
The Apartment
Kirsten McManus

   she walks into her apartment after dinner and a movie w her boyfriend. nine months they have been together... she could hardly believe it. her last "serious" relationship was just a joke... she threw her keys on the end table and dropped her purse on the ground. as she made her way to the bedroom, she noticed her answering machine was beeping. she pushed the button as she walked to the bathroom.
   "hey, um, this is davis. i was just wondering if you were doing anything this evening. if you weren't, maybe you could come downstairs and watch a movie w me. if not, i'll just, um, watch the computer monitor, hoping y--someone gets online or something." *beep*

   "hey, this is bear. about our discussion last night: i know that you'll never feel the same way that i do, but, please remember that i will always be here as a friend." *beep*

   "hey. i know that you probably just got home from our date, and i just wanted to tell you again that i love you. if you get a chance, play the CD on your bed." *beep*

   "this is the captain. call me." *beep*

   "hey hun, this is steph. you said you wanted to talk to me about something... well, i'm home now. we DO have a lot to talk about w our boys. you sounded a little freaked on the message... call me." *beep*

   she wiped the water from her face with her Downy-soft towel. she didn't wear make-up, but washing her face seemed to clear the mask she wore. she stood there, with the bright bathroom lights shining down on her, seeming to interrogate her motives. her boyfriend had taken her to the lake in his brand-new jeep. they had had the top off, and the feeling of the wind in her hair made her feel wonderful. free, even. she loved her boy and couldn't see herself w anyone else at the moment.

   at the moment.

   her boy always spoke of the future. how flattering that he thought of her as long-term material, but... wow. she hasn't experienced the life she wants to. she's always been about freedom, but this is almost kinda tying her down. she doesn't want to think about spending the rest of her life w him; she wants to think about enjoying life w him now.

   she walked into her bedroom, slipped off her pants, took of her shirt, unhooked her bra. she stood there, staring at herself in the mirror. her hair was limp from the humidity of the night, loose curls falling over her porcelain face. her eyes almost immediately went to the picture of her and him, spring break. she remembered the feeling of the sand on her back, the saltiness of the sea on his lips. it was amazing, and it was during that vacation that he had proposed. she had smiled, but said no. she knew he loved her, and she loved him. she just didn't want to be committed so soon.
   her freedom is what makes her who she is. she doesn't want to loose that.

   she loves him, but eternity scares the shit out of her.



"Yes, I am a bad mother fucker, I'm in the story." -- The Captain, Topeka, Kasas, USA.
"LMAO!!!!!! Great one captain:)" -- Sara.


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© 2002 Kirsten McManus
August 2002

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